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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Company: Hannah, Rickter, Yumeko | Thoughts: This will be awesome!!!! | Mood: Excited | Theme: Dragon's Battle
6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S

Hyo was excited, his grip tightening a but he relaxed as he assessed Rickter's fighting position. Hyo was hungry for this fight, but that wasnt enough to satisfy him. He needed to make the best of this match as he could. He was a knight of Talon's, and the prince himself was quite the warrior, so Hyo could only expect that his personal guard would be just as good.

Hyo's eyes watched intently as Rickter's body lit up with magical lights, one of which Hyo recognized, it gave off a faint scent. It was familiar to him Hyo cause it smelled like Hyo's Elementalism rune, the subtle smells of nature, fresh water, trees, new soil. He watched as a sword came into Rickter's hands, which noted Reaving as well. His grin widened as he watched it materialize and

Rickter accepted the challenge, which made Hyo happy. With the pleasantries out of the way, and with Rickter inviting Hyo's attack the Kathar happily obliged. Flexing his wings out and in front of himself, Hyo shot forward, his guandao arched back ready to deliver a sweeping strike to bisect Rickter from his left shoulder to his right hip. He would press forward, giving Rickter a flurry of arcing strikes, jabs, and thrusts.

If Rickter would deflect and evade those attacks Hyo would dart around to Rickter's left, coming up behind him, spinning clockwise delivering a giant blow from his left hip up to Rickter's right pectoral only to immediately sweep it back horizontally to the left in order to cleave him apart at the chest. Hyo was determined to force him into submission without killing the man, which given his excitable zeal, was going to be hard.

Meanwhile, Yumeko was silent, her eyes trained on the two warriors, a smile on her face, but her attention was kept on Hannah. She accepted the veteran's invitation to sit and converse. "I'll be very frank, I don't trust you, nor do I trust whatever it is you are planning that involves Hyoga. We just reconnected, and I would hate to lose him to someone else's folly." she began, he hands resting on her pact weapon as she continued.

"So tell me, what are you planning? You can't expect others to be unknowing pawns, especially if these deathmatches are what I think they are. The Pinnacle Games are nothing to trifle with young lady, nor are the lives of those you have embroiled into your machinations." her tone was calm but stern, like a mother reprimanding a child.


"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
word count: 565
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Title: Dabu
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The wolf could see it in the eye of his opponent now, how excited this match had gotten Hyoga as it just started. In just an instant the man's wings flexed forward to gesture his intent, the wolf's eyes locked on the Kathar as Rickter raised his hands just a little higher. The Avialae's arm rose to prime his weapon as he readied an angled strike, Rickter's eyes briefly narrowing before he twisted his arms up to flatten his blade before him defensively. Just as the guandao came down to smash a strike against the steel of his blade, Rickter felt the nerves in his arm pulsate as a familiar sensation kicked in. For a moment his blade quaked underneath his hands, right as Hyoga pulled out for another round of attacks. In that moment Rickter's blade, Howling Fang, hummed beneath the grip of his fingers as he observed carefully.

For a moment he was challenged by Hyoga's full-frontal assault, the man severely tested the first couple of strikes that Rickter could block. But as the wolf deflected that second strike, another pulsation made the sword in his hands' quiver just once momentarily. "So... That's it." He observed as the third strike came in, a true thrust of the weapon as the wolf parried it aside with a step to his left. Howling Fang continued to do this with him and, normally, he didn't comprehend the extent as to why. Now though he understood. As he stood with his blade used to keep Hyoga's guandao away the Kathar veered to hurl another arced strike, just as Rickter quickly brought the flat side of his blade up to his forearm. Using it as a brace the weapon clashed hard against the Guando as Rickter's knees bent a bit, as he suddenly felt a bit more weight in that blow than before.

"What's his game here?" He pondered as the wolf's eyes narrowed on the Avialae, a bit of a glint to the blue in his eyes as he gripped the hilt of his blade tighter. As Hyoga veered around to flank Rickter from the left rear, the wolf's eyes followed him while his clenched hand spun aether into his blade. "He's quick for a big guy!" He noted as he pulled himself forward with his blade pointed behind him, the last of the aether lining the edges of his blade as he lunged forward. The wolf's blade went bounding into an arc right into Hyoga's weapon, the contact of the blade generating yet another hum that Rickter honed on with his mind. "My turn!" His gaze hardened as Hyoga's guandao pulled away immediately, the blade of Howling Fang generated another vibrate toward Rickter's left. The wolf's blade turned slanted into an arc pointed away from his opponent, as Rickter brought his attention to the one thing he just needed to hone on. Hyoga's aura. The guy was practically an aetheric generator, which allowed the wolf to focus on the task his sword was set to do.

