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Title: He Who Stands Tall and Proud
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Pah felt the thrill of the battle in his blood as they moved and parried with the Inquisitor’s underlings. They were skilled fighters but honestly their best advantage was their weaponry and other items of power. The clan was now all up and moving. The fight being brought back to them this time though they weren’t then against one. They were facing all of the family present. This was not Rayunia first ever battle the clan had faced though it was the first time fighting Inquisitors.

Ikena moved against the last archer after he shot Bakato. Using wing and blade he confronted the Archer and battled him. This cousin while not raised by knights wouldn’t have become one of them if he had proven his skill.

Palden also managed to get free and taking the fallen sword held one of the others at bay his skill was such that he overcome but he could hold them off. As Bakato literally took his down with his own body weight and body slams that would have been the envy of any professional. Pahoran left that one to his brother as he jumped in to help Palden.

“Gramps” outshone them all and soon had taken down his opponent was moving on as the crowd was down to only a few left when the inquisitor walked out of the darkness. Pah could see the amulet in the man’s hand and blood on his sword. Pah’s eyes widened. Where was Killian?

It was then with his own blood coating the amulet that the Inquisitor used it. Pah watched as all of the elder Avialae were brought to their knees. Pah gasped as it hit him and insulated him against the bonds he had with his family. The golden haired Avialae fell to his knees as well as the others. His breath hissed out of him as he came to his knees. He leaned forward one hand pressed to the ground keeping his upper body up and the other still clutching his weapon loosely and almost forgotten in his hand.

As the Inquisitor came towards him Pah fought through the pain and the lightening. He was a knight and he had been trained with pain since he was a boy. He had survived his bonding with his blade. He suddenly cling to that. He still had bonds. He was still bonded to the weapon he held. It gave him strength but not enough.

He was loved he thought about that those bonds were really even if now distant. His grandfather was here and he loved Pahoran. His brothers were also here. As he was grabbed he remembered his mother, though in the memory she grabbed him by the chin. The man pushed his upper body up straight while holding him by the neck. While he was still kneeling.

In that moment he remembered his mother’s words. “My beloved boy. I am going to teach you a secret all woman know. There is nothing honorable about not kicking an enemy with in between the legs.” There he was kneeling before this tyrant. One of the man’s hands holding his throat and the other holding the cursed medallion. Pah slowly adjusted his handle hold while struggling said. Fighting

“I have not seen ....... him since the .... dream. Soraken ....Yudalos ....disappeared into the Warrens a ..... few days before the event.” The first statement was true and the second was true but they weren’t at all connected. Pah didn’t wait he squealed out “I love you Mother” and finally pushing past the pain and using the strength of his love for his family and his god he thrust his blade upward not specifically at the part his mother meant put actually in between the legs. It was always the least armored spot as to much movement was needed to truly cover there. Pah thrust up ward so that his blade would jam upward through the open parts of the hips bones and through the organs of the guts.

Then he would twist the blade.

Even as he thrust the whole drama gave the aidolon the time she had needed used her connection with Calistra to draw forth lesser celestial entities. Do to their distance she was only able to call on one. It would have to do. “Protect the children.” Then launched herself up into the air and came down spear aimed for the bad eye.

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The Inquisitor snarled as Pahoran spoke. He clutched at the young man’s neck even more tightly.

“Do not lie to me, boy! I will--” He saw the flash of the blade, the shift in Pahoran’s demeanor. With a vicious kick, the Inquisitor shoved the young knight back, Pahoran’s sword thrusting into the heavy armor of his thigh instead of his pelvis. The Inquisitor roared, wrapping the amulet around one hand then bringing his black sword down upon Pahoran’s Pact Blade with a staggering swing. The runes along the blade illuminated with the same dark light that emanated from the amulet. A crack formed on Pahoran’s blade but it did not shatter. With a grunt, the man yanked away from the sword, blood spilling down his leg. He staggered slightly but remained upright. His head turned just in time to see the aidolon diving down to spear him. He smirked, twisting to meet the spear of the aidolon without fear.

