The Temlari Tree [Flora] [Rare]

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The Temlari Tree

Name: Temlari Tree.

Habitat: The Crystal forest. Areas with high concentrations of dragon shards,

Threat level Medium

Description: A Luminescent Fruiting tree paired with a parasitic thorny vine that keeps many would be predators at bay. The leaves of this tree are in fact its fruits, not flat but plump and filled with pulpy fruit not unlike a cactus or aloe plant. The nectar within these leaves is filled with nutrients and aether seeped sap. It's fruit is said to taste of citrus and honey. The Thorny vine that grows with the tree grows long and sharp thorns some of which pierce the tree and drink from its life giving sap.

Notable Abilities: The consumption of this fruit's most immediate noticeable effect is the softening of the skin. Those rich enough to afford it and eat it often notice it's subtler effects. The second thing the leaves of the Temlari tree will do is cause one's flesh to softly glow, barely noticeable on all but a moonless night. The daily consumption of the flesh of the Temlari tree halts ageing almost entirely.

In opposite fashion the Minroh vine that feeds from the tree makes a special poison from the Temlari's sap. While it's effects aren't as permanent as the Temlari's the poison from the Minroh vines thorns rapidly age those pricked by them, thinning flesh and causing joints to swell and ache. Those often poisoned by these plants trying to harvest them often see the ailments of old age within a year.

Reproduction The Minroh vine bears its own fruit, but very rarely, a vine producing perhaps three to five in a year whereas the leaves of the Temlari regrow in a mere two to three weeks. The Fruit of the Minroh contains a two toned seed that is in fact both the seed of the Minroh and Temlari bound together. Often planted intentionally but sometimes through the gestation of a creature crafty enough to consume the fruit returning it to the earth.


Fruit The Minroh Berry the prized fruit of the vine's flesh is described as being potently sour. The poison of the vine and the boons of the sap neutralize each other within the flesh of the fruit and leave behind a nearly pure form of edible aethor. Prized by mages for its properties and ability to restore ones vitality in a pinch these fruits have incredible value. Their use comes with a cost of later doubling the fatigue your actions incur under the fruits effects.

Size These trees rarely grow taller than ten to twelve feet in height. The leaves can be up to a foot long and are often four to six inches in width. The minroh berries are roughly two to three inch spheres.

Reasons to interact Potent fruits that are ripe for alchemical exploration and profit. Commonly desired but difficult to cultivate in a farm setting. Those that farm it often succumbing to the nefarious thorns of the Minroh Vine. While separating the vine from the tree is possible the vine will always die without the tree. The tree is also unable to seed without the vine.

Recommended Stats to harvest safely competent botanical skills. To raise, expert to master farming skills.

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