Last Resort II (Rickter & Telion, Nnerka)

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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Title: double bubble disco queen
Location: kalzasi
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We. He wouldn’t be the one spinning the web, but he was going to do the actual carrying of the net. Dragging. Whichever one he did. “Sure.” She replied easily, a small acquiescence. A little cooperation ought ot go a long way. And maybe this was the start of him making up for the events of last night. Just the mental reminder on her own made her jaw clench. She would put the memory of it behind her to get through this leg of their little mountain trip.

The spider kept her face as blank as she could. Neutral. This was nothing more than a menial task. There really was no need for her presence, but if he wanted to make the most of it — so be it. She walked behind him, strides smaller than the usual. Would he worry with her behind him, capable of turning back around? She might be faster. She rubbed too legs together, sniffed. She’d not paid attention before, but he smelled like mutt. Not mutt — dog? Something canine. Maybe that was what had made him seem so much like a predator. Or like a dog with its tail tucked when he’d first interacted with her.

She tipped her head to the side, and considered him. She had seen her fair share of dogs, wolves — four-legged creatures. She certainly respected them more than she did those with two legs. They were loyal, from what she could recall. Terribly good sense of direction. Some of the hunting parties that had come to take her family had dogs with them. Hunting dogs. They’d been tough; all that muscle from constant work made them tighten up when cooked. Nnerka licked her lips. They’d been delicious, regardless.
Rickter would likely not be the same.

He stank of magic. That changed meat, she was sure. She’d rather not dirty her tastebuds with him. Lips tugged down into a scowl, she watched him work. Her fingers started up the web as he’d suggested before as easily as breathing. They knit themselves together, pulled apart. Threads formed at the tips, lengthening as she made them stick to others. Soon enough, the net he had wanted would be fully formed.

“How much wood are we getting?”
word count: 381
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At the compliance to weave a net with her web Rickter nodded to Nnerka, modestly approving of her candor as he hoped this was a start at least. Mending whatever bridges existed between them was important first after all, and it was normally little team moments like this that usually helped in his opinion. The wolf didn't hesitate to go ahead and begin scrounging around to the best of his ability, lightly groaning a few times when he'd bend over to lift a fallen branch or two from the snow. Moments later Nnerka woven the very net he'd asked her to create, a elaborate construct woven by simple design from the Spider woman.

Holding a hand out to take it when she offered he nodded to her in turn, bundling the few pieces of wood he had already so that when they were tucked within, the clung to the fabric of the web when he held it by one end. Admittedly he was thankful that he was wearing his chainmail gear, since the gloves not only kept his hands warm, but also kept him from actually feeling the sticky silken strands clinging on his skin. Not that it would've bothered him too much, he would have to admit though, that Nnerka was and still is an interesting creature even to him. When she asked how much wood they were to collect, he barely shifted his lips into a hint of a wry smile, mostly because soreness and hunger still pained him at the moment. "Just a little, enough to feed the fire for breakfast, and then we're off back to Kalzasi." At that notion, however, he did turn to face Nnerka once more.

It was probably one of the few times he'd actually do this, but given the circumstances, the reason for it felt justified. Looking directly into Nnerka's stare the wolf tucked the corner of his lip at her, attempting to at least grin impressionably as though she were a friend of a sort. Gods this felt unusual to be doing, but he knew it could serve as a means of leveling with Nnerka personally, to hopefully give the spider a nudge in the right direction. "Listen, about last night." His voice cracked for a moment before he had to clear his throat, forgetting the fact his throat still felt a bit dry after waking up. "I understand your cause for resentment after Telion's decision." He remarked on that thoughtfully as it were something he'd noted before leaving, even so much as remembered the twitch in his fingers last night when Nnerka acted the way she did.

