The Secrets of The Vampyre

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:


♅ The Wolves of Monteliyet ♅

A man can have anything...
If he's willing to sacrifice everything.

- Founder of the Monteliyet Family
Dreygorio Valseya Monteliyet of the Gelerium Imperium
  • As a family built from within the shadows and stained with the blood of many, the Monteliyets have a rigid and challenging family culture of their own that has raised generation after generation of Moneteliyets to become assassins, torturers, mage hunters, and spies. With a doctrine that has everyone following incredibly strict rules, the Monteliyets have etched their names in the foundation of Zaichaer since their arrival. They are known to be a reclusive family that is as mysteriously alluring as they are daunting, if not terrifying.

    It was Dreygorio that was the first of the Monteliyets, a mage hunter of the Gelerian Imperium who was lucky enough to e born into the higher echelons of Imperium society. When he took over as head of the family, he pursued many profitable ventures that afforded them the greatest pride and honor among the itinerant citizens of the Imperium. The Monteliyets became skilled mage hunters, spies, and assassins. The Monteliyets used their fame to secure their position of authority among the shadow side of Zaichaer and created a vast network of information.

    As the years went on the Monteliyets migrated to what is now known as Zaichaer, finding a place within their order of mage hunters and information specialists. Their talents showed so well in the art of working in the shadows that they were given special authority over regulating the criminal elements of Zaichaer. Presently the family act as the eyes and ears of the state, while maintaining various duties.

Facets of Business

We are the wolves who sniff out those who violate the commandments of the Zaichear Underworld and disposes of them. The Fangs of the Underworld.
- Current Patriarch of the Monteliyet Family
Dreymund Monteliyet

The Monteliyet's have their hands in many pots, but more so the ones that gain them both respect and infamy.

  • Ⅰ} Counter Intel:

    - The main division of the Monteliyet Family and what has earned them both reverence and ire, is information & investigation. Knowledge is power and this facet goes to any and all lengths to uncover the truth. The Counter Intel facet specializes in preventing information from leaking, as well as information being stolen. The agents under this umbrella work close with the Espianoge Division agents, to protect sensitive information from being tampered with by an outside influence. They also work alongside the state in preventing important information from leaking into the public, especially information that could cause an uproar or mass panic. This division also acts as private investigators, such as monitoring activity among specific targets and handling any disturbances from other families of high society. Their division also maintains private holding cells, which are used to detain suspects for questioning, or those being tortured.
  • Ⅱ} Mage Hunting:
    - Next to information trading, the Monteliyets are renowned mage hunters who pride themselves on this fact. Though done through mostly freelance work, the Monteliyets are pioneers in the art of tracking, disabling, and capturing mages or containing uncontrolled magic. They gain influence among the Order of Reconciliation for their talents and introducing the use of wolves in efforts to sniff out magic.
  • Ⅲ} Criminal Supervision:
    - Though not on any official records, the Monteliyet Family ensures that the darkness of the Zaichaer's "underworld" and "Civil Society" never meet. They are known to act on behalf of officials within the governing body of the High City, employing their "watchful eyes" to regulate and police the city's criminal underworld. It makes sure that the underbelly of the city, and criminals and degenerates of other nefarious practices who congregate therein do not disrupt the civil society. Whenever the two seem to intermingle, it usually prompts the government to send them out to find and erase the cause of the disturbance from existence.
  • Ⅳ} Espionage:
    - Primarily, the espionage division maintains the stealth operations of the Monteliyet Family. Amongst those employed into the ranks, you will find the quickest of the quickest, as well as those who excel in hand-to-hand combat, as well as saboteurs of all kinds. Assignments of this division vary from assassinations or infiltrations to mop-up operations to kidnapping and even protection of those who can afford the fee. However, jobs that need to be done quickly and clean are their main tasks. There are no mistakes allowed to those within this division, and a strict sense of leaving no trace behind is established among them.
  • Ⅴ} New Atheism:
    - The New Atheism division deals with the brunt of science & innovation over the use of magic. While the agents in this division, mostly engineers and scholars working side by side, do have the ability to fight if the need arises as they are trained in martial arts such as hand-to-hand combat and basic weapon skills. Members of this division are tasked with inventing and improving the technology of the Monteliyet house. They are also responsible for all the research of new augmentations and the creation of new tech, as well as assisting the military in any capacity.

