into the deep

The sprawling underdark of Karnor.

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into the deep
20 Searing 121

Talon stood before the maw of the Warrens. How many times had he gone into the below? How many times had he thought it would be the last time that he ever saw the light of day? It was a curious relationship that he and his people had with the Warrens. There were resources untold to be found within its depths. Each plundering of those resources cost blood, sweat, tears and brought as much hardship as it did salvation.

It’s funny…” He glanced over to his beloved bondmate. The Core Bonded Kathar warrior who walked up beside him. “When I first came to Kalzasi, I couldn’t understand why you all built this city around such a hellish place.

Aoren was wearing his Skyforged Raiment. A black fitted garment that was specifically tailored to sit comfortably upon his body. A circlet rest upon his brow, carefully crafted and specifically enchanted to protect from a narrow range of physical and magical blows. Between the dark garments that Aoren wore, his raven wings and his other armaments, had Talon not already known, it would have been easy to take the man for a prince himself. The regal bearing that Aoren carried himself with had been bred into him. Coupled with the lifetime of disciplined training and a hard life of serving the Imperium, Talon often forgot just how harsh of a life his bondmate had lived. The Kathar came to stand beside him, the cinders glowing in the irises of his eyes burning softly.

I think I finally understand it.” A hand came to rest upon the small of Talon’s back. He welcomed the touch. They were about to embark upon a journey that Talon had a feeling would be just as harrowing if not more so than the ordeal that had led to his rebirth as a demigod.

The Warrens are a dichotomy. Life. Death. Order. Chaos. All of those things can be found within its depths. Kalzasi lives as the Warrens does. We have grown in its shadow and learned how to cast our own unique light. Ever watchful. Ever resentful. Ever grateful.” Talon let his words settle upon them. He felt the truth of that statement in his bones. The Yawning Chasm around which Mistreach Keep, the citadel of the Sky Guard was built, was perhaps one of the largest openings into the Warrens that was known. It was only due to the vigilance and skill of the Avialae that it had not become a mouth through which untold horrors spilled across the Northlands. In many ways, the Warrens were representative of the Avialae people themselves. Talon could not always see why, but he felt it in his soul that this was true.

Are we ready for this?” Aoren’s question drifted to him. Talon shook his head.

There is no preparing for the Warrens. You do your best. You accept that whatever you expected, will be nothing like what you encounter.” Having grown up around the Warrens, its stories, and faced its challenges with his head held high, Talon knew only what he was capable of. He knew what he would do to protect those he cared about. Beyond that? Only the Greater Gods knew what might lay ahead of them. There was a feeling within him, a sense of perhaps what was to be found beyond the horizon of the here and now. The sense that he was standing on the edge of another turning point in his life was heavy upon his shoulders. He had no doubt that whatever he found or whatever he faced in the depths, the Warrens would leave their mark.

It always did.

What did your parents say when you told them?” Talon smiled. That had not been a fun conversation. Once again, he was throwing himself into the direct line of peril. However, when Talon had explained that he was doing this because of a debt of honor owed to Lyra, his father relented. It would have been one thing if he had been seeking this journey himself. This was different. Talon was plunging into the Deeps to save not just one life, but two. His mother, when she had learned that it was Lyra, had become curiously distant. Her displeasure had been evident but she had quieted in her opposition.

I have a mountain of duties waiting for me upon my return. I think my mother and father are determined to bury me under the responsibilities of the Crown. Likely in an attempt to keep me under constant watch.” The two of them shared a chuckle. Ahead of them, the entrance of the Warrens seemed to groan in anticipation of their impending journey. Talon felt a shiver pass up his spine. The feathers of his wings stood up slightly as a cold wind rushed out of the cavern’s mouth. He did not let it phase him.

Do you think about it?” Talon canted his head with a quirk of his brow. “Kalzasi, with you as King?

Yes.” One word. But that word was filled with so many thoughts and emotions. As he had matured, Talon had come to form his own perspectives on what the role of the sovereign of Kalzasi was. He had seen enough horror in the world to know the worth of Honor, Compassion, and Courage. He had been humbled enough to know the value of being a common man. He had also seen enough abroad to know that Kalzasi was in a precarious position. They had as many enemies as they had allies. Perhaps more. That weighed on him and he sometimes wondered if his father could see that.

I suppose there will be enough time to answer these questions later.” Aoren inclined his head. Talon turned his attention in the direction that his bondmate indicated. He saw their companions headed their way. Letting out a heavy breath, Talon braced himself. He cast his gaze to the sky, knowing that this would be the last time he saw the true sky for some time.

"I am Justice."
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To Lyra's eyes, the gaping maw looked vast, rippling with unfocused malice with tendrils of red that stretched out from the depths of the darkness, grasping at the edges of the mistreach keep that held its fury at bay. She had seen it before, and at the time she thought it peculiar. It should have been a simple passage into the depths of a great cavern below, yet she knew it was more than that. It was chosen to be her prison ages past, and that alone made Lyra curious. Through the magic of mesmer she could also hear it. The warrens sang a chillingly beautiful melody. It spoke of death, blood and desire. Hatred and love, passion and life. It was confusing and wild in a way that made her old, broken soul tremble in delight.

Naila guided their footing as they made the trek down. They wore her fitted leathers, satchel thrown over one shoulder.