"You came out here for a hunt, and any other time I would've allowed you to finish the creature off... wolf or not." With that expressed he then resumed the trivial task at hand, dragging the net through snow as he started to groan with every lean made to add another stick to the collection. "Truthfully, I had no qualms about it. But it could be Telion saw something in that wolf, that or perhaps, her good heart is what drove her to let it live." Rickter figured she'd done so with the idea of thinking on his behalf, leading the man himself to softly grumble as he checked a few tree branches for loose timber to snap off. "Which brings me to the very point I wanted to address." Stopping to place a handful of twigs and timber into the net, he then looked to Nnerka once more as they looked to be nearly done with the foraging of wood.

"Your views are your own, and I can respect that to a degree." He admitted firmly with a look, rather intense one even, of understanding imparted upon Nnerka now. "But in this day and age, such thinking isn't what should define your own outlook on life." He let that sink in for a moment, curious as to what the spider had to think or even say upon the subject. "In a world where a shit ton of grey exists, we would rather look upon it as though it were black and white. Such thinking is what can get you killed if you're not careful..." He trailed off there to assess Nnerka's reactions and opinions on the matter, determined to try and find a common ground with her in this conversation, before they were set to return back to camp for that food he eagerly yearned for.

Telion watched the wolf when she chuffed, as she'd done it several times now, which warranted a thoughtful raise of the eyebrow. Intelligence in animals wasn't questionable to the bard, for she understood that creatures were sentient just like mortals. But still... this one displayed too clever of an intelligence. Wild wolves never really acted the way this one did come to think of it, as they never really stuck around for another meal when mortals were concerned. Sure Telion may have fed her last night, but then again, the wolf showed such atypical behavior the moment she'd arrived... that the bard couldn't help but speculate. "Hmm." The sound vibrated from her nostrils as she tilted her head, lightly smiling at the wolf in turn before she'd started to prep the morning meal.

"You know, I can't help but feel like a witch from the stories out here." She lightly chuckled at that as she watched the snow inside the pot slowly melt, turning as she lowered herself so that she pointed her fingers toward the base of the campfire. "With just a wiggle of my fingers!" As if on queue the spur of aether fed into the fading embers, generating a new flame that consumed what remained of the tinder she'd placed on top. Fire cracked before it started to die down a little bit, the residual flame lessening as the pot itself started to heat up again slowly.

"Something tells me you're different though." She reasoned as she started to tear apart the dried meat rations, throwing most if it into the water of the pot as she kept a handful out. "Not that I think you're like a witch or anything. But there are those in Atinaw who've lived a life like yours, embracing the wilds and becoming one with nature in unique ways." The bard was rambling mostly for conversation, since she essentially was alone with just the white wolf. "Hmm... How does it go again?" As she shared this thought aloud Telion knelt down to hold that hand out, allowing the wolf to approach her once more with the rations in her hand. "I won't hurt you, I promise." With another light smile she waited, hopeful the wolf approached, though if not she would place the leftover tidbits atop the snow.

Rising up to walk back to the pot she started to hum then, the same tune as she did last night when she treated the wolf. Only this time she started to sing, aloud, the words fresh on her mind as she sorted through her pack for the rest of the cooking ingredients.

"Lost within the wilds they go,
deep in the heartland where they know,
heeding the voice of the land,
driven by forces only they understand..."

It was soft and melodic, almost like a lullaby, as she looked to nearly miss her home when she sang. "I haven't been there in a while you know." Telion shared with the wolf, moving toward the pot to sprinkle seasons in with the water. The bard then slid a cutting knife from her belt, gripping one of the few pieces of veggies she'd brought over, the first one she started to slice being a carrot to add into the stew. "Maybe one day though I'll go back, it is after all the place I grew up in." Yet not the place she thought of as home anymore, at least lately anyhow, for her time in Kalzasi had led her to desire a new home. One she still wasn't sure she felt ready to settle for, but still, the bard smiled bravely as she continued to prep another stew; hopeful Nnerka and Rickter would return soon with the rest of that wood.
"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
word count: 1481
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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21st of Frost, 120xx

enara sat in the snow quiet for a span. Thinking on her life up this point. Just a few weeks ago she'd come across another city dweller, a winged man whos attempts to trick her, potentially even track her, could have cost her her life. But he had still healed her. And now, this woman, who stood in front of her cooking up a stew for two predators who clearly wouldn't think twice about consuming her tender body, had done the same. It didn't add up. Thus far, they could have killed her. Left before she woke. Hell, she was even surprised to still see her there when they came from the tent.