The Wolves of the Underworld

  • The Wolves of Shadows make up the upper echelon of the Monteliyet family and its businesses, holding council on how to deal with threats to their power and to the peace of civil society. Masters of intel, as well as masters of espionage, as well as clean-up operations, the main family members are known around the High city for their level of "subtlety", the aftermath of their talents more seen than spoken of. Though they all share equal power in the family businesses, a Monteliyet is always in charge of one of the five facets of the family businesses.


"A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf."

  • The Wolf of Ruin

Facet Jurisdiction: Retired
Age: 80
Relation to Dreyfus: Grandfather {By Blood}
  • ♅ Dreyovani is nearly as ruthless as he is gentle, as passionate as he is harsh, and as sadistic as he is empathetic. He derives a satisfying form of amusement from the suffering of those that earn his ire. His old age has done nothing to halt his ferocity, as he is still as cunning & capable of killing someone which makes him quite the feared man. Relentless in anything he sets his mind to, he will use any means to see his plans realized, even if it makes him an enemy to the other families of Zaichaer.

    However, he also has a fierce temper and will often scold a family member for their actions if they do something that could embarrass the family. In recent years, however, Dreyovani has come to show more self-restraint in terms of his emotions, being able to still act normally and rationally even when those around him stoke his temper. In his eyes, as the eldest of the Monteliyet pack, he must act as the guiding hand to ensure the current generation doesn't stir the family into ruin.

    Caring little about status or old traditions, he often judges others solely based on their achievements and skill. Belying his fierce reputation, he treasures his family and those he deems worthy of his respect and will treat them with generosity. He's particularly close to his grandson Dreyovani, as they seem to instinctively understand one another. ♅

  • Leadership/Master
    Unarmed Combat/Journeyman
    Animal Handling/Journeyman


"A wolf never concerns himself with the candor of sheep."

  • The Alpha

Facet Jurisdiction: Counter Intel
Age: 55
Relation to Dreyfus: Father {By Blood}
  • ♅ Dreymund is seen as a deeply cunning yet feared man. Relentless in his ambitions, he will use any means to achieve his plans, even if it makes him an enemy to those within or outside of Zaichaer. However, he also has a fierce temper and will often scold those under him for their incompetence if for some reason his plans or tactics fall through. In recent years Dreymund has been able to show more self-restraint in terms of his emotions, being able to still act normally and rationally even after the passing of his late wife.

    In his eyes, as a master of information, he must act to achieve the purity of humanity, using talents and knowledge to carve out the malignancy of magic. Having little care about status or even traditions of old, he judges men solely based on their achievements and skill. Belying his family's notorious reputation, he treasures his retainers and family treating them with generosity going as far as dotting on his only son.

    Several differences are apparent in Dreymund when compared to the other members of his family, such as the ability to sympathize with nonhumans and even show compassion despite his apparent disdain. He is perhaps the most misleading of the Monteliyets, appearing generally calm and surprisingly pleasant, even with a frequent sense of humor when compared to the others. Dreymund is also a master manipulator able to pull strings of those within his reach to fulfill his needs. As cordial as he may appear, Dreymund embodies the true image of wrath when enraged, especially when it comes to his only Dreyfus. ♅

  • Leadership/Master
    Business Management/Expert
    Unarmed Combat/Apprentice


"Those who keep company with wolves, will soon learn how to howl."

  • The Mind's Eye

Facet Jurisdiction: Counter Intel/Mage Hunting
Age: 45
Relation to Dreyfus: Mother {By Blood}
  • ♅ Despite her conservative and quiet countenance, Maria was a caring and gentle woman to the weak and innocent. A perceptive woman who thinks of the greater good for her country, she rarely has tolerance for dissent or incompetence. Whenever possible she seeks to reach quick, efficient, and decisive conclusions to conflicts given her work as one of the Order of Reconciliation's best and brightest. Although she may seem like a passive woman, Maria was quick to demonstrate she was not to be trifled with under any circumstances.

