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Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:20 am
by Hikami

Name: Hyoga Yoko
Race: Kathar Avialae
Likes and Dislikes: Combat, Adventure, Intrigue
Reason for Visiting: Family lives here, need to find clues to where parents killers are hiding
Goal for the Season: Make a name for himself in some way
Duration of Stay: Till the need to move is required

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:06 pm
by Urs Wardell
Name: Urs Zauber
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: I will write anything!
Reason for Visiting: Urs is from here.
Goal for the Season: I want Urs to get summoning, become a witch for hire.
Duration of Stay: Who knows!

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 7:25 am
by Reika
Name: Reika Dahshida
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: Open to mostly anything... but especially more noble schemings :twisted:
Reason for Visiting: Home sweet home
Goal for the Season: Up some skills, make some frenemies
Duration of Stay: For a long time probably?

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 7:43 am
by Laveriel
Name: Iselya
Race: Siltori
Likes and Dislikes: Action, drama, romance, all the things
Reason for Visiting: A Dawnmartyr in hiding but it's a secreeeeet
Goal for the Season: get some writing flowing
Duration of Stay: until someone chases her out, I suppose

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:37 am
by Faine
Name: Faine
Race: Fae'ethalan
Likes and Dislikes: New and open to anything
Reason for Visiting: Work, more work, and maybe conversation with something other than rocks and trees
Goal for the Season:
Duration of Stay: A good long while

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:24 pm
by Flower
Name: Flower
Race: Fae'ethalan
Likes and Dislikes:
Likes: Sunshine, dancing, music, nature, sleep, quiet, being warm
Dislikes: Loud noises, overly-friendly people, conversation, cold weather, strangers
Reason for Visiting: Taking up residence with traveling companion.
Goal for the Season: Figuring out why his memory is gone.
Duration of Stay: Foreseeable future!

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:35 pm
by Arvælyn

Name: Arvalyn Val'Cithaeron (a.k.a. Arvine "Arry" Venasyr)

Race: Hytori/Human Mixed Blood

Likes: Attention, Alcohol & Aurin

Dislikes: Abjection, Authority & Ambiguity

Reason for Visiting: Livelihood

Goal for the Season: Get a solo performance at the Velvet Cabaret

Duration of Stay: Indefinite

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 2:47 pm
by Senara
Name: Senara
Race: Rathari
Likes and Dislikes: As A Writer: I love plot twists, being surprised by my writing partners' posts, relationship building and romance! I dislike feeling bored by plot or feeling like my characters aren't interacting much/part of plot.
Character Likes: Ash, Running, Sunsets
Character Dislikes: Loud noises, sweet things, frost
Reason for Visiting: She lives in the mountains, but fate may have her turn back to the city which turned her away.
Goal for the Season: To survive. She thinks not of progressing but merely to live. Perhaps this will change
Duration of Stay: So long as she can.

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 2:55 pm
by Fawn
Name: Fawn
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: As A Writer: I love plot twists, being surprised by my writing partners' posts, relationship building and romance! I dislike feeling bored by plot or feeling like my characters aren't interacting much/part of plot.
Character Likes: Dancing, Singing, Horse Riding, Eating new food, MAGICCCC
Character Dislikes: Repetitive schedules, dreary weather, spicy food
Reason for Visiting: A new life! She must find a magic mentor, but first, what type of magic does she even want to study?
Goal for the Season: To find a mentor
Duration of Stay: Potentially forever? Depends on where her mentorship takes her once she finds it.

Re: Character Registry: Frost 120 AS

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:36 am
by Siorey
Name: Siorey Z. Val'Maranthy
Race: Human/Hytori mix
Likes and Dislikes:
  • Likes: Acquiring Knowledge, Learning/practicing magic, Solitude, Unravelling the mysteries of the world
  • Dislikes: Arrogance, Blatant stupidity, those who threaten the sanctity of knowledge
Reason for Visiting: Is a Circle Mage and was raised here
Goal for the Season: Lay the foundations of separating himself from his family/ plotting to stop their cult/ ascend in the ranks of the Black Robes
Duration of Stay: Until further notice