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Re: The Test of Bonds

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:44 pm
by Rickter
Thread Title

The way Arcas had taken the wolf's hands, how his thumbs rubbed gently between his fingers... There was no denying it any further. Every little bit assured Rickter of the fact Arcas spoke true, that they were one and the same, even when the shorter man brought their foreheads closer together. "It... really is him." The excitement that would've so profoundly existed there, could only be filled with that sense of peace brought on from his Bondmate. All the other feelings rushing through him, the thoughts that plagued him before, they were a subsided echo now that he'd felt the presence... now that he acknowledged it for what it was. There was hope in light of this after all, a thread or even a sliver was enough to keep him going.

To keep Rickter focused on what he needed to do, even if it were just to listen to what Arcas had to say. But those words about fate, had it really been so kind? Had all the suffering not just Rickter, but Talon and Aoren, Telion and Hannah, even everyone else like Fawn... Lyra... There were so many others that somehow felt tied into this, perhaps by some other slight tether or strand of fate. After everything that everybody had been through, everything that had happened to lead up to this moment. Was it really kindness? Perhaps. There had been a lot that had taken place between the start of Ash and now, so much in fact that the wolf hadn't fully stopped to think about it. But if it all built up to this sole moment, then that had to mean that every step of the way... was a step within the right direction. Every moment spent to get here, a moment worth cherishing for what it brought.

Somehow Rickter felt a sense of unity within himself understanding this, an affirmed sense of belonging as though he were just a piece of the puzzle; now fitted into the proper place he was meant to be. Yes. There were many questions to be had, questions he would've loved to ask right now, questions that would have to hold on until the important things were brought to light. For when Arcas took Rickter by the hand he turned it over, revealing the scar upon his left forearm moments after. The wolf watched curiously as the Draegir pressed a finger into the mark, Rickter furrowing his eyebrows as he felt it react to the presence of Arcas. Gentle light filled it with a soft illumination afterward, the presence of divinity felt within his arm as the wolf lightly cleared his throat. Was this for real? Did he just inherit the power of a God? Essential God at least? Arcas described it as Eminence, and that those who possessed it were allies that would notice one another.

"So... there are others out there who'll have this power as well." He could only wonder who those people were, and how connected they were to Arcas, or rather how connected the wolf was to them in retrospect. What's more Arcas described what to expect with Talon in the future, how he'd have a difficult road ahead of him from this point on. What was it that Sahfri said before? “This will not be an easy road for you, Wolf.” And at that time he'd just been a lowly hound, hardly worth wasting time over as he was nothing. A blank canvas. Was this what was meant to be painted for him? Arcas pressed on the matter by expressing one thing, believing that he had the strength to overcome the trials ahead. He didn't have it back then, whereas now it was all he had.

No that wasn't right. He had more than just the unwavering courage necessary to face the chaos ahead. Rickter had the love of his Bondmates and his friends, the support of those he would call his comrades in the future to come. It would be just as Telion said, through whatever darkness that plagued them, their trust in one another would see them through. This was no different. It was all the more proof in how Arcas and Tiberius exchanged looks, the thoughts shared between them knowing from their past experiences together. "I'll never let it consume me again." The wolf agreed firmly as he held onto that belief, that determination to become the line that kept comrade safe from entropy. But then came the next part, the destiny that was to be his in the days to come.

At this Rickter raised his eyebrows, never having believed in some grandiose role he'd have to play. But look where he was now, in the presence of a Draegir and a past incarnation no less. Two of them technically, if he did count Arcas as that as well. Rickter watched with diligence reminiscent of Tiberius himself, a fact that made the grizzled old knight grin a little wider as he watched. But then that grin faltered at what was to come, the levity of purpose in this tale felt when Arcas projected two particular objects. A pair of swords hovered beside him, the one on Rickter's left glistening with a profound radiance akin to the sun... maybe even perhaps the stars. It was a truly marvelous blade to gaze upon, the silver runes brilliantly shone along the pure blade, with wings unfurled from the center of the crossguard as the golden hilt and pommel radiated more light.

Oathkeeper... The name stirred something within Rickter when he heard it, a gentle reminder felt in the beat of his heart over a promise made centuries ago. A promise made in the name of a great sacrifice, a promise that was never quite fulfilled at the time it was meant to. A blade of light and hope, one meant to bring justice within the world. Already he felt as though it called out to him, the faint name of the one he'd heard before echoing in his thoughts as he did. "Alistor..." There was something in particular about this name, this particular person who felt connected to the weapon itself. The same could be said for the other weapon, the malevolent blade shrouded with a darkness, unlike anything Rickter had seen.

Oblivion... Another weapon with a name that felt familiar, it's power delivering unyielding destruction to enemies, promising to deliver only pure and wretched chaos to those who possessed it. Something about how Arcas gazed upon the blade itself left Rickter to wonder, an innate pain felt in his own heart as he too started at the blacked blade. It was a sword much like Oblivion, the blade itself stained so black that it looked to be made of pure obsidian, while the crossguard bore a storming black gemstone between the pair of chains wrapped around the hilt. The shadows themselves didn't cling to the blade, but rather, they were exuded as though something wretched and terrifying were housed inside. Another name. Though it did not rise to the surface just yet for Rickter, only the feeling of somebody close being tied to the blade itself... and a feeling of loss that lingered within the shadow of his own heart.

Arcas elaborated on the fact things had been set in motion on this day, that time ticked forward toward his destiny as he'd have to seek these blades out. Tiberius looked firmly at Rickter as he were told these things, as it was stressed that long ago there had in fact been a promise made. A promise that Rickter alone didn't make necessarily, but a promise he inherited from his forebearers centuries ago. What's more death lingered on the horizon still, if the wolf could not in fact uphold this promise. "What promise!?" The thoughts were wracked with insurmountable fear for his loved ones, Tiberius grimly fixed on Rickter with an empathetic curve found in his lips. Arcas rested his hands on Rickter's shoulders, the wolf looking down into his silver eyes, as he was told to move with haste in regard to finding the weapons. Somehow... he felt as though the promise revolved around them, around the one that was connected these two, more than Tiberius seemed to be given how serious he gazed to Rickter.

So it really did fall to him to carry it out then.

"All of us!?" The wolf's eyes widened as he almost wanted to step away, not because he feared what Arcas told him, but because he feared for Arcas and everyone close to him. Everyone. All the people that he loved and cared about, they would all be taken away from him if he failed? He'd thought Talon gone at the beginning of all this, unwilling to let go of the presence he missed so dearly before. Now though... He was torn between wanting to release them all, and then holding every one of them close to his heart. How could he protect everyone? What did this promise require him to do? Seeking the weapons didn't seemed more like a quest or a solution, not the promise itself as some may think, what on Ransera did the wolf have to do when he finally came to possess them?

Clearly set in his way even if he feared the possibilities, Rickter grit his teeth with a clenched jaw before slowly nodding in a firm manner. "I'll do it," He promised Arcas just as another did once before, "I promise I'll seek them out." He'd do it for all his comrades, all the people he loved and cared for. Rickter would not rest until he was ready, and knew exactly what he needed to do to locate the first one. Oathkeeper. It was clear this would be the weapon he needed to seek out first, if he ever wanted to stand a chance against the other one... Oblivion. Something about that one felt mired with twisted irony, and the shadow of Rickter's heart still ached at the memory of its depiction.

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."

Re: The Test of Bonds

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:26 pm
by Paragon
“I know you will.” There was a sadness in those silver eyes as Arcas regarded Rickter somberly. But there was hope too. A small hope. But it was there and if Rickter could bring hope to the very deific power that embodied it, perhaps success would become a reality in time.

“Our time is up, my wolf.” Arcas reached up and took Rickter’s face gently into his hands. He brought their foreheads together before lightly brushing his lips over Rickter’s brow. As that gentle touch pressed upon the Rathari, several images presented themselves to the wolf. In the first, Rickter stood tall and proud as he was hit full force by a boulder thrown at him. The rocks shattered upon impact and when the dust settled, there the man stood unscathed. Upon his arm, the mark of Eminence shone brightly. In the next image, Rickter was faced with a wide ravine. He took several steps back and then sprinted forward, bounding over the ravine with apparent ease. Again, the mark of Eminence glowed softly as he did this. In the final image, Rickter was seen traveling along a road, his pace never wavering as the day grew longer and stretched onward into the next day when he finally took rest. Again, the mark of Eminence shone brightly.

Arcas then let go and stepped back. But though there was space between them, the mark on Rickter’s forearm made it seem as though there was no distance at all.

“This is my gift. The strength to be a shield. To defend Justice where others would seek to destroy it. Wield it wisely, my wolf. Let it be a light where a light is needed most.”

As Arcas words became softer, the world around Rickter began to grow hazy. The shadows closed in as the world grew dimmer. But in the darkness, the mark upon Rickter’s forearm shone softly. In short order, the chapel, Arcas and Tiberius were no longer visible. Then from one blink to the next…

“Rickter!” A hand was shaking him softly. Upon opening his eyes, the worried gaze of Aoren was staring down upon him. Once Rickter’s eyes opened, relief filled the raven winged Kathar’s expression. He helped the Rathari into a sitting position, one strong arm remaining firmly around his waist.

“Easy, my wolf. Easy. I think we both hit our heads. I remember reaching out for Talon and then...then a chapel and…” He shook his head. “Did you meet him?”