Which meant they had assumed she'd leave. Which also meant.. that was their intent. Heal, and let go.

It didn't add up.

There was no gain from this. Unless...

The wolf let out a sigh as she realized the truth of the matter. They too thought her a spirit. Like many before her, thinking her a spirit that gave one luck or health on their journey. To gain it's favor is something no mortal could pass up, least of all humans. Well, at least she'd finally figured it out. But it made the woman's actions that much more annoying. Because deep down, in a place that Senara refused to acknowledge even existed, a place she had burned and destroyed the day she had killed her father, was the space in which she desired to matter. But the key to that door was long gone.

She licked her lips, the smell of meat filling her nostrils once more, and locked her gaze upon the woman as she rambled. She supposed it was true.. she had indeed embraced the wild, but nature was not something to become one with. At least not for her. The frost had proven that in it's harsh bite of her skin and balls of snow that clung to her fur, disguising portions of her emaciated body and weighing her down. Laughing at her plight. The other seasons were no different. Glade and Searing mocking her with sweltering heats that burned her paw pads when she stepped over stone. Rainstorms that washed away the scent of prey, and by Ash it became near impossible to hunt with the constant crunch of her own footsteps underneath as leaves covered the ground. The seasons always seemed to be trying their hardest to push her away. But if she could survive her father, she could survive the world. Giving in, giving up, was no option. Even to the world itself.

Telion's voice pulled her from thought. Her ears perked, eyes locking with the woman as she approached with hand outstretched. Senara instinctually jolted up and backed away, nearly whining once more as pain shot through her leg. But the meat was then left on the snow.. just left. Wouldn't hurt her, though? Even if this woman was trying to gain the approval of a spirit, what was the end goal? Would she ask for safe passage? Luck in their travels? The location to mountain treasure or lost loved ones? Not that Senara could guarantee anything, and even if she could she'd rather eat the woman herself. And she was growing tired of hearing the pleas from various wanderers in her mountains.

With an annoyed huff she stepped forward and quickly picked up the meat in the snow, swallowing it down without much chewing at all, and then looking back to her as if expecting more. Would she? If she stayed around, how much food would she be able to con out of this foolish woman?

And then, singing. The woman's voice was soft. It traveled the winds as easily as a leaf, like it belonged there. Like she had been meant to sing that song in that moment, in front of her. And without realizing it Senara wondered, 'Could I take her there? She wouldn't make it on her own. Not through these mountains.'

Just as soon as she thought it she chided herself inwardly.

'What in the cold winds am I thinking? I don't care. Let her freeze to death. Become a frozen, screaming body as a pillar of warning to the rest of the foolish who traverse my mountains.'

But, Senara moved closer to the woman. So close the woman could probably reach out and touch her. She sat back in the snow close to the fire, closer than previously, but warily so as she stared the blonde down with a gaze that was both frozen over and hiding warmth. Like peering up at the sun through a sheet of ice after falling beneath the surface, she wondered if perhaps, maybe, it wouldn't be so dangerous to be close.

'I'm doing this for the warmth. Not the human. The warmth.'

word count: 834
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Title: double bubble disco queen
Location: kalzasi
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One of her most vivid memories was of an early age. She was still small — small as a child should be, average for someone of her arcs. Small enough to ride on the back of her mother as the Fae went about her business. She remembered her mother’s voice, the dance of her words. She told her that the world was full of predators, and prey. That she would need to find her place. If she were at the bottom, she should be vigilant and careful. If she were to exist within the middle, that she should take pride but strive for better. If she were at the top — then she should have pride, but never arrogance. She could always be toppled. Her mother had shown what that had looked like. The older spider had been glorious as she took down the bear, a vision of what Nnerka wanted to be.

