[Memory] Cold blood and hot steel

The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and seat of House Revenlow.

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Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=171


25th of Frost, year 111 of the Age of Steel.


A single word from Karsten Stark. Many people would guess it was an order; Riven had heard it enough times to know it was a threat, and also some ability akin to foresight: Riven would carefully push the steel sword threatening his throat away, dust himself off and get back up, ignoring the bleeding cut on his arm. It would heal anyway, and he was getting worse things if he didn't keep fighting. His opponent, a tall Avialae, four years older than him and with a cruel and disdainful smirk on his face, stepped back. The meaning was clear; he prided himself in being a part of the Knighthood, a newly initiated Errant, while Riven was nothing but a weak and beaten fourteen years old boy. He was a good two feet over him, stronger, and way more ruthless, and he had already defeated Riven twice. Karsten looked impatient; if he lost again, Riven knew he would be facing him... And Karsten was the one deciding when the blows stopped. He grunted as he got back on his feet, stepping back and assuming his fighting position.

He couldn't allow himself to lose again. If he did, he would have to battle his instructor... And after that, he wouldn't be able to get back up on his own for a few hours. Desperate to avoid another beating, he moved his right foot back, lowered his waist and rose his twin blades in the shape of a cross. He waited for the first blow, as he always did. It didn't take too long; the Errant delivered a downward slash with his heavy Zweihander, a blow that Riven barely managed to parry, having to jump backwards before his defense was crushed. Their weapons were rien steel, very real; blunt, so not many died training, but enough to make surface cuts and heavy bruises. Broken bones, if one wasn't careful; Riven rushed to his opponent's right side to attempt a scissor cut, but his heavy weapon blocked the attack. He stepped back; the fight was going exactly as the previous two. He couldn't win that battle with strenght, that was obvious; speed was a better option, but the Errant knew well how to use his weapon for defense, and he was bigger and covered more space than him in short bursts. His magic was the only thing that gave him a clear advantage; but he found it hard to focus in the middle of a fight, because he was always frightened of what would happen if he lost. The Errant was making a mistake though; he was underestimating him... And he was relaxed. If he managed to trick him, Riven would have a chance. It was a battle of wit, but he needed to change his previous strategies.

As dangerous as it could be, he switched his style; he closed his wings, sticking them to his back fully, and he lunged, blades in hand; his right sword struck first, and was blocked by his opponent's greatsword; his left sword avoided the blade and the Errant was forced to step back. Riven curself himself for not noticing something that obvious before; he had two weapons, while the man he had to defeat had a single one, heavy enough to move much slower than Riven's twin blades. The key was mobility; how many blows could he land while the Argent blocked a single hit. Determined to prove his theory, he lunged again, this time thrusting both swords; blocked by a horizontal sword move he kept pressing as he opened his wings, boosting himself up in the air to jump over his foe and surprise him, ending with a rotation slash on his unprotected back, blocked by his leather armor but knocking the wind out of his lungs and throwing him out of balance. His first clean strike; he was proud of himself. His foe coughed, wobbly raising his Zweihander with both hands while he tried to breathe normally again; Riven assumed a more aggresive stance. He could tell the Errant was pissed.

Last edited by Riven on Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:59 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 720
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"Fucking bastard brat! I'm going to kick your guts until you spit blood; maybe you'll learn your place." The threat didn't scare Riven too much; it wasn't that it was unlikely; it just was not too different from what Stark would do if he lost that battle. He was feeling more confident now; he had discovered a hole in his defense... But that also meant the Errant wouldn't be as careless now. In fact, once he had regained his breath, he had assumed a much more defensive pose, and he would be much harder to fool. Riven had to find a way; he would. He realized he wasn't as scared anymore; he had just gotten a chance to win... and he wouldn't let it go to waste. He felt his heart beating softer, not as rushed, not as heated. He stayed in place, ready, neither of them wanting to do the first move. Once again, he would have to surprise him, profit that hesitation. Suddenly, he knew he would be winning that fight.

His left arm was throbbing, pushing the power of his rune through his body; he felt his aether connecting with the key that allowed him to influence his enemies. When he was alone, he was a good elementalist, precise and efficient. With close focus, he was able to feel and influence the elements to take any form he desired. But in combat, the lack of focus usually disrupted his connection, and his magic basically became useless. This time it was different; the elements were running through him, calling him, ready to manifest. He was sure.

The Errant was done waiting though. With a roar, he swung his blade at Riven's left thigh; a faster blow meant to injury him to ensure a later kill. The young boy acted on instinct, gripping his blades upside down and holding them like knives to parry the strike. Not the cleanest solution, but one that allowed him to counter the attack. His right leg rose in a side kick towards his opponent's ribcage, and suddenly accelerated pushed by a strong gust of wind. Riven could swear he hard heard a crack; by the way the Avialae Errant stumbled back and clutched his side, he was probably right. He was still standing though; Riven had to knock him down if he wanted to win.

