
Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

“Told to go alone? Are you certain I should be accompanying you? I do not want to place you or your family in jeopardy.” Kilian studied Pahoran, eyes roaming over his form as though he were assessing something. After a moment he shook his head. “No. It is better to have backup. Whoever or whatever is doing this to your family, I would not trust to keep them free from harm even if you did go alone.”

The traveler rubbed his thigh as the muscle and skin continued to knit itself together. He grimaced slightly before shaking it off, listening to Pahoran’s questions. A shadows passed over Kilian’s face. Emotions ranging between pain, shame, grief, regret and perhaps...hope? They all passed as the young man looked over to the large cat that was now nearby. She was laying comfortably with her head resting upon her paws. Her eyes were closed but her ears twitched as though listening, ever alert and attentive.

“Our parents passed away. He and I fought terribly. Our last…” He hesitated, glancing at Pahoran, meeting the young man’s ice blue eyes with a guarded expression. “...our last argument did not go well. He went in search of Hope, in search of himself. A long time ago, there were stories of an ancient god of Hope, a god who gave his life to free the world from a terrible evil. He said he was going to find this god and those who followed him. The Dawnmartyr Knights. I told him he was crazy and that there was nothing to be gained by chasing dead things. Everyone knows the Dawnmartyrs are gone. He took that as well as you can imagine. One of that god’s ancient temples is supposedly somewhere in these woods.”

Kilian reapplied the bandage as it seemed that most of the healing was done on his leg. He tucked his pants back on and then pulled on his boot. He sighed, gathering his things but after a moment his shoulders slumped.

“It’s been years since I’ve seen him. I’ve searched everywhere.” Kilian shouldered his pack. He put his weapons in place on his belt and his shoulder. He looked up and stared at Pahoran intently. “You’re the first person I’ve met with any proof that this place actually exists. I’ve been chasing rumors and stories from place to place, hoping I can find him.”

Standing up, Kilian was much steadier on his feet. He stepped closer to observe the map. His eyes narrowed as he studied it. Kneeling down, he touched a finger to a location on the map.

“If my geography is any good, which, I am not terrible if I say so myself, we are here.” He traced his finger over the map to the location that was marked upon it. “That means we are not far at all. We should be there within the hour.”

He reached for the map, looked to Pahoran for permission to pick it up. Once it was given he stood up and oriented himself to the direction indicated. Looking carefully, Kilian gestured in the direction he surmised the chapel was in.

“It should be that way. I don’t know what it will look like. But, if we hurry we can be there soon. Well, you can fly. You can probably be there a lot sooner. I think I can guide us there but it’ll be slow going unless you have any ideas? I am all for being there as quickly as possible.” The traveler stepped up to Pahoran giving him a smile. He handed the map back to him and clasped the young warrior’s shoulder.

“I know how important family is. Let’s go.” As soon as he said it, Kilian finished cleaning up the camp. The yarobai hopped up, padding to the front of the cave then outside as the two men stepped outside.
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Title: He Who Stands Tall and Proud
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Pahoran meet Killian’s eyes but just listened as he asked if he really should come along. The young knight acknowledged he wasn’t a great judge of character he wanted to see good in everyone and actually could. A big part of him wanted to believe that this young man was what he seemed. Though family members were missing and so he needed to be cautious. He nodded his head at the young man’s final statement about not being able to trust these people. Pah didn’t trust them which was part of the problem.

Pah titled his head with interest and his icy blue eyes seemed to flash as he listened to the explanation. His brother had gone in search of the knights and Arcas. Pahoran really know was sure that he was supposed to meet this young man. Though for what purpose he was still not sure. Pah listened and then though before finally speaking. “As I said earlier I don’t know who has taken my family members. I don’t know what their agenda is.” He tilted his head. “I also was unaware that there was a lost temple to Arcas within these woods, though if they are truly being held there then someone is being rather arrogant about their choice of locations.” His expression turned kind but serious. “I am positive that we were meant to meet. Though in all candor I can’t say by what power that be. This is why I am fine with you coming. Either you are an agent for my enemy, who ever they might be or our meeting was arranged by Hope and by the Light.” Pah smiled then, there was certain amount of the predator and the friend in int. “If you are the former, I would rather have you where I can keep an eye on you. If it is the later then I honestly believe we are meant to work together. I hope we find your brother. More importantly you must have Hope. If you go to this place with out Hope, then you will freeze. If you hope for particular things they will eventually fail you, but if you just have Hope. If you look beyond the shadows to the future and Hope then it will strengthen you. That was the core of the knights teaching. Hope, all their training was designed around having it.” Pah looked intently at the youth. “Remember that the avatar of Hope has been slain time and time again, but always rises with its full glory.” Pah really didn’t feel the need to divulge all of his family secrets at this point. The man might or might not guess, but the Knight felt this was one of those times worth taking a chance.

