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Re: {Talon} A Friend Indeed

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 10:26 pm
by Hikami

龍 13th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Talon & his Bondmate| Thoughts: Of Course you can tell something's wrong| Mood: Emotional

龍 Hyo had had his time to vent his frustrations, and now he was intent on hearing Talon's response to him. Hyo was almost certain to be reprimanded, maybe even outrightly vilified. But he didn't, Talon was still as polite and compassionate as ever, and a part of Hyo was furious because of it. He had always known that there was a blazing fire or rage and carnage embedded in him, etched into the core of his being, but he never really felt it flare up till now.

Hyoga could only look at the man as he rebutted all of his accusations, trying his best to see where the royal Avialae was coming from. He was trying to search his soul to see if there would ever be a possibility he could allow those responsible for his pain to live. He wasn't sure how to come to terms with that, and if he was honest with himself he didn't think he could. As Talon went on Hyo was starting to see some similarities between the two Avialae.

Hyo too was the son of a powerful warrior father and sorceress mother, he knew very well the expectations of coming from such legacies. He was familiar with the weight of the mantle that came with it, but it was a lot of pressure. He looked to Talon at his final words, and couldn't hold the tears anymore. He cried, he wasn't sure why, maybe because it was all of the anger he was feeling, or still not having processed the weight of his situation till now.

Whatever the case he didn't speak, he just sobbed, crying uncontrollably as everything finally came to a head. It was gut-wrenching but it was needed. He was allowing that emotional weight to break and shatter around him. 龍

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: {Talon} A Friend Indeed

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:45 pm
by Talon

Whatever response Talon had been expecting, this was not it. As Hyoga broke down into tears, sobbing as the well of emotions overtook him, Talon’s gaze softened. He lowered himself into a kneel, bringing up his hands to rest upon the Kathar’s shoulders. Talon squeezed Hyoga’s broad shoulders gently. Leaning forward, he rest their brows together and peered deeper into the core of Hyoga’s soul. The markings upon Talon’s body shifted. They pulsed as they went from a deep violet-blue to a soft silver-white. The silver in Talon’s eyes shone sharper and more clearly before he closed them. He peered into the flickering silver flame that dwelled at the heart of Hyoga’s soul. It was surrounded by shadows. The thirst for revenge in the face of so much pain and suffering was something that Talon could understand.

On one hand, Talon did not know if it was right to deny Hyoga is drive for revenge. Was he not entitled to it? What would he do if faced with the murder of his mother and father? What would he do if his brothers and sisters were killed? Talon shuddered to think of it. He hoped that he would have the presence of mind to think of others but there was a part of him that questioned that. Did he not cling desperately to the warmth and comfort of his bondmates? Talon knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would die to defend both Aoren and Rickter. He would cast the world aside and use every ounce of strength in his body to protect them. He had done it once already. As he beheld the fire in Hyoga’s soul, Talon felt himself moved to act.

Opening his eyes again, Talon pressed the flat of his hand to Hyoga’s chest.

You are not wrong to want revenge, Hyoga. The burden you carry is a heavy one. The injustices you have suffered, they are wrong. But you do not have to carry this alone.” Talon gestured to himself and to Aoren who came up to rest a hand upon his shoulder.

Avialae were born to fight. We are warriors. That will never change. What you choose to do with your strength is up to you, I just hope that you realize that you have people who want to befriend you.” Talon gave Hyoga a smile. He had respect for the Kathar. He acted with great selflessness in his quest to defend those he cared about. The passion with which he was ready to act on behalf of Fawn, told him as much. The ease with which he had thrown himself into the fray of battle against a shambler horde spoke of his bravery. Within Hyoga, Talon saw the capacity to do great good. Time would tell what road the young man chose to walk.

Re: {Talon} A Friend Indeed

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:12 pm
by Hikami

龍 13th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Talon & his Bondmate| Thoughts: Of Course you can tell something's wrong| Mood: Emotional

"Fuck..." he whispered amidst his weeping. He felt embarrassed to have shown such vulnerability in front of Talon and his bondmate, in front of two incredibly powerful men. His watery eyes looked to Talon when he felt the other's hand placed against his chest.

He took hold of it, smiling faintly as he fought back tears listening to Talon try and reassure him that his burden didn't have to be handled alone. As much as Hyo knew that to be true, he knew he couldn't ask anyone to aid him in this. "I appreciate your reassurance, but I couldn't ask anyone else to bloody their hands with my affairs. It's a matter of pride you see. These five murderers left me alive with the intent to hunt me down and kill me once I got stronger. I however don't plan to wait for them to come to me, as I have been searching Kalzasi for them, and once I find them I will kill them."

He stood, his eyes looking at Talon for a bit longer, admiring the man for showing him so much kindness, so much compassion in this situation, and since he has been in the city. He found himself coming face to face with feelings he didn't think he could have for one person. Talon was different than most he would find attractive and realizing he was starting to blush he turned his face away and began to walk out into the lake.

With each step his focused his aether into his feet, allowing the water beneath them to freeze in his wake. "I would appreciate your friendship Talon, gods know i could use some. Not many wish to be around me and it's not anything I'm not already used to. I was alone for quite some years after my village was destroyed." he noted, calling the water up to coil and snake around his body, guiding it with his left hand as he began to solidify and turn to ice.

"Honestly I've been on my own for so long I wouldn't even know how to be a good friend" he said jokingly, looking back at the two Avialae, a big smile on his features. "But if you will have me, I would love to be a friend, I would love for you to be my friend." he proposed, extending a hand out to Talon, then looking to his bondmate.

"I wouldn't mind being your friend too. Though I was born outside of the Imperium, I'm certain there are things we have in common to bond over."