Though he knew it would not be easy the wolf was determined to cut through that defense of his, and he was only getting started with his strategy on how to go about it. Just as their weapons came to clash with one another, Howling Fang emitted a fluorescent backlash of aether against Hyo's weapon. Not enough to cause any harm or worry, but enough to cause the weapon to rebound away, as Rickter sought to generate a window of opening with the man's defense. One combo. One good combo, and even a giant could fall. The guandao was repelled from the blade and for a moment Rickter closed in, his eyes narrowed as Hyoga wouldn't see but feel it as though it were his own aura. The terrorizing snarl of a hound on the hunt. Rickter's blade went in for a thrust that the Kathar managed to easily dodge, his wings excellent for mobility when he needed to pull away at a moment's notice.

"There's been something I've been meaning to try." He noted to himself mentally as he hung his shoulders low, with his knees bent so that when he darted into a sprint, he went straight for Hyoga with Howling Fang pointed forward. "But first..." The two warriors drew in closer to one another, the Kathar's weapon brought into another bisecting arc. Rickter twisted the edge of his blade by several degrees before swinging a second before his next step, the blade brought up to clash at the very head of the guandao, before knocking it astray as Rickter brought his weapon around in full swing, the hilt rotated within his palm once as he brought it around in a counter-clockwise manner. The weapon went down with the intent to strike at Hyoga's left shoulder area head on, yet the attacks were easily blockable as well as avoidable.

Yet the wolf did not relent with each heavy-handed swing he made, for he went at Hyoga with a broad swing from the wolf's right in a horizontal manner, before alternating his arm down and back around to swing the blade in a slanted angle. Hyoga's actions were challenged by ward shielding his own weapon, as each moment of contact with the weapon caused an aetheric repulsion to disperse. Hyoga's weapon seemed easier to deflect now as a result, and any hits the wolf might've landed on the man, only stung but produced no actual injuries upon contact.

"Oh my, they certainly seem to be going at it!" Hannah remarked with enthusiasm as she looked pleased as punch, if not baffled at how impressive both men were with fighting one another. As Yumeko then addressed the elephant in the circle, Hannah looked to her with a feigned look of offense, before she shot the woman a playful smirk afterward. "I'm sorry, but you'd be a fool if you were to trust me." The rogue admitted shamelessly as she tucked her legs aside, pointed away from the woman next to her as her eyes went to watch the two men once more. She grew silent though as she noticed, without looking, that lovely aunt showed consideration for her weapon. The brunette could only grin though, for she didn't feel so threatened by Yumeko.

"I expect he's told you a little about what's in store. Good to see he doesn't listen very well." Hannah murmured to herself before she combed a set of fingers through her hair. "What I'm planning? None of your goddamn business," she stated rather politely if not in an eloquent tone, "consider it a very delicate house of cards, one that I don't intend to lose by letting others know my hand."

Hannah then looked to Yumeko a bit more seriously, a deeply rooted look of anger rested within her gaze. "Say what you will, Hyoga is free to decide what he chooses. Besides, from what I've heard he's got people to find too." She remarked casually but almost with a hint of suspicion, almost as though she were trying to gauge where Hyoga fit in the puzzle necessarily.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Hannah"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
Combat Hub

Battle Style
-Rickter attacks with heavy hits and combos.

Action Queue
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Last edited by Rickter on Mon May 10, 2021 9:24 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1366
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686


龍 6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Hannah, Rickter, Yumeko| Thoughts: That's it, give me more!!| Mood: Exhilerated| Theme: Dragon's Battle

龍 It was going good for Hyo in the beginning, pressing the attack on Rickter and trying to overwhelm him. Hyo knew he had both skill and reach with his weapon not to mention mobility with his wings. He held several edges over his Rathari combatant, and he hadn't even begun to employ his own magic. He was certain this was going to be an easy fight for him, holding back his murderous intent.

He could see that Rickter was studying his movements, he was learning, as was Hyoga. Hyo was watching his movements and was learning how the man struck, his footing when dodging. He would have to think more carefully now that things were in full swing. Though something changed, the way Rickter's weapon felt was different now, sturdier. Something had definitely changed in how he was fighting.

The tables seemed to have turned a bit, as now Rickter had begun pressing his own attack. His strikes were heavy, Hyoga watching each one land as their weapons clashed with one another. He was becoming excited at this new development, as They were now on par with one another. Instead of trying to deflect each one of his strikes, Hyo wanted to feel them, clashing his weapon with whatever strikes he could but allowing his body to feel the blunt stings.

Hyoga could feel his blood boiling in a good way as this was one of the best fights he's been in and it was perfect practice for the deathmatches to come. Now that they were even in their striking power, Hyo decided to kick things up a notch. Bringing his guandao back, he laced it with the varnishing of the wind, and with a mighty swing, he sent a forceful gust to blow Rickter away. Even if Rickter hadn't gone back far it was enough of an opening that Hyo was able to take to the air, vanishing out of sight.