Pah looked over the map with the tracker glade there was someone better a reading a map. Surviving in the wilds for years had helped him learn and understand maps better, but he tended to read from a sky view, and it was also nice to have someone familiar with the area review it. Pah nodded his head in approval as he stood up and began to try and determine there position. Pah in the mean time searched his backpack for some rope.

Pah eventually found it and help it out, and his eyes twinkling with humor said. “Actually I have. I am going to carry you. I will say even with my strength I honestly couldn’t truly fly with you all the way there. What I can do though is launch my self up high into the air, and then lock my wings and glide the currently. They will eventually carry me down but at the same time they will carry me forward, and even gliding will be faster then wading through this forest on foot.” He held out the rope “I would suggest we tie ourselves together so you don’t fall.”

“We have been delayed long enough. Lets rescue those we love.” He looked at the cat and grinned. “I suspect she will be more then able to keep up with us.”

It was agreed to and with Killian clinging to him. Which honestly was a bit awkward for the young knight as he hadn’t been this close to anyone not family so it just felt weird having someone that close in your space. He ignored it though and finding the highest ground he launched himself upwards collecting as much air with each wing beat to carry him up and up. It was like a mad spring through the air, but soon he found himself at the desired height and adjusted he locked his wings and allowed him self to glide towards their destination. He would adjust as need to keep on as true a course as possible. He knew he couldn’t get all the way there this way, but he was sure it would save a lot of time, and besides it would be better to make the final approach by ground anyways. It would give him the chance for any final preparations.

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

“By the--” Kilian clung to Pahoran as they lifted up into the skies. He stared at the ground with wide eyes as the young knight’s powerful wings pumped them higher. On the ground below, the great cat sped off into the night, her dark fur blending into the shadows. As they flew, Kilian did his best to make his presence against the knight as little of a burden as possible. He pointed them in the direction of the proposed location as well as he could within the dark. The distance was indeed cut much shorter due to Pahoran’s thinking and flight ability, it was not long before the appearance of stone ruins buried within the forest came into view.

In another time, it might once have been glorious. The remnants of what appeared to be an ancient settlement lost within the woods of the Wildking’s Forge. A partially collapsed wall of alabaster and cerulean stone encircled an ornate but formidable looking fortification. Silver sigils that appeared to be the remnants of runic markings of power artfully decorated the walls, forming patterns along the top and bottom edges. Unmanned watchtowers stood empty, the sentinels who might once have manned them having long since faded into history. Obscured behind the great trees of the Wildking’s Forge, this entire place would have been easy to miss if one did not know to look for it. There was a similarity in design to the lost settlement, a resemblance to the Citadel of Light that once stood proudly within the Orkhan city of Ailos.


The place called to Pahoran, as though from a dream that danced on the edges of his thoughts. The vague sense of familiarity settled on the young knight’s shoulders as though he had walked the paths in the woods leading up to that place before. But all was not dark or silent within the ruins of the settlement, within one of the main building of the settlement, there glowed the light of a campfire. A single point of light in an otherwise pale and ghostly city. When the two of them drifted to the ground, Kilian managed to keep himself on his feet. He stumbled a bit as he stepped out of Pahoran’s personal space and looked the young knight over.

“Are you alright? That was a fair distance to fly.” A genuine look of worry crossed the young man’s features as he observed Pahoran. Whatever he might have said next he withheld as he shook his head.

“At least we don’t have to wonder where to go.” Kilian nodded to the settlement. Though part of the wall had collapsed, the main gates appeared as though they had been blasted apart. Beyond that, the building where rest light of the fire, was just within sight. When he was certain that Pahoran caught his breath, Kilian took in the sight of what lay ahead of them.

“I thought this was a chapel, not a whole damn city…” Letting out a breath, Kilian’s eyes settled upon a towering statue of what appeared to be a warrior. He carried a sword in one hand, his fist closed tightly around it. The other hand was pressed firmly to his chest. His head was bowed and upon the back of his hand was a distinct symbol. A silver sword wreathed in a helix of fire. After a pause, Kilian turned to Pahoran.