That had been in the wilds. In the city, it was different — but the same. The predatory gleam of courtesans seeking out supple prey. The kind that had money they could part readily and not be left wanting. Parasitic, almost. But that was a weaker way to put it. They could fend for themselves, probably. The reliance was never on a singular customer, waiting to be bled dry. No, they had a large food supply, never wanting for fresh game. And there, too, was a hierarchy.

She remembered these things as Rickter turned to her. The memory in particular was precious to her, and the more he spoke — struggled to get to his walked his way through to fucking point — the more it felt like it felt it would be tainted. Telion, and her good heart; the day and the age. The day was surprisingly clear for a day in Frost. The age — she didn’t really care. The simmering of impatience and anger had come to a boil as she turned her gaze down to the wolf. Maybe not as frigid as the ice and snow around him, but her gaze was close enough.

“I don’t think you understand.” Her accompanying chuckle was mirthless. Dry as a land without rain. “I don’t think you understand at all, Rickter, dear. I thought that you might have before, but I know now that you never did. You don’t understand it because you haven’t truly lived it, have you?” No, maybe a bastardized version of it in the Cabaret. And at that — one he failed to acknowledge. He hadn’t even given it a passing glance.

It was a disrespect to the thing he hailed from. To the order for which spat out his existence and gave him a place. “People in cities think they’re better than us. They thought of my family as if we were savages they needed to purge the land of, to make way for themselves. They forgot that before their buildings stood the trees. Before their dogs had been wolves.” She spread her arms out, gestured in every direction she could with them. “The cold and the sun and the moon and the rain and the drought do not care about your buildings and your kind hearts. If I had not killed the wolf, something else would have.You have not died by the hands of whatever that was last night, but something else will find you. One day, something will get me.”

It was not the spiel of someone who’d lost their mind so much as someone with the clearest thinking.With probably more belief in this than anything else. Nnerka had always thought that her mother’s words had been particularly poignant; that while there was order, there was also chaos. Room for movement. This grey business was nothing more than a civilized man’s notion of taming something he didn’t know. “There is no black and white and fuck your grey. There is color.” Maybe she felt pity for him. Deep — deep down. Beneath the fires of rage that he would have the gall to tell her she was wrong when he didn’t know. Like a floundering child telling an adult stories of something in babbled words.

“You simply don’t know how to see it.” She tipped her head to the side, some eyes narrowed and some eyes widened. “I do, though. I have since I was a spiderling. And I see red.” Warmth spread through her. She’d not been shaken. Wouldn’t be. There was no way a human and a mutt that stank of civilization and the comfort of living in the unnatural order of the city would do so. She’d decided as much.

Her sigh was breathy before she pointed down to the wood. “You’re carrying it.”
word count: 800
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If there ever were the best way to read into Rickter's stoicism, it would typically be the eyebrows when he reacted to a situation in particular. Though his expression grew rather firm in his listening to Nnerka, for he could clearly tell the spider was upset, it was easy to tell that the episode threw him in for a loop by the elevation of his eyebrows. Those too stooped a little lower, however, lining heavily over his very eyes as he seemed to contemplate everything she said. From what he gathered out of what he heard, Nnerka was overly worked up about the concept he'd tried to explain. For a moment he pondered if he'd truly been a piss poor conveyor, until he realized that it wasn't his explanation of the worlds that bothered Nnerka.

No, it was a lack of insight into her own views of the world. Which she quickly made clear when she proceeded to elaborate, surprising him with the hint that maybe he should've understood from the beginning. But why would he? He didn't ask to be a wolf, a monstrous predator that liked to howl in the night. Much of what he gained in life wasn't what he wanted anyway, not until he realized the first thing he wanted, thanks to the helpful influence of his peers like Talon and Telion. So naturally a hint of confusion stemmed there, though quickly withering away from his eyes as he still listened intently. From there she carried on about people and their views, a bit of agreeance somewhat felt within Rickter, for he too knew the common jargon that revolved around being a Rathari. Hell, he'd been called things like mutt and other derogatory slang, just because people loved to cast insults as innocent prods no less.

