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Re: [Open] Crimes of Sedition

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:57 pm
by Dreyfus
Company: Natasha & Rogue Mages| Thoughts: Impossible!| Mood: Confused
♅ The moment she spoke his name, it sent chills down his spine. How did she know him by name? How was this even possible? He could only rationalize that it was due to his job as a State mage and that maybe other mages spoke of him and his family. It was the only reason he could fathom in that brief moment. What came next from her mouth however would leave him speechless.

“I would hate to kill Maria’s only child.” those words collided with him like being hit with an airship. How did she know his mother? He watched in dumbfounded horror as she caused Timothy to convulse and spasm with just a wave of her hand. "Stop....Stop it now!" he forced from his lips, feeling his legs becoming weak in the face of Venetia. The echoes of the crowd behind him, their screams of terror and death sang into his ears like a symphony, and Venetia being its conductor.

She continued on, informing him that he would need a make a choice. What choice? What could she have meant by that? He looked to the plaza as he watched the spell work its horrific power on the innocent. "I don't understand, what do you mean? Why are you doing this?" he inquired, but to no avail. A thunderous clap of a caster shell flew by him, taking Venetia's shoulder. He watched horrified as she just stood there, her arm reconnecting where it had been blown apart.

Just what sort of witch was she? This was all too much as he tried to fire his pistol at her, he was close enough that he couldn't miss her head at this range. But his finger refused, out of sheer fear maybe? Whatever the case may have been he could only stand there and watch her as she regained herself, her eyes never straying from him.

As she departed, her final words were like a nail in the coffin, Dreyfus collapsing to his knees. “Until we meet again, nephew.” The mere inclination of being related to her caused him to spiral. Everything he had been taught, come to loath and despise, Venetia threw it all out the window by the mere mention of being related to him. Not only that but she spoke those damned words in front of a platoon of Zaichaerian soldiers.

As he sat there falling deeper into his own mental spiral, one of the remaining rogues crept up on amidst the conflict, a blade of ice formed on his hand. He went to drive it through Dreyfus from behind, but a bullet shattered the blade, another bullet hitting the mage in the head. With a thudding collapse, Natasha came rushing to his side, slapping him upon arrival.

"Pull yourself together sir, you are a wolf of the Monteliyet Bloodline, so start acting like it." she said shaking him a bit. Helping Dreyfus to his feet she loaded her rifle again, standing back to back with the Wolf as he too regained his composure. "What are your orders sir?"

For a moment he was silent, but with a heavy sigh, he fired Mage Piercer at one of the attacking mages. "Business as susal, erradicate them all." he said running forward, going after the mage skewering civilians with ice shards. Joining the conflict Dreyfus let loose the flux he had been pooling in his sword hand, using it to lift himself into the air and above the ice mage.

Using the momentum of his descent he sent out a push of the flux to help break his fall rolling up on a couple that was in the ice mage's sight. With a sinister laugh, the ice mage sent two ice shards to impale the couple but Dreyfus closed the distance in enough time to pull them out of the line of sight of the shards. Furious the mage sent another at Dreyfus, only for the Reconciliator to catch it with pull circling it around to use the flux to push it back at him. Unprepared to have his own mage sent back at him the ice mage was instead impaled himself. ♅

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
"Natasha Speech"

Re: [Open] Crimes of Sedition

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:17 pm
by Evana

The lines of probability were too many, too confusing the read the longer Evana watched the events unfold. The blood made Eva grimace and look down at the balcony below, and not for the first time the woman was glad that so few took the time to look up. It seemed a force was rallying, and her sharp ears twitched as the sound of heavy boots announced the arrival of reinforcements.

More of her people died out in the streets, shot or beaten, their lives cut short in the name of some cause that they saw worth their lives. Eva couldn't understand it, or perhaps she simply chose not to. With a heavy sigh she crawled down from the chimney, crouching at the edge of the roof over the balcony to get a better view. There were likely none that she knew among the witches fighting, but still to see them throwing their lives away made an odd heaviness fill her chest. There wasn't anything Evana could do of course. She was just a rat, not some predator made for hunting. She was prey, a scavenger who survived by staying out of sight, or by running when things grew too dangerous. Tonight was the latter.

That's it then. Evana thought as she stood, rolling her shoulders and stretching her back, Nothing I can do here, and I'm not about to jump into a fray like that.

It would be silly to put her own life in danger for a person she didn't even know, and Eva was no follower of Venetia Childs. If those down there decided to follow this path it was their choice to make. Evana turned and took two steps away from the scene before turning to look back over her shoulder. Somehow it felt wrong, but with a final shake of her head she did the smart thing. Getting a running start she jumped to the next roof top, slipping down the side and disappearing down a back alley. Hopefully there wouldn't be too many casualties. She wasn't so naïve to think that was possible.