“I will enter off to the side. The last thing we need is for whoever this is to see you actually didn’t come here alone.” Reaching up, the traveler clasped Pahoran’s shoulder. “I may not put much stock in hope make me want to, Pahoran.”

With that, Kilian unslung his bow and readied his quiver. The patter of feet caught his attention. The yarobai cat bounded off of one of the trunks of the great trees. She landed nimbly on her feet, the stripes of her fur reflecting an opalescent sheen in the distant firelight. Nightshine touched her eyes as she regarded the two men, padding forward calmly. She came to stand not far from Kilian turning to stare into the darkness and then back at him as if to imply the traveler should follow. He chuckled.

“Looks like she knows a good way.” Kilian gave Pahoran a small salute. “Good luck, I will not be far.”
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Title: He Who Stands Tall and Proud
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Pahoran was pleased with how his passanger didn’t fidget and make what was already an experiement even harder. The Avialea had flown into combate with others before but never with a passanger, and honestly while he knew he could do it he wasn’t about ready to take that option unless necessary.

Even with his passanger holding still Pahoran had to adjust his balance as he glided down one the winds. He followed his training and insticts as he adjusted. There was more focus required but luckily it proved worth the effort. Pahoran’s ice blue eyes watched as the tree’s slowly grew closer. Eventually they came upon the ruins. Pahoran was very surprised to see a full settlement. As he looked at the ruins he felt something pull at him. He didn’t really have time to ponder it though.

Pah landed and then carefully removed the bounds that held Killian in place. Once free he found a rock and sat down for a moment to catchmy breath as the cat showed up. The young man waved his hand at the others concern. “Give me a moment to catch my breath and stretch my muscles.” After taking some deep breathes Pah stood up and made some stretches to help keep his muscles loose. Killian may find a few a bit odd, but with the addition of the wings it required some different muscle focus.

Pah then stood up and looked at the complex before them. He titled his head and really felt something call to him. This place felt familiar Pah would say that it was something that called to him, and possible was something that he remembered, not from his own life but from his hereditary memory. Generations of Dawnmartyr blood was conntect to this place. Which might have made others angery to find it choosen as a destination for this threat. For Pah he felt that it actually gave him an advantage. He glanced at Killian as the young human commented on the fact it was more then a chapel. Pah found his statement true but again to him it was right.

“I will head through the front gate brother.” Pah said, for if they were really to fight in this together then they would become brother in arms. “Be careful, just in cause who ever they are has scouts or other guards.” He looked down at the cat as well. “You to.” He said simple. “All you can is do you best. Please just remember what is said when this gets hard.”

Pah waited while he departed and looked up at the knight statue. The young man bowed his head and then did something he hadn’t ever done and actually be afraid to do. He closed his eyes and said softly. “Acras,” Pahoran paused and then said “Talon Acras, patron of my people, light of my fore fathers, I need your strength and your guidance. Strength my arm, englight my will, and shape my judgement.” He breathed, “I have come to rescue those I love, but I know not why they have been taken. Help me to see the innocent from the guilty.” He kept his head bowed for a moment. Then he raised his head and and his ice blue eyes glittered with determination. Pah could feel the bond with his blade as he began to walk forward. He closed the inner membrain of his eyes that was used to protect while in flight, it would also be useful for anything that might be toss in his face. His hand was held out and his fingers danced, ready to feel the blade materialized, but he held off and waited for the right moment.

He marched forward and as he did so he began to half chant and half sing. “Shall the youth of Acras falter in defending truth and right? While the enemy assailath, shall they shriek or shune the fight? NO?” Pah said as he passed through the gates and marched towards the light. The knight was prepared if anything attacked him. He would summon his blade as it was necessary. He wanted to be safe though and make sure charging in killing wouldn’t kill those he loved.

Pah didn’t know what was coming, and he was afraid, but he marched in ready to face his fears.

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The firelight crackled, wood popping as a heavy boot kicked it into place causing embers to fly into the air. The logs in the fire shifted until they sat more comfortably in the open fire pit. He stood just a few inches above six feet in height. Broad shouldered with the powerful build of a warrior who had faced down many a trial in his life. The armor he wore had seen plenty of battles but it was clearly of fine quality. The cloak draped partially over his form bore the Imperial Seal, marking him as an agent of the Gelerian Imperium. His right eye was a pale milky white, a scar covering it. In a cage behind him, four children of the Rayunia Clan were huddled together, among them, those boys who were Avialae had their wings bound tightly.