The black blade grew brighter as the spear of the spirit was held at bay. The Inquisitor laughed as he began to engage the spirit in battle. All the while, the dark lightning continued to stab into the bodies and minds of the Avialae ensnared by it, a weight that was only becoming heavier by the second. The remaining soldiers each went up to Bakato, Palden and Ikena. The mage that seemed to be in their group unleashed another torrent of fire against Falrisona’s barrier, joining the dark lightning that was still attempting to reach the Avialae children shielded by their grandfather’s strength and the celestial brought forth to protect them. As the battle continued, the power of the amulet continued to claw its way into Pahoran’s mind. It urged him to submit, to give in to its influence. The pain wracking his body continued to exert itself upon him.

Despite his injury, the Inquisitor seemed to be holding his own against the aidolon. His black blade deflecting her advances. As his defense seemed to be waning, another of the soldiers stepped away from the struggling Avialae and joined the fight, battling the spirit together.

“Yield!” The Inquisitor clutched the amulet tightly all of a sudden. Another surge of dark lightning billowed out from the device, spearing into those ensnared by it and doubling its efforts to reach the hearts and minds of those shielded by Falrisona. The pain rippling through Pahoran’s mind and body grew even greater as the amulet sought to break him and bring him under the power of the Imperium. He stared at the spirit in a moment of pause.

“Yield, or I will break every last one of them.” Pained screams filled the space as Ikena, Palden and Bakato collapsed, each of them clutching their heads as they were bombarded by the dark power. The brave knights each tried to throw off the force weighing down upon them but the dark power seemed to only be growing stronger over time. There was, however, a small crack that formed in the amulet as the knights fought to gain control of their bodies and throw off the power of the amulet. A bead of sweat rolled down the Inquisitor’s brow. The spirit glared at him, gripping her spear tightly. She grit her teeth, jaw flexing as it was apparent she was assessing the situation. There were more of them on the side of the Rayunia family but the amulet presented a terrible obstacle. It was the tyranny of the Imperium brought to fully against them. An empire that actively worked to enslave the Avialae, a land that had built an entire way of life on controlling them. There must have been something in the spirit’s gaze that spoke of just how badly she was willing to fight. The Inquisitor stepped back, the other soldier intervening as he fought with her. With a growl he turned to Pahoran and trudged over.

“So be it.” He clenched his hand around the amulet. The dark lightning blinked out, leaving a shocking vacuum in the absence of its oppressive weight. In that brief moment, the man kicked Pahoran in the chest, pinning him down with his full weight. He raised his sword, readying it to plunge into the young man’s chest.

“The truth, boy! Where is he? Where is--”

The sky above the temple became filled with a blinding silver-white light. A sonic boom sent wind and air rushing out over the settlement below, stirring up the dirt and ash. The firelight was snuffed out. Torches went dark. The soldier facing off against the aidolon staggered, leaving him open to retaliation. The mage attacking Falrisona’s shield lost concentration of his spell. The Inquisitor stilled. His nostrils flaring as he went wide-eyed. The silver-white light filled the temple prompting him to step back. A figure stepped into the temple, crowned with a nimbus of divinity, the very source of the light that now filled every space.
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Time was running out. Talon could feel it. Instead of growing clearer, the pleas for him seemed to be growing more distant as though they were being muffled by something. Talon concentrated searching for that feeling he felt before. Even the light of the man who bore his mark seemed to be fading, almost as if he were losing hope. That pushed him to move faster. He marshalled all of his strength, grasping the very river of power that flowed throughout all things. He kept the aether flux firmly in his view, aiding his flight with Seeming with a desperate purpose. Beside him, he kept his bondmate firmly by his side.


He had to go faster. He had to reach them. In his mind he could see a darkness beginning to press down upon the light that shone within the souls of those who had reached out to him. He had a terrible feeling that if that darkness prevailed, he would lose them forever. He could not explain it but he could not let that happen. As he drew closer, he could feel a righteous anger begin to fill him. Someone or something was causing these people great harm. More than that, he could see something on the edge of his awareness. It danced and delighted in the pain and suffering it cause, it was practically joyous to inflict this suffering, this agony, this injustice. That filled Talon with a fury that made his whole body vibrate with anger.

When it finally came into view, Talon was briefly stunned. He came to a halt in mid-air. The force of his arrival sent a ripple of power echoing out across the aether flux, stirring up winds and a boom of sound that shook the skies around him. He hung there in the sky for a moment. Something about the settlement he stared down upon made his soul shudder with a terrible sense of familiarity. It felt like a moment of fate. The settlement felt both empty of a light it should have had and too full with the echo of what it should have been. He hesitated, even as the fullness of who and what he had become had unveiled itself during his desperate flight to reach the ones calling out to him.

