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Re: (Lyra) A Debt of Gratitude

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:09 am
by Rickter
A Debt of Gratitude
Searing 2nd, 121st AoS

There came the moment after Lyra had subtly embraced the warmth of her mug within her fingers, a behavior similar to what Telion did when her's were normally cold at least, before Rickter felt as though the woman were appraising something about him. Her golden eyes didn't really rest on him but rather, seemed fixed in a way that suggested meticulous discernment of the immaterial. Of course he knew the lady to be a sorceress with her own unusual powers, but he found it difficult to suspect her of anything beyond scrutinizing him for whatever reason she beheld.

Telion noticed the peculiar look Rickter started to give and read into the behavior, the wolf's eyes only somewhat narrowed when she looked to Lyra to listen to the language she spoke. There it was again, something about the tongue she spoke in seemed... familiar. Yet Rickter never once understood the meaning of the words, merely, felt as though they were something he should've known. "Those words... what language are they, exactly?" The healer inquired with a sense of hesitation in her town, which led Rickter eye her with a glint of wonder for a moment. Was it the same for her as it were for him? He could barely grasp his mind around what was happening lately, but Rickter had slept much on his way back from Zaichaer, some of those dreams being faint recollections of the night Talon had ascended.

He had believed that the changes were merely internal and strictly involved with him, but having remembered those moments where Telion called out and another spoke in her place... Again, his uncertainty led him to merely wonder, the speculation left in his eyes as he looked back to Lyra hoping to listen. He was just as curious as Telion about the language, it possessed some significance to him, whether it was to a past incarnation or something else... Lyra then proceeded to mention Arcas afterward, and how Talon seemed to embody the entity easily. Rickter noticed it too, how could he not, when he firsthand felt the tender reunion between old friends. Tiberius and Arcas... Was their relationship together what brought Rickter and Talon together to this day? Had fate really woven their destinies so intimately together?

The questions made his gut clench a bit in response, the wolf not very fond of the idea that theirs had been preordained as well. Talon coming in to offer Rickter the connection they shared now, which felt like more than just the threads of fate. He didn't want to question it but with everything that had happened lately... Rickter simply had to take a deep breath and ease it out, icing those doubts once more as he focused on the conversation at hand. "You speak of Arcas as if you knew him personally." Telion remarked curiously as Rickter shifted deeper into the back of his chair, as the touch of his fingers on the tea cup's rim generated a light bit of frost down the ceramic.

"I talked with Arcas myself that night when Talon was supposed to be dead. I saw a few things..." He struggled to grasp them still, but they were gradually becoming clearer the longer he reflected on them. "Bits and pieces of his life more than anything, but what he told me still haunts me even now." As he expressed this he finally lifted his cup with is right hand, sipping at the steaming tea as a mix of hot and cold crossed his tongue. Evidently, the sugar wasn't enough as he noticed the bitterness more than anything, which, the wolf tried to hide as he casually place the cup back down.

"Do you think your connection to Arcas might be why those people took you?" Telion more so asked of him rather than in general, Lyra's response however led to a look of interest from both Telion and Rickter. Suspicions? To learn that she had whispers even where Rickter was... yet, the term Be'Lym. He was only grasping at straws here, but the wolf felt inclined to guess that she referred to him when she said that term. And that implied... "You've kept one'a those things in me?... secretly, without me ever knowing?" He looked to her rather seriously, not necessarily appalled but certainly violated by just the sheer word.

"Wait, you influenced them too? So they'll be back then?" The confusion in her tone mixed with speculative reasoning, Telion knowing Lyra well enough that she didn't really jest much in that regard. If they were coming back then that meant Rickter and Talon were both still in peril, but at least now, they knew to expect it rather than wait for the next event to happen. Make no mistake, however, Rickter's expression fell gravely stoic as he fathomed the extent of what this meant. His kidnappers were going to return eventually... If they were indeed connected to the night of Talon's rebirth, then the wolf had yet another obstacle to worry about in the future. Already he felt his core shake a little, the only anchor to the moment of reality being Lyra's words once more, of trials and the nature of games that gods played. Was she insinuating something there?

"I honestly wouldn't give a damn about it, if it didn't involve the people that I love." He finally admitted to Lyra with his face still stern, but the levity of his stoicism alleviated at least a little. "Talon is a demigod now but he isn't Arcas, he's still Talon the way I see him. But what's happening to me..." His fingers somewhat curled as he trailed with uncertainty, his beloved looking to him dearly as she noticed the light tension in his shoulders. The wolf rather kept his gaze averted from any eye contact at all, clearly troubled by the grandiose of this game that the gods were playing. "I can barely grasp it but there's something beyond Talon and I, something deeper than our Bond that..." His eyes then flicked up in a bit of frustration, a short huff through his nostrils following after before he continued. "Something that may have been Arcas. Or Tiberius."

