[Fauna] Ōkui-inu (WIP)


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Title: The Iceborne
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Name: Ōkui-inu {Glutton Dog}
Habitat: Second Deep of the Warrens, Earth Plane
Rarity: Rare
Threat: High
Description: Ōkui-inu, also known as the Glutton Dog, is a monster known to roam the Earth Territory of the Warren's Second Deep. It's very difficult to say when and where the Ōkui-inu will appear, however it is known that the beast comes out every three days to gorge itself on the fauna whose population are in high concentration like clockwork. Many believe it is the embodiment of the overindulgence of the mortal races.

It is said that it speaks to the world through bloodshed, the more violent the slaughter the angrier the beast is. Ōkui-inu carries itself as if it's an invincible entity. It believes that it is an omnipotent and immortal being among all beast kind within the territory, with the authority & power to do so, take or destroy whatever it pleases, and is capable of doing anything. As a result, it is highly fearless, arrogant, and without a care in its own world. The beast holds no regard for other lives except its own and has no moral qualms about killing all in its path. It is probably the most arrogant of the beast in Wildking's Forge.

Biome Role: The Ōkui-inu appears once every three days to cleanse the area - killing any and everything that it comes across as a way to control the fauna population within the plane.

Diet: The Ōkui-inu eats anything that moves, keeping a main diet of meat, gouging itself for a full day once every three days

Aging & Reproduction: The Ōkui-inu is surprisingly asexual as it reproduces from its own body. Between its 16th and 39th year, it will give birth to a single litter, mostly comprising of one to three pups. Out of the three, one usually survives as the other two die from the harsh environment or cunning and crafter predators bold enough to go after an Ōkui-inu pup
0 yr. to 4 yr. | Pup
5 yr. to 15 yr. | Adolescent
16 yr. to 39 yr. | Full Grown
40 yr. to 50 yr. | Elderly
50 yr. + | Deathly

Size: The Ōkui-inu has the muscular build of a bull, the strength of a bear, and the speed of a horse, able to catch and take down prey with relative ease as well as leap and climb easily due to living in the harsh wilds of the warren's Earth Plane. From floor to head the Ōkui-inu stands at 6ft tall, reaching 10ft when standing on its hind legs. This monstrous hound weighs in at 300lbs of pure killing fury.

Abilities and Features:
  • [*]Killer Bite:
    - It has impeccable biting strength, similar to that of an alligator as it can bite tree trunks in half. That isn't to say it can bite through anything as what it can bite depends on its jaw strength, as well as the resilience of its teeth, and the hardness of the biting surface. This beast also possesses saliva teeming with harmful bacteria. Individuals brave enough to face this monster risk dying of a horrible and grotesque infection if they are unlucky enough to ingest it.
  • Strong Tail:
    - The Ōkui-inu also possesses an incredibly strong and durable tail, one that reaches a length of 5ft long and can use with immense force to inflict massive damage on whatever it hits as a bludgeon. Its tail is able to grasp or constrict its prey with a vice-like grip.
  • Tough Hide, Soft Belly, Hound Senses:
    - The hide on the beast is strong enough to handle most bladed weaponry, though it will give way under enough strikes from blunt and bludgeon weapons as well. The downside to the monster is the fact that though a beast, it is still a hound. It has a sensitive nose and harsh smells or being struck in the nose has a high probability of disorienting it. Another crippling weakness of the Ōkui-inu is the fact that it has a soft underbelly, one right below its chest, and a well-placed slash will most certainly put it down. Magic can also be used to defeat the beast if one is strong enough.

Reasons to interact: Is noted to be a high-ranking kill among the Slayer Troupes and many spend years training to take it down.

Recommended Stats: It recommended that those with Expert or higher combative or magical skills challenge this beast. It is also recommended that one has at least a journeyman level understanding of Animal Husbandry/Handling or Tracking/Hunting in order to effectively find this monster. Journeyman in Tactics is also recommended.
word count: 838
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Hi Hyoga!


Please revisit this section and gear it in a way that makes the statements factual and straight-forward. These are intended to be reference material articles so if it is something you want the creature to do, just state it and we will examine it in full whether it is an ability or habit. Keep in mind that the description section is supposed to be a description of the actual beast itself, not mythology surrounding it. You can create an additional “Notes” section detailing myths and stories surrounding this creature toward the bottom of the article. Avoid anthropomorphizing the personality of the beast and stick to commentary of its observable behavior. Is it aggressive? Does it operate solitary or work in coordinated pack tactics? Is it a stealth predator or is it confrontational?

You make mention of the Wildking’s Forge here, is this creature intended to be in the great forest or the Second Deep? Please clarify.

Biome Role: Let’s make this a bit more concise. It is perfectly alright to say that the dog is territorial but I would not attribute that to a sense of obligation about regulating fauna populations in the area.

Aging and Reproduction: Let’s condense the lifespan a bit. A voracious beast that ravages everything in its path having a long lifespan is problematic for the balance of a biome in general. I would not put this creature past 15 years of age at most.

Size: Be concise. Give us actual measurements of its strength and speed. Horses vary in their speed. How many mph (kph) can it actually run before becoming fatigued? What are the limits of its endurance? What is its measurable strength? The level of agility being attributed to this beast given its size, bulk, and overall presentation doesn’t quite line up with the general design.

Reasons to Interact: Here is where you can tell us what is useful about the anatomy of the animal as it pertains to hunters. The high thrill of a kill is fine and well, but give definitive reasons to actually seek out this beast and interact with it. For example, its hide is mentioned as being tough! That is a reason for leatherworkers to find it to be a prize. The saliva is mentioned as being highly toxic due to extreme levels of bacteria, that is useful to know. Additionally, what is it about the dog that makes it not susceptible to infection from such high levels of bacteria?


In its current state, this animal blurs the line between wild animal and mythical creature. For reference purposes, choose one or the other. The level of intelligence denoted to it is something more appropriately attributed to a demonic spirit, not a wild animal. Its implied behavior connotates that it is capable of high level decision making.

Please let me know if you need help! I’m happy to brainstorm with you!

Happy Writing,
word count: 495

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