This is the second time we have made the journey down. Lyra observed as they drew closer to Talon.

That's two more than I ever wanted. Naila's jaw clenched momentarily before she forcefully relaxed, I don't get a choice in the matter though.

There is always a choice. Lyra smiled and stretched her arms over her head, lacing their fingers together and enjoying the feeling of muscles tightening and pulling on bone, That is what mortals seem to forget. The choice might be to die, but still, it is always there.

Naila scoffed, Thats not really a choice is it?

Of course it is. Death is never the end.

Artur lifted his head as they reached Talon and his companion, his forked tongue flicking out in Aoren's direction. He was curled loosely around his master's shoulders and neck, dark slitted eyes staring unblinkingly at the black-winged aviale as if considering him. Lyra spared the man a glance before focusing on Talon. As was only proper she gave a slight blow, adding a flourish that was from the courts of Sol'valen.

"I trust all is prepared." Lyra said as she straightened. Looking back over her shoulder she saw Rickter approaching, and what little amusement there was fled as she noticed he had brought a companion. Not the golden-haired one, but another Lyra had never met. Her lips turned downward in displeasure, but she said nothing.

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Into the Deep
20 Searing 121
This venture would certainly be one of their most arduous, namely because of just how far the group would really have to go. It had to be done though for the sake of another, and even though reassurance had been given in regards to his abilities, Rickter still couldn't shake the feeling that accompanied them during their walk toward the Warrens from Mistreach Keep. "It's still not too late you know," Hannah remarked as she strut alongside with her chin up and a smirk cast toward him, "not that anyone would blame you." She then cooed as the sight of Talon and Aoren came into view, along with Naila who is also presumably Lyra, leaving Rickter to look down toward the rogue in her new vestments.

"You know I won't." He remarked as he looked back toward the group ahead, a warm smile already softly on his lips as he listened for them. Both from afar and through their Bond together, he perceived what snippets of the conversations he could, and imparted toward them the feelings of his own courage and determination. He was here to support Talon and Aoren, and to help Lyra obtain the things she needed of course. But the fact remained that he wasn't going to let them go alone, and while he wasn't strongly against the idea, Hannah was obviously insistent to go to look after him personally. Her interest was invested in Telion's more than likely, but Rickter figured that maybe she'd thought if she helped too, then everyone would come home fairly quickly once this trip was over.

In a way she wasn't wrong, for the brunette confidently walked ahead with a flick of her hair over the shoulder. Hannah had went and prepared for the trip down in her own way, upgrading her equipment so that she was better suited for the trip below. The Warrens were already dangerous enough on just the main level, but they were going deeper than Rickter had ever dared. To his knowledge only the bold or stupid dare venture that far, but then again, here they were about to attempt the very same thing. The rogue's brigandine armor looked well layered with sufficient padding, covering her arms and torso of her white coat, as the brigandine greaves and boots protected her upper legs, her calves, and feet. Strapped to the holster over her jacket were two steel stilettos, with the triple-barreled pepperbox firearm dangling from her waist belt. At the other side of her hip dangled another weapon, a steel estoc, and as she walked her steel quarterstaff clicked against the stone ground beneath their feet.

"Well, at least you'll have plenty of chances to practice your aim. Ought to be a few Shamblers between us and our first stop down." She mused as Rickter looked to inspect the crossbow attached to his left gauntlet. He too had managed to procure a few necessary essentials for this trip as well, having not forgotten the fact his actual weaponry was still magic. In this regard he was at least prepared in every meaning of the word possible, having brought the wilderness survival gear he already owned prior in his body back, with a Wyvern flint-lock rifle strapped to the right side of the bag. His variant of the Skyforge Raiment was almost like Aoren's, yet consisted of black overcoat worn over his Cuirass and greaves. The armor itself felt completely natural and fitted to Rickter, almost too perfectly snug for such a master craftmanship, and somehow kept his temperature moderated even in the faint warmth of Searing. The crossbow bracer he attached to his left gauntlet had been supplied with a total of twenty bolts, as well as ten aetherite castor shells, that he kept stashed within pouches of his belt. From his left hip there dangled a new steel dagger, along with two thinner daggers tucked within the small of his back, and then the new triple-barrel pepperbox he also carried on his right hip.

Another dagger was stashed in his boot for safety purposes, and the wolf would've also brought another weapon such as his trident or a lance. However, Talon had something else in mind and had Rickter belay that, and so the wolf brought all the other essentials he deemed necessary to their survival. He was pleased to see that his companions, all in fact, were not just assembled but as fitted as they could be as well. Good. That gave some small peace of mind in regards to their well-being, even if they were bound to cross difficult obstacles when they began their descent.

"Aye, I brought a four-person tent in case we needed an extra." The wolf called out during his arrival with the group. "You can count on us to watch your backs."

"Getting down won't be easy, but thankfully I can make it easier to come back up." Hannah weighed in as she stood next to the wolf with a sense of confidence, Rickter himself admittedly appearing a little taller within the shoulder region. "Courtesy of Traversion, of course."