► Show Spoiler

Re: [Open] Crimes of Sedition

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 1:06 pm
by Paragon
8 Glade 121

As the reinforcements from the city’s garrisons filled the plaza, the remaining mages were slowly picked off one by one. Whether by the fire of riflemen, the exhaustion of their powers in the face of a crowd, or simply as they tried to turn and disappear into the masses. The chaos that followed spread throughout the nearest parts of the city as members of the Zaichaer Army and the Reconciliators worked to restore order.

The immediate threat, it seemed, had been quelled with the disappearance of Venetia and her closest cohorts. But in the aftermath, it left many questions.

How had this been accomplished? How many had been involved in the sabotage of what was supposed to have been a run-of-the-mill execution? The reasons behind it did not matter. Mages had spat in the face of the Zaichaer authorities. It created an even greater need for the military to crack down on the presence of magic in the city-state and its territory. This debacle would not go unpunished.


As the threat of the immediate chaos in the square was diminished, the elder woman returned to both Stefan and Brenner Dornkirk. She assessed the two with a critical eye.

“The both of you performed your duties admirably.” She folded her hands together before her, eyes going to bloody square where a few stragglers still grappled with the surge of soldiers sent to quell the disturbance. She observed the two of three remaining mages as one might observe a stain upon the carpet or a tacky piece of art. Her disdain was abundantly evident.

“I shall ensure that my son is well informed of the bravery and service of the Dornkirk line.” As she finished speaking, a group of soldiers entered the room. They were dressed sharply in the attire of palace guard. At the lead was a middle-aged looking man in the garb of an officer. He came to a halt just a pace or two away from the old woman, rendering a crisp salute.

“Lady Kane, we are here to escort you back to the palace.” The woman nodded to the officer before returning her attention to Stefan and Brenner.

“Hail Zaichaer, gentlemen.” With that, the elder matron began making her way out of the room. Another young man stepped up to nudge Brenner and Stefan in a congratulatory manner.

“Leave it to the two of you to impress the Grand Marshal’s mother.”


Smoke rose from the square. Several nearby buildings just outside of it had caught fire. Word soon spread that the plaza was not the only place some sort of mage attack had taken place. A squadron of Reconciliators, seven in total, had been ambushed and slaughtered. A watch station had been burned. Later that day, two houses containing what authorities claimed to be a den of witches were raided, the occupants dragged away in chains or killed outright for resisting and showing hostility.

The fire had been lit in Zaichaer. The question remained however, what way would it lead?

Re: [Open] Crimes of Sedition

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:02 pm
by Paragon

XP:10. Cannot be used for filthy magic.

Politics: Strident patriotism
Politics: Securing exclusive invitations
Politics: Impressing the powers that be
Leadership: Cool-headed in crisis
Leadership: Making split-second decisions
Leadership: Getting civilians to safety
Leadership: Prioritizing the wellbeing of civilians
Ranged Weaponry: Rifle sniping

XP: 10. Cannot be used for filthy magic.

House Management: Hosting Parties With a Purpose
House Management: Attending to Duty
Leadership: Inspiring Speech
Leadership: Giving Commands
Leadership: You Can Look To Me
Leadership: Victory Through Order
Ranged Weaponry: Calm Under Fire
Ranged Weaponry: Taking Aim

XP: 10. Can be used for Kinetics.

Kinetics: Using Push to soften a fall
Kinetics: Catching Ice shards with Push
Kinetics: Using the Flux to redirect attacks
Blades{Longsword}: Cutting down mages
Acrobatics: Leaping from a balcony
Investigation: Asking why someone is doing what they are doing
Investigation: Trying to find a motive
Psychology: Shocking news can rattle a person

XP: 10. Cannot be used for magic.

Please send me your requests via PM.

Note(s): Moving forward, the paranoia surrounding witchcraft and the practice of sorcery within the realm of Zaichaer and its associated territories will be increased. Aggression against mages, including those who wear the Cloth of the State, will be at an all time high for the foreseeable future. The Order of Reconciliation is going to come under fire for this serious breach in control. Anti-mage remarks are going to circulate for some time and those affected by this atrocity will be forever scarred by the horrific things they saw this day.

Brenner and Stefan: Your names have been noted by the mother of the Grand Marshal. Time will tell if that is a good thing.

Dreyfus: Hopefully no one took note of Venetia's declaration. Hopefully...

Evana: Perhaps she was not spotted...

Light the fire. Lead the way.