Three adult males were also bound though each was separated from the rest. Bakato Rayunia lay unconscious next to the cage inside of which were the children. Palden Rayunia was chained tightly to a pillar not far away. He looked as though he had suffered several blows, his face bearing a few bruises, his shirt partially torn showing he must have put up an incredible fight. His mouth was gagged and he was breathing heavily as he glared at the Imperial agent tending to the fire. Seated across from him and looking disheveled and bruised, Falrisona was bound but upright. He was breathing steadily. Around the necks of each of the adult Avialae was a black collar inscribed with multiple runes. Hanging around the agent’s neck was a black medallion with symbols etched into the surface. It was a collar familiar to any Avialae who knew of the Imperium. It was the same collar by which the Kathar were shackled, made to bow down and obey the will of the Imperial masters they were chained to.

As Pahoran’s voice reached his ears, the agent looked up from the fire to watch the young knight’s approach. A cold green eye studied Pahoran, the man’s face impassive in the firelight. The only sound was the crack and pop of the fire in the darkness. There was a paleness to the man’s skin and a slight point to his ears that bespoke perhaps he had some elven heritage of his own.

“Pahoran.” His voice was deeper with the rumbling tone of a man accustomed to shouting orders on a battlefield. In another setting, it would have been easy to envision him astride a war stallion, commanding soldiers. “He Who Stands Tall and Proud.”

The stranger eyed Falrisona.

“You weren’t lying, old friend.” The man gave Falrisona a nod. Exactly what had been exchanged between the two remained to be seen.

“Your quarrel is with me, old friend.” Falrisona practically spat out the words. The Imperial stepped forward. He kicked Pahoran’s grandfather in the chest then pinned the Hytori man beneath his boot. To Pahoran, the man motioned to stay still, raising a hand signaling for him to stop.

“Don’t. Move.” The amulet around his neck glowed a dark blue. The collars around Bakato and Palden’s necks began to shine in unison. The unconscious Bakato suddenly gasped, eyes flying open as a choked cry of pain escaped him. Meanwhile Palden groaned low, the muscles in his neck bulging as he seemed to be fighting back a cry of pain. After a moment, the light faded and both men slumped, breathing heavily. With that small display over, the Imperial man smiled at Pahoran companionably.

“Welcome. I was beginning to wonder if I would have to send broken wings to your family to get the message across.” He folded his arms over his chest, looking over the young knight with a critical eye. He kept the weight of the boot he had pressed to Falrisona’s chest, firmly planted.

“You will refer to me as Inquisitor. You will answer my questions. You will answer truthfully. Lie the first time, your dishonesty will simply cause your family pain. Lie a second time and it will cause even more pain. Lie a third time?” He smiled, almost as though he regretted what it would come to. “I will kill one of them. Starting with him.” He pointed to Palden.

“Do you understand? Yes?” He did not wait for an answer. “Good.”

There was a pause as the man assessed Pahoran keenly.

“First question. Do you here and now confess to being a Knight of the Dawnmartyr Order?”
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Pahoran looked at the man who stood there before the fire. Even in that first look Pahoran perceived a lot about the man. He saw the obvious, this was a hardened warrior who stood among his captives, and around his neck was a pendent to torture and possible kill, and the instruments were already around his brother’s necks. The ice blue eyes could see the children captured in the background.

Beyond that he could see so much more. The man wasn’t happy, maybe satisfied, but satisfaction wasn’t a enduring emotion. Happiness was. Pah could see the injuries on his families faces, he could see the bounds, he could see his grandfather. While in pain, their face spoke of joy, happiness. The face before his showed none of that. The knight actually felt sorry for the fallen soul because in the beyond who would ever want to spend time with him. He had clearly made this kind of behavior the core of who he was.

Pah wondered if Killian was in place, either to betray or to help him. Pah liked the young man, but the revelation that this was Inquisitor of the Imperium made it eve more likely. The young knight felt hopeful though. He wanted to believe in the young man, wanted him to find his brother, and wanted him to find peace.