"You all look good, by the way..." The wolf remarked quietly as his eyes moved from Talon to Aoren, and then subtly Naila or Lyra or whoever seemed to be in control, as the wolf had yet to comprehend the whole science behind their... circumstance.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 995
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"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
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into the deep
20 Searing 121


We are ready.” Talon spoke clearly enough so that he could be heard by all who were gathered. He surveyed them. His eyes lingered on each one for a moment. He did not know what challenges awaited them within the forsaken Deeps of the Warrens but they would soon find out.

As ready as we’ll ever be.” Aoren folded his arms over his chest, his gaze turning to the mouth of the entrance that awaited them. His expression was schooled and carefully calm, which told Talon he was anything but calm about where they were going or what they would be doing.

We will be going to a portion of the First Deep that is not patrolled by the Sky Guard or the Dead Legion. The area we need to get to is rumored to be close to the lair of a Saintiri, one of the Lords of the First Deep. Move with caution.” Talon took out a lorestone, one of the memory stones that he had elected to take in order to project the small map that he could make. Talon remembered this portion of the Warrens. He remembered it well. He had traveled there during his Warren March and while he had not returned since that time he could never forget it. He flicked the stone with the tip of his finger. A rough projection of their supposed pathway from the surface and down to that section of the Warrens came into being.

The Horde is much thicker there. We will encounter the shambling creatures that make the First Deep their home. Provided we survive the First Deep, we must move to the Second Deep and travel to the Territory of Air. Finally, we will venture through the Second Deep and enter the Third Deep…” Talon trailed off then. He looked over each of them again. Aoren’s jaw flexed. His wings shifted uncomfortably. Talon could only offer up what comfort he could through the Bond.

The Haunted Reaches. I do not know what waits for us there. If I had to guess, our objective might be found somewhere in the Forgotten Kingdom.” Talon had never been to the Third Deep before. It was not something he had ever had a need to explore. After discussing Lyra’s goals however, he realized that it was likely the only place that they were going to find the dragonshard that she was interested in. Obtenebrum. The shadowstone. The mere thought of it made Talon’s shoulders twitch. He tucked the lorestone back into one of the pouches on his hip. Letting out a breath, he nodded to each of them. This would be one of the most dangerous undertakings of his life. He was not entirely certain that they were prepared for it. It was one thing to face a horde of gnashing teeth and crookedly built creatures, it was quite another to face spirits that warped the world around them and played with the mind.

I will not think less of anyone who chooses to stay behind.” Talon did not have a choice in the matter. This undertaking was owed to Lyra, something he could not ignore because of the debt she was due for saving Rickter’s life and, in many ways, staving off open war between Zaichaer and Kalzasi. He would honor this request even if it filled him with dread. With that, Talon did not wait for any last words. If they chose to come, they would come. If they did not, he would not judge them. Beside him, Aoren matched his pace. Though he knew that his Core bondmate would not leave his side, it still filled him with relief to know that he was there. Across the bond, he extended the equivalent of a mental hand to Rickter. If his wolf chose to stay, that hand would become a caress. If he chose to come, Talon would pull him closer.

They would need all the strength they could get both physically and mentally.

The road ahead would be dark and filled with terrors.

"I am Justice."
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Lyra studied Hannah, noting her equipment and the familiarity with which she carried them. A warrior, another companion of the pup? She wasn't sure, as neither the girl nor Rickter had seen fit to introduce them before this. Naila studied her too, though her interest was different from Lyra's.

You know of her?

Naila sent back a head shake, Not so much that. I know of her though. Seen her around some of the not so nice parts of Kalzasi, but never worked with her personally.

Lyra's curiosity grew slightly, but she broke off her gaze to look at Rickter instead. Her feelings toward the boy were... mixed at best, and after a sweeting glance across his person she turned her full attention back to Talon. Artur curled around Lyra's shoulders, prompting Lyra to unconsciously pet his scaly head as she nodded to the prince. She listened to his words, the explanation with an air of attention, though her thoughts wandered throughout the explanation. The Warrens were a curious place to the old elf. It was somehow very old, and very new at the same time. While the dangers were very real Lyra felt only a slight urgency. Naila though gave off a different sense. She felt agitated, restless and were she in control of their body they would likely have swayed slightly from side to side as the mercenary felt an energy that demanded she move, act and rush forward. Lyra examined those emotions with mild interest, but suppressed them as they grew too much and began to distract her from present.

There was slight amusement at the suggestion that she might choose not to venture forth, and with a dismissive wave Lyra followed after Talon, trailing at the very back of their party as they made their decent into the First Deep.


The First deep seemed the closest of the levels to what mortals called reality. It looked like a cavern, or many caverns connected by stony tunnels that interlocked and wove into a countless number of branching tunnels. The first level was intimately connected with many portions of the lower levels of Kalzasi, having links and pathways that lead to the Midden, sewers and even out once more into the unclaimed wilderness at the edge of Kalzasi's domain. Ruins of old structures, pieces of what might once have been buildings, castles or walls gave hints as to what once existed here, but were buried by time and some form of calamity.

It was quiet as they walked, and for the first few minutes nothing seemed amiss. Lyra knew though that this was deceptive, and as she came often to this layer to visit the hidden research lab provided by Sahfri Lyra knew that many eyes watched them. Thus when something shambled from behind a rocky stalagmite Lyra saw it before it noticed them. With a breath she sent out a stream of black smoke that circled the creature, faint whispers drawing its attention away and down another branching tunnel.

