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The Jewel of the Northlands

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Location: The Northlands of Karnor
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=127
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=151

25th of Glade, 121 Steel

Tell me why I am doing this again?” Talon adjusted the sash around his waist. It sat just at the crest of his hips, accentuating the tight adonis belt that had formed from years of martial practice. Talon was dressed in a pair of perfectly tailored black velvet pants tucked into knee high leather boots. He wore only a silver sash around his waist accompanied with an ankle-length open robe. The sleeves stopped at his mid-biceps. Around his forearms were a pair of black leather bracers.

“Because I have promised to pay double what you’re bought for to rebuild older parts of the Low City, improving the community? You know, what upstanding nobles do and all that.” Rien, his clever and beloved brother, grinned at him from where he stood. The man’s wings were wrapped around him like a cloak as his eyes danced with mischief. “You also lost our bet.”

Talon resisted the urge to grumble under his breath. The two of them had made a wager on whether or not their mother would demand that he attend the annual cotillion. Talon had been banking on the fact that she had still wanted him watched like a hawk. Rien was betting on the fact that their parents wanted him to start making himself more available for a suitor. Talon had lost that bet. Rien had roped him into placing himself up for auction at the Velvet Cabaret.

“You are one of Kalzasi’s most eligible bachelors.” Rien unfolded his arms, stepping up to brush at Talon’s shoulders.

I do have partners, Rien.” His thoughts went to Rickter and Aoren. His brother’s face softened.

“You do, big brother. But you do not have a wife or a husband, yet.” Once again Talon was faced with the reality of something that had been weighing on his mind. He sighed, running his hands through his hair.

“Relax, brother. No one would dare try anything too outlandish with you.” A rather loud and exuberant round of applause drew their attention as one of the prospective auctions got underway. Talon worried his lip.

Define, outlandish.” Talon gave his brother a sideways glance. Rien just shrugged his shoulders and grinned at him.

“Are you ready, Your Highness?” Talon turned to see the Madame herself stepping forward. The curtain of the stage was the only thing separating him from the audience and one of the most ridiculous ventures of his life. He drew himself up, squaring his shoulders and girding his nerves against the embarrassment that he was about to endure. The woman smiled at him.

“Breathe, my Shinsei. It will be a perfectly delightful evening.” With that, she swept out onto the stage. Talon’s wings fluttered with his nervousness. He tossed one more glare at his brother as the man gave him a thumbs up. When his que to walk onto the stage was called, the curtain drew back and Talon stepped out onto the stage. The lights momentarily blinded him. It was surprisingly quiet. Talon did not know whether that was because there was a ringing in his ears or because the room had fallen completely silent. The evidence of his Siltori heritage was on full display as the witchmarks and his runes of magic shimmered softly. He strode forward as his pronouncement, his pedigree and his purpose were declared by Madame Zirnomei. The silver of both his eyes and his wings shone brilliantly beneath the lights. Talon came to stand proudly before the audience. The sound came rushing back to Talon as he exhaled a breath.

“Let the bidding begin!”

word count: 625
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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


This was probably the last time he'd ever have to dread a night like this ever again, knowing that this time it was only under the employment of Lunaria as a 'freelancer' this time around. The woman knew how to wring him into the damned thing too, when she had implied that she had also managed to add a few other interesting guests to the roster. The wolf didn't really want to know what she meant by that, or rather who, but one good guess as to why she brought it up was enough.

When he had arrived with Telion and Hannah earlier that night to head into the backstage area, and find a room to get changed within so he could be a part of this ridiculous affair. Then again he wasn't aware of all the good causes that went into this, since the good Madame only looked for ways to fill her pockets with more coin. She had clever ways of achieving that though he gave credit for that, auctioning off escorts as well as any esteemed catches worth bidding for.

So why on earth did she want him involved? He never did her any favors before, to his own accord anyway, so why did she remain so invested in him even now? The thoughts were cut off by the sight of the one he was here to support though, Talon, as the prince had stood with his wings somewhat jittery in anticipation within the backstage area. The poor man... What on Ransera could've roped him into this gig tonight? Regardless it no longer mattered, they were both here and the prince was next to go, soon to be bid on by all the lusty maidens of the cabaret.

What a catch he would be tonight. Even as he stood a bit timidly the outlines of his form were well accentuated, the outfit complimenting Talon's natural physique as the runemarks glowed their usual soft blue. Somehow he felt akin to the way he did when he'd look at Telion the same way, the corners of Rickter's lips lifted into a wry smile as he exhaled a sigh almost longingly.

Through the Bond he reached out to the man, and embraced Talon so that he would feel the warmth of confidence shroud him. "You got this," He assured his companion with encouraging thoughts, "just be you out there and they'll do the rest." As they always would, everyone who came here tonight needed an escape, somebody to do whatever it is they wanted for the evening.

Rickter felt for the poor fools that normally wound up with the housewives, helping them clean and prep dinner before their actual husbands wound up home. Easiest labor in the world for some, and yet Lunaria was never specific on what the auctioned escorts were meant to do. They were just supposed to enlighten their buyer for the evening, and then leave with a goodnight kiss at the stroke of midnight. Unusual rules but that made the game easy for him at least.

Though Rickter wondered how Talon would fare, and who would wind up being the successful bidder, seeing as how they'd be clawing their way to the top of bodies piling up for him. Not that he could blame them, the wolf had after all indulged in the man enough times to understand why. As Talon walked out beyond the curtain wall Rickter's eyes averted, to roll back the cuffs of his white velvet shirt all the way up to his elbows. Black velvet trousers and the damn fancy shoes Lunaria always liked him wearing were also part of the attire, as the wolf's hair had been styled back with a comb after he'd gotten dressed. It wouldn't be too long now as the wolf heard the Madame introduce Talon to the crowd, a gentle hint of a grin on Rickter's lips as he listened to the lady's voice. Part of him was a bit too envious to let Talon just be auctioned away to someone else, though, the wolf didn't feel apt to admit when he recognized the emotion a moment afterward.

When Talon had stepped out however within the front left row of the crowd, he would've seen Telion and Hannah there to greet him as they both clapped with grins, the pair smiling up at him as they talked with one another over the ambient applause. "We begin the bid with twenty gold aven," The Madame expressed with her hands raised out toward the crowd, before she brought one of them closer to her ear with a call, "Do I hear a bid for twenty?"

"Twenty-five!" A lady in a lime green silk dress called out with a hand raised.

"Thirty!" A dame in a fuschia threw up her hand afterward, as Lunaria looked among the crowd with a pleased smirk.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
word count: 867
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Posts: 408
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend

All Participants

Points: 5 XP
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Comments: Given the length of time since the thread started, I felt it best to go ahead and give it a review. Since we didn't meet the normal word quota but were over a 1/3 of the way there, I docked our xp points down to half.

word count: 74
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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