Talon?” Aoren came to hover beside him. He rest a hand upon his shoulder, squeezing it tightly. Talon drew a deep breath and began gently lowering the two of them to the ground. When his boots touched down upon the ground, Talon felt connected to the place around them. His eyes settled upon what looked to be a temple-like structure. With deliberate steps he began to walk toward it, letting the light of his nimbus illuminate the dark that clung to the stones. When he entered the temple, a terrible scene rest before him. Beside him, he felt Aoren stiffen before a burning rage filled his bondmate. There was a hurt that reared itself in his partner’s heart. There was an anger the likes of which Talon had not seen before that ignited in his companion. The word that presented itself in his bondmate’s mind held a grievous weight to it.


Talon’s silver eyes narrowed as he beheld them. The light of his nimbus grew harsher to him. He saw it highlight the shadows that clung to each of the Imperial soldiers. Beside him however, he felt Aoren’s confidence grow.

Inquisitor.” Talon growled out the word. “You stand before me, an agent of cruelty and injustice. This, I will not allow.

Talon extended a hand. His blade manifested. The witchmarks upon his body shone brightly with the silver-white light that had become his. A righteous fire flickered at the edges of Talon’s eyes as he settled his gaze upon the man before him. The Inquisitor stiffened and within him, in that moment, so filled with anger at what was in front of him, Talon saw every twisted act the man had performed in the name of injustice. His eyes looked around once more and Talon saw a face he recognized. He saw Pahoran, a squire of the Sky Guard, a man Talon had begun to consider a friend, on the ground and in obvious pain. That was when he realized, he recognized some of the others who looked to have been fighting for their lives. This was Pahoran’s family. That made Talon’s anger burn even brighter.

I see you," Talon's voice began to echo with the force of his power. In his vision he could see the edge between the material realm and the Aetherium, he could see the corroded edges of this man's soul. Slowly, his words began to become laced with the essence of his otherworldly nature. Talon could not have held it back if he wanted to. A burning need to enact justice arose within him.

"Haegar of Gel’grandal. I see your tyranny. I see your cruelty. I see you and I judge you…” Talon raised his blade as he stepped forward. “...unworthy.

“You are nothing!” The Inquisitor spat at Talon. He glared at Talon then raised an amulet. “BOW BEFORE ME, USELESS BIRD!”

A dark violet lightning wrapped around the amulet. The Inquisitor sneered at him. Talon felt that darkness begin to gather at the edges of his vision. He braced himself.

And the world held its breath.

"I am Justice"
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The youth went flying back and smacked into ground as he was kicked in the chest. He lay there breathing deeply as he was assaulted by another wave of the dark lightening. Pah felt his head turn/flop and he could see the dark blade holding the bright spear at bay. Artsilac was determined and Pahoran felt a swell of love for the spirit even as the pain intensified.

Pah closed his eyes and felt the push to fill the part of him that craved the bond that need. The pain promised that the Imperium would feel that void. It was weird how it worked but a part of his brain wanted to give in. Pah didn’t know that he was screaming with his brethren. He did care. Instead he mind clawed for something else. Another part of his mind rebelled at that promise and the forces that pushed it.

The Inquisitor greatest enemy was two loving parents who ironically had loved their son’s so much they had taught them pain and then support em as they healed. There were four grandparents whose world revolved around their grandchildren. An extended family that had clung together through all that the world could throw at them. Pah clung to that love. He knew better. He clung to hope. He knew that even if he died here he would be with all of them. Even as the other parts of his mind hushed those two burned brighter. A bastion.

Then the darkness receded and Pah brain snapped back to itself. The ice blue eyes looked up at the Inquisitor as he brought the blade to hover over his chest. His eyes were now blood shot now and his hand twitched to summon his blade to him by their wasn’t any way he could kill the man above him. The young man was at peace he would die here but in his death he would help protect the family and protect HIM.

Then he felt something as the world boomed and the lights went out. Pah summoned his bonded blade to return his hand from where it lay. His large hand wrapped around the blade as it returned to him.