A thought occurred to Lyra, and she quickened her pace to match Talon's infuriatingly long strides. Tilting her head back Lyra let a steadily stream of smoke flow from her lips, billowing and flowing outward until it enveloped the entire group. Darkness blocked the lights around them as whispers filled the air, but grew softer as the veil of black fog thinned until it could be seen through. The smoke drifted outward in all directions, but kept pace with the group as they walked.

"I can hide us from notice." Lyra said, and even as she uttered these words another creature touched the edge of the smoke and turned to walk along the edge instead of piercing into its heart. Following the creature with her eyes Lyra continued, "Simple, weak creatures will ignore our presence, but more powerful ones might not be so easily fooled."

Raising a hand another stream of smoke flowed out, but was somehow denser, the whispers louder as she glanced at Talon, then to Aoren and finally to Rickter and his companion, "I can give each of you something more powerful that you can carry outside of this barrier, but you will have to accept one of my whispers inside of you."

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Into the Deep
20 Searing 121

The wolf and his companion listened to what their fellow members had to say, the gathered party confirming that all their preparations had been made. Yet even as his eyes fell upon the gaping maw of the Warrens, the hairs on his neck stood on end in anticipation for what they might discover within. He had to trust in the abilities of his companions in this, as by a mere concept of principle, Rickter had full investment in the particular role he lived up to. He was a guardian of his pack, a protector to shrug off the perils that threatened them. It was apparent they'd likely brush a Saintiri lair on their way down, a whole new class of horrifying in Rickter's current terminology. He'd only caught pure local tale of their existence throughout the Warrens, and thankfully never had the misfortune of ever crossing one himself in his few visits. Times sure were changing now, hopefully for the better in the wolf's perspective.

They were doing this for a friend after all, and aside from that, there was an incredible opportunity for discovery. It wasn't every day a group returned from the third level of the Warrens after all, and Rickter could only suspect that it would be no small endeavor either. "Understood. I'd at least like to take point and be your vanguard." Rickter expressed in regards to this, hopeful that Talon understood his own expectations in this venture. Regardless of their love for one another, Rickter was determined to protect Talon in a way he felt suited for. Hannah might've glared at him casually in response to him, yet he felt confident he could handle anything that was thrown their way. After all, he trained for this. Knowing their designated route and where they needed to go, he felt ready to stand close by Talon with a straighter back and broader shoulders.

"Just none of your crazy 'leaping into shit' nonsense, okay?" Hannah softly reminded him with her arms still crossed, her eyes briefly flicking from Lyra toward Talon before a grin tucked at her lip. "Save us a lot of worry at least." The wolf looked to her with an eyebrow partially raised, almost amused by her candor only before feeling a change in the mood. The Third Deep would be their toughest obstacle yet, and the dread at what actually did await them lingered. Though a blanket of comfort was shared from his beloved Bondmate for the two, Rickter's own reassurances were spared for them as well. He didn't need to tell them how much he loved them, and how much that commanded him to remain at their side. Thus he studied the lorestone map a bit more studiously, and committed what he could of it to memory before the prince pocketed the stone back into the pouch.

"You know my answer already." The wolf reminded his soulmate with a sound softness to his tone, as his eyes pulled away from Talon toward the entrance to hell once more. As he felt the brush on his fingers from his companion, Rickter clenched his fist as a means of reactively squeezing it back. He was determined to pave the way if necessary, and stood ready to match Talon's pace as they readied to brave the Warrens. Hannah followed along behind Rickter in parallel from Talon as well, her gaze forward as well as she looked to relax her shoulders with a straighter back. Before long the Warrens welcomed them into its endless chasms, the party quickly making headway for their first destination on the map that had been displayed earlier. It was strange honestly... Last time he'd been down here with Lyra he'd had met her in the Second Deep, and since then things had steadily been transpiring in unusual ways. Such as Talon's ascension, and this 'echo' that Rickter has recently discovered.

But at that time nobody anticipated what would bring them together, which is why probably for the first time in a long while... Rickter felt struck with irony. As they progressed he traced the scent of putrid flesh lurking nearby, his ears immediately perked as his gaze shifted in the general direction it wafted from. Yet just as soon as he noticed it ripened fruit permeated the air once more, as Lyra's smoke trailed out from her lips to deter the creature. Hannah quickly glanced at him in turn, her eyebrows perking up in a nonchalant manner. It wasn't much longer later in their march forward that Lyra created a smokescreen around them, one that initially made the wolf growly lowly due to his lack of visibility at that moment. Though it only lasted a mere couple of seconds in turn, as Rickter's hands quickly came together to begin gesturing the signs once more.

What Lyra was creating would certainly be helpful to their cause, even if his nose was masked by the scent of her magic. But in the slightest chance that something would come to bother them anyways, then Rickter needed to be able to deliver some reinforced deterrent where it was possible. Thus he repeated the arrangement of gestures for generating a barrier dome, his aether gradually forging the anchor that he would store away once it's weave was complete. Lyra then made an offer that could help them beyond her veil of smoke, one that the wolf questioned momentarily but looked to Talon first for guidance. If he trusted Lyra with these sort of boons, then the wolf was more than inclined to add it into his arsenal. The better prepared he was the greater their odds after all, while Hannah seemed to decide for herself. "Something more powerful? You drive a hard bargain beautiful, but lucky for you, I'm an avid gambler too." She agreed with an extension of her hand, though subtly in the event it was an unnecessary gesture.