    With her family, however, she spares them no sympathy and is rather curt especially with her husband. As she watched him mature through his struggles, Maria genuinely accepted him and his faults. She usually showed her concern for him indirectly, her cold shoulder belying the respect she has for him. Both of his brothers are aware of his faults, as they asked her to not misunderstand his actions due to his present behavior. During most situations where Dreymund had to make tough and harsh choices, she became concerned about his hardened personality yet promised to forever support him no matter the outcome. ♅

  • Deceased


"I am a wolf and I am stronger than fear itself."

  • The Beast

Facet Jurisdiction: Mage Hunting
Age: 50
Relation to Dreyfus: Uncle {By Blood}
  • ♅ Known as the "Beast", Dreyomir is typically an extremely aggressive, brutish, and bloodthirsty warrior who fights for the sole purpose of fighting. He has come to believe himself to be the "best Mage Hunter Alive", a boast stimming from his Gelerian blood. More of a man of action than talk, he disregards strategy and politics as a waste of his time and embodies the phrase "Act first, question later".

    In spite of his brutish nature, Dreyomir is brutally honest and has little faith in or respect for politicians, bureaucrats, or any cowards who use deceit to gain power. For this same reason, Dreyomir despises sycophants and suck-ups and resents being a soldier for a time, finding his freedom in freelance Mage Hunting. ♅

  • Blades{Greatsword}/Expert
    Animal Husbandry/Journeyman
    Animal Handling/Journeyman
    Unarmed Combat/Journeyman


"I'm the best at what I do, however, what I do isn't all too nice."

  • The Vice

Facet Jurisdiction: Criminal Supervision
Age: 50
Relation to Dreyfus: Aunt {By Marraige}
  • ♅ Always seen with a soft smile on her face, Francesca is a wise and capable woman. Yet she shows signs of her wickedly cryptic & intimidating side when she is not pleased, causing even her own family to fear offending her. Her chastisement is harsh but honest to help bring out the true potential to those that report to her. A perceptive soul, she is known to see past the facade of others causing them to be afraid of her.

    Although she has shown herself to be rather cynical on occasion, Francesca has shown herself to be a pragmatic, opportunistic, and professional businesswoman. She is also downright ruthless, willing to go to whatever means to get what she wants. Though not born a Monteliyet, one wouldn't be able to tell otherwise from the iron grip that she employs in keeping the criminal world from clashing with civil society. ♅

  • Leadership/Expert


"All power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

  • The Shadow

Facet Jurisdiction: Espionage
Age: 47
Relation to Dreyfus: Uncle {By Blood}
  • ♅ Dreykon is typically both stoic and affable towards the people he speaks to. Dreykon is a taciturn and composed individual who is thoroughly concerned with fulfilling his missions. A capable and perceptive individual of his profession, he is willing to employ any method to achieve his goal. Though at times his loyalty to Zaichaer comes into question as he is a blade for hire, his devotion to the family is unquestionable.

    Although he tries to appear as an emotionless spirit, Dreykon occasionally lets his feelings emerge through subtle gestures and quips to those around him, revealing shreds of self-confidence and even cockiness. Seeing little value in his own life, he often calls himself and others like him "shadows". He never uses pronouns for himself in the Japanese script, but this trait is sometimes broken in English.

    Known as one of the most skilled assassins in the state, he has earned himself several rivals who want to compete with him. He rarely takes them seriously unless they endanger his family. To him, they are usually rough upstarts who need to be shown where they stand in the food chain. ♅

  • Stealth/Expert
    Unarmed Combat/Journeyman
    Thrown Weapons{Knives}/Journeyman


"My life is dedicated to the advancement and freedom of humanity."

  • The Vissionary

Facet Jurisdiction: New Atheism
Age: 38
Relation to Dreyfus: Aunt {By Blood}
  • ♅ Though usually a laid-back, optimistic, jovial, humble, and eccentric woman, Helena shows a deceptive cunning, and serious side when the situation warrants it. She commonly uses idle conversation and outward concern to distract those who try and stick their noses into her business or invention process. Despite her carefree attitude, she always speaks politely but is sometimes sarcastic. Dreymund notes she tends to go over the top with whatever invention or tech she becomes passionate about.