For a moment there was no sign of Hyo, but the sound of flapping wings echoed in the air as he cam darting around the practice field. The varnishment on his weapon had changed, as the wind was no longer circling around the guandao head, but instead something else. It was water and Hyo was clearing the distance now he had put between the two of them.

With those wings of his, he was faster than Rickter could ever hope to be. With a look of absolute delight on his face, Hyo came with a striking clash into Rickter, the water around his weapon head quickly solidifying into ice. Coming in hot he slashed at his limbs with each pass he made as he swooped by the other, laughing in delight the entire time. Hyoga had started this fight on the offensive, now he would end it on the offensive.

The icy varnish gave his weapon far more striking power which he was using to its fullest extent. He was also changing the course of his flight with each pass, not allowing Rickter to have time to figure where he was coming from, at the start at least. "GIVE ME MORE! SHOW ME THE EXTENT OF YOUR WARRIOR WAY RICKTER!!!" he roared with utter delight.

He would continue to swipe and slash at Rickter with each pass.

Yumeko was rather impressed with this woman. She spoke her mind, sharp of the tongue, and held a defiant tone in her words. She was coy and playful, but most of all she was honest. It was something Yumeko could respect, and so she simply left it at that with Hannah's replies. Her eyes never trailed away from the fight as she was very intrigued by both men.

She knew her nephew's story, but she didn't know much about the other, but the way he fought revealed all she would need to know of him. He was cautious when dealing with situations, but determined. He was piquing her interest that was for certain. Her interest however turned back to Hyo, as he was truly showing his wanderlust for battle.

Oddly enough it brought a smile to her face. 龍

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
word count: 800
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Title: Dabu
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The moment that Rickter took the advantage over his opponent's waning attack patterns, he could trace the growing bloodlust that permeated the air as both men started to break into their own sweat. Having broke into a constant state of activity it was no surprise that the two were already worked up, and even then, only started in regards to their own exchange of blows and parries. For the moment Hyoga guaged every strike Ricker made and he too would feel them, a tremble or jolt that vibrated the very weapon within the wolf's own clutches. Howling Fang had been stirred to life as of their clashes but something more was at work now, something within that Rickter couldn't quite focus on at that exact moment. For the Kathar not only blocked as many attacks as he could, but also took the full force of a few only to menacingly smile wider as a result of the pain. "Gods what does he hope to accomplish from that?" He could only ponder as he watched the Kathar react finally, and brought his guandao around with a flourish of the weapon. Rickter felt aether stir in the air as his eyebrows rose for a moment, his initial shock suppressed by the intent to deflect the next blow.

Wind? The attack was just a mere hack through the air and wasn't even intended to strike him, just merely hurl a gust of air into him from where he stood, as the wolf tried to push past it with all the strength in his body. It did little good initially, and instead of pushing forward he faltered back, only to turn into a roll at the shoulder to regain his footing proper once he made the landing. "He takes hits head-on and assails targets with unrelenting fury..." He noted tactfully as he twisted to see Hyoga take to the air, before he dipped below the summit's peak enough to hide his presence from the wolf. There was the sound of wing flaps as they carried around the circle next, which indicated his opponent had taken to switching things up a bit now. "Close range he relies on his weaponry and magic, but at a distance, he'll have to rely more on the latter." Rickter considered as his head turned about once in following the sounds, before the Kathar's flight pattern changed and led him to soar up to flank Rickter from the right.

The wolf however didn't predict him to close in so quickly, and found he had just enough time to bring his blade up, so that the flat of Howling Fang pressed against the force of Hyoga's attack. Another clang of metal-induced a ringing into Rickter's ears, as he remained barely able to hold Hyo off before he flew overhead to resume his strategy. More flying? "Alright then..." The runes on his skin glowed brighter now as the lines started to trace their way further along his body, from beneath his clothes the witchmarks that glowed were of a bright teal color now, as the branches started to image sharpened points across his torso and under his jaw. They were reminiscent of thorns as the brands laced up along his cheeks and under his eyes, the blue hues now aglow as he focused on listening to Hyoga once more. Another full scale assault came barreling his way, this time from the left of his flank as Rickter's right hand fidgeted around the hilt of his weapon.

""GIVE ME MORE! SHOW ME THE EXTENT OF YOUR WARRIOR WAY RICKTER!!!"" The Kathar bellowed as he closed in, the next attack met with a coating of ice upon his weapon, as Rickter twisted about to strike at the attack head-on.

"RRRAA-" The twist of his body was met with a fierce roar, the wolf pulled his weapon hard into the blow so that when their weapons clashed, ice and aether surged from the impact as the frost it created flaked down in the air. Howling Fang hummed within his hands and for a moment his mind spaced, and suddenly it felt as though part of Rickter slipped away from the moment entirely...