"I'm currently creating shieldcrafted anchors, in the event we need a sudden defense handy. I will accept this as well, if Talon and Aoren do also." He weighed in after her with a glowing orb dissolving into his hands, the first anchor finally being created as he stored it within his reserves of aether.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"
word count: 1146
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into the deep
20 Searing 121

"Of course.” Talon stepped closer to Rickter. He cupped the Rathari man’s cheek for a moment, brushing his thumb over his wolf’s cheekbone. That was as much affection as he would allow himself for the time being. He needed to focus and he was already on edge with having so many of the people he cared for braving the forsaken depths.

Yeah, leave the leaping to me.” Aoren clapped Rickter on the shoulder with a grin before winking at Hannah. The high spirits of his party members gave Talon hope that they had what it took to face what was ahead of them. His small smile faded however as the maw of the First Deep of the Warrens swallowed them in its shadows.

The darkness of the Warrens closed in around them sooner than Talon would have anticipated. Perhaps it was his imagination or perhaps there was something more insidious at play. He was on alert, even as he stepped across the threshold into a layer of the sprawling underdark that he had frequented for most of his adult life. Not once had Talon gone into the Warrens and come out unscathed. It was something referred to as the “flesh tax” by those who went into the Deeps often enough. It did not matter whether one was a simple miner or a patrolman in the Sky Guard, the Warrens extracted the price for entering them one way or another. Sometimes it was a simple as a cut on the finger, a knick on the cheek, or a splinter in the hand. Other times, it was a limb, a chunk of flesh, or a pool of blood. At its worst of course, the Warrens extracted life itself.

I sometimes think that the Warrens are a living place.” He spoke his thoughts aloud for the benefit of those around him. “There is something in this place, something I have sensed since I was a boy. More than just the broken and weird creatures that stalk its caverns.

There were certain paths within the Warrens that remained ever present. Others however? The terrain shifted and warped with a glaring frequency that made attempting to consistently map the place impossible. Some things remained constant, markers, monuments to a buried civilization from ages past, it was simply the path to them that changed. He watched as the misty smoke of Lyra’s essence extended around them. It formed a dome that kept their party obscured from the awareness of those weak willed enough to be easily swayed. He slowed his pace and then came to a stop as Lyra presented her idea. In his memory, the echo of Lyrielle’s true form passed across his reverie. It made a shiver go up his spine. It was more than that however, there was a strong warning that bubbled up inside of him. It was not born of fear, that much Talon could discern immediately.

He looked to the barrier of smokey essence that kept them concealed. At a distance, it made him uneasy. It carried with it a touch of the darkness that enshrouded the Warrens and held an air of madness to it that was all too familiar. He got the distinct impression that inviting Lyra to place a sliver of her essence inside of him would prompt a visceral response in him that he was not quite ready to face. He had felt a piece of it in her lab. There was something about Lyra’s presence and her essence flowing in and around him that awoke something inside of him, something he did not altogether know how to control...or confront for that matter. not think that would be a good idea for me. However, I see the utility of it.” As he finished speaking, Aoren shook his head.

If something is strong enough to see through your persuasions, Lady Lyra, it’s better off being put down.” The raven winged Avialae tucked his wings in closer, one hand resting upon the hilt of his sword, ready to unleash it upon anything that threatened them. When all had accepted or declined Lyra’s gift, Talon pressed on.

We should be approaching the Forlorn Citadel soon. Guard your minds. Guard yourselves. It is known to be a haven of Wraiths and corrupted elementals.” Talon felt Aoren drawn nearer mentally. The Bond between them flared and entwined more securely until he felt a firmanent form in the current of his own thoughts and his partners. He lent his strength to the work of fortifying their minds against intrusion. The full spectrum of his bondmate’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, even the movement of his muscles as he walked beside their companions, all of these sensations became as his own. Thoughts passed between him and his bondmate like breathing.

You’re afraid, my heart.


Across their shared mind-space, the memory of Talon’s death flowed between them. Talon felt his shoulders stiffen. He could hear himself screaming. He could still feel the shadowy claws ripping open his flesh and digging into his body to get at the very core of his soul. Just as soon as the memory arose, Aoren grasped it and set it aside. He did not take it away, he merely smoothed the hard edges of it and allowed Talon to focus on what was in front of him. Talon did the same for his partner as the memory of Aoren’s grief surfaced.

Together. We will make it through this, together.


Pressing onward into the darkness of the depths below, Talon watched as creatures shuffled away from them, driven back by Lyra’s whispers. It was roughly thirty minutes past that when, as Talon was assisting another onto the cavern ledge, that their first destination presented itself.

The spiked ceiling of the Warrens rose ever higher until the architecture of what might have once been an imposing structure became clear. It was a lonely citadel that was half collapsed, with crumbling walls and broken towers. It gave the appearance that it might have once stood high upon a mountain but it had since been swallowed by the Warrens. Now the walls of the immense caverns of the underdark closed in around the high walls and robbed the structure of what must have once been a grand view of the countryside. Orbs of light drifted in the expanse between them and the citadel. Some of the windows had lights flickering through them or in them respectively.

