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Re: A Day Off (Yeva)

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:20 pm
by Franky

"Oh, there are plenty round these parts who partake in the game. The problem would be avoiding those that are a little more... stiff. Come by my tavern sometime. The Hobbled Gobbler over in the Bulge, we have penny wishers and the like in plenty. If you like it, maybe we could come to a more long term arrangement."

This got Franky's business mind rolling. Finding local entertainers, or "entertainers" in Yeva's case, hadn't been the easiest so far. He smiled broadly, "We sure do have food, made by yours truly. Though I'd like to find another cook or two sometime..." He shrugged, "New businesses find it hard to hire here, I think people hold their breath to see if the business survives long enough to be worth it."

Franky was eyeing the overturned saucer, wondering if the woman was about to read her own tea leaves. He knew of those who had partaken, but it wasn't as common of a concept back home. And when she and her mane of fiery curls disappeared, he could only snort a bit in jest. A woman without the stiff etiquette of the west siders in town was one he could certainly appreciate. "Your best bets for hardware are down at the bottom of Copper Cut." He pointed eastward down the road that led to the lower level of the Knob. Then he pointed westward up toward the Bulge, "Up there, a ways past my bar, you'll find The Knob's End Nursery. Crotchety old woman, but don't let that deter you, she's the best around."

Soon, the boy returned with the water, pouring the glasses, setting one for each of them. Franky looked up at him, "Thank you." And of course that sent the boy off scurrying. "My place is much more popular with um... the more open minded types, if you will. You won't find too many humans in there, and when they do show, typically they are silent supporters of our existences."

His eyes were still locked on the tea cup, wondering what the fates would say through it. "What all ways do you prefer to... partake? We had bone and organ readers in the military, met a woman once that did it through smoke dancing."

Re: A Day Off (Yeva)

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:03 pm
by Yeva
5 Searing 121

A more long term arrangement?

Yeva traced her finger along the underside of the teacup, watching the small puddle of tea remnants pool at its rim. She took the handle and flipped the teacup upright, glancing at the speckled contents. Loose leaves stuck along the side of the cup, wrapping around and dispersing, "Maybe," she said softly. Was that a fence? A thimble? She noted their proximity to the mouth of the cup and then to the handle. There was an apple, a tiny one, and she turned her attention back to Franky before she could doubt her intuition and grasp for signs that were not yet revealed. Tea leaves were far harder to read than cards, as the symbolism was much more reliant on intuition. Like her grandmother had always said, if you start straining to see the signs, it is time to stop the reading.

"I will certainly make my way there, then," she added, pleased to have gotten a lead so quickly. That meant she didn't have to go stuttering before a stranger that would rather eat glass than speak to a Hytori, "That should save me some time and effort, thank you."

The water was dropped off and the serving boy was quick to dismiss himself. She glanced over her shoulder, wondering if it was really so busy in the morning or if it was just Franky's presence that inspired scarcity. Where she came from it was not uncommon for servers to be cordial. Was it orc culture or Zaichaer's? She pushed the thought away, taking the moment to watch the street. When she looked back, Yeva noticed Franky's attention on the teacup.

"What all ways do you prefer to... partake? We had bone and organ readers in the military, met a woman once that did it through smoke dancing."

"Oh, um..." she cleared her throat, thinking on the question, "Taromancy, I think. My grandmother introduced me to the cards. She actually hand-painted these, from visions she received in dreams," They were Yeva's prized possession, a family heirloom with a history that she believed strengthened her connection to them. A gift for when she came of age, "Tasseomancy - tea leaf reading- is interesting, but... challenging... It requires quite a bit of practice... I barely know the basics. I'd like to try my hand at all sorts, though... Did the woman ever dance for you?"

It was an innocent question, sparked by Yeva's curiosity. She thought the art must have been something wondrous. It made her yearn for the mysticism of her homeland. Yeva was reminded of her family, how out of all the children, who seemed to excel in so many things, the one person who seemed to really take notice of the shy Yeva was the elder woman, "My grandmother was a real, true practitioner. She could do it all," A smile brightened the redhead's face and it was clear that when she talked, she was not seeing the man across from her, but a lifetime of memories, "Rune casting, scrying, palmistry, cloud reading, bone throwing... She said you could even read a person's scars and moles... if you were clever enough."

Her voice softened, "She always said that... If you were clever enough," she repeated, a touch of wistful sadness to her smile, "I think she knew how much that meant to me." Yeva had always been called naive by everyone except the elder, and like a cloud of smoke, blew away the thoughts to consider what Franky had said. The idea of him in the military seemed fitting, but she couldn't tell if it was the aura he gave off or internal assumptions about his race. Perhaps she was not much better than a human in that regard, "I'm afraid I still have a long way to go."

After a pause, Yeva took a deep breath, "I've probably said too much," she looked apologetic and began to gather her things, pushing aside the teacup and stealing another glance at its center, "Nevertheless, thank you for the company. Can I light a candle for you? May fate bring success to your endeavors and your king smile upon it."

Re: A Day Off (Yeva)

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:56 pm
by Franky

Franky was enraptured listening to Yeva speak about her mysticism and the tales about her grandmother. It still amazed him that people had this sort of connection. He'd never sought it himself, but he didn't disregard it either. At Yeva's question, a boyish smile of a younger man grew on his face. "She most certainly did. I will never forget it. And her predictions came true, after heeding her advice." Franky hadn't realized it before now, only taking the time to think on it, but without that smoke dancer's insights, he would've died during his last tour.

He said a silent thanks to her now.

At Yeva's comment about being clever enough, Franky smiled. "I've never met a Mystic that wasn't especially clever." Looking directly at her, "Not once." He took a sip of the water, "You're grