Florian Albrecht

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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1797
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1847
Letters: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1963


Name: Florian Albrecht
Race: Ashborne Lysanrin | Demigod
Sex: Male (Trans)
Age: 24
Height: 6'0
Weight: 150lbs

Birthdate: Searing 1, 98
Birthplace: Zaichaer

Housing: Palace of the First Wind
Partners: --

Titles: Draegir of Rebellion

Fluencies: Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Power Level: Ascendant
Domains: Rebellion
Emblems: Obtenebration - Acolyte, located on the palm of his left hand.
If asked, Florian's mother would recount his temper - the very thing that has led him into countless fights both to defend himself and instigated for little reason at all. He chafes against authority, and struggles to follow instruction and rules, even when it would benefit him. He is not chaotic for its own benefit; he knows his limits, and when to listen for his own good, but even on his best behavior he cannot help but push the envelope. There is importance in the distinction between listening and compliance. Though it could be construed as a front, it would be a mistake to assume there is no bite behind the bark. Years of aggression have certainly made him fully capable of defending himself. He is not stupid or lazy, but he is rash and impulsive. He has the subtlety of a freight train and just as much grace, and there is no telling the reasons behind his decisions.

Florian has undergone some physical changes since his body was destroyed and he was recreated by his subconscious. His new form is more aligned with how he viewed himself - or, more specifically, how he wished to be viewed. His height is now six inches taller than before, at 6'0, and his frame is overall far more masculine than it was before. His shoulders are broader and his hips narrower. He is still lanky, with white, wavy hair and color-shifting eyes, and his scars have all remained, but they are far more prominent and appear more as cracks filled with gold than like scars. His emblem of Obtenebration is still on his right palm. He dresses in simple, but well-made Zaichaeri clothing. He is also more confident than he had been previously.

Previous Appearance:
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Eye Color Guide:
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Whomever Florian's father may have been, he was never in the picture. It has always been just Florian and his mother in the Knob. He wasn't always an angry child, but he quickly learned about all he had to be angry about. Faced with frequent mistreatment and racism in Zaichaer, even by others in the Knob, Florian frequently got into scraps with other children, and as a result, was forced to learn how to defend himself. His horn was broken off in one such fight as a teenager, and ever since the Lysanrin boy has kept it as a reminder to keep things from getting too far. With this injury came a turning point in his behavior. He stopped getting into brawls, and started bottling up his feelings.

Like many Lysanrin, he was taught about Aether Siphoning as a thing to never do, and for many years, he never even thought twice about it. However, he made a friend who introduced him to magic, and even to the concept of using Aether Siphoning itself. From there, his skill only grew.

As an adult, the full brunt of racism and fear towards Lysanrin has reared its ugly head. Flor joined the military first to raise himself up in the eyes of his fellow Zaichaeri, but even there he found himself treated no better - either inside, or by civilians. Now assigned to the "Noble Gambit", Florian must deal with the full brunt of human paranoia and vile behavior, with a commander who is both military and Order of Reconciliation, as if he were due to be contained at any given moment. Sometimes he wishes to give him a reason.

As of Ash 63, 121 AoS, Florian was arrested by the Order of Reconciliators and is held as both prisoner and science experiment. Any possible dream or ideal of living a normal life has been dashed entirely.

As of Ash 88, 121 AoS, Florian has managed to escape, and he is spending Frost heading north towards Kalzasi.

The fourth day of Frost in the year 121 of the Age of Steel was a turning point for Florian. He encountered a nemesis, a similarly-experimented on subject of Dr. Constantine's (assumed) who hunted down Florian, killing two of his traveling companions and taking his right arm in a clean cut. As a result, Florian split off from the group he had been traveling with. In the darkness of the woods, he met Killian, a man mostly unbeknownst to him to be Shaeoth. He knows no gods nor their names, but still took his hand and received the dark mark of Obtenebration.

On the 60th of Glade, 122 AoS, Florian had a prosthetic arm installed by Lyra.

On the 34th of Searing, 122 AoS, Florian ascended to the status of a Draegir, claiming his first domain of Rebellion. The circumstances around his ascension led to category 3 dreadstorms across Ransera, and a category 4 dread rift in Zaichaer.
Last edited by Florian on Fri Nov 04, 2022 3:03 pm, edited 53 times in total. word count: 1365
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1797
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1847
Letters: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1963


Mastered Skills: Aether Siphoning | Unarmed Combat: Brawling | Resistance
SkillSkill LevelLores
Driving (Airship)10/1001
One-Handed: Blades7/1003
SkillSkill LevelLores
SkillSkill LevelLores
SkillSkill LevelLores
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning TotalPoints Left
Starting Package+100- Aether Siphoning 25
- Etiquette 15
- Flight 10
- Gunslinging 10
- Navigation 10
- Persuasion 10
- Unarmed 20
Character Creation Bonus+15- One-Handed: Blades 5
- Running 10
Albatross+8- Unarmed 4
- Etiquette 4
Lame Duck+8- Aether Siphoning 81310
Ugly Duckling+8--1398
Falcon's Jess+8- Aether Siphoning 614710
Caged Bird Sings+8- Detection 4
- Psychology 4
Birds of Prey+8- Unarmed 2
- Psychology 2
- Blades 2
- Tactics 2
Dragon King's Cup+12- Unarmed 1217510
Bird Song+8- Aether Siphoning 3
- Etiquette 6 (1 from bank)
Canary in a Coal Mine+8- Aether Siphoning 81919
Canary in a Coal Mine ii+8--19917
Tie the Noose+10--20927
The Sun Rises+5--21432
The Sun Sets+5--21937
Tour de Force+8--22745
Angels and Insects+8--23553
Home to Roost+8--24361
Flight of the Nachtherr+8--25169
Cash Out--- Resistance 20
- Survival 20
Training: Dance Monkey+8- Aether Siphoning 826029
The Great Work Begins+8--26837
A Lesser Evil+8--27645
Birds of Prey, ii+8--28453
Cash Out--- Psychology 1928434
the reception+15--29949
Off the Leash+10--30959
Cash Out--- Psychology 2530924
Into the Abyss+10--31934
Closing the Night Down+10- Resistance 532939
Young Blood, Black Eyes & Broken Hearts+10--34959
Fox in the Henhouse+10--35969
The Flightless Bird+10--36979
Crossing Horns+8--37787
wasting time+8--38595
Cash Out--- Psychology 24
- Unarmed Combat 36
pinky promise+8- Psychology 4
- Aether Siphoning 4
Website Updated 6/16/22+50 mxp- Aether Siphoning 3844347
Worn to a Shadow+15--45862
who are you, really?+15--47377
the composition of a falling star+12 mexp--48589
Cash Out--- Unarmed Combat 26
- Resistance 50
- Meditation 13
The Call+40- Resistance 25
- Meditation 15
Birds of a Feather+10--54520
Audience, Redux+10--55530
Ransera Birthday Redemption+120 mxp--675150
imperial life+12 mxp--687162
Copper and Criminals+10--697172
Flowers grow far away+10--707182
overcompensation+8 mxp--715190
Blood on the Crown+10--725200
Three's A Crowd+10--735210
This is How the World Ends+10--745220
Weight of the World+10--755230
Note: 120 EXP banked for future CNPC.
starting package marked with *
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Aether Siphoning
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Last edited by Florian on Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:43 pm, edited 71 times in total. word count: 2401
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1847
Letters: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1963


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A warm set of clothing with his name embroidered on the hem.
A nice looking hakama.
A suitable set of clothing for a politician.
A cool coat.

A pair of Average Aetherite gold earrings.
The Witch’s Bargain - Artifact Ring.

Palace of the First Wind.

Previous Housing:
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+300--Starting Package300.00 GP
---100Necklace200.00 GP
+564--Summer 121 Wages764.00 GP
---175Summer 121 Expenses (Common)589.00 GP
----Ash 121 Expenses (Prisoner, No Expenses)589.00 GP
---50Frost 121 Expenses (Poor)549.00 GP
+1000--Website Update 6/16/221549.00 GP
+8,970--Glade 122 Wages10,519.00 GP
---350Glade 122 Expenses (Good)10,169.00 GP
---350Searing 122 Expenses (Good)9,819 GP
---220Average Aetherite Gold Earrings9,599 GP
Last edited by Florian on Mon Dec 05, 2022 2:23 pm, edited 22 times in total. word count: 447
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1797
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1847
Letters: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1963


Ash 122 AoS
2 - the first page [Moon Jae-Seong]
6 - toe to toe the line [Rickter]
30 - [LON] Waking Up By Falling Asleep [Hilana]
66 - rebel with a cause [Daemon (Talon)]
66 - hesitant reunions [Daemon (Talon)]

Searing 122 AoS
1 - A Day of Gifting [Franky]
2 - Birds of a Feather [Franky]
2 - [LON] a dream alone [Talon]
10 - Machinations of a Bloodhound [Rickter]
34 - who are you, really? [Paragon -- Ascension Quest]
34 - the composition of a falling star
34 - the start of how it all ends [Lyra]
52 - imperial life [Open]
52 - in one city, out the other [Aoren, Euri, Rickter, Lyra]
53 - ship in a bottle [Aoren]
77 - overcompensation [solo]

Glade 122 AoS

Frost 121 AoS

Ash 121 AoS

Searing 121 AoS

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Last edited by Florian on Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:22 pm, edited 68 times in total. word count: 555
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1797
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1847
Letters: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1963


Apprentice Quirk

At Apprentice, when Florian uses any part of Aether Siphoning (including aether sight & sustain), his eyes turn silver, concentrated in his pupils. The veins in the part of his body that is in contact with the magic while he siphons (if it's something that he can be in contact with) also turn silver, visible through his skin.