    Helena, most often than not, is regarded as a genius, using her intellect to create weapons, tools, and inventions for the benefit of humanity and Zaichaer as a whole. As an engineer, she is most often than not tinkering with things to try and take them apart or improve them. On a less cheerful note, she could use her genius any way she can, being able to easily manipulate people to do what she wanted, in order to benefit humanity. ♅

  • Engineering/Expert
    Unarmed Combat/Apprentice


"I am simply the instrument of the state, nothing more, nothing less."

  • The Hound

Facet Jurisdiction: Mage Hunting
Age: 24
Relation to Dreyfus: Cousin {By Blood}
  • ♅ Dreysus is the idea professional in that he almost seems to be two entirely different people. When he is working, Dreysus is a man of focus, commitment, and dedication. He will do whatever he has to do in order to capture and disable magic or mages. However, when he isn't working, he seems much more laid back and often secluded himself away from large groups in order to enjoy his moments of peace. If you can get him interested in a topic, he begins to apply the same work ethic he does as a mage hunter for the state. ♅

  • Blades{Dual Swords}/Journeyman
    Unarmed Combat/Journeyman
    Animal Handling/Journeyman
    Animal Husbandry/Apprentice

The Monteliyet Estate

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  • The Monteliyet family home, Beomir Manor, is located just beyond the West End of Zaichaer. Vast expanses of land, outlined by a great number of bushes and trees, contain the gargantuan building of the manor. A long stairway leads to the manor's entrance, where a huge fountain is established within the enormous courtyard nearby. The lofty manor has a substantial amount of stories; each level comprises numerous rooms that are furnished with elegant, luxurious furniture and possessions and belongings of the family. The Monteliyet home also comes outfitted with a greenhouse, a stable for horses as well as a separate lodging for the staff.

    The manor is also a maze to the uninvited, as when it was first built the home was given many hallways that lead to nowhere, or trapdoors that lead you out of the manor or even to your death. Only the servants of the home and the family themselves can navigate the home with effortless ease, as anyone else is destined to be lead on a while goose chase, or doomed to wander the halls till they die.

Last edited by Dreyfus on Wed Aug 24, 2022 3:25 am, edited 30 times in total. word count: 4909

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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♅ Natasha Gulskie ♅

The Shadow of the Wolf

Race: Human
Age: 25
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 155 lbs

Occupation: Assistant, Bodyguard
Relation to PC: Companion, Bodyguard
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6

Description: Natasha is a very serious and pragmatic woman who is often quick to act in order to end situations before they can even begin. She is extremely respectful of her superior and follows his instructions without hesitation. Natasha is almost always with her superior, trailing behind him like a faithful shadow. Natasha is a very intelligent and serious person, who deeply cares about the well-being of Dreyfus and the High City of Zaicher.

She is endlessly loyal to the Monteliyet heir, a notion she has stated many times before that he is her one true love and she would do anything for him. Those who come to know her remark how much Natasha is driven by logic. She and Dreyfus' wildly different personalities seem to be what attracts them to each other but clash more often than not. Natasha actually despises magic in all regards but was still fascinated by Dreyfus' story and the origins of his birth.

Though on the surface she exudes an air that is reserved and calm, whenever she subdues any threat to the wolf, she demonstrates the capabilities of being every bit as terrifying as the rest of the Reconciliators in the order. Her calm demeanor can give way to bouts of jealousy whenever anyone seems to fancy Dreyfus, something he teases her for to her dismay.

Unarmed Combat50Journeyman
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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♅ Negation ♅
Motif - The Unyielding Force

Apprentice -

Journeyman -

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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♅ Kinetics ♅
Motif - The Controller

  • The Rune of Kinetics that resides on Dreyfus intermingles with his soul in a domineering way. It causes him to revel in controlling any and all things that enter the domain of his magic. This allows Dreyfus to have constant control over the shifting flux around them. As it grows with Dreyfus the two become what he feels to be a "controller", a surveyor of the flux in order to dominate the ebb and flow of the aether around him, akin to a spider dominating all within his web.

Apprentice - Dance of the Wolf Tails

  • This quirk allows Dreyfus to control multiple small objects - or small weapons - at once. By releasing aether from his body over a radius of 30ft, that takes the appearance of wolves tails sprouting from the center where Dreyfus is, across the surface he is on. The tails will cause inanimate small objects within this radius to levitate alongside Dreyfus himself at the center. This allows him to use kinetic abilities to move these objects along the tails, attacking opponents from their blindside or surrounding them with objects, preventing them from escaping. The 30ft area of effect, as well as small objects that are manipulated in this way, are coated in a crimson glow and affect small objects with that radius on a horizontal plane.