The ice blue of his eyes did slip more frigid as he listened to the man and watched him showing off. Of all that angered Pah is was that amulet, the wielder of it was to be pitied for it was what he had to use to control his world. That amulet itself though was a pain and truly evil. Its whole point was to crush hope, to mock justice. Even as he was using it to torment his brothers and idea was forming in his mind. In his mind he desperately called out. ‘Please my Lord Talon Arcas, give me control I need.’ Then he use the basic bond that existed with his brothers for them to also plead to our patron for help.

Pah allowed his mind to focus on the flex that was around the man, and that necklace. He didn’t actually focus on the medallion, but the necklace it self. Even as he did so he heard the threat and the question. “I confess to nothing. I proudly state I am Sir Pahoran Taselia Rayunia, Knight of Justice, One with the Light of Dawn, Martyr for Hope.” Pah said in his loudest voice that carried through the ruins. He used a ceremonial title even as he pulled his own aether, “I proudly serve besides my father’s before me who have fought the dark and tyranny.” Then he infused the aether into the necklace and used his lift ability even as he continued. “My life has been dedicated to this world, as will my death.” Pah wasn’t actually trying to bring the necklace to himself the goal was to just launch the medallion and its necklace as far up into the air as possible that way not needing a lot of control. It was light and Pah would eventually have to let it go, but the goal was to removed one tool from this man’s arsenal.

Pahoran stood ready for action but the next words out of his mouth were. “Next question.”

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Talon jolted awake, his hand flying to his chest as the thin scar burned. He hissed, fingers digging into his skin slightly as he felt a wave of pain ripple through him. With a heavy sigh he sat up, rubbing at the spot just over his heart. It ached, making anything close to rest impossible. Something was tugging at the back of his mind but it eluded him as the grogginess of incredibly weary sleep still tugged at him. For the past several days he had been between careful meditations, gentle exercises and being completely unconscious. His body was still adjusting from the harrowing ordeal that had completely changed his life. There were moments when he thought he could still feel the shadowy claws ripping into his skin and rending his body to pieces.

The cold of frost was pushed away as warmth wrapped around his body. The weight of another gently but snugly wrapping their arms around his waist and shielding him from the frigid temperatures helped to ease some of the ache in his bones.

Nightmare?” Aoren’s voice was rough with sleep. Talon brought his hands to rest upon his bondmate’s forearms, tugging them closer around his torso. It was good to feel solid, to feel whole and alive. Andrus words still rung clearly in his head about how he had nearly met his true end. He did not think he would be free of the chill that crawled up his spine for some time. Talon shook his head.

No. is something else.” Part of what had left Talon so weary had been the constant flood of information that came with a burgeoning awareness of things tied to the idea of Justice. It had not taken him long to figure it out. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of moments in a given day that called to his attention. The weight of having to sift through what he felt was important versus what was of no consequence had been exhausting on his already weary body. The past two nights he had taken a sleeping elixir just to help him get actual rest. This however? This night was different.

Gently he brushed his fingers through the dark raven feathers of his bondmate’s wings before turning his head to press his brow to Aoren’s. Talon untangled himself with care as he rose to his feet. He went to the balcony of his chambers, opening the doors and stepping out into the cold night air. Something had awoken him from a deep slumber. It had called to him. It was familiar to him. That was why he had woken up. The feeling that he needed to move, to act, to search was welling up inside of him. He looked out over the city, eyes resting upon the horizon. There was something, far off in the distance beyond the immediate edges of his heightened awareness that was calling to him. That was when the pain struck again. He felt it just as before, the burning in his chest. His hand went to the scar as he winced. He flinched, prompting Aoren to immediately hop out of bed and step up to face him. The proud Kathar placed his hands on Talon’s sides, openly giving his support, for which Talon was grateful.

I can feel someone. They are suffering.” Talon focused on the feeling. He took a few deep breaths then stood up, rolling his shoulders to ease the tension. He knew this feeling. It had been something he experienced with Rickter and for a brief moment, he’d felt it sweeping across other places, far off places. He concentrated on the feeling, bringing his hands up to rest on his partner’s shoulders for help. He felt Aoren work to smooth the edges of the haze in his mind.

Things snapped into focus. Talon’s inner eye was pulled away from the city of Kalzasi, through the forest of the Wildking’s Forge and came to settle upon a Hytori man who was being hurt. The man was suffering and that immediately filled Talon with anger. For as he gazed upon the Hytori man, Talon was filled with a sense of righteous duty, much like how his father saw all of Kalzasi as his to protect, Talon felt the same when looking upon this man. That was when the sigil became clear to him. In his vision, the sword emblem shone like a beacon declaring to Talon what he had already begun to feel.