Artsilac the aidolon wasn’t as affected as others why the sudden departure of light. She was surprised by the sonic boom but her focus was on the battle at hand. Others lives were at hand and besides something about her had said something was coming. So it was that as her opponent let down his defense she moved in. With a quick swing of her spear she smack up one side of the head and then the other. Her intense gaze watched as the man eyes lost all focus and rolled back up into his head. Even as he toppled over and she smacked him on the head again. It wasn’t mercy that moved her actions she just wanted one of these monsters alive for questioning. Mercy would have driven the spear through the man’s head.

Even as she moved the training and furry kicked in with the other knights as well as with hope and inspiration. All three of whom jumped up and attacked the remaining assistants. Ikena’s blade wizzed into his hands and the lest indoctrinated he roared with anger. Bakato despite his injured wing was silent as he moved to tackle the wizard of the group. Palden grabbed a fallen weapon and went for one of the surprised guards standing over them. Each of them

Pahoran still lay there and smiled and in the darkness. In his mind he said ‘he is here’. Still riding the adrenaline Pah gathered his aether and infused it into him self. Due to his Avialae body he had the muscle mass and size to push off the foot on his chest especially since it wasn’t focused on him but he wanted a bit more power. Then as the lightening gathered in the medallion Pah pushed himself away from the ground using his kinetics and his own strength. Together they threw the Inquisitor and launched Pah into the air where the bird boy spread his wings and the pulled them in so that his full weight fell on to the Inquisitor. With his blade already ready be brought it straight toward the bad eye and it’s open socket. Pah felt the impact with the man’s body and the young man put his whole strength as he thrust his bonded blade through the man’s week spot. Even as he did so her returned the favor and put his weight on the other arm as forearm pressed on the man’s throat.

Even as he moved his grandmother’s spirit having taken care of hers dived in not for a kill but to steel the medallion from the Inquisitors hand.

Grandfather dropped his shield and blade in hand charged the remaining soldiers while the celestial turned and insured the children farther back while watching all of their backs. Even as they flees the cry went up among the children. “For Arcas. For Hope, For Justice, For light!” The cry spread from the until all of the clan was shouting it.

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LA bolt of jagged violet lightning lanced out toward Talon. The bond he shared with his partner suddenly felt as though it had a great weight pressing against it. Darkness began to gather in his vision but before it could overtake him, Talon watched as Pahoran and his family leapt into action. With shocking speed and precision, Pah placed himself in the path of the terrible magic. There was a sickening crunch as the young man drove his sword through the Inquisitor’s skull. Inquisitor Haegar flailed limply as he stared up at Pahoran, the amulet being snatched from his grasp as life faded from his other eye.

Are you alright?” Talon’s vision was suddenly filled with the worried visage of his partner. He nodded as the triumphant cries filled the temple. He rest a hand on his bondmate’s shoulder, bringing their foreheads together for a moment before standing tall. Talon’s silver eyes scanned the interior of the temple. He felt connected to it, somehow. There was a dawning sense of familiarity that danced along the edges of his thoughts. Some part of him knew this place. Looking to the people gathered around, Talon could see the family resemblance in all of them. He felt a sense of peace settle upon his shoulders, knowing that the Rayunia family had been spared a terrible fate. He hated the fact that they had been placed in such peril at all but he was glad to see that they were safe.

Forgive me for not arriving sooner.” Talon walked forward, coming to rest a hand upon Pahoran’s shoulder. “Are you alright, Pah?

There was a strange sense of belonging that emanated from each of the Rayunia family members. Within them, Talon saw the flame that he had begun to associate with the idea of Justice. He could see the silvery fire burning brightly inside each of them. There was a reverence and a great sense of duty at the core of them. Talon felt stronger and more clear headed among them than he had in days. Even as he passed his eyes over each of them, he could see some of the deeds they had performed that very night in defense of those they cared about. It was then that a draw upon his senses happened, his attention turned to a Hytori man who stood staring at him, his expression was unreadable. But Talon knew this man. This was the man who carried his mark. This was the man that had served as the beacon that drew him to this place. From deep within his soul, Talon felt knowledge stir.

In his mind, Talon thought he saw Andrus, the Knight that had presented himself at the moment of his awakening. Andrus looked to be staring at the Hytori man with a proud smirk. Briefly, a memory of the Warforged Knight training a younger Hytori elf in the ways of the sword flashed across his memory. It was followed by that same elf clasping Andrus forearm as the knight bestowed upon him the mark of Eminence. Talon got the sense that it was not long before a terrible battle. He had a feeling that it was the battle that led up to the end of the great war in the Age of Sundering.

