Seeking Closure {Part2}

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686


龍 10th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Foolish Avialae| Thoughts: You picked the wrong one!| Mood: Enraged

Continued from HERE

龍 As Hyoga descended towards the entrance of the village he could feel the heat of his anger building up within him. Coming down to stand in front of the figure he took note of the wings of the man. A young avialae, no older than Hyo himself, came into view, glaive in hand. He carried himself with an obvious chip on his shoulder, proud and arrogant, his chest puffed up filled with bravado and pride.

As he moved into the dilapidated village, the young avialae was looking around, searching for something. He came with a purpose, and when he found what he was looking for, he wasted no time flying into action. Walking up to Hyoga he pointed a finger at the Kathar. "You have quite the pair of balls on you, showing up in our city, putting our people in danger! Have you no decency?!" roared the young man, to which caused confusion & annoyance to wash over Hyo.

The Kathar looked over the avialae with unbridled scrutiny, taking in the color of his armor. The red of the fabric and the golden details. "Just what the hell are you going on about boy?" Hyoga growled, raising a brow to the young winged man. It was obvious the avialae was itching to fight, but about what? What did Hyoga do that would warrant someone wanting to fight him? It was both confusing, not to mention adding to his growing irritation not being able to decipher why this male had come before him speaking to him as if he had done some heinous act.

The young man looked at Hyo, a gaze filled with venom and anger, jabbing the Kathar in the chest with his words as he spoke. "As if you don't know! You are a kathar, which means that your inquisitor is nearby!" he shouted, which causing Hyo's brow to rise again. Hyoga, taking a step forward toward him, meeting the young man's gaze with his own. "Does it look I have a clue about what's going on?! Now for the last time, what in the hell are you ranting about?!" he yelled back at the avialae, which made him scoff, circling Hyoga as he spoke.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, so don't play dumb with me Kathar. I plan to kill you, that way your inquisitor has no reason to venture any further into the city." he explained, loud enough that it was echoing off the ruined buildings. "I bet the entirety of my coin purse that this will keep the Imperium out of our lands." he added, pointing his glaive at Hyoga. Hyoga still held his look of confusion as the avialae threatened his life.

"I honestly have no idea what you speak of, but you have picked the wrong day to come and irritate me" he warned, looking at the avialae with a deathly stare. "Oh, there's no talking your way out of this traitor, I'm going to make sure you are dealt with the right way. the Avialae stated, moving over to the open grounds outside of the ruined village. Hyoga watched as the young warrior moved to the area. "Choose your next words carefully young warrior." he advised, knowing full well where this was going.

Pointing his weapon at Hyoga, the young avialae had a devilish smirk on his face. "I challenge you to a duel to the death, and if you are as innocent as you proclaim, then you will prove it the only way a warrior can." he said, getting into a fighting position. Hyoga was left with no other choice. He knew very well what this was, and he had come too far to have it cut short by some punk with a chip on his shoulder. Stepping out into the open field, the Kathar begrudgingly took up a fighting stance, manifesting his new guandao into his hands.

For a brief moment, the two stood there, staring each other down, however after moments had passed, the young avialae wasted no time, rushing Hyo with his glaive. He came with a flurry of swings and slashes, forcing the kathar to go on the defensive."I do not have time for this foolishness" Hyo hissed, doing his best to keep up with the nimble bastard. If there was one thing that was making him mad, not for the fact that this stranger was hitting him with everything he had, It was for the fact that he had the audacity to attack Hyo while paying his respects to his parents' grave.

That alone pissed him off to no end, and the elements were beginning to resonate with Hyo's emotions, the wind whipping up violently in response to his anger. With a flap of his wings, Hyo let loose a forceful gust of wind forcing the fool back. Gaining the distance between them, Hyoga went on the offensive, ferociously at that. Aoi Ryu spinning in his hands, Hyo came back at the avialae with aggression matched only by a wild beast.