Because of his prolonged exposure to the absorption of Negation-based aether, Florian's blood, sweat and saliva have adopted negation-based properties. His body has become resistant to violent manifestations of magic (i.e. a kinetic blast, fireball etc.) at the Novice tier of power. His bodily fluids can be used to concoct alchemical potions that can then be imbibed to impart a measure of this resistance to others or even be used to create aetheric suppression potions to weaken a mage's link to their powers. This would require that the mage in question drink the potion, most likely by force.

As a result of Florian's interaction with anti-magic based aether, he cannot Catalyze other aetheric manifestations as easily or effectively. This sees him unable to safely Catalyze anything greater than Novice levels of magical activity. Attempting to Catalyze anything greater quickly depletes Florian's reserves and saps his vitality as the anti-magic properties in his body violently reject the heightened levels of aetheric activity in his physiology.

Journeyman Quirk

After even further exposure to Negation-based aether, his body has become more resistant to violent manifestations of magic to the Apprentice tier of power. His bodily fluids are now more potent in their anti-magic qualities, but he can no longer Catalyze other aetheric manifestations at all without quickly depleting his aetheric reserves and sapping his vitality. A further side effect of his exposure to Negation-based aether, however, is that his own shields created through Aether Siphoning are stronger and more resilient than usual.

Also, as a result of necromantic reinforcement of his digestive track, Florian can consume dragonshards up to the Average/Common tier of availability and still have access to them as sources of aether without any damage done to him.

Expert Quirk

Florian's use of Aether Siphoning to defend himself expands, allowing him some resistance to physical magical effects of Journeyman level or lower. His power also expands, including non-physical magic such as Mesmer and Semblance spell effects used against him. This makes his aura harder to read and his symphony near impossible to perceive and influence unless the mage is of Expert level or higher. Even mages of Expert level may find him somewhat resistant, though not completely immune to their spell effects.

Master Quirk

He is now highly resistant to all spell effects up to Expert level and lower. The effects of his bodily fluids in turn are more potent, capable of temporarily negating a mage's link to their powers, among other things if applied creatively. He is able to siphon aether from his prosthetic, as well as share any aether he has siphoned back into it. He is also able to use Aether Siphoning abilities with his prosthetic, as if it were his natural hand.

Master Quirk

Magic malfunctions in Florian's presence. Rather than simply negating the magic directed towards him, it also weakens magic cast in his close presence, whether directed towards him or not. This can weaken a link between a Reaver and their weapon or a Summoner and their Summon, disrupt a Negation ward or a Sembler's aura reading, or even dampen the effects of Scrivening glyphs and Artificing golems, among other things. Luckily this does not affect the functioning of his prosthetic arm golem, as it has been connected to his soul by Lyra. However, this prosthetic is incapable of receiving Runes of Magic because of this aura. This only effects an area around him equal to his arm's reach unless he calls Dread Mists, to which they will affect everything within the area of the mists, including his prosthetic. This also affects mages if he uses an Aether Siphoning effect against their magic, such as Siphoning, Disjunction, Transmute, or Discharge, which will cause a magical interruption for a few seconds.

This aura effects all levels of magic, on a scale of severity ranging from near-impossible to use the magic at Novice to imposing only mild annoyance for Master level mages. Mages are able to overcome this detriment by expending more Aether than usual, making Overstepping a much closer danger.

Florian is incapable of using Rebound and is unable to utilize Aether as required for World Magic.
Armor Theft

Florian has acquired the ability of Armor Theft. If Florian is able to heavily damage or destroy any armor, protective magic, or other such thing around someone or something, he can temporarily apply the properties of the armor/protective magic/etc directly to his own body in a protective way. The specific application of this is open to Florian’s creativity and specific needs and desires. This is tied into Florian’s Meditation skill. At novice, the protective application takes about 10 minutes to apply and can last up to four hours (this can be dismissed at any time by Florian). The application time reduces as Meditation increases in competency, as does the duration.

If Florian achieves Mastery in Meditation or forms a formal Bond with Rickter, contact Aegis or another mod and refer to Florian's Character's Secrets.
word count: 1173
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