Falrisona.” The name came to Talon’s lips. He felt a sense of admiration as he looked upon the much more mature elf. “Apologies, but I feel as though I know you. At least, I feel as though I once did know you.

Talon looked to Pahoran, a small amount of confusion in his eyes.

What is going on, Pah?

"I am Justice."
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Pah watched for a moment to make sure that the Inquisitor was dead before he looked at the Aidolon who held the medallion now. His ice blue eyes meet the celestial ones and the two leaned forward and touched foreheads. “This is yours now.” She said and handed it over. Pah gingerly took medallion and slipped it into his bag. Pah looked at her again. Do you know where Killian is?” He made the conclusion that she had followed and was aware of his new friend. She nodded her head.

“I will find him.” She said and took off in search of the young man. Among this group she was the best skilled to handle healing.

Pah stood turned then and looked at the others in his family. The last of the Imperium’s soldiers had been subdued and killed. The death of the Inquisitor and the apparent of Talon having sapped all of the commitments out of them. Only the one rendered unconscious by the spirit was alive and Ikena was already tying and gagging the monster.

It was then that they all turned and faced Talon and Aoren. The ice blue eyes kindly watched the Demi god approach an then apologies for arriving late. Pah tilted his head as he gave a tired smile. “You arrived when it mattered. Which is all that I hoped for.” Then came the question about if he was alright. He turned to look around and then said. “There is a young man, Killian, who Helped us but I haven’t heard from in a while. Artsilac is trying to find him. Outside of that everything else will heal.” The knight said smiling and shrugging. “Thank you for coming Talon.”

The temple fell quiet as Takin looked around each of them. Eventually his gaze fell upon Falrisona. Pah watched the exchange as his Grandfather waited. The grandson could see the muscles working in at the edge of the elf’s mouth. Finally Talon called him by name.

The knight smiled at that and then said simply. “Another version of each us have talked on occasion.” He said but allowed his grandson to explain.

Pah titled his head thinking of the best way to say it. “I have not been completely forth coming with you.” His eyes danced, “While I am a squire in the Sky guards and my family does indeed work as wagoners. We originally were something different.” He spread his arm to encompass the temple. “We are among the last of the Knights of the Dawnmatryr.” He said and paused to let that sink in. “My Grandfather.” He pointed to Falrisona. “And his wife both were born in to the Order. He fought besides you last time. With him also fought his father and brothers.” Pah eyes shimmered. “He was one of the few to walk awake.” He looked back at Talon. “My father’s father joined the knights when he was young. Him and his brothers were the unrecognized offspring of a father who died when they were young. So he build a life with the Order.” He spoke with pride. “Each of their children became Knights as have all of theirs. When I was five we fled the destruction of Citadel of Light.” He paused his expression showing he clearly remembered the event. “We came back here and built a life hiding who we really are in name only. We have all served the code. We have all kept our oaths.” He looked intently into Talon’s eyes. “We all had the vision of your return.” Pah knelt then as did the others. “We are all yours. We are the tools of Hope, Of Justice, And of the Light.”

Pah then with the others offered their swords in honor and acknowledged their patron.

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Talon watched the aidolon leave. As she departed, something pinged on the edges of his awareness drawing his attention in that direction. For the briefest of moments he felt a pain in his chest, a searing where the scar rest just over his heart. He touched a hand to his chest, rubbing at the spot. The moment passed prompting him to return his attention to those in front of him. He was relieved to hear that Pahoran and his family would be alright. The young man that he mentioned, Talon worried for him, but trusted that the spirit that guarded over them would be able to help. Something nagged at the back of his mind however. He let it fade. It was a question for another day.

At Pah’s declaration, Talon arched an eyebrow. Pahoran revealed to him a truth that made Talon’s eyes go wide. He heard his partner exclaim with a word spoken in Kathalan, his voice filled with awe.