"Tiberius?" Telion's turn to sound confused came next, curiosity rising in her tone as she looked to Rickter a bit more concerned.

"I spoke with him when I met Arcas, and every now and then there's something that happens. A sudden impulse or even a total white-out, where my memory doesn't remain and something else drives me..." The healer clenched her jaw for a moment before she reached a hand out to his, the wolf simply letting her grasp it as his focus seemed lost in the uncertainty of it all.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion"

Re: (Lyra) A Debt of Gratitude

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:41 pm
by Lyra

Lyra smiled into her cup at the look of realization that passed Rickter's face, finding a small amount of pleasure from the thoughts and emotions that passed through him. She let him settle before stating simply, "It is my nature."

She let them talk then, sitting back and sipping from her cup as her eyes drifted from Rickter to Telion and back until each had said their peace. Children were so troublesome, so full of questions about a world they had barely come to understand. Neither had truly grown into their own, so Lyra thought as she set her cup aside and folded her hands in her lap. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of the name "Tiberius", but she did not comment.

"They will return." Lyra acknowledged Telion. There was more she could say, but in truth, she gave little thought to such minor matters in her opinion. They would come when they came, and when they did she would remove them from the world. It was as simple as that.

You're pretty confident. Naila said, Guys like that are not so easy to deal with.

There was more here, and she turned her attention back to Rickter and leaned forward slightly, "The ways of gods are not for mortals to concern themselves with. I suspect there is another reason you have come to me... And it is not because of Arcas or his incarnation."

Re: (Lyra) A Debt of Gratitude

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:27 pm
by Rickter
It was all appearing before Rickter like a puzzle, much like Lyra had always been, and though he tried... there just weren't enough pieces to understand influx of events that had occurred. Naturally he gave the impression that he loathed the Lady's way of manipulation, but at the same time, that same 'whisper' within him is what allowed her to save him in the heat of the moment. While he felt rather violated in terms of trust, he also felt a sense of justification behind it as well.

Lyra on the other hand knew there to be something more, and though Telion had urged Rickter to investigate it, he had been dancing around the point of this visit the entire time. Perhaps to gauge whatever he could learn from her beforehand, and then decide if he ought to trust in her words or insight. Truth was he blundered around like an idiot with all this, grasping at straws with all this "Gods and fate" bullshit that went on. There were certain times he could appreciate the humor behind it all, of course, but as of late things had taken a more serious turn of reflection for the wolf.

Thus when he saw the shopowner lean toward them a bit, he visibly looked to Telion with that apprehensive stare he sometimes held. Like the supportive healer she was of course, the blonde gave him a gentle smile at the nudge of her lips, before also giving Rickter her own curious stare with the matter. He hadn't been entirely upfront with her on the matter either, since he barely understood what Tiberius told him in their first encounter before. What took place in Zaichaer though felt different. LIterally because it wasn't just a voice in his head, from what Rickter could remember, but the words of someone actually lurking around his vicinity.

Finally, he gave in then, unsure if Lyra could've heard the same thing as well. He knew Talon and Aoren acted strangely after he'd been recovered, but the wolf reasoned it to be the aftermath of all the initial stress. It had been a very tense situation after all, and because of it the ice inside his heart stung a little. "When you came to my rescue..." His gaze averted to the cups before it gradually rose back to Lyra, the uncertainty in his eyes now stirring with a sense of curiosity. Yet he refrained from continuing, and instead clenched his jaw for a moment. "Never mind." To that Telion's eyebrows rose as she perked up, her shoulders brought forward as she appeared expressively intrigued by the statement.

"I suppose we should get along then. Thank you for your time." After remembering how quickly everything went down, he doubted that even Lyra had time to absorb and reflect on it all. Yet given she'd not only divided and conquered the group that took him, but given the ones left incentive to finish what they had started? Clearly, she had to be able to perceive something he couldn't within the heat of the moment. Regardless, the wolf felt ready to depart knowing what he did now, especially given the fact the sorceress had painted a target on Talon's back.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"

Re: (Lyra) A Debt of Gratitude

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:38 pm
by Chronicle
Name: RIckter

  • 12 Lores

Points: 10
Magic: These points cannot be used for magic.

Name: Lyra

  • 11 Lores

Points: 10
Magic: These points cannot be used for magic.

Injuries: Nothing to report!
Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained!

Comment: Always such interesting conversations with Lyra.

Welp, that's everything I'm sure! If you have any questions, or feel that something actually was missed; please do pm me so we can talk!