The two would clash against one another, Hyoga's fury and the determination of the other sparking as soon the two were fighting in the air. The two seemed to be evenly matched in terms of skill, but it was Hyo's rage that seemed to be boiling over its limits that were giving him an edge. Hyo was hitting much harder than the other was, and was using his flying to his advantage. He was dodging strikes with ariel maneuvers and flying low within the ruins to catch the intruding avialae off guard.

Hyoga was attacking the avialae with everything he had, his guandao coming from the left side to cleave the other's wing off only to miss. He kept going aiming to take the red armored bird's head from him, delivering a horizontal swing as the two flew through a ruined building, grazing the man across the face as he dodged. He returned a strike, aiming for Hyoga's chest but was blocked by Aoi Ryu, Hyoga using the chance to slice the avialae across his left arm as the two broke away from each other.

The two would continue to bob and weave among each other, the weapons sparking against each other with the sound of steel and blood echoing in the air. Hyo continued his offensive, his weapon dancing within his hands like a skilled musician. He was unleashing a flurry of strikes, the steel of Aoi Ryu biting into the avialae's flesh every other strike. You could tell he had never faced a warrior like Hyo before, as he was rather dismayed at the feeling he was experiencing, the feeling of impending defeat.

Like a creeping vine, Hyo could see the overwhelming fear in the man's eyes as he pressed his attack. The avialae's eyes widened as Hyo took a deep breath, the aether pooling his mouth as it turned to water, and with a mighty blow, he unleashed a stream of frozen air upon the winged annoyance, blasting the red-clad avialae's wings with the icy wind. "You should have picked your battles wisely fool." he growled, as the frozen air iced over the wings of his challenger.

Hyo watched as the man fell to the ground, crashing into the dirt as his wings buckled under him. Hyoga was not done with him, however, descending to the ground as he came to loom over the grounded avialae. Eyes of panic and disbelief peered back at Hyoga, who only returned with a gaze of annoyance and anger. "Please.....please have mercy!" he pleased, which sent Hyo into a rage.

"MERCY, YOU WANT MERCY WHEN YOU TROUNCED IN HER WHILE I WAS PAYING MY RESPECTS!!!!???? TO MY PARENTS' GRAVE NO LESS!!!" he roared, raising his weapon high above the avialae's head. He was about to ram it straight down into the man's skull with his blade was stopped. Hyo looked behind him, watching as Yumeko approached him. "That's enough, he has been beaten Hyoga." she purred, her eyes coming to rest on the young avialae.

"He is of a great noble house. If you think you have a hard time procuring work now, imagine how hard it will be if you kill him. He has asked you for mercy, grant him that." she continued, but her petition upset Hyoga more. "But he challenged me to a Duel to the Death, so it's only right he dies." he shot back, taking a step closer, the noble cowering away from him in fear for his life.

"He is of a great noble house. If you think you have a hard time procuring work now, imagine how hard it will be if you kill him. He has asked you for mercy, grant him that." he explained, turning to the other and gesturing for him to go. He thanked her, hobbling away as the human woman tried to console her nephew. She could see the anger in his eyes. She knew that this was only the beginning, this was the first step toward a path she was unsure she wanted to see him take.

"Come, lets go say goodbye to your parents." she whispered, ushering her nephew back to the hill where their remains rested. Hyoga was silent, but his tears and his anger were evident, the wind billowing in response to his emotions. 龍

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
word count: 1752
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Elementalism: Making water from your own aether in your mouth
Elementalism: Icy winds from mouth
Polearm{Guandao}: Fighting while in flight
Polearm{Guandao}: Striking to take off a limb
Polearm{Guandao}: Aiming for decapitation
Polearm{Guandao}: Flurry of Strikes

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5, can be used for Elementalism

Comments: I did not see any items that would be applicable, but if you feel there is something Hyoga gained from this thread that I missed let me know so I can update!

word count: 95
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