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Title: Forge your Legend

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Dancing Monsoon Tribe - Rabu
word count: 64
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Posts: 408
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend


Dancing Monsoon Tribe

“The Dancing Monsoon tribe” is a local Rathari tribe of Kalzasi, known for their musical and magical talents. With few exceptions their beast forms are of the feline persuasion, ranging from cats as fearsome as panthers to ones small and docile enough to be pets. Though they can look quite diverse when in their Zoan forms, which is how they often appear when non Rathari visit.

They are friendly and hospitable to travellers who might be lost or are in need of refuge. All they ask for in return for their food and shelter is stories, knowledge, music or a new dance. Material wealth is not a priority for them, they have all they need in the tribe. Though with little regard for ownership, its not unlikely that things go missing if a traveler owns something that catches their interest.

A bold people, with a flair for vibrancy and theatrics, they are not hard to find. If one does not hear their music, The colourful tents of the Dancing Monsoon tribe will draw them in. Every panel of fabric is embroidered with a story that the tribe holds dear, the more embroidery on a tent the more stories the residence of the tent have experienced. They spin their own thread and dye their own fabrics through natural means, and are quite the textile artists.

Since they stand out so much, they have to be prepared for attack and they do so mostly with magic, specifically elemental magic. Every child is trained in the ways of magic until they reach adulthood when they receive their first runes. The ones that survive are given further instruction and even taught other magics if they choose. The ones that do not, are considered to have become cat spirits that protect the tribe in their own way, and are still considered members of the tribe even if they left their physical forms behind.

The tribe is mostly made of females, as the males tend to leave the tribe when they come of age. Though both sexes are treated equally, they believe that those that are born intersex are the most connected to the spirits and tend to be held in high regard. This can sometimes put unneeded pressure on someone due to something they have little control over, but most tend accept this role.

When it comes to gender, the tribe is very androgynous and assume everyone has both feminine and masculine qualities. They don’t hold anyone back from who they truly are but most tend not to be fixed too much one way.

Currently the tribe has 4 Elders that watch over the them; “Mark Of Life”, “Old Stone”, “Trail In The Woods”, and“Tale Of Wonder”. If the tribe needs a decision made these 4 will discuss it and not take action until they can come into agreement, assuming the matter isn’t urgent.

Tale Of Wonder
Race: Rathari
Age: Late two hundreds
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150
Occupation: Tribe Elder
Influence: They have great influence over their entire tribe

Description: An elderly Rathari who sometimes appears as a black panther or as a mix of orc and some form of elven persuasion. They are typically covered in colourful beaded robes that drape over their frail body. They have prominent laugh lines and their dark green face is usually formed into a kind smile despite their visible tusks. Like their name suggests they have a talent for stories and can often be found telling stories or sharing their wisdom with the local children. They have approximately 14 children, and countless grandchildren.

Elementalism: Expert
Summoning; Expert
Meditation: Expert
Storytelling: Master
Textiles: Expert
Leadership: Expert
Musical Instrument Drums: Expert

Mark of life
Race: Rathari
Age: in their 90's
Height: 5'8
Weight: 145
Occupation: Tribe Elder, healer
Influence: They have great influence over their tribe

Description: One of the younger Elders but just as respected, especially for their healing abilities. She appears as an elderly human women with a serious face or some form of prowling Lioness depending on the form she takes. She tends to keep to herself and only speaks when spoken too, though she can be quite nurturing when she wants to be. Unlike the other elders she chose to not have children and instead mentored the other children of the tribe when she could.

Elementalism: Expert
Necromancy; Expert
Meditation: Expert
Medicine: Master
Surgery: Expert
Leadership: Expert
Teaching: Expert

Old Stone
Race: Rathari
Age: Late 200 years old
Height: 6'1
Weight: 160
Occupation: Tribe Elder
Influence: They have great influence over their tribe

Description: "Old Stone" is most comfortable in their lycan form, which appears as a sliver coloured bob cat. Though if a guest is unnerved by it, Old Stone will reluctently take the form of a Dratori Women with wild silver hair, and old copper skin. She used to be more of a hunter and warrior in her youth but has accepted her new role as leader and spiritual adviser though she can be a bit more stubborn and head strong then the others. She had 5 children bust most were boys and have moved on to other tribes.

Elementalism: Expert
Meditation: Expert
Survival: Master
Unarmed Combat: Expert
Leadership: Expert
Hunting: Expert

Trail In The Woods
Race: Rathari
Age: Late two hundreds
Height: 5'9
Weight: 147
Occupation: Tribe Elder
Influence: They have great influence over their tribe

Description: The Final Elder is "Trial In The Woods" Who is probably the most musically talented of the bunch. She has taught herself quite a few in her life and plays them all with great skill. She appears in her Zoan form more than the others, which resembles a grey skinned Siltori despite having the same Dratori blood that her sister Old stone got from their mother. Their beast form is a small calico cat, but they rarely ever take this form. She likes jokes, pranks and puns, wasting no time to share them as often as she can. Most people of the tribe find her endearingly mischievous and she keeps everyone on their toes. She has the most children of the elders at 15,

Elementalism: Expert
Meditation: Expert
Musical instrument Bamboo Flute: Master
Musical Instrument Shamisen: Master
Musical Instrument Drums: Expert
Leadership: Expert
word count: 1125
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"

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