Legends say that his place was once home to a mighty wizard. The mage went mad and damned all who lived there to a life of undeath and insanity.” Talon spoke softly, relaying the only real knowledge of what threats lay ahead of them that he had.

Our road to the Second Deep is in the citadel dungeon.” Talon looked to the others. “Ready?

"I am Justice."
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Into the Deep
20th of Searing


Curling her fingers she let the smoke flow up her arm, trailing one shoulder as she studied Talon. His face as well as his mind gave away the unease, and she nodded slowly, accepting his refusal. In a way, she was not surprised. The old god would have done the same, she suspected, yet it made her feel a slight twinge of disappointment.

"Let us hope your blade is quick then, Remir." Lyra quipped, smiling slightly as she looked to Hannah. She was the only one to accept her offer, and so Lyra reached out and extended the whisper toward her. The smoke flowed across the short distance, winding around the woman's arm, and began to steadily creep up toward her neck.

"Breath it in. Think of it as simply mist, and it will cause you no trouble." The whispers would grow louder as they reached for her, and if she accepted and breathed in they would flow in, slipping quickly inside as the whispers died down. It was a simple thing. Once the whisper was in place it gave off a faint yet steady rhythm like the surrounding protections. It made those who looked toward its host lose interest, turned their gaze elsewhere, and dampened aggression. It was more sophisticated however and held a sliver of Lyra's own essence. It could react to situations, and expend more of its limited aether to fully turn things away, and could aid in other ways as well. She would extend similar to Rickter as well if he accepted, but if not she would let the smoke fade and the whispers would grow faint once more.

As they walked Lyra fell to the back of the group, adjusting the bag on her shoulder and checking its contents once more. Everything was there, the gems, the concoctions, the scrolls. She had brought everything she might need, and then some, yet somehow she still felt as if she needed more. Naila agreed, though her thoughts of better preparations included adding more knives. Now that they were moving the tension began to flow out of Lyra, and she found that twisted knot of uncertainty unclenches. Every step felt right, and without realizing the old elf smiled.

This isn't the best place to smile. Naila said as she hoisted them up onto another ledge, easily scaling rocks and cliff sides with the efficient grace of a trained acrobat.

I have found that a smile is suitable for any place. Lyra smiled broader as they came to see the large, nearly forgotten structure before them, Especially at those times it seems most inappropriate. The words sounded overly optimistic, but the images that came to the old elf's mind were not filled with positivity. Smile when the pain grows too hard to bear when the madness threatened to force a knife into your own chest when you see the creatures in the corners of your vision move just a bit closer. A smile was a distraction, a facade, a lie to oneself, and perhaps Lyra had grown adept at such things.

A castle with stairs leading upward, an ominous air to the place, and a slight thrill of anticipation. Instead of replying Lyra simply walked forward, passing the others and making her way up the steps. Dust and rubble that had settled ages past shifted with each and every step. The sound of small rocks falling down the sides of the worn and winding staircase was somehow muted by the everpresent grey fog that permitted everything, even the misty dome of Lyra's smoke.

"Madness... That word is used so carelessly by the children of this age." Lyra said softly as she walked. Her footsteps slowed until she paused, standing just a few steps short of a large set of gates that had no obvious way of opening. Lyra stared at the old and rotting wood, at the rusted bands of iron that seemed close to crumbling, "It is easy to explain away the actions of men as madness, but in reality, their motivations were simply beyond what their accusers could comprehend."

There was a chill in the air, an unnatural sort like most of the first deep. It seemed premature, but still, Lyra opened her pack and extended two vials of grey ichor. One she handed to Aoren, the other to Rickter. They would know what to do with them. The undead was not a concern of Lyra's, but their pathway in, however...

"Can you fly us over." She asked, looking to Aoren and then Talon, "Or is there another path?"

"I am the silence between words."
word count: 852
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The wolf was proud with Talon's recognition to his own disposition, understanding that the wolf adopted his role in favor of his comrades. As the leading vanguard he'd be ready to brave the thickest of dangers ahead, ready to shield off any threat while his companions had time to react accordingly. With all the brief camaraderie displayed between the wolf and his companions, they were quickly set off to tread into the dark depths of the Warrens.

The wolf could sense the questionable unease of the gaping maw gradually shadowing them, a sense of comfort expressed through a mental clasp of his hand on the Synnekar's left forearm. Even in this place he would keep Talon safe from danger, the wolf had already begun to believe in his ability to do that as of late. Rickter paid mind to the words that Talon shared aloud, his thoughts the Warrens expressed for the comrades that surrounded him defensively. The wolf felt curious with the nature of his thoughts of course, as Rickter had never looked at the Warrens much beyond horrifying and dangerous. The more he did think on it, however, the quicker he grasped that there was something indeed unusual with the Warrens. Perhaps that was why he often felt on edge whenever he traveled down here, like the hairs on his nape standing at end with every light sense of change in the air.