This man was his. He carried Eminence. That meant it was Talon’s duty to protect him.

Talon blinked as his eyes cleared of the vision but he did not lose his sense of direction to where this man was. Like a beacon in the darkness, Talon could see it.

Your eyes are practically on fire, love.” Aoren’s voice held a note of worry but Talon soothed that fear with a gentle touch as he righted himself.

We must go. He needs my help. I have to help him.” Talon looked his partner in the eyes. The soft witchfires that burned in Aoren’s eyes were filled with a comforting warmth as they stared at him, not with worry, but with understanding. Wordlessly the two of them dressed one another, tugging on the vestments of war as Talon focused on the man in pain. Talon wanted to send him strength and comfort. Silently he pleaded.

Hold on.

When Talon finished tugging on his gauntlets he felt himself filled with renewed purpose. The beacon in the night still shone for him. It would be the path he followed. He felt his partner touch the back of his neck, rubbing a thumb along stiff muscles. He was grateful for the gesture but he was too focused to be eased into relaxing at that moment.

“Ready?” Talon took a deep breath and then nodded. Both of them spread their wings, leapt into the air and took flight. Talon wrapped them both in a web of kinetic power then allowed the flow of his aether to spread outward and tug them toward their destination. The night sky flew by. As he flew he felt another presence, this one felt familiar. His awareness came to rest upon the form of a tall Avialae warrior with golden hair and white wings. It was Pahoran. Talon heard him. He did not quite know how but he was left with the impression that the warrior was asking him for something, for help? For clarity? It did not matter. In a deep part of himself, Talon felt right in acknowledging the silent query. He did not know if Pahoran could hear him, he did not know if he could give the man support without physically being there but he was driven to move faster.

Hold on.

He repeated. If they could just hold on. He was on his way.

"I am Justice."
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

“And there is the pride.” The Inquisitor practically sneered at Pahoran as the young man announced himself. The man leaned forward, causing Falrisona to groan in pain as the man’s full weight bore down on his chest. The force of Pahoran’s kinetics launching the amulet from around the Inquisitor’s neck caught the man by surprise. It was tossed into the air causing him try to snatch it out of the air. The amulet was thrown out of his reach however as it was tossed forcefully away. A tense moment passed as the Inquisitor glared at Pahoran.

“That was foolish, boy.” The Inquisitor whistled. Eight more figures made themselves visible. Each one wore a cloak declaring them servants of the Imperium. Some of them walked forward, coming nearby to flank the Inquisitor. Two others had bows drawn with arrows prepped and ready. The Inquisitor leaned down, grabbing Falrisona’s neck, he dragged the Hytori man to his feet, squeezing as he looked from the elf to Pahoran. He pointed to Palden.

“Kill him.” Immediately, one of the nearby Imperials drew his sword. He trudged up to the chained Avialae whose eyes were wide. Palden visibly struggled against his bonds. Bakato moved as though to get to his feet to defend his brother only to have another soldier step in to stop him. Falrisona struggled in the Inquisitor’s grasp only for the man to squeeze his neck tighter, increasing the grandfather’s difficulty with breathing. As the Imperial brought his sword up to thrust it into Palden’s chest, the twang of a bow releasing an arrow sounded from the dark. The soldier stopped dead in his tracks, dropping his sword as a black arrow pierced through his neck. He choked, grabbing the arrow as he fell. Before any could truly register that the man was falling, another arrow zipped out of the dark and pierced one of the opposing archers through the skull.

“KILL THEM ALL!” The Inquisitor shouted as it quickly became evident, Pahoran was not alone. The man drew out a dagger, going to stab Falrisona when a roar, followed by the padding of feet on the ground announced the arrival of the yarobai cat. She launched herself at the Inquisitor, causing him to drop Pahoran’s grandfather to defend himself.

Chaos had erupted. The Imperials drew their weapons to defend themselves and to butcher Pahoran and those he loved.

The time to act had come.
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58 Frost 120 Steel

Pahoran could see that his introduction had irritated the Inquisitor, which while not the whole point of it was a pleasaent bonus. No the main point had been a distraction. Ultimately it had worked on multiple levels. Pahoran had come be he didn’t come defeated. He came with the training of a Knight. He didn’t want to die himself and he didn’t want any of his family to die. Pahoran knew that if the man had really wanted to negotiate Pahoran’s little stunt would make him made, but he would still talk.

