39 Searing 121
The elf didn't have much occasion to go out for drinks. His master kept him busy, and he had a house to care for even though he had a flurry of sprites doing some of the work for him. Then there was his little garden with the Fae'ethalan sleeping in a tree that he had to tend. IX remained quiescent under its blanket, but Sivan always felt compelled to check on its innards to make sure there was no flaw he could find to explain things. But he didn't have a master to teach him how to break the curse on Flower and he didn't have a master to show him what was wrong with the Awoken who wouldn't wake up. He only had a master teaching him the secrets of alchemy and he certainly wasn't advanced enough in that particular art to suss out whether it could be used to fix one or the other of his wards.
Hurry up and wait was the saying, but he didn't know how it translated into the Common tongue. Idioms were still tricky for him, though his vocabulary had widened and he didn't make too many mistakes anymore.
No, he didn't often go out for drinks, but he didn't want to cook after a full day of grinding things and overseeing their various reactions in the alembic. There was food here in this modest taproom, and he supposed it might be a good place to take his friend when his apprenticeship was over, which was due by next season. Sivan's own would be some time coming as alchemy was still a new magical domain for him.
Perhaps he ought to suggest the High Hopes when the time came. He heard it wasn't too fancy for common folk even though it was owned by a prince of the realm. This place was modest by the standards of the Plaza of Jeweled Arches, which was Sivan's neighborhood. He was just an apprentice with a small house to maintain, so he tried to be careful with what money he earned in his apprenticeship. All the same, when the woman behind the bar cleared his supper things and asked if he would like another beer, he smiled faintly and nodded. Her smile was broader, but she brought him the drink all the same and he blinked owlishly at the rest of the taproom. It wouldn't take too many more of these before he started feeling ready for his bed. But in the meantime, why not observe his neighbors?