    The downside to this is that this field of control only affects inanimate small objects, so living beings are unaffected by this.

Apprentice - Kinetic Threading

  • At this level of awakening, his control over the ebb and flow of the flux and objects around him increases and becomes far more precise in nature. from his fingertips, thin threads of aether can be summoned. These threads act as an extension of himself allowing him to manipulate objects as if they were puppets on a string. He can also use these threads to navigate around his surroundings, granting him a slight increase in movement speed and directional changes. The downside to these threads is that they are tangibly{physically} visible in the light, giving off a shimmering blood-red hue which means if someone sees them, they are able to sever them with ease.

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Title: The Blood Wolf
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♅ Summoning ♅
Motif - ???

Apprentice -

Journeyman -

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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♅ Alistair Crowley ♅

The Eccentric Veteran

Race: Human
Age: 39
Height: 6'
Weight: 195 lbs

Occupation: Reconciliator
Relation to PC: Mentor
NPC Type: Personal
Influence: ???

Description: Alistair has become quite known for his obsession with capturing powerful mages and watching their reactions as their magic is stripped from them through canceling methods. He has come to frequently bide his time, waiting for the mage to unleash their magic just for him to dispel it or turn it against him. His eccentric enthusiasm toward mage hunting stems from when his family was killed during a mage riad, unfortunately, being caught in the crossfire. This tragic event left him quite devastated.

As an investigator & reconciliator, Alistair holds several years of veteran-ship and expertise which had afforded him considerable insight and intuition to his profession as a state mage and has earned him both fear and respect from others within the Order as a Vigilant. His deductions have left those who work under him to admire and learn from him as a mentor. While he tends to be cruel towards mages, to his fellow humans and brethren-in-arms he is just an eccentric man with an outstanding work ethic.

Despite this, however, in recent years many dread being partnered with him as most of his partners do not last very long.....and unfortunately expire.

Unarmed CombatExpert
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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♅ The Beomirs ♅

Name: Beomir
Rarity: Uncommon
Threat: Singular {Small}, Pack {High}

    Biome Role:


    Aging & Reproduction:


    Abilities and Features:

    Cultural Significance (If applicable):
    • They are renowned hunting hounds that were a sign of status among the mage hunters of Gelerium. The more one has the more prestige the Mage Hunter
    Reasons to interact:

    Recommended Stats:
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    Title: The Blood Wolf
    Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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    ♅ The Wolf of Ruin ♅

    ♅ ♅
    ♅ The Dread Hunter

    The Otherworldly Mind persona is an unpredictable and cunning individual who scrambles the minds and scars the hearts of those who are unfortunate to cross them.

