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Re: [OOC] The Nobility of Kalzasi

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:13 am
by Mirage

The Kozoku

The lowest rung of Kalzasi's nobility. These individuals or families are typically just members of the wealthy class. They are usually either prominent business owners, perhaps low ranking officers of the military, or minor officials within the city-state's government. Generally speaking, the Kozoku do not hold much more power in the affairs of the city than a common citizen. They do however enjoy certain privileges having gained noble status:

The Right of Reprieve. Members of the nobility have it within their power to invoke this right which excuses them from being arrested by the Sky Guard for minor crimes. Upon invoking this right, they are escorted by the Guard to their home estate where they are turned over to their family. The matter is then deferred to the High Court where the three high judges determine punishment for the transgression or the lack thereof. The Right of Reprieve cannot be invoked for such things as murder, treason, enslavement and other high crimes. Additionally, the Right of Reprieve is not applicable if the injured party is a noble of higher standing.

The Right of Patronage. Foreigners seeking citizenship or the right to establish a business in Kalzasi must receive a noble patron. Any noble family can bestow patronage upon such individuals. The patronage must be registered with the Office of Registry and Citizenship who then forwards the proper documents to the Central Bank of Kalzasi for tax records.

The Right of Audience. All nobles have the right to petition the Shokaze for a direct audience in order to bring a matter to the sovereign's attention. The Shokaze can accept or dismiss the petition at his discretion.

The Right of Collection. The Elder Council determines taxes for Kalzasi. However, the duty of collecting those taxes falls to the nobles of the city-state and its territories. All nobles and their designated officials have the authority to collect taxes from the citizens of Kalzasi that fall within their purview. The Shokaze ensures the Great Houses pay their taxes to the city's coffers and then manages the budget appropriately. The Great Houses ensure the Hatakomon pay their dues. The Hatakomon oversee the Koiteki and so forth.

The Kozoku of Kalzasi

House Kilvin — The House of the Forge. Associated with Hatakomon House Leukos.
House Maze — The House of Waves.