He had an advantage now; he was way more used to injury than his sparring partner, and he had the upper hand; he just had to keep up the rythm. He opened his wings and lunged forward, gliding on his own wind, delivering a powerful downwards aerial blow that the greatsword barely blocked; he landed and spun around, blades still inverted, that kept him from thrusting his swords but made his bladework unpredictable. He modified a basic slashing flurry; overwhelming his opponent with it, he landed a few in his arms, as the Errant had kept his torso protected. As long as he mantained his offensive, he wouldn't be attacked...

word count: 520
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A simple front kick straight to his guts. That was all it took to kick Riven out of balance, several steps back, and stopped his blow combination. He felt the need to vomit; he held it back. He couldn't start throwing up in the middle of battle. He had grown overconfident and made the same mistake the Errant had made before: forgetting that the greatsword wasn't his only weapon. He had left his belly unprotected, and kept way too close, so as soon this foe had had an opening he had kicked Riven as hard as his muscular legs had allowed him. And it felt like an ox had stepped on him. He grunted as his opponent started to approach him, keeping his inverted grip on one of the blades as he assumed a scissor defensive stance.

He parried the first swing, crossing both of his blades to block it; the second one, he dispelled with one of his swords as he counterattacked with the other. His opponent had been expecting that and just sidestepped, profitting the momentum to try to kick Riven again; the young Avialae was forced to step back. He noticed Karsten staring at him; he had an impatient gaze. He had expected Riven to win his combat when he had the upper hand. And an impatient Karsten meant an angrier, more violent instructor if he lost. That was definitely bad. He clenched his jaw as he stepped back again, his fear and rage starting to pile up... and a soft tingle ran up his arms. He recognized it; if he was able to do what he planned to do, he would win the battle way sooner than he had expected. He taunted his opponent with a smirk; he was sure he woudln't come too close that way. He would have a window to focus. As expected, his opponent shouted at him, but Riven was already allowing the aether to extend though his limbs and into his twin swords... And he ignited it.

His twin blades ignited, a blue flame making both shine brightly, heating his blade as flames danced on the steel. He had finally managed to enmesh a weapon with his fire in combat, and he couldn't be prouder. He could feel the fire warming him up, joining him in battle to defeat their enemies. He swore he could have seen a smirk on his instructor's face, and he definitely could see the shock in his enemy's. He jumped forward, his blades describing a flaming arc over him; he swung over the Errant's head and he parried with his Zweihander... But he hadn't taken into account the flaming blades the swords projected, burning his armor and scorching his arms. He screamed in agony. Riven's jaw clenched harder. He deserved it. Barely able to protect himself, he unloaded a series of flaming cuts from a distance, letting the element work without the need to clash swords. Soon, most of his cloting had caught fire, and the once proud soldier was rolling on the floor, trying to put the blue flames out. He succeeded, for the most part, but Riven could see several burns on his arms and some on his torso. He gulped. He deserved it; he had been a merciless jerk to him. He didn't deserve any mercy. With more determination than what he actually had, he walked up to him, stomped a hard boot on his chest, making him cough hard, and crossed both blades over his neck.

"You're dead."

word count: 605
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Riven stared at Karsten. The Kathar knight had a grim smile plastered on his face; Riven had rarely seen that... And never during combat. He gulped, but he didn't look away; that would show weakness, and weakness was the one thing Karsten seemed to loathe the most. He finally raised a hand; that ended the match, and Riven had clearly won. Riven's opponent, pale, tried to say something as he got up, Riven stepping back and drawing his blades, but Karsten interrupted him. "You're a fucking disgrace to our people, and a shame for the Knighthood. Beaten by a fourteen years old. The next time you try to talk to your superiors without the required permission you'll be lucky to keep that useless tongue. Now get back to your barracks; I don't need useless shits in my presence." He said. The man paled even more, and rushed into a dark corridor to leave Riven and Karsten alone on the training field.

Riven was nervous. Usually, that was the part where the blows came, and Karsten was wearing the sharp gauntlets. He had still lost two out of three matches. He stood in place, rather far from his instructror's scrutiny, waiting until he deemed Riven's wait long enough to respond. "You... You might not be as useless as I was beginning to think you'd be. You're getting away for today; I can be merciful if you're efficient." He said, smirking arrogantly. "I'll find you worse opponents. He deserved the burns. He didn't have what a true Knight needs, and you proved that. Next time, burn your foe first; waiting until the end is giving them chances to kill you. If you fail... I'll make sure you regret it until you stop losing." He said, walking away from the training field. Riven was left there alone among the tall stone towers, Karsten's words still lingering in his head. He looked at his own hands.

"He deserved the burns." Exactly how Riven had justified the blistering on the Errant's skin. Was he gone as far as to actually talk like Karsten? The man that terrorized his life and many others? The Black Butcher? He shivered; he was disgusted at himself. He opened his wings and lifted off, finally free of his training. The Curate waited for him in their little abbey. The shadow of Karsten and the Kindred lingered on his back. That was all he'd know his whole life; fear and death waiting to strike after his short moments of peace. To fear he was used to.

Death didn't seem that bad now.

word count: 456



Blades: Profit your weapon's strenghts
Blades: Scissor cut
Blades: Lunge
Blades: Two-step swing
Blades: Icepick grip
Blades: Slash flurry

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5 - 2 can be used for Elementalism.

Comments: Oh boy. A pretty gruesome thread, especially for a then-fourteen year old. Good combat, though, I like the description of everything and the progression. Your blades visualization was very good and authentic, and I'm proud. Good thread and enjoy your rewards.

word count: 89

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