Pah could see his grandfather’s eyes even as he was in pain. There was a certain amount of pride and approval as the medallion flew off into the dark and away from the battle. Pahoran’s ice blue Hytori eyes remained cold even as he looked into the eyes of the Inquisitor. There was no sign of smugness, though there was some of that deep down. The life of a knight and his decisions were one of life and death, not this petty game the hunter of good wanted to play.

The arrival of the other wasn’t surprising, honestly that was really the only way so many of his family could have been taken. Bakato was a skilled warrior, Palden was well trained though not exactly a knight yet. His grandfather was one of the most skilled warrior Pahoran had ever know so again. Logical though meant he most likely had been overwhelmed. That was to say Pah didn’t suspect that this Inquisitor wasn’t also freeky scary. That was bloody clear he was.

Pah moved quickly but was terrified he couldn’t get to his younger brother in time, though his move to removed the medallion from play clearly came into play as Bakato moved to also help. It was then that as if from a distant Pah felt his soul touched. He knew that he needed to hold on. He felt comfort spread around his soul even as the first arrow took out the murder who was going after his brother. He moved quickly then to place the fire between himself and the crowd. Then he called out even as the cat distracted the inquisitor. He summoned his blade and then flung his wings wide and shouted. “Ash.” Then he beat his wings with a series of quick powerful moves stirring the ashes of the fire and spewing it in the direction of the captives and the inquisitors. He grandfather would have the intelligence to close his eyes. The other Avialea would close the membranes over their eyes to keep the particles out.

Even as he did that another scream came from far above them. “Arms up Gramps.” Pahoran recognized the call of his cousin he as he dived so that he would pass just above Falrisona’s head so that his blade was pointing down and the older knight could raise his bound hands to be released. Ikena then adjusted as his downward dive brought him in combat with one of the other villains' in the group. His blade ready the cousin who was as much part of the family as the brothers threw his full skill and conviction into killing his opponent. He actually had as much reasons as some of the children where his nephews.

Pahoran didn’t want to put the fire out so after spreading ashed he spread his wings and leaped over the flames towards where Bakato was facing off his opponent. The knight had not hesitation aiming his blade that this man’s back. With a dive bomb attack he brought his bonded blade to stab at the man, hope if nothing else to kill the man and then free Bakato’s hands so he could join the fight. Then one of them could free Palden and the other go to the children. Other wise he could take on the man so that he would have two of them around him, since even unarmed Bakato was a small giant of a man. Even as the moved Palden moved to use the dead man’s weapon to liberate himself or at least grab it and use to to defend himself.


Even as he thought about it an angelic being appeared before the captured children. The normally beautiful spirit almost the spitting image of the Knight she was contracted to suddenly glowed with divine furry, even as she wielded a celestial spear. She sliced through the bonds of one of the older children. “Free the others.” She shouted even as she turned to face the others bring both celestial furry and skills to bear. She was after all the Aidolon of a expert summoner and the two had been compacted to each other for decades. This family was as much hers as her summoners.

The family of knights moved as the battle progressed, Pahoran trying to keep an eye out for the last archer, but glade that Killian was on his side. Even as he battled he called out. “For Hope.” The Clan called upon their skills as they swung and danced the dance called battle. They were there to kill this time.

word count: 909
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

The Inquisitor fended off the attack of the yarobai cat, narrowly avoiding losing his hand to the beast’s jaws. He fell back, joining the ranks of the other soldiers as things descended into chaos. Things were far from in control, which irritated him but did not make his mission impossible. He had one goal, everything else was merely a distraction. His eyes came to settle upon the young knight who was responsible for things deteriorating so rapidly. As he jumped in front of the fire, spreading his wings to stir up the ash into the air, one of the nearby soldiers raised their hand sending a gust of wind billowing outward to blow the smoke and debris in the opposite direction. Though they had been caught by surprise, the Imperial soldiers were not unskilled. With three of them down, however, that did not weigh in their favor. The Inquisitor scanned the dark until his eyes settled upon what he was looking for.

“Hold them off.” He turned, sprinting in the direction of the fallen amulet. He was halfway to it when a figure stepped out of the dark and snatched it up. He was human and though strong in build, he was not as well armed or armored as the Inquisitor himself. A young man with intelligent eyes, he clutched the amulet while holding the Inquisitor at swordpoint. The soldier glared at him.