    Related Skills:
    ♅ The Grand Inquisitor
    The Grand Inquisitor

    Related Skills:
    ♅ The Witch King
      Related Skills:
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      Title: The Blood Wolf
      Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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      ☬ The Bloodfire Rose ☬
      • Roses are something that Dante has been fond of ever since he could remember, as they were his mother's favorite flower. As such the Rune of Vitalis manifests quirks as Dante progresses within the magic that emulates this plant and exemplifies the beauty and deadly capabilities of a rose and Dante's passion that burns like a fire in his blood blossoming him into a vampyre of elegance and awe-inspiring dread, as the Bloodfire Rose.
      ☬ Apprentice - Red Like Rose Petals
      • {Cosmetic}
        - At his first awakening, Dante finds himself fixated on the color red, becoming enamored by the color in all its forms and variations. His eyes also change, becoming unsettling crimson with orange accents and a glow. These eyes give him the trait to see blood vessels in low light or dark areas, acting similar to nightvision.
      ☬ Journeyman - Rose of Memories
      • {Psychomentry, Crystallize}
        - Memories are timeless, but the memories gleaned from those drained of their blood through Psychomentry fade after a while. The Rose of Memories acts as a way to prolong this. When Psychomentry is used after draining a victim Dante experiences their memory as if witnessing it himself. Dante is able to walk through the memory as if he was there when it happened, taking in the details of whatever memory he chooses. When the memory has finished, Dante will find that the memory has coalesced into a rose of crystallized blood through the use of Crystallize. This allows the vampyre to preserve the memory until he has need of it again. When in need of sharing information from the memory, Dante simply charges it with his own aether causing it to shatter into glittering dust that, once inhaled will allow those who breathe in that crystal dust to experience that memory as he did.
      ☬ Expert - Seeds of Power
      • {Crystallize, Brand}
        - Inscribing brands onto a target or individual can be tedious work for the vampyre, and being that this manifestation emulates roses it is not surprising for this quirk to appear in this way to help ease that tedium. By fashioning a seed of crystallized blood filled with his essence and vitale, Dante can implant that seed into an individual/victim allowing him to allow Brands to "Bloom". The Brand, when activated, blossoms into a crystal rose with the Brand burning in the center of it. This crystal rose also acts as an anchor for a total of two more Brands to "bloom" off of the rose as well.
      ☬ Master #1 - Set My Blood Aflame
      • {Combust, Thaumaturgy, Hemocraft}
        - Anger is an emotion that fuels him, drives him even, anger for his past, for the treatment of his fellow mages, and for those who hate magic. This anger burns so hotly, that one could say it boils his blood. As a master of Vitalis, Dante's blood takes a drastic transformation. Now whenever manipulating his own blood it ignites into bloodfire. This flaming blood takes on a red-violet hue when exposed to the air and burns with the highest level of searing pain to those that are caught in it. The flaming quality applies itself to all of the blood mage's abilities that manipulate and call for the use of blood. At master blood that he siphons and uses from other sources also takes on this quality once met by his aether and essence.
      ☬ Master #2 - Bloody Bloom
      • {Psychomentry, Vicissitude, Bloodseed}
        - When Bloodseed is invoked, Dante's new body is changed in a unique way. As the body grows through the process, memories from the heart used to act as the source for said seed seeps into the new body. It could be a change in facial structure, eye color, or hair color, and with vicissitudes depending on his knowledge of the opposite gender or even another race, the new body could shift towards that. Mental traits can also happen to trickle down into the new body. Once the blood seed is set, Dante must plant the seed somewhere safe, beneath the earth, preferably a garden. As the bloodseed grows, a large rose bulb begins to grow until the body is fully developed, the rose bulb glowing blood red as the body awaits for the soul to occupy it. When Dante's soul does arrive, the giant rose bulb will bloom causing the new body to blossom from it. If he has an innate knowledge of the anatomy of another race or gender, he can effectively bloom into a woman or a different race.
      Last edited by Dreyfus on Mon Sep 19, 2022 5:50 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 800

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      Title: The Blood Wolf
      Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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      ☬ Blood Thorn, the Roses of Slaughter ☬

      Brief Notes on the Creation:
      - The blades are made of an unknown metal and are surprisingly durable
      - the Longsword is 6ft in length {5ft blade, 1ft hilt}, the shortsword is 4ft in length {3ft blade, 1ft hilt}
      - Is rumored to be possessed by the spirit of the previous owner
      - Has a groove going down the center of the blades

      History/Origin Story: Not many know the true origins of this blade, but many suspect the worst. Some say it was a gift to Saranthis from an archdemon. Others believe a crazy weaponsmith forged the blade and cursed it. Many others think that the longsword is haunted, possessed by a spirit of destruction. Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain. The blades change whosoever wields them in ways unimaginable. It is said that the sword will call out to those aligned with its twisted desires, granted if the rumors of something otherworldly residing in the sword are true.

      • When a release word is uttered, the blade flares up an eerie blood red as condensed blood in the form of a tangible net, generated from the blade length, is launched over the intended target (typically from above) with a simple slashing motion from Blood Thorn. The net further binds and restricts an opponent’s movements by adhering to their form, pinning it to the ground. This net can appear elongated and somewhat narrow or widespread. After catching the intended target within the net, the wielder channels aether into the blade and stabs the net with the shortsword of Blood Thorn, creating rosebuds of blood along the outside length of the net, which blossoms in a domino formation, leading toward the target bound under the net. When the roses come into direct contact with the intended target, they are impaled but bloody spikes.

      Other Information:
      These are the threads leading up to Dante and company destroying a group of blood cultists and finding the sword.
      word count: 378

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