"The... Old... Ways..."

The moment he faltered Rickter regained his composure just as Hyoga took to the air once more, Rickter haven staggered back a couple steps as the ringing in his head heightened... and then ceased. Hannah's smile to Yumeko was then lost, as she realized something was now amiss with the wolf. "Oh shit..."

Rickter's irises were no longer visible because of how much they glowed, and as his figure straightened tall his face hung low as he listened. As Hyoga came in for another blow this time Rickter moved first, his blade brought around from his left so that he could spin into a forceful blow against Hyoga. This time though he varnished wind on Howling Fang, the weapon finally emitting an unyielding howl as the air around it sung across the surface. Once their weapons clashed Rickter released the gale packed into his strike, the force of impact enhanced by the aetheric repulsions of the negated edge. It wasn't so much of an attack to combat Hyoga's advances, but more of a tide-turner as the impact sent the two hurdling away from one another. Rickter having slide across the stone floor on his feet for several yards, while Hyoga was sent further back into the air as he regained his bearings with his wings.

From where he stood the black wolf brought his blade closer to him, the hilt taken by both hands as ambient aether began to resonate from his form. The witchmarks of his runes brightened for a moment, almost as though they flashed in response to his actions, as Rickter growled and pulled both hands away from one another with renewed vigor. Another flash caused a secondary weapon to flourish into his other hand, as there were now two Howling Fangs backed with varnished wind and negation wards. The aura that cloaked him glowed a vivid teal color now as the pulling away of the weapons followed with another flourish, their hilts spun between fingers as Rickter's right blade rested over the shoulder, and the left one was brought down to rest around his right waistline. Hunched forward into the same tank stance he normally possessed, he looked up to Hyoga as though he were daring the man to come at him.

"We need to stop them," Hannah warned as she adjusted to get on her feet quickly, "before this goes to shit fast!" When she looked to Yumeko there was now worry in her eyes, Hannah had never seen Rickter give in to the impulses that were now governing his senses.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
Combat Hub

Battle Style
-Rickter attacks with heavy hits and combos.

Action Queue
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word count: 1275
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686


龍 6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Hannah, Rickter, Yumeko| Thoughts: That's it, give me more!!| Mood: Exhilerated| Theme: Dragon's Battle

龍 Yumeko could hear the fear in the other's voice as she urged the Reaver to stop the fight, but Yumeko, her eyes as stoic and in changing as ever remained fixed on the two. A smirk slithered onto her lips as she held a hand up to the woman. "I am aware my dear girl, but I can not intervene, not yet anyway. The two of them are close to tapping an unknown potential. It would a shame not to mention disrespectful to stop them now." she stated, calmly and with an even tone, but a hint of a mother's sternness in those words.

"I dont expect you to understand as you are no a Reaver, But rest assured this battle will come to a close very soon." she noted, her aether surging out and around her like a gale of wind. Her pact weapon began to glow and float in front of her as she was readying herself for a swift intervention in their match.

The two warriors however were showing true colors now, Hyoga truly stepping into his Reaver way as he clashed with Rickter again and again. When the wind was varnished onto his sword, It excited Hyo as the two weapons blazed with magic and sparks as their steel danced across one another. In a final clash, Hyo was sent backward from the forceful impact of their varnished weapons, a shower of glitter ice falling admits them as he watched from the air.

Rickter was proving to be a worthy opponent, and Hyo was glad he had loosened his restraints a bit, feeling this burning sensation all throughout his body. He was giddy, hysterically even as he watched, eyes ablaze with anticipation.......and something else. For a moment it felt just like that time he fought Helwui. It was primal to him, as he willingly gave himself over to the feeling, his blood on fire as he watched Rickter call up yet another sword like the one in his other hand.

A wide grin on his face, Hyo could feel it now in that moment, the moment Rickter positioned himself for another go. It was a sense of bloodlust, and Hyo could only show his excitement by answering Rickter's unspoken invitation. With a flourish of his guandao, Hyo hurled it straight at Rickter, as he ascended into the clouds. If Rickter was as agile as he had been showing he would have easily maneuvered out of the flight path of the weapon.

While in the clouds Hyo found himself cackling as he gathers the moisture from the clouds around his hands, circumventing them with the wind. The water began to take shape in the form of large claws, and in a matter of seconds, Hyo had formed talons of ice, talons that resembled that of a dragon's claw. With a wide sneer, he descended back down towards Rickter with a new goal in mind. He was consumed not by his need to force the other to submit, but by a thirst to crush Rickter into submission.

With Aoi Ryu impacting the battleground, it was time for the real show to begin, as Hyo came through the clouds, divebombing his way towards Rickter. Like a bird of prey swooping down to pluck a rabbit off the ground, Hyo swooped up just in time to angle himself toward the Rathari. His hands however bared something new for the wolf to contend with. The claws were large to grapple with his swords, the wind and ice colliding in a spectacular display.