His nose could trace through the smoke that Lyra surrounded them with, and while he could still trace that particular fragrance in her whispy form, it wasn't as strong in the air as it was from her own corporeal body. Even the wolf had to admit that she'd come rather far, having been released by that unusual mage back when they first met Lyra. When she provided them the offer of her Whispers, he made his stance clear as Hannah made her choice on the matter, and with Aoren and Talon both turning down her offer, the wolf considered it reasonably best that he did the same as well. That left only Hannah to receive this boon, as it were, and the wolf wouldn't rather risk a possible influence with the Echo as well. Thus the wolf watched as Hannah raised an eyebrow at Lyra, the quip she made drawing out an amused smirk as the rogue perked a bit. "I'll make every hit count."

It was a slight of confidence as she lifted her nose to allow the downward trail of smoke in, Hannah drew as deep of a calm breath within before she gently exhaled. With the passing of her gift Talon was ready to press onward, the wolf glancing at Hannah as she gently grinned toward him. The fact he was a bit concern certainly wouldn't slip unnoticed between his bondmates, but Rickter was certain Hannah knew what she was doing at least. Though those concerns were merely shadowed by a bigger obstacle they were soon to face, as Talon expressed where they were arriving soon within the First Deep. The Forlorn Citadel... He didn't like the sound of it already, from what Talon had shared about it. Regardless, the wolf was prepared to defend Talon at a single moment. Having spent the few past intervals of quiet from the stray Shinaegri roaming about, Rickter spent those sporadic moments as opportunities to focus his aether into two anchors.

The wolf had a moment to witness the flare of emotion within Talon, and between his and Aoren's quick communicative reflexes through their Bond, Rickter was only able to interpret what they felt between one another. There came a vexation in Talon's stature as the wolf recognized personal fear, having nearly been near that point himself not even a full season ago. We'll get through this, he silently agreed in thought with a hopeful nod, We will. The wolf felt sure the five of them were capable of handling anything, they had an effective team arrangement going for themselves as well. Before too long they were finally bounding for a shifting setting as the stalactites they passed gradually revealed a massive structure. Just the mere sight of it and the state of disarray it was in, the wolf couldn't help but fidget a shudder out of his spine for a second.

"Who knew something so dreary could be so... beautiful?" Hannah tried to sound appreciative of the citadel before them, clearly not as thrilled as she had been unimpressed. Perhaps she had had enough of scary underground places, though, Rickter did not dwell on the matter for long. Lyra strolled past them with her eyes alight in a manner he'd never quite seen before, well, at least not in the way he expected at least. She seemed rather... enthused in a way, having stepped ahead to ponder about the winding staircase they traveled upward. Then Talon shared more on what he had about the citadel, the wolf glancing toward the prince cautiously while he listened. Lyra's comment followed with her own insight, her 'elder' years showing through as she spoke it of course.

He wasn't sure what to say in regards to her words of wisdom, but he did consider them enough to heart for the moment, before they reached a point where Lyra stopped to open her pack. Within a moment she then presented Aoren and then Rickter vials of ichor each, the black wolf taking his carefully as he gave it a mindful stare for a moment. Yeah. He had an idea on what to do with it. Before he would materialize his weapon, however, the wolf turned to look at each of his comrades, and waited for them to finish the conversation at hand. Lyra inquired as to whether they could all be flown over the citadel, if not to seek an alternatively faster route, to which Rickter humbly agreed upon deep down. Yet he knew, well enough to avoid disappointment, that such a thing would be far from easy; and Talon only confirmed that when he mentioned the citadel dungeons being their route to the Second Deep.

"I'm ready to be your shield, my prince." He assured Talon with a calm demeanor and the slight hint of a grin in his stoic expression. Hannah chuckled casually with a subtle look away from Rickter, her gaze on Lyra and the tattered hall they would use to enter the citadel. The wolf couldn't shake the eerie feeling that lingered in his spine though, and rather spiritually, he felt his tail tuck between his legs at the sight of their location.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"
Last edited by Rickter on Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:40 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1165
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"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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into the deep
20 Searing 121

Talon accepted the vial of Lyra’s ichor. He had used it before. He knew it to be the boon that it was and he would not let it go to waste. Carefully he tucked it into one of the pouches at his hip. To Lyra’s question, Talon merely stretched out a hand. With a flick of his thoughts he materialized his bow and arrow. He was not the most skilled archer but for this task he did not need to be. Bringing up his bow, Talon leveled it then knocked his arrow into place. He drew in a deep breath, setting his sights on a particular point that was near one of the crumbling walls of the citadel that he could see. Drawing back the bowstring, Talon waited for one beat of his heart and then another. He released the arrow. As soon as it shot out of his bow, Talon enacted Duplicity to multiply the arrows through the air.

It zipped through the air over the vast chasm for which there was only one visible bridge. The misty fog that swirled over the dark reaches below shifted. A series of screeches pierced the air as shadows sped up from the dark chasm, aiming straight for the arrows that Talon had released. Before it could get too far, Talon dematerialized his true arrow so that it returned to him without incident. The duplicates were snatched out of the air by creatures of mist and shadow that possessed wings that appeared batlike. Shadowy claws grabbed the arrows only for the duplicates to burst into splinters of silvery aether that then faded. The shadowy creatures flapped their wings and circles around before diving back down into the darkness below. Talon lowered his bow and looked at the others.

