Does it still hurt? (Talon, Rickter)

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She took his hand. Talon pulled Senara into his arms. He wrapped them snugly around her and allowed her to bury her face in his chest. He did not shush her. These were the aching sobs of a soul that had suffered in silence for too long. He just held her. His wings curved, forming a soft cloak of silver feathers. The light emanating from Talon softened until it was merely a feint aura that surrounded his body. He felt relief wash through Senara. He felt the pain that had embedded itself into her soul at the injustice she had suffered. He felt the bone deep longing to be heard, to be seen, to be shown that something, somewhere was truly safe.

So this is faith…

That thought came to him unbidden but it held a note of truth to it that was undeniable. Faith. Talon had always wondered whether the gods, in their almighty power, felt anything when mortals offered them their heartfelt prayer. Did they feel anything from the worship? Did they regard the trust that mortals placed in them with anything more than cursory acknowledgement? Talon could not speak for other gods but he knew what he thought about this feeling. He had felt a version of it when he had gifted Pahoran and his family with his emblem. That had been a different kind of faith however. That trust had been born from generations of belief in ideals that, even though Talon was not familiar with their strict philosophy, were principles he understood. The life of an honorable and benevolent soldier who served their people was something he could relate to. It was a life of conduct devoted to a code of ethics and morals that shaped who one was. It was how he had been raised as the First Son of House Novalys. It was what was expected of him as Shinsei to the people of Kalzasi.

That was the faith of men and women who had been raised to believe in what Talon represented as an ideal. This however? The way Senara clung to him, desperate for a shred of hope that there was more to life than pain and cruelty, this was faith in him as an individual. Both were things he vowed to honor. Both were a gift that he would strive to be worthy of. Gently, ever so gently, Talon scooped Senara up into his arms. He cradled her against his chest then turned to begin making his way back to Brianne’s cabin. The light of Talon’s nimbus never faded but remained a soft illumination in the darkness of the night. As he neared Rickter, he leaned in to kiss the black wolf tenderly, sending gratitude across their bond. The black wolf’s steady presence had given him the confidence he needed to see this through.

Senara was a complicated woman. A Rathari that had abandoned civilization, for the cruelty she had suffered at its hands. She believed there was little good in the world and that everyone’s kindness was a weapon being forged to pierce one’s heart. Was she wrong? Talon could not say. There was truth in that belief. A terrible truth, but truth all the same. Talon did not think for a moment that a lifetime of abuse was suddenly healed in Senara’s heart. But maybe, just maybe, this was a step toward helping her find closure. And that thought?

It gave him hope.

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Does it still hurt?
27th of Glade, 121

It was one thing to see the man, the very friend, that Talon was when he acted in favor for another. He was a noble and true person that could easily see into the hearts of others, and somehow, care for them even when he barely even knew them in the beginning. That was the best quality about him, because it was the same one that had saved Rickter from his own personal darkness. Yet to also see that same man, not for who he was but also what, introduced an entirely new depth of respect for the Demigod in front of them. The light of his nimbus hovered like a radiant beacon, a crown, that brought back so many deep residual feelings within the black wolf. He wasn't sure how he felt honestly, other than genuine love and devotion to this man, but there was just something else that resonated deeper within Rickter.

Something he ignored for the time being, as Senara looked to become severely uncomfortable with his advances. No... Not uncomfortable, apprehensive more like. It was obvious she was in a world of her own, a place where comfort wasn't really a thing for her. To that he felt for the girl, for the wolf felt privileged to have all his comforts, something that didn't sit right with him as he watched the girl tense. And then finally she hesitated with herself, before she finally reached out to him moments later. It brought a pure look of awe into Rickter's gaze as he watched, his eyebrows elevated for a second, before all his features softened to that of adoration at what transpired next. Senara had closed in to hug him. Thus she began to resume her sobs once more, the need for composure gone now that she'd found hopeful safety. Did she truly feel it though? Safe? Rickter had difficulty trying to figure out how to help her feel that, then again, he didn't have the power of insight that Talon had to figure it out either. Would he have though?

Part of him felt ready to question the idea, however, the rest of him quickly leaned for the obvious option. Thus he smiled almost in a melancholic way toward the two, having nothing but sympathy for the girl and praise for the one who held her close. "... Well done, my prince." He thought quietly as he watched the aura around Talon lessen into a glow, pride flowing off of him through their Bond as he stood with crossed arms. When Talon proceeded to cautiously scoop Senara into his arms, the wolf watched as he raised an eyebrow to the man, the genuine smile on his face still lingering even when the prince had reached him. The moment he drew in close Rickter didn't move any, rather, he mentally embraced the moment as their lips came to touch. The tender yet affectionate press of their lips was filled with such gratitude, that the wolf himself basked in it with eyes dreamingly closed for a few seconds. There was never any doubt to begin with, but to see Talon be able to save a soul from torment firsthand, that generated a new propensity to look at Talon as he walked onward.

There was such hope burning within the man now, he felt like a radiant beacon the wolf was naturally drawn to. Thus Rickter followed him silently, shoes still held by the lips in one hand, while he enjoyed the feeling of the earth beneath his feet.

"He really is a walking miracle."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
word count: 693
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Location: The Northlands of Karnor
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Name: Rickter
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: +10 Lore of your choosing. Not authorized for secret knowledge.

Name: Talon
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: +10 Lore of your choosing. Not authorized for secret knowledge.

Note(s): Closing out this thread as Senara has not been active for months.
word count: 55
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