Both warriors proceeded to thrash about, strike after strike, blow for blow, parrying as the two kept up with one another. Rickter seemed keen on out-pacing Hyo's strikes, keeping his attacking tempo heavy and harsh in order to break through Hyo's guard and land a decisive blow. Hyo on the other hand was geared toward crushing Rickter's attack with his own and pummelling the man with a frozen fury of clawed strikes.

It was clear that both warriors had stumbled onto something, as neither seemed to be themselves anymore as they fought. It was no longer a battle but turning towards two primal forces clashing and only one would come out on top. Both warriors let out battle cries as they attacked in perfect unison, the clash of RIckter's wind varnished blades colliding with Hyo's frozen claws as a cloud of frozen debris exploded from the impact.

Dust and ice fragments shimmered around them as Yumeko had moved to stopped them both, both her pact weapon and a duplicate of it in each hand, both restraining the men's means of attack. "That'll do boys, that'll do. I believe this will suffice for today." she purred, a look of delight subtly etched into her facial features.

Collapsing to his knees the icy claws around Hyo's hands crumbled into pieces as he heaved in breaths of air. He had gone all out and it was showing. With a hand-stretched outward, Aoi Ryu soared into his hand as he sat on the floor, looking over to Rickter with an exhausted smile. "Now that is what I call I fight."

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
Last edited by Hikami on Mon May 31, 2021 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1000
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Title: Dabu
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Combat Venting
6th of Glade, Year 121
Hannah's eyes widened at the hand gesture Yumeko made in regards to Hannah's observations, the rogue clearly baffled by the fact the other woman present wouldn't put a stop to the battle immediately. Was she not aware? Granted the lady had only just met Rickter, but if she knew what little was told of him from Hyoga, then that warranted caution on their part because of a particular consequential development. Having never seen it happen, but heard plenty of the tales, Hannah knew that anytime the eyes of the wolf began to glow... things were bound to get out of hand. At every turn when Rickter has wound up experiencing these changes, one thing was always clear once the initial carnage was left behind; he had no memory of the event. So the fact he looked the same now, eyes alight with a cerulean light, meant to her that the wolf was no longer in control.

Yet Hannah remained petrified, speechless even after what she heard Yumeko say. At the sensation of aether billowing out past her Hannah's eyes narrowed, almost alarmingly, at the incredible sensation that tickled her skin as the sudden breeze wafted her hair about. At this point the brunette was more than just impressed, she was baffled by the ensuing match that carried out between both wolf and Kathar. In response to the duplication of his main weapon Hyoga flourished his own, the guandao thrust forward into a throw as the weapon soared down toward the target. Though it was impossible to see where his eyes were focused, a heavy furrow of his brows indicated his focus had altered on the weapon hurdling toward him. The glowing wolf shifted his arms so that they only budged a little, before the timing was made and he pulled himself away into a reversal.

With a brief spin out of the guandao's trajectory the blade of the weapon clashed hard against stone, before the wolf faced the direction of his target once more with arms crossed over one another. Hyoga had taken further into the skies instead, which led the growling wolf to actually tilt his head back as he peered toward the heavens. Clouds. They began to swirl as the air above him grew noticeably colder than what it was moments ago. With a flare of his nostrils aether was traced immediately, and the wolf straightened up to let his sword arms dangle at the waistline in observation. "Magic..." Rickter assessed silently in his observations. He could tell that this was the Kathar gearing up for one last assault, where more than likely he would put in everything he had into every strike possible. That was fine. The wolf's head lowered down with his nose pointed to the floor, his line of sight evidently fixed on the blades held in his hands when they were lifted up momentarily.

The wolf's eyes narrowed on them as he brought them up closer, his gaze fixed on the flat of the blade as he seemed to focus intently. The aura of aether that emanated off him hummed for a moment, before the portions he channeled into his weapons gleamed a light from their surface, and covered them both with a full coated layer of aether as he lowered them back down. The Howling Fangs both radiated aether as wind swirled around them heavily, the particles of teal aetheric light they emanated erratically caught in the vortex before they spiraled off. Hyoga came diving back down from the clouds he'd flown within, ice now coated his forearms as though he were now a winged beast with newly sharpened claws. "Come then..." He could only think as he readjusted the blades back to their original position, the wind coating charged with more aether as the currents doubled in their velocity. What came next was the buildup of a moment so intense, that Hannah had already winced and even cringe in anticipation of it.