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: {Talon} A Friend Indeed

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:34 pm
by Talon

Talon did the only thing he could think of in that moment that would bring comfort to a man in so much emotional pain. When Hyoga had come to a stop, calling upon the water to have it snake around his body, Talon stepped up to him. He extended his arms and Talon embraced Hyoga tightly, being mindful not to disturb the man’s wings too much. After a firm squeeze, Talon then released the Kathar with a smile.

Of course we can be friends, Hyoga. It would be an honor. Which, that does remind me.” Talon reached into one of the pouches on his belt. He pulled out a golden bronze colored ring that was covered in a thin layer of permafrost. He extended it to Hyoga with a warm grin.

The ring that I promised.” Reaching out, Talon took Hyoga’s hand and slipped it on to one of his fingers so that the Kathar could wear it proudly. “I apologize that it took me so long to complete it but it is crafted to the best of my ability with the material that you provided.”

Stepping back, Talon returned to the embrace of his bondmate. Aoren wound an arm around his waist, observing Hyoga passively but not in an unfriendly way. Nodding to the ring, Talon spoke on its abilities.

It is imbued with the power of the ice crystal that you gave me. The ring, in its current state, can conjure bolts of frost, perhaps an ice lance or two, and of course cause chilling effects to things that you touch. I would say you can get about seven uses out of it in a single day before it goes dormant. The aether within it will recharge over time.” Gesturing around them, Talon indicated their surroundings.

Why don’t you give it a try? Just focus on attuning your aether to the ring. You can then use it freely.

Re: {Talon} A Friend Indeed

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:16 am
by Hikami

龍 13th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Talon & his Bondmate| Thoughts: Thank you| Mood: Grateful

龍 For that brief moment, Hyoga was comfortable in Talon's embrace. He didnt see the man as a prince, just another Avialae like him, one who saw him for who he was and the pain he was in. He nodded at both men, delighted to hear that Talon wanted to be friends. He felt comfort in knowing he had someone he could trust watching his back. His eyes widened a bit, seeing the ring Talon placed on his finger, the one he had commissioned from the runeforger some time ago this season.

Hearing Talon's explanation of the enchanted jewelry he gazed at it for quite some time. The ring held a thin layer of frost on it. It was cool to the touch of his skin, but the ring fit perfectly. "Its....its amazing, thank you so much for doing this for me." he thanked, tears of gratitude falling from his eyes, if only for a brief moment.

He closed his eyes, following Talon's instructions, melding his aether with that of the ring's, taking a few moments till both felt like one. Opening them, he extended his hand forward and conjured a bolt of ice, firing it at the spherical statue in the center of the lake. A large smile stretched across his face, Hyoga taking to the air with several flaps of his wings. Hoving over the water, He visualized a lance and as he did so, one formed in his hand, the cold aura of the ice made spear wafting off of it.

Cocking his hand back he sent it plummeting into the water, watching as it stalagmited across the surface. The grin on his face widened even more. This ring would be an invaluable asset to him and his arsenal, even more so cause a friend made it for him. Coming to land back onto the icy platform he couldn't resist hugging Talon and his bondmate. "Thank you so much, this is the best thing I own, I'll make sure to cherish it."

He couldn't help but fidget with it, holding it up against the sun and smiling as the enchanted ring gleamed in the light. 龍

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: {Talon} A Friend Indeed

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:18 pm
by Terra


Elementalism: Mixing Water & Wind to Create Ice
Elementalism: Technique: Blending
Elementalism: Blending ice into various forms
Elementalism: Creating a ice platform
Elementalism: Dancing while you blend the elements
Elementalism: The elements respond to your emotions
Etiquette: Speaking on past experiences
Etiquette: Trying to find Common Ground through conversation
Etiquette: Venting to a Friend
Bodybuilding: Dancing is another form of exercise
Psychology: Nurturing hate after experiencing prejudice
Psychology: Consumed by revenge
Psychology: Not caring for the consequences of revenge
Talon: Walks a path of light
Talon: Sees justice differently than I do
Talon: Is aware of the plight of his people
Talon: Genuinely cares for my well being
Talon: Wants to help me find a different path
Talon: Is someone I may come to trust


Kinetics: Seeming aether flow to enable water-walking
Kinetics: Condensing the aether flux to create a stable surface
Semblance: Discerning an aura marked by Elementalism
Semblance: Hyoga’s Aura
Persuasion: Convincing someone to forego vengeance
Persuasion: Using hypothetical scenarios to plead one’s case
Leadership: Finding common ground with common people
Leadership: Using privilege to advocate for those of lesser station
Rhetoric: Arguing the difference between Justice and Vengeance

Divinity: Peering into a soul to discern the root of an injustice suffered
Divinity: Using one’s divine domain to find a bridge between mortals
Divinity: Using one’s domain to try and soothe the soul

Loot: +1 Runeforged Frost Ring.
(The item is granted but still requires SF approval)

Injuries: N/A

Points: Both earned 8xp in magic
Elementalism for Hyoga and Kinetics/Semblance for Talon

Comments: These were my personal favorite lines from the dialogue, I mean if I wasn’t such a heartless bastard I may have even smiled a little every time Talon tried to comfort Hyoga.

So this was my favorite part of your dialogue
"Revenge is what has become my only means of living at this point, so if that path is not worth it, then what do I have to live for? How can you expect me to bring them to justice without seeking my revenge as well?"
It really puts things under an interesting lens when dealing with the Demi God of Justice. Vigilante justice is still justice right 🤔

This was my favorite part in Talons dialogue.
“Justice is in setting an example, my friend. Stop that one man and you bring an end only to him. Make an example of that man and a lesson is learned by those who would seek to emulate him.”
See what I like about Talon is he always tries to a good dude, I mean the whole Tyranny of Zaichaer thing I can look past but he’s definitely following what he preaches.