But to hear of Nnerka's insight with her family, and her bit on nature itself not giving a damn, he finally came to emit a low groan as though he were answering her. Acknowledging the fact death would indeed come for him as it did everything else, because that was the finality of everything in the end was it not? Were he not able to make it back down alive last night, barely, then he certainly would've likely wound up dead on the mountain. Though still a rather heavy look the firmness of his eyes lessened just a smidge, his eyebrows then raising again as he almost, but not quite, scoffed a chuckle in regards to her opinion of the black, the white, and the grey. Indeed he started to think that maybe perhaps he didn't know how to see it, but he certainly wasn't spent on worrying about it for the moment either.

"Guess not." He remarked quietly with his expression still stoic as he looked down at the collected wood, determined to consider the amount collected enough to finish everything at camp. "Color huh?" He then lightly reiterated questionably with a thoughtful glance averted away, a light trail of moisture flowing from his nostrils in the sunlight as he sighed through his nostrils. "Red isn't a color I've never liked to see." Probably because red was the equivalent of two things, blood and rage, which neither were things Rickter wanted to face unless he had to. It was different when he was out in the wilderness, because survival of the fittest played a role there, whereas back in town things were obviously much different. To spill blood there was to not only commit a crime, but take the life of someone who may not have deserved it, somebody who may have had kin that would miss them forever.

For Rickter who had already lost people so early in his life, the very idea went against his nature, and therein lied the conflictions that brought about their differences. Nnerka was one who prided herself with what she was, ascending above the normalities of society's boundaries, whereas Rickter was one who preferred to live within them and pretend he were normal. Was there anything wrong with that though? Wanting to be normal? Nnerka pointed down to the wood pile within the net, stating that he would be the one to carry it now that they were about to return back. "That's the plan..." The wolf murmured as he lifted the net a little higher, draping it over his right shoulder with a light hiss, before the pain there settled and he started to walk toward the camp once more.

Telion had been split between watching the wolf and taking care of prepping the first meal, a little glad to see that Rickter and Nnerka were coming back when she looked past her shoulder. "Oh, well, looks like they've collected enough wood." She pointed out with her tone still melodic, almost as though she were still singing deep within her heart. Looking back down to the wolf after she sprinkled the handful of seasonings, pretty much what remained after last night's stew, into the bubbling pot as she stirred it with the ladle. "You're getting rather close now, I take it you want more scraps?"

The bard looked to the wolf then thoughtfully, a warm smile generated to her as she looked back down into the pot. "We'll see what scraps we have left for you, but don't expect anything too much now. Ricky is a bit of a voracious eater himself yanno."

"Food's ready then?" He called out as he and Nnerka reached the encampment once more, the bard turning to face them as a bit of sweat permeated her forehead now.

"Just about! A few more minutes over the fire, and the meat should soak in some of the seasoned broth." She remarked gently to them as she moved to accept the net from Rickter, admiring the craftmanship of it with an impressed glance to Nnerka. "Wow! You're quite handy with that web miss Nnerka." She complimented heartily before reaching to try and remove a couple branches, only for the silken fabric to cling to them when she tried.

"Just put the whole thing in there," the wolf told her as he moved to sit on a fallen log near the tents, "it'll all burnt the same."

Telion looked between the two of them and the campfire, a light shrug made with her shoulders as turned to the pit itself. "Well, okay then." She agreed softly with a careful placement of the bundle beneath the pot, the fresh wood already sizzling with a few pops as it started to burn.
word count: 1157
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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21st of Frost, 120xx

enara's head shot up as she smelled the familiar musk in the wind. No sooner had her own head swiveled did Telion chime in, late as usual for a human. She scoffed at the comment.

'Does she think I do not know? Foolish human.. I can smell more than you think.'

Not just his sweat. But also her own strange passion, a sweetness in the air that had poured from her the second she realized he was returning. For bipedals, most of their senses revolved around their emotions. Even their sense of hearing was tied to it, how they felt about the sound of something. Such strange, useless information. But she supposed arousal was necessary, it meant the continuation of their species and more prey for her to hunt down should they come into her mountains. And if the stew could be counted as a thick scent, so could the woman's desire for the man trudging his way through the trees.