Just as Hyoga closed in to swoop down with his claws Rickter lashed his first sword arm out, the left one thrown in a horizontal arc up toward the Kathar with the right arm brought over from his shoulder to smash the bastard sword down from overhead. Hyoga's claw damn near caught the first blade after having such fierce momentum, yet the moment the ice had clashed with his weapon no aetheric repulsion took place, just a very quick but harsh backlash of wind the moment their weapons came into contact once more. The same reaction occurred when Rickter's right arm brought the blade straight down, bound to make a perfect split between the middle and ring finger of Hyoga's ice claw. The contact between them caused the weapons to repel Hyoga's attack, as the Kathar himself went all in for another round the moment he regained his aerial maneuverability. Another strike of the claw was met with Rickter's left arm parrying it, while his right arm went in for that secondary strike to attempt a breakthrough.

Though he could manage to deflect nearly every blow executed by Hyoga, each attempt with his own barrage of attacks felt challenged by the Kathar's reflexes. Plus Hyoga's ice didn't quite chip as quickly as the wolf had hoped it would, but no matter, a few more blows within this onslaught and that should've changed quickly. "Oh my Gods..." Hannah was awestruck by what she saw, Rickter who fought like a savage warrior was actually able to fend of Hyoga, a man who practically fought like a beast once his bloodlust settled in! She had never seen either one of them this driven, this dedicated, to crushing the other with their own strength, and that... was overwhelming. Rickter's movements were almost entirely different compared to before now, the style of his attacks almost a flowing chain of strikes that repeatedly battered the claws. Before too long both of them geared up for their next clash as Rickter rotated around, with his swords brought up in an attempt to smite the Kathar with a quick jump.

Yet the moment his blades came down in his lunge, a flash of something else crossed his sight before he could finish the fight. Both Howling Fangs came down hard onto the very blade that was Yumeko's, as she had braced herself for the impact of his strike but... certainly not what accompanied it. A pressure dropped from where his blades had slammed that followed with a blast of ice particles and air, the sonic gale from his weapons dispersed immediately upon contact and yet... True, unyielding bloodlust poured into her from where the wolf stood, his glowing eyes fixed on her fiercely as her blade felt the full front of Howling Fang. Metal practically vibrated against metal as the biceps of the wolf strained, near ready to press harder to overcome the new obstacle found in his path. "That'll do boys, that'll do. I believe this will suffice for today."

...But the words were on deaf ears.

The screaming howl of his blades increased as Rickter growled deeply, his eyes still glowering as he finally started to budge in an attempt to continue on. Within that moment the aura of aether emanating from him swirled about, the space near him manipulated to where Hannah blinked through to approach him from the side. "Rickter!!!" She shouted out to him with a hand brought up to his forearm, the wolf himself caught in another pause of hesitation once more after he heard the name. "Stop!!" Hannah's face looked stern when she gaze at him, but there was no denying the quake in her hand, the tremble in her heartbeat as she confronted the wolf herself. Within moments after hearing her the aura around Rickter faded away, and the glow in his eyes lessened to a point where the irises were almost visible. The weight of his blades were lifted from Yumeko's as he took a step away from the group, with the lines of his witchmarks receding back into the original places of his Runes. As the last of the lights faded out Rickter's eyes fell close for a moment, before he sank down onto his knees and dropped both swords at each side. Hannah quickly moved to kneel down and keep him from tumbling over, as the rogue held him in place before too long.

When his eyes finally stirred Rickter opened them to find that everything had ended, and thus he looked from down at his weapons up to everyone else at a time. There was Yumeko who had her weapons still drawn, then Hyoga who looked exhausted as hell right about now... and then Hannah at his side as he regained his composure. "What happened?"

"Oh, you know, the usual." Hannah remarked with a rhetorical raise of her eyebrows. "You lost your shit again." Rickter's eyes were full of concern after that, his gaze fell back down to the two blades still on the ground beneath his hands. He felt weary as if he'd been hacking at wood all day, and his forearms felt like jelly when he tried to move his fingers. Wait... There were two Howling Fangs now? He didn't even remember attempting to try that, thought of it perhaps, but before he even got to that point his mind drew a blank.

"How bad?"

"Enough that you're going to feel it later. Or right after, if I remember how your magical weapons work correctly." The brunette remarked with her arms crossed as she took a step away from him finally, and gave the wolf enough space to rise to his feet on his own. Rickter gripped the hilts of the two weapons once again but this time more warily, almost as though he were apprehensive to hold them again, before he looked at the two together with considerable thought in his eyes.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
Combat Hub

Battle Style
-Rickter? unleashes chained combos swiftly.

Action Queue
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word count: 1812
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686


龍 6th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Hannah, Rickter, Yumeko| Thoughts: That's it, give me more!!| Mood: Exhilerated| Theme: Dragon's Battle

龍 For a moment Yumeko could only look between the two men, her subtle smirk still gracing her lips as she formulated her words for them both. It was clear to her that these two would blossom into radiant Reavers, and she was impressed by what she saw. "I must say, in all my years as a practitioner of Reaving, I've never seen two individuals with such promise."