Dawnmartyr. The word sent a shiver down Talon’s spine. It felt powerful. From his short visit with Andrus, he knew that the order of the knights had fought bitterly against the insidious Cult of Mending. They had been heroes that had helped usher in the Age of Steel, allowing mortals to find their own destinies again in the terrible aftermath of the Sundering. Talon knew well the fate of the heroes that had fought at the Citadel of Light. His father had once served alongside Dawnmartyr’s. His great uncle, Haruhiro Dahshida, was an adamant supporter of the knighthood’s ideals. To look over the white winged Avialae, the Hytori elven grandfather, and even the children that were gathered nearby, Talon felt that it suited them. It also made even more sense as to why they would have been pitted against Inquisitors of the Imperium. Talon thought on what it meant to carry the mantle of Dawnmartyr.

He did not know much about the knighthood. He knew that many regarded them as heroes. They had been an Order dedicated to helping people. It confused him to this day why the Imperium had gone out of their way to lay siege to them and why they were so driven to hunt them down. He remembered when the Reconciliators of Zaichaer had first come to Kalzasi and had demanded that his father assist them in finding any survivors of the Order. Not only had his father denied their request he had made it clear that if he learned the Reconciliators had harmed anyone affiliated with the Dawnmartyrs, he would ensure their swift and just punishment for such an infraction. Talon had wondered then why his father had taken such a stance. Looking at the family gathered in front of him, Talon thought he understood then. As this understanding dawned on him, several things presented themselves gently to his mind. He saw knights bearing the sigil of the Dawnmartyrs in battle. They were fighting terrible things. He saw them helping to build settlements. He saw them helping to settle disputes with fairness and mercy.

Talon searched in his mind and soul where this knowledge was coming from but just as soon as he tried to focus on it, it slipped from his grasp. His silver eyes passed over each of the kneeling knights. A sense of fate came to settle upon his shoulders there in that temple. He let out a breath, eyes coming to rest upon Pahoran. Into the young man’s soul, Talon peered. He saw Pahoran’s bravery, he saw his sense of justice, his commitment to doing what he believed was truly right and good not for himself but for others. He saw his willingness to protect others from darkness and despair.

Pahoran Taselia Rayunia.” The light of Talon’s nimbus grew stronger. Silver flames began to emanate from around the young demigod’s body. Warmth spread outward as he both basked in the faith that these people had for him and made a solemn oath to strive to be worthy of it. Talon brought his hand forward, the silver fire gathering in his palm.

I see you. I see into your soul. In you burns a fire that is determined to stand in defense of Justice. I see a Light in you that seeks to bring warmth and comfort to those around you. I see a tenacity in you that would work to spread Hope to those in need of it.” The words that came from Talon felt old and sacred. Gently, ever so gently, Talon touched the tips of his fingers to Pahoran’s forehead. The silver fire began to flow into Pahoran but it did not burn. It wrapped around his body, weaving itself into the fire that already burned within the light of Pahoran’s soul. Talon fed the flame that he saw there. Slowly, a mark began to form on Pah’s body. A sword, wreathed in flames that took shape on his right bicep.

This is the Eminence of my domain. Your birthright as a Knight of the Dawnmartyr. With it, you shall be a Guardian of Justice. Carry it with pride. Wield it with humility.” Talon helped Pahoran to his feet then. He looked the young man clearly in the eyes.

Pah…” He spoke to Pahoran not as a demigod to a knight but as a friend. “I cannot promise that I will be perfect. It was just a few days ago that I awoke to being a demigod. I will stumble. I will fall. But I promise you, I will strive to remain worthy of the faith and trust you have placed in me.

Talon turned to the others that were gathered. He approached Bakato, Ikena, and Palden, bestowing his mark upon them if they so desired it. To each of them he made the same promise. Talon made no effort to appear as though he was all-knowing, but he swore to honor them just as much as they seemed to honor him. When it was over, Talon pulled back the fullness of his divinity. He swayed slightly after having imparted the marks to those who accepted them. He was caught by Aoren and he was grateful for his companion’s steadiness. He then looked to Falrisona.

There are others. It is hard for me to focus on them but I felt them, when I first ascended. They are out there.” Talon looked around to the settlement around them. Again, he felt a sense of fate settle over him.

The Dawnmartyr Knights are still needed in this world.” He looked to Pahoran then. “If you will teach me, I will help you rebuild them.

"I am Justice."
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Pahoran meet the eyes of those of Talon as he approached and laid his hand upon his forehead. Pah felt the power fill his soul and then began to coalesce into a mark on his right arm. The young knight had just had darkness fighting to over take him just moment before to suddenly feel this divine power was a balm upon his mind and soul. Instead of driving away all that was good in him to embarrassed it all and strengthened. Pah’s body still ached all over from the recent battle but his soul found peace. The young man felt a smile spread across his face and felt a tear make its way down the side of his face.

The young man continued to smile as Talon explained his worries and Pah bowed his head in understanding. “We are also honestly not used to having a Patron, nor are we used to being so open about who we are. Lets us grow in this together.” Pah trusted Talon, and the spirit of Arcas. He also remembered all of the trials he had gone through in his life.

Pah stood back up as Artsilac returned and looked at him. “I couldn’t find Killian.” She said and Pah shoot her a concerned look but turned back as Talon visited the cousins. Bakato nodded his head solemnly and accepted the mark. He liked couldn’t hold back the tears, but did so with dignity. Palden was full on weeping tears of joy, but nodded his head in agreement. Ikena was grinning broadly and said. “Hell yes.” Then he flushed in embarrassment realizing how un appropriate the word choice was. Pahoran laughed even as the spirit shook her head.

Talon returned and spoke to the elder knight. “We knew that the Fortress would fall, we also knew that we couldn’t all get out of there. We focused on getting other family groups out to keep the children alive. I know my fellow Knights though and I do believe that they would have escaped during the fall. We actually tried to make sure we left plenty of goodies for the invaders to be distracted by.” He said it sadly. “Taselia would know more about that as he was one of those who pushed for that project. We will need to bring them in to help find them before the Inquisitors.”

Pah tilted his head and looked around. “I agree. This world is still in need of the values we support. I know the Imperium claim to not believe in the gods, but their tyranny and oppression just feed those who propagate evil. Ironically they will never reach there goals.” Pah smiled. “I would love to share with you.” He indicated to everyone and the building around them, “I would also love to see all of this brought once again into the open. To be a physical and spiritual beacon for the world. There will still but much to do. Though Hope will always be with us.”

Calistra opened her eyes from her meditation. She wasn’t exactly aware of all that had happened. She did know that a battle had ragged, and Artsilac had pulled upon her own abilities. She felt tired, but she could sense that things had ended well. She continued to sit there as her daughter knelt next to her.

“I believe they are coming home.” She said feeling drained. “Something wonderful has happened.” She wasn’t sure on the details, but for a Knight any good news was to be celebrated.

word count: 620
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Kilian stumbled along the path into the forest, collapsing with his arms wrapped around his torso. He heaved for breath, squeezing his eyes tightly as he fought back the urge to scream. Darkness gathered around him, the sickening whisper of terrible nightmares lurking within the shadows, they called to him. He grit his teeth, hands flying to his skull as he desperately fought against the shadows that began pouring into his body.

“N-no! I refuse! I…” He held back a scream as pain wracked him. The muscles of his neck bulging, his body flexing as he strained against an unseen force. He thrashed as he fought with every ounce of willpower he had against the creeping presence sinking its way into his mind. The darkness continued to gather around him. He sobbed as he could feel the claws of HIM digging into his mind and soul. The whispers continued to grow louder. The inky blackness began to close in around his vision. In the darkness he could see them, the same eyes that haunted his most terrifying and brutal nightmares.

And then a light filled the skies.

Kilian’s pained gaze stared up at the light that shone in the night sky, a beacon in the darkness that wanted to swallow him. With a shaking hand, he reached for it.

“Please…” The darkness pressed in closer. Tears began falling from his eyes as he begged. “Please…”

A yowl sounded in the dark. The yarobai cat appeared, silhouetted by the light in the skies. It dropped down, its beautiful azure stripes glowing brightly, banishing the shadows hold on him. Kilian gasped as the darkness surged into his body, delving into the wound that had been caused by the Inquisitor. He shuddered, his limbs losing all strength. His chest heaved as he gulped in air. He didn’t have to reach down to know that his wound was healed.

He wasn’t allowed to die. He wouldn’t let him.

The yarobai cat padded closer, her nose nudging his face gently. She licked at his cheek. The young man broke down then. He clung to the great cat as he sobbed quietly.

“He’s back.” Kilian choked out. “He’s back…” He pressed his face into the soft fur of the great cat as she lay down beside him, offering her closeness and comfort. “There’s hope…”

Arcas had returned to the world. But just as the demigod’s return filled him with hope, it filled him with fear.

He was running out of time.
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word count: 1087
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