Aoren searched Rickter’s face.

Re: The Test of Bonds

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:39 pm
by Rickter
Thread Title
Time Stamp
Rickter's eyes searched Arcas' deeply as he yearned for answers, a somberness akin to the same look in the Draegir's met and lingered. Naturally he was believed in even by the Demigod, something that would've easily perplexed the wolf before, had he not found his sense of purpose before ever coming here. Though he had so many questions about his role, and the promise that was made so long ago, their importance paled in comparison to what his heart commanded out of him. What's more their time together was up, Arcas reaching out to embrace his jawline as weathered thumbs brushed through his beard. There it was again. Talon's presence washed over him to alleviate the innate concern, pushing it back as he reached up to gently grip the Draegir at his wrists. He needed just a little longer... Just a bit more time...

Yet there was none left. As their foreheads pushed together Rickter closed his eyes, his mind awash with the feelings he harbored for the prince, while visions surfaced within his thoughts from the man in front of him. He knew. Rickter knew that somehow this was Arcas reaching through to him, showing him what the power of Eminence could do if he ever used it. No. He would use it. There was no question in the wolf's mind the lethality of this power, as well as the repercussions that were a stipulation of its use. He feared it, almost, and yet at the same time he felt as though it were a natural part of him. As though echoes of the past surfaced in his being, warning him to use the power only as a necessity. Not that he'd ever abuse such a gift, for the pull away Arcas did almost felt as though it didn't happen. As if he were still here within Rickter, his will living once more within the mark, the very arm that bore the glowing emblem of his prince.

"I'll be that shield." He vowed with a look down at the emblem, his somber gaze lifting back to Arcas as he listened. With a nod to the finality in his words, the wolf watched as everything became a gradual fade. The haze around him thickened as shadows enveloped the sanctum they stood within, the chapel windows being the last to fade along with Tiberius and Arcas with them. He was alone once again, in pure darkness until the wolf sighed, his eyes blinking to then discover...

"Rickter!" He stirred as though he came to his senses, a hint of confusion in his eyes as he was helped brought to a rise. Aoren had gently shaken him until he'd awoken, helping Rickter with a supporting arm at the wolf's waist. "Easy, my wolf. Easy. I think we both hit our heads. I remember reaching out for Talon and then...then a chapel and…" Rickte'rs eyes were still hazy from his awakening, but they widened as he recollected everything Aoren shared. The chapel that he came to, and the entities that he was allowed to meet within... Was it all actually real? The Bond had allowed him to do so much, to see so much in just that short time, yet not even Rickter could comprehend the limitations of the Bond. Thus the question that was asked almost fell on deaf ears, as the wolf searched diligently in his memory for every possible answer. He knew who he'd met in there.

And gazing around he could see that they were within the original sanctum, the version of the chapel that was weathered into ruin, and surrounded by overgrowth as the symbol on the stone ground looked faded. This was Talon's domain then. It had to be. Telion came into view as the wolf's eyes wandered, concern in her expression as she checked Rickter's forehead a couple of times. "If by him you mean Arcas..." The bard gasped then at the name, her eyes following Rickter's as they fell upon the form of another Avialae within their midst. "... then, yeah..." The bard next to him shifted, looking back down to Rickter once more, before rising on her feet to step aside.

"He appeared here not long before you both woke, Aoren was the first to stir before you did." Rickter looked up to her receptively then, moving to practically crawl closer to Talon's form them. The prince lain on his side in between his wings, the silver feathers blanketing him almost like a cocoon, as a ray of light remained fixed on him from above. His markings had changed as well, the glow of the runes a brighter silver now, rather that soft blue hue the wolf had grown fond of. Though... Seeing Talon where he was now, the way he was, he had never felt all the more relieved and joyful. Aoren would obviously be the first to receptively notice this, but the feelings physically surfaced as he drew closer, the wolf's eyes misting over as he reached to brush over the surface of Talon's wings.

"l found you... my prince." He murmured softly as tears started to well from his eyes, the sentiment shared as Talon didn't belong to just him. No. Aoren was the first who bore feelings for him, somewhere along the way the wolf had found himself doing the same. Perhaps it stemmed from the Bond itself, though, the wolf could not deny the lofty sentiments he possessed for Talon. For Aoren too. For Telion... The few people he truly cared for, who he valued beyond compare, were all safely around him once more. "Talon's going to need us," he then remarked without looking over his shoulder, "all of us." That alone was a prevalent fact, and not just because of his newly awakened Draegir status, but because he was a prince destined for greatness. A leader meant to shepherd those out of the dark, and into the glorious light of a prosperous future.