She began taking a seat between Rickter and Hyoga as her pact weapon dematerialized into a display of flower petals, the duplicate doing the same. "From what I gathered in this match, you two are two sides of the same coin, both different in your combative approach." she purred, her eyes remaining closed as silence fell over them. When they opened, they fell upon Rickter and the smirk that painted her lips grew into a smile.

"You, Sir Rickter, are that of a tempered blade. Cool, calculated, and precise. You remind me of myself in battle, and I find that the way you read and react to the flow of battle is remarkable. That being said, you still have much work ahead of you. You will find that relying on your wits in battle can only get you so far, and you shouldn't become so rigid, allow yourself to flow as easily as the tide of battle."

With a smile, she turned her attention to Hyoga, who was avoiding her gaze out of nervousness of her critique. "I dont think I have to tell you that you are a force to reckon with on the field of battle. You charge into any conflict with a fierce determination and unbreakable will to achieve victory. However, you can be reckless, throwing caution and strategy to the wind. You are a berserker when you become drunk on the thrill of combat and facing a worthy opponent. If you are not careful, you will die."

Silence fell over them for a bit, before Yumeko broke that silence with more words. "Now that that's out of the way, why dont we call it a day gentleman, I'm sure you both are tired and will need rest after you dematerialize your weapons." she noted, standing to her feet and making her way to the steps to descend the mountain.

As she passed Hannah, she gave the woman a bow and patting of her shoulder before gracefully making her exit. Hyoga remained, as he dematerialized Aoi Ryu. The pain was more than he imagined, but he could feel how Aoi Ryu felt during that battle, he could feel the excitement with each of his swings. He was put in the place of his weapon and he loved it, it made him feel alive.

With heavy breaths he looked to Rickter, finding the strength to finally stand on his own, and offering a hand to help the Rathari up. "Dont know about you, but this was definitely a fight to remember. I'm glad it was with someone as talented as you Rickter. Talon is lucky to have you as a guard."

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
"Yumeko Speech"
word count: 656
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Title: Dabu
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Rickter's eyes never lifted from the blades he clutched in his hands, as he tried hard but only remembered reaching out to try it. Two weapons. He had never actually done that before, yet from the subtle ringing felt throughout his blades, the scar of battle still felt fresh within them. It was going to hurt... That much he knew. Yet no matter how hard he tried, nothing came of his memory as he finally averted his weapons. While Hannah's arms remained crossed she looked from Rickter to Yumeko, her gaze observant as the wolf himself looked over to her to pay attention. Promise? Did he really possess such a thing?

He doubted it but her confidence and praise were taken humbly, the swords still pointed down from his hands as he listened. Two sides of the same coin was a bit of a stretch for him, though, Rickter just didn't feel it was that close to the expression necessarily. The added note on his wits and performance though he nodded respectfully to, as it was sound advice from someone clearly superior than him. For her to have intervened so easily mid-battle the way she did, and not even flinch the moment her weapon dematerialized, that told Rickter more than enough about the kind of person he was listening to.

And of course, she didn't spare Hyoga any of the highlights either, her notes tactful and polite at first before she critiqued his own faults. The wolf had to agree with her though, as recklessness and fighting for the sake of pure thrill would lead anyone to a quick death. Hannah tilted her head with a smirk, however, as she listened to the conversation as well. Yet that conversation came to a lingering silence as the wolf looked back to his weapons, the hilts still gently clutched as he noticed their uncanny resemblance. The one in his left was an exact duplicate of the one in his right, something that baffled him just from looking at them. He thought back to Aoren and how back in Frost, during his second trial, the Kathar was able to duplicate many blades in a moment; as well as cause them to levitate and move around. Yet he didn't possess Kinetics like Talon did, which told Rickter that there had to be something there between the Reaver and the Weapon.

And he felt it just as he always did, something that connected him to the weapons he held, mostly because they were pieces of his soul. They had to be if that's what he'd been taught, which meant they were by extension him as well. Yumeko seemed to deem it time to leave then, giving Hannah a pat on the shoulder when she passed, before the lady walked down the path of the summit with her head high. The rogue's smile never waned as she watched the woman leave first, the wolf himself watching only briefly before Hyoga had spoken to him. He was offered a hand, to which the wolf finally placed his weapons on flat on the ground. With a hand taken to allow Hyoga to aid him, Rickter quickly rose onto his feet, with a couple of staggers back as he looked warily exhausted from where he stood. "Looks like you two certainly had your fun." She complimented as Rickter looked at her momentarily, before his eyes averted to the swords at his feet.