She chuffed. Of course she wanted more scraps, was the woman stupid? What else would she possible be scooting closer for. Perhaps warmth of the fire, but more important than that was food. Senara looked at the human with a challenging gaze. As if to threaten without noise for more food. She didn't care if the man ate. In fact, the less he ate the better. The city was filled with hunters who regularly stole her kills to keep the rich fat and happy, meanwhile her entire mountain was catching on to the idea of their predators increasing and leaving Senara with less and less game to hunt on her own. More than likely the meat they brought had come from her territory anyways. So no, she did not care if the strange smelling man ate. She needed it more anyways.

As Rickter approached Senara kept her ground close to the pot. Even if she didn't like how close he got, the closer she was to the fire, the more claim she had on it.


Right. Nothing said she couldn't. The wolf then stood from her seated position in the snow and lifted one leg. And with eyes staring Rickter down, began to urinate directly onto the fire and logs that Telion had just put into it. The flames sizzled and popped though did not die out, and when she finished she simply lowered the injured leg to the ground and breathed out a sigh.

'My food.' She thought. Her ears and head were raised, a glimmer of her might showing through ego alone among her bloodied, frail frame. She had studied him as he walked away, too. How he limped, how his shoulder held less strength than the day before. Which meant the mountain had claimed him a victim just as it had done to her so many times before. In some ways, she respected him for getting through it. In others, she wanted to laugh. How had she lost to him the night before... if she'd been in any better shape she'd have slaughtered them all. And maybe, when she finally recovered, she'd hunt them down again if they ever dared to venture into her mountains again.

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Title: double bubble disco queen
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Nnerka could, at least, tell when someone like Rickter was simply trying to humor her. Or — wasn’t seeing the full picture. But there was no point in getting worked up about this. A shame, really; she’d always thought dogs and wolves to be exceptionally smart. Rickter might just be one of the rare idiots of his breed.

“Red is a lovely color. It pairs nicely with a lot of other colors.” Red was a color she associated with blood — it was hard to break that link, even if she didn’t see it as often these days. But it was the color of the edges of a flames, the color of roses in full boom. The red skin of apples ripe on a branch that she could pluck. Rickter wasn’t thinking hard enough; the words sounded odd to herself because what was the point of thought when instinct usually worked well? For her, at least. For him, with the mild training of the city and human nature, he probably didn’t know which instinct to rely on, or what to call it.

Poor puppy.

There was some softening to her own thought, more pity than disgust with having suspected he could understand her. A pity for the both of them, really. Her only true companion in her way of thinking was supposed to have been her meal, most likely. “I’ve been told red looks especially wonderful on me.” Context probably would have been important, but there was nothing quite like getting a compliment of that caliber from one of the other fae. Even if her clan had mingled on occasion with other fae, it was always a treat to meet someone new with the same way of thinking.

Maybe that had been the source of excitement with Rickter. With knowing that he could have been someone that saw things the same as she. Nnerka didn’t feel it often, but she was lonely in being set apart at times. She supposed, though, that had more to do with her being apart from her family.

Any calm wonderings were disrupted as they returned to camp and Telion opened her mouth to speak. The spider’s brows furrowed, eyes narrowing before they all rolled in unison. It might have been a compliment, but it was beyond idiotic. “You’re a fucking imbecile.” The words floated off her tongue like a sigh in her native language, musical enough that it might have sounded like something nice. She threaded her fingers through her hair as her gaze turned to the wolf.

“You might want to consider training your pet before we all stink of hot urine.”
word count: 446
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s he could see some merit to her words from their earlier talk, Rickter honestly was a bit spent on the idea of food and getting home. Too much to initially care let alone think harder on what he heard, so naturally he just agreed for the sake of agreement, when Nnerka stated that red was a lovely color in her standards. Funny. When Rickter saw red that meant trouble for whoever got in the way, as red usually went to black not a moment later.