I do not know what they are called. I have only heard stories about them. Creatures made of mist and shadow. Partially in this world and partially in another. They keep to the mists.” Talon nodded his head toward the bridge that looked to be the only way forward. It was absent of the mists that covered the chasm between them and the citadel. “Stick to the bridge. They will not cross it.

At least, Talon hoped that they would not. There was no telling what waited for them. Talon looked to Rickter. He could feel his wolf’s unease threading through the entirety of his being. If he could, Talon would have called forth his nimbus in order to bathe them all in a light filled with the belief and courage he knew they had. That was not wise. The light of his nimbus would draw the attention of other creatures. He did not want to draw more attention to them than was necessary. Across their bond, he performed the mental equivalent of a hand running up Rickter’s spine to soothe some of the tension. He then turned to Lyra.

I will save your ichor for that which we face in the citadel. The things in there are not so easily avoided.” Memories from his Warren March resurfaced. It was an experience that he had not thought about in years. He remembered coming to the citadel those years ago. He remembered barely managing to pass through. The few things he had encountered had nearly robbed him of his life as he hunted for the stone of his quest. Without any more words, Talon dematerialized his bow and turned to the bridge. He kept his wings close so that the feathers did not extend beyond the edges of the bridge. The way forward was a mix of stone pedestals that jutted up from the chasm below like crooked fingers warped by the twisted nature of the Warrens. Between each one hung a combination of stone walkways that were linked together with wooden hang bridges.

Talon could have wrapped them all into a web of kinetic force and levitated them across the bridge but he wanted to conserve his strength. There were far more dangerous things ahead than simply walking across a foreboding cavern. He kept his senses on alert as they walked across the bridge. He heard the distant screech of those creatures below, undoubtedly watching them cross the chasm. He silently prayed that they did not try to go after them. They had gotten roughly halfway across the misty chasm when the air around them flared to life. From the darkness below, the winged creatures of mist and shadow erupted into the air. Immediately Talon’s pact blade was in his hand. He braced himself for the worst...but it did not come.

The cavern was filled with the sound of wingbeats and shrieking from the creatures. So much that he thought his eardrums might explode from the noise of it all but they did not attack. The swarm of them continued to spill upwards and into the darkness, angling themselves away from the bridge and deeper into the depths of the Warrens.

They’re...they’re not attacking.” Aoren’s voice was terse. He was on edge, his swords were in his hands and he was staring at the swarm cautiously.

Talon narrowed his eyes. He opened up his senses into a broad and unfocused state. Drawing upon the powers of Semblance he kept his sight distant enough to get a feel for the overall mood, without focusing on a singular aura. What came back to him was fear. It filled his nostrils with an almost overpowering stench. He shut down his aetheric senses immediately before it made him nauseous. He swallowed the bile in the back of his throat.

They are afraid. They are running.” As the last of the swarm sped off into the deeper reaches of the Warrens, Aoren asked the question that Talon was not sure he wanted the answer to.

From what?” The Warrens answered. It came as a quaking rumble that vibrated over the walls of the immense caverns they were wandering. A growl that penetrated the layers of armor that Talon wore and settled into his stomach. His head whipped in the direction it came from as in the darkness, Talon heard the distinct sound of flapping wings. Large and sweeping. Across the chasm, he saw the sickly green light of glowing eyes that shone in the darkness and though he could not make out its form, Talon could see patches of its bulk in the shadows. It was monstrous in size. Larger than one of the stone drakes that Talon had fought. Large enough to contend with an airship with ease. Talon felt his blood run cold.

Run.” Talon looked at his companions. “Run now! Get across the bridge!

Talon bolted toward their destination, pausing only to make sure that the others were moving. A roar filled the caverns. It shook the walls and made his bones feel like they were rattling. The sound of great wingbeats heralded its arrival just as the whole space was filled with sickly green light. Talon stopped once his feet landed on the next solid platform. He turned to look at the gigantic creature and beheld the unmistakable form of a dragon. Its body was desiccated, with patches of flesh missing and the prominence of bones jutting out from its corpulent body. The leathery wings that carried it were tattered and rotted. A spiked and boney tail extended from it, tailing behind in the air. The whole of its body was illuminated with that pale green luminance, highlighting torn sinew and chunks of flesh that still hung from its bulk. How it managed to stay aloft was beyond his understanding but it did. The dragon opened its maw, the sick green light gathering brighter in its mouth as it flew toward the bridge.

Incoming!” Talon reached out across the aether flux. He grabbed a hold of every single one of his party members and yanked them closer to him. He then raised a hand and enclosed them all in a dome of kinetic force. From the dragon’s maw poured forth ghostly green fire that was intermixed with clouds of shadow. It billowed out ahead of them, scorching the wooden bridge and blasting apart the stone platform ahead of them. Talon felt the flames and shadow smash into his domed barrier but he held it firm. The dragon swooped overhead, flying deeper into the cavern. As it flew past them, Talon dropped his dome of force.

I don’t remember there being a dragon in the Warrens.” Aoren was looking ahead at the trail of fire and ruin that was before them. The pale green flames had burned the wooden bridge to ashes. Several of the pillars ahead of them were cracked or crumbling.

Neither do I.” Talon looked at the others. He sighed as he looked to Lyra. “It looks as though we go with your suggestion after all.


"I am Justice."
word count: 1582
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