With just a gentle flourish of his hands he waved them out, palms open as they came to hover at his sides, while the swords responded to him by rising slowly up into his grasp. It felt as natural as breathing to him when it happened, and Hannah could only look over at him with an amused expression. She was impressed to an extent and didn't wish to show it, besides the real fun part would begin soon. The warrior next to him remarked upon the fight and how he wouldn't forget it, which felt ironic in a way, since Rickter couldn't necessarily recall the last half of it... Nonetheless he afforded a polite chuckle to the Kathar, nodding to Hyoga a couple of times as well before he averted his gaze. "Thank you..." He added when he heard the man mention Talon, admittedly feeling proud of that as he shared the moment with his bondmate.

Though there was still the swords in his hands, when his eyes fell upon them, Rickter exhaled heavily through his nose with a suspicious glance given to Hannah. "Well?" She teased expectantly which led him to force a short chuckle sardonically. He knew he was gonna regret this part next, but there was no alternative to him. Thus with a final look at his weapons the blades began to dissolve, particles of aether swirling from where the tip disintegrated as the rest of it swirled it's way up toward the hilt. As both of his hands were clouded with aether momentarily, he clenched his jaw and braced for it, and almost immediately afterward he clenched as searing hot pain coursed through his forearms. It came in waves as he felt his hands burn at first, until it spread quickly throughout his arms, and into his core where the backlash settled deeper into his soul.

Rickter started to hiss into a growl though his breath grew short, his jaw unclenched as he looked to have nearly spoken or something, only to find that the over shock of the backlash had knocked him completely unconscious. The moment the aether no longer surrounded his hands, Rickter fell back onto his knees first, before the rest of his body weight shifted forward to cause him to tumble down. "Aaaand he's out!" Hannah remarked with an amused roll of her eyes to the sky, her head craned around slightly as she glanced to Hyoga after seeing Rickter remain down. "Nice work wearing him down like that," she complimented as she walked closer to kneel next to him, "I trust you'll keep this between us, yeah? Our enemies don't need to know what kind of man they're dealing with." Hannah mused with a hearty grin before she lowered her gaze back down on Rickter, her hands brought to at least help turn him over onto his back.

After a few strained groans from the effort of that, she finally sighed exasperated from the activity, her hair taken into a hand erratically as she brought the other up to coil a strand of leather around it. Once she finished lacing it so that her hair rested behind her shoulders, the rogue stood straighter once more as she moved closer to the summit's edge. She'd allow Rickter to rest but eventually, he'd need something to help wake up, and her eyes looked about for all the available water sources near the base of the summit. "I'll relay to you when the heist begins, it'll be coming soon now. Just a little longer..." There was that hint of desire in her tone that Hyoga might be familiar with, and with a casual glance of her eyes toward him, she smirked to him playfully once more from where she stood. "Until we meet again, Hyoga."

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"
word count: 1252
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:29 pm
Title: Chief Author of Ransera


Name: Hyoga
XP: 8. Can be used for Reaving.
Requested Lore:

Etiquette: Conversing with a fellow Reaving
Etiquette: Apologizing for not realizing someone is Rathari
Etiquette: Inviting another warrior to train with you
Resistance: Enduring the backlash of Reaving
Resistance: Taking magic endowed attacks head on
Reaving: Ice Varnish
Reaving: Clashing with Negation
Reaving: Pain ensues when dematerializing your pact weapon after battle
Reaving: Fighting another Reaver helps sharpen your skill
Polearms{Guandao}: Clashing wish a Bastard Sword
Polearms{Guandao}: Using the reach to limit openings
Flight: Ariel Sweeps
Flight: Is an advantage when face non-winged opponents
Tactics: Flying out of the line of sight

Rickter: Is a Rathari
Rickter: Is Talon's Knight {Lucky Bastard}
Rickter: Is kinda hot
Rickter: Wields Reaving like me
Rickter: Quite the capable warrior

Name: Rickter
XP: 8. Can be used for Reaving or Negation.
Requested Lore:

Rhetoric: Using Philosophy to Make A Point
Etiquette: Duels And Declarations
Etiquette: Estlablishing Rules For Engagements
Intimidation: Flourishing Your Blade Dexteriously
Intimidation: Setting The Standards of Expectation With Your Opponent
Tactics: Gauging An Opponents Attack Patterns
Psychology: Gauging An Opponents Behavioral Patterns
Running: Foot Placement Is Pivotal During Combat
Acrobatics: Moving Your Whole Body To Parry An Attack
Reaving: Duplicating Your Main Pact Weapon
Reaving: Embracing The Art of The Old Ways
One-Handed: Dual Wielding Bastard Swords
Acrobatics: Reflexively Blocking Strikes As They Come
Strength: Backing Your Swings With Brute Force

Personal: Struggling With Your Shifting
Rathari: Altering Your Forms Require Intent
Personal: Hugged By An Acquaintance While Dressing
Personal: Sparring Duel With Hyoga
Personal: Briefly Slipped Out of Consciousness

Note(s): More Hyoga and Rickter bonding time, plz. Kthnks, bai
word count: 283
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