Yet as Telion complimented the handiwork of the spider, there came a verse that neither the bard nor the wolf understood. Though what the Fae had to say might've sounded eloquent, the black wolf present wasn't really able to ascertain if it was anything but... Telion of course simply smiled in reaction, half tempted to say thanks on behalf of whatever she'd just heard. While that went on though the white wolf, much to Rickter's dismay, had taken to piss all over the bundle of wood; the cackling fire sizzled as smoke quickly permeated the air around it. "HEY!" Rickter called out just moments before Nnerka's smart ass remark, to which he glared hard to her before he took to stomp toward the dire wolf. "Off with ya you oversized hound!"

As he demanded this in as gruff and menacing of a tone as he could emit, Rickter shooed at the white wolf with a bit of red in his cheeks. Ultimately he was a bit aggravated that the damned creature thought to mark her territory there, knowing full well that she wouldn't have if she didn't intend to claim it for herself. "That's my food, bitch, don't think you'll get another scrap after that!" Telion watched in slight awe at the scene for a moment, until the wolf had decidedly left from his forceful taunts. Afterward when Rickter finally relaxed he groaned, appearing as exhausted as he were earlier, if not more, as he started to act a bit more cautious with how he moved. The bard couldn't help but laugh a little. "What!?" His tone wasn't obnoxious or demanding, but the aggression from earlier still slightly lingered.


"She was claiming my food, wasn't gonna let that slide one bit." Never would he ever let something or someone skip him out on food, even Telion was well aware of how much he appreciated a well-cooked meal. The bard couldn't help but sigh as a result, a smile on her face as she watched where the wolf had gone, before resuming the part where she finished their breakfast; so that the three of them could return home later in the day.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
word count: 502
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
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21st of Frost, 120xx

enara could have sworn a real growl came from the mans throat. The way he bounded towards her as she urinated over his fire would have stoked fear in her if she'd been smarter, but instead it pulled a low growl from her own throat as she snapped back at his hand. A warning. But, she backed off. Limping on pained feet she skidded backwards with a lowered head and hair on end.

She hated them.

His food?! Where did he think the meat came from? Was it not the very air of her mountains that kept him breathing, that stoked their fire? Was it not the sun of her horizon that warmed his skin? How pompus. They were visitors, this was not their land, and it was certainly not their food. But yet, he claimed it as if she were in his territory.

With a chuff, Senara rammed herself into the pot of food spilling its entirety onto the ground and over the fire. It sizzled and popped but no sooner had she knocked it over did she bolt off on all four legs back into the forest. If they wanted their own food then they could fucking hunt for it themselves. But her time with them was done, and she was glad to be rid of them and in somewhat better shape now than she'd been the day before. But she hurt. Her leg was still in a lot of pain and the few muscles she had left ached. It was with the wind hallowing in the distance that she decided; if she survived this Frost, she would become strong enough to never require the tainted, masked hand outs of humans ever again.

'May those travelers meet a cold demise.'
word count: 307
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Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:10 pm



-Checking for People Nearby
-Keeping an Eye on Other Predators
-Acting Submissive to Trick Others
-Keeping Personal Space
-Always Stay Alert
-Knowing When to LeaveIntimidation:
-Peeing on Things to Claim Them
-Ignore Pain to Appear More Powerful

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8


Webbing: Making a net is easy work
Webbing: Threads are strengthened when combined
Trapmaking: Improvising net materials
Hunting: Takes patience
Etiquette: Acquiescing to a "leader"
Intimidation: Smile with teeth (and then some)
Cooking: Muscles tighten up when cooked
Rhetoric: Be direct with the point you want to make
Psychology: The world is a colorful place, not just black and white and grey
Psychology: People from the city will never understand the true way of the world
Psychology: Some people will never know their true nature

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8


Survival: Foraging For Materials
Survival: Firewood Can Generally Be Found Near Trees
Endurance: Foraging When You've Been Physically Battered
Psychology: Grasping The Philosophy of Others Through Conversation
Rhetoric: The Many Variations of The World
Rhetoric: The Color of Red
Intimidation: Chasing Off An Injured Wolf

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8

word count: 207
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