“You would be wise to give me that, boy.” Kilian clutched the amulet tighter.

“Come and take it from me.” Not needing any further motivation, the Inquisitor drew his sword. A black blade etched with bone white runes along the center. He moved swiftly, faster than one would have expected for such a heavily armored man. The Inquisitor swung at Kilian, meeting the young traveler in a dance of death. Almost immediately, the young man was put on the defensive. He deflected the swings of the blade for several turns, matching the Inquisitor’s swordsmanship blow for blow until one of the runes on the sword shone with an electric blue light. As the black blade met Kilian’s sword, the steel of the young man’s sword bent and then shattered. Kilian’s eyes went wide in shock. Before he could recover, the Inquisitor disarmed him then kicked him to the ground. Kilian went sprawling back. He let out a cry of agony as the sword plunged into his torso, pinning him. Mercilessly, the Inquisitor snatched the amulet from his grasp. He sneered down at the young man who coughed, glaring up at him. With great effort, Kilian spoke through his pain.

“T-they’ll escape. You w-won’t chain them…” He screamed as the Inquisitor drove his sword deeper. The Imperial smirked.

“Oh, they were never the goal.” The man withdrew his blade savagely, leaving Kilian to bleed out on the ground. With the amulet in hand he turned back to face the battle unfolding.


The Imperials proved to be well equipped to handle a battle even with the odds stacked against them. Their armor was well made. They complimented each other’s tactics, moving with an efficiency that gave explanation for how they managed to overwhelm such skilled fighters. Even the appearance of the aidolon did not deter them as several of them brought out magical items of their own to combat the creature, meeting the Avialae, the summoned spirit and the Hytori Knight in battle.

One of the soldiers raised a hand, releasing a blast of fire toward the escaping children, heedless of their innocence. It was quickly deflected by the mighty aidolon.

The remaining archer released an arrow, piercing through one of Bakato’s wings before turning his arrows toward Ikena, releasing them in steady succession. Another soldier held his own against Falrisona, despite being placed on the defensive against the man. The fight continued, blades matching blades, the Imperials fending off the initial chaos with a skill and precision to rival that of the Knights themselves. But such a tide could not be held forever. In an impressive display of skill, Falrisona overcame his opponent. Pushing through his pain, Bakato overwhelmed his attacker with sheer strength and skill as an unarmed fighter.

“ENOUGH!” The Inquisitor stepped forth out of the dark. He cut a finger upon the blade of his sword then pressed it to the amulet, raising it high. The amulet came to life as it crackled with violent energy. Arcs of jagged violet lightning shot forth from the amulet. Every Avialae in the area felt a magnetic pull in their chest as the bolts of power speared forth, seeking them out.

“NO!” Falrisona threw himself in the path of the lightning, raising his hands as a barrier quickly snapped into place, shielding himself and the youngest children. He watched, helplessly as a bolt of the lightning struck Palden. The young warrior gasped, eyes going wide. His body was limned with violet light as he looked to be struggling against some unseen force. Bakato was struck, the mighty knight grit his teeth as the violet light surrounded his body as well. His movements were jerky as he struggled against the power surrounding him. Ikena was hit by a bolt, dropping him to his knees. He gasped, furiously trying to fight against a power that was overtaking his body.

Finally, a bolt speared forth, striking Pahoran in the chest. As the power coursed through his body, a terrible weight gripped the young knight’s muscles. The bonds he shared with his family suddenly felt cold and distant. A terrible darkness began to claw its way into his mind, seeking to ensnare him. The remaining soldiers unleashed the power of either their own magic or several dragonshards against Falrisona’s barrier, forcing the grandfather to concentrate on protecting himself and the children. The Inquisitor began to walk toward Pahoran. As he drew closer, the terrible clawing at Pahoran’s mind increased. The weight pulling his body to the ground grew stronger. When the Inquisitor was close enough, he glared down at Pahoran. Pah’s brothers and cousin desperately struggled against the power that was binding them.

“Now…” The Inquisitor reached down, grabbing Pahoran by the throat. “...where is he? And don’t play dumb. You know exactly who I am talking about.”

The Inquisitor brandished the amulet once more, another wave of power speared into the Avialae currently ensnared by it.

“Tell me the truth. Tell me, now.”
word count: 1078
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