[Fauna] The Cloacabelua

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Glodthor Kathos
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The Cloacabelua

Name: Cloacabelua
Habitat: The Lower Depths of the Midden
Threat: High
Notable Abilities: Pack Tactics. Surprising agility. Quick climbers.
Description:Rats and slimes aren't the only formidable creatures one will face within the Midden's Lower Waterworks, for a much more menacing creature lurks within the bowels of the channels; the Cloacabelua. Amphibious lizards that live and thrive within the waters of the sewers, these creatures are highly aggressive as they are territorial, and they're certainly not afraid of taking prisoners for dinner later. As they are carnivorous amphibians they hunt throughout the entire span of the Lower Waterworks, often in packs even, as they actively seek to return food back into their nesting grounds. Mortals are not without exception here as many, many people have been overwhelmed by these creatures, and the tales of Cloaca hunting parties often leave many fierce warriors shaken in their boots.

While they're certainly lethal predators to be wary of, brave adventurers have found that they are highly susceptible to magic. Elementalists have vouched for the use of fire magic and lightning magic, as they are the best effective methods for deterring a full pod of hunters.

Predator The Cloacabelua is an ambush predator known for working in packs. Be weary of sudden openings in the lower warrens, as they love to wait in such places for prey.

Reproduction The Cloacabelua is an egg laying reptile, laying soft leathery eggs the size of pears that are a dull blue grey in color. During the solstices the females of a pack all lay their eggs in one large clutch that solely the pack alpha will fertilize. The week before the the solstices is filled with bloody infighting for alpha status within the Cloacabelua pack. The Cloacabelua is considered fully mature in its second year, few live beyond five but those rare few that have are said to grow to lengths of six to seven feet.

Size A Fully grown Cloacabelua can weigh well over 100lbs and reach body lengths of four to five feet if they live past their fourth year.

Reasons to interact The bones of the Cloacabelua are a strong magical conductor. The Eyes of the Cloacabelua have long since been covered with flesh yet the organs remain in their skulls. The Cloacabelua biology has reprogrammed them into fat and nutrient reserves for the creatures brain and nervous system. The eyes are prized as a powerful brain food and combatant of neurological disorders. While nobody has ever trained one of these cold blooded beasts successfully that has not stopped a desire of some to buy the eggs of these beasts for their various dungeons and pit fights.

Recommended Stats for a reasonable 1v1 At least one competent Combat skill, Recommended at least one competent perception skill.

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