Yesod: Petra's Eidolon

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Character Sheet: ... 9791#p9791


Race: Infernal Summon, Demon of the Tree
Height: Yesod stands at approximately 6 feet tall, though depending on how it bends or twists its body, it can be strictly shorter than that.
Weight: Yesod's bent body is made of a dark, dull metal, resembling steel most closely. Its weight changes from summoning to summoning, and as it passes time in the Material World, but is slender and half-formed metallic body usually weighs somewhere around 500lbs

Occupation: Demon of Beginnings (Lesser Spirit)
Relation to PC: Aidolon of Petra Cormorant

Description: When Petra called, Yesod answered. It is drawn the humble beginnings which can blossom into magnificent fruit. In Petra, it believes it has found quite the acorn indeed. Attentive, curious, and sly, Yesod stays out of the spotlight and lurks on the periphery of events. Warped and tangled, its impossible body moves itself with an inhuman gait. It coils around Petra, and hangs from her words. It is the serpent around her ankle, the whispering voice in her ear. It hisses with a voice like a chorus whispering as one - its tones are those of a consumed multitude, a hundred voices whose ambition failed before it could begin.

It bears mankind no ill will. Indeed, it views mankind and demons as almost equivalent lifeforms. Where humans lack the definition of demons, they also lack their focus, and gain an ability to grow and thrive as demonkind simply cannot. It is fascinated by their lives, and savors their defeats as much as their victories. It is a watcher of a magnificent story, and a participant only when it is bidden, by its contract, to throw its metaphorical sword on its Summoner's side of the scale.

Bored easily, inexhaustible, and utterly fearless, its recklessness will get Petra killed one of these days. And ah! What an end to an ambition that will be!

Its powers are limited by Petra's power, her ability to pull its potential perfection into this cruel and latter-day world. They are as follows, in addition to the natural strength that comes with being a six-foot-tall demon of twisted and resolute metal.

Black Mirror - Gaze into Yesod's dark mirror and see the version of yourself that would have been or that might be. It is an enthralling sight that, while only lasting for a brief duration, drives the individual to be unsettled by the things they see. This provides enough distraction to allow for a variety of opportunities depending on Petra or Yesod's intentions.

Reflection - For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When Yesod's mirror is met with a force, it will reflect that force back to where it came before shattering.

Last edited by Petra on Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:20 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 486
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Hello Petra!

I like the concept of Yesod. However there are a couple things we need to address:

[*] It looks like you're confusing an Aidolon with a Companion NPC. While the two serve similar roles the distinction should be made that they are not the same. The Aidolon is a spirit and in terms of skills and abilities only has the range as described in the Summoning article. As Petra is an Apprentice Summoner Yesod would fall under the following classification:

Lesser- Lesser spirits are stronger than minor spirits but not by much. They are typically entities with one to two paranormal abilities that are usually fairly generalized. (i.e. a celestial capable of levitating or a nature spirit capable of rousing their element to bothersome levels)

Mundane skills are of little consequence with regard to an Aidolon. You can infer that they have mundane skills of any sort. No need to assign specific numerical values. Spirits can be incomprehensibly old, demons in particular tend to obscure the things they know and only reveal their skill in a particular area when they have to or when it is convenient for them. The only thing we restrict is having knowledge that could reasonably be considered secret or forbidden in some way. To get clearance for that sort of stuff, just ask here in the Support Forum and we'll review and offer feedback on it. Rune Magic is not something granted to Aidolon spirits.

As Petra ascends in skill and power as a Summoner, the array of abilities available to her Aidolon will increase.

If you need assistance with devising what abilities Yesod has at their disposal, I am more than happy to provide guidance and assistance in this regard.

All the best,
word count: 294
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Following edits and conversation, this Aidolon is approved! Enjoy!

word count: 10

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