He could see that now, the dream he wanted not just for himself anymore. No longer did he just yearn to see his peers smiling untroubled, for his purpose was to now protect those smiles, and make sure nothing ever brought them to fade again. Rickter's hand brushed further along the feathers, seeking Talon's shoulder carefully until he reached the base of the neck. "I'm here. Talon." He promised once more; determined to never let the feeling of their bond become an absence again.

Re: The Test of Bonds

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 11:32 pm
by Paragon
Aoren slid into place. He tugged Telion forward, bringing her into the circle that had formed around the slumbering prince. The dark winged Kathar gently, ever so gently, lifted the young man’s head and cradled it in his lap. Tenderly, he brushed his fingers over Talon’s face, fingers tracing over the silver-white witchmark that covered his left eye.

“Idiot.” Aoren’s voice was thick with emotion but there was a smile on his face. The fires in his eyes burned softly and with an abundance of affection. “Don’t you know that I need you?”

The warrior smiled. He leaned down to press a kiss to Talon’s brow while the young demigod slumbered on. As he righted himself, a soft murp drew the attention of those who were gathered. The Orkhan woman stood within the chapel. There was a smile on her face but her eyes looked distant. That smile slowly fell as a troubled expression crossed her features. She looked to Aoren but remained silent as she gazed upon him. There was something in her stare that said she knew far more than she spoke.

“Teach Him the Strength of Justice. The Eminence that is now yours to bear. He will need to know the blessing that is now His to bestow. But of everything else you saw?” She held up a finger and when she spoke next, suddenly they were not staring merely at an Orkhan woman. In a blink, her hair blew as though caught in an ethereal wind. Around her spun the threads of Fate itself. She was crowned by divinity and the weight of her gaze bore the insurmountable power of an ancient far beyond mere mortals.

“Speak nothing of it. He must walk His own road to discovering Himself. The Prince of Dragons has returned but He must reclaim His crown before His Father can truly see Him.” Slowly, the form of the Orkhan woman began to fade as the winds of a distant savannah gathered around her. In the skies, the roar of a mighty dragon could be heard and briefly, just briefly, the great pavilion that was her home could be seen.

“It begins.” She peered at them all for a moment. Her eyes came to rest upon Talon. “The Sun has risen.”

Her gaze passed to Telion.

“The Winds of change will blow soon too.”

The little kachai cat meowed and emit a small roar before hiccuping with a burp that released a burst of wind. And then she and the little animal were gone. There remained only the chapel but in the silence there was only peace. This was a safe place, a haven against darker things. Light continued to stream through the canopy, seeking out those weary travelers that yet remained in its crumbling walls. Aoren looked at Rickter and Telion. He said nothing. He did not know what to say. He returned his attention to Talon. Tenderly he pressed a kiss to his bondmate’s lips then whispered.

“How do we keep ending up in situations like this, my love?” A voice, deep but hoarse with weariness, spoke softly.

“Fate or Chaos.” The young demigod opened his eyes.

Re: The Test of Bonds

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:58 pm
by Paragon
XP: 10. Cannot be used for magic.
Requested Lore:
Elementalism: Elemental Lodestones and Their Applications
-Elementalism: Utilizing Combinations To Generate Different Types of Spells
-Reaving: Feeling The Full Front of A Broken Appendage In Your Backlash
-Endurance: Surviving A Powerful Blow
-Endurance: Tolerating the Physical Pain of A Broken Limb
-Personal: Met A Draegir In Person
-Personal: Met Arcas Through The Bond
-Personal: Met Your Past Incarnation Known As Tiberius
-Personal: Marked With the Emblem of Eminence
-Personal: A Promise From Ages Past

Note: Rickter has been awarded the Emblem of Eminence at the rank of Acolyte. He is thus entitled to use the following abilities:

Acolyte | The Acolytes of Arcas are people who are, in most circumstances, those who have a wholesome belief in the good that true Justice can bring to those around them. They are typically fierce and outspoken in their advocation for fairness, freedom from oppression, and are people who are uncompromising in their morals. They are people who readily stand up for those who will not or cannot stand up for themselves, regardless of the peril they might place themselves in for doing so. Acolytes have draw the attention of the demigod, they have been noticed for their potential to be true defenders of Light, Justice and Hope. As such they have been granted the mark of Eminence and are thus able to perform the following:

Dominion. An acolyte is able to shore up their own physical resiliency. Their endurance as well as physical toughness is reinforced by divine fortitude. The shift in physical strength and endurance is enough to give even an unskilled acolyte an edge in conflict. A blow that might have knocked them unconscious will instead only leave them dazed. A person whose physical stamina might allow them to naturally run 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) before growing winded will find that they can push themselves twice the distance before suffering the same effects. A person who could naturally lift 23 kg (50 lbs.) will find that they can now lift and move 45 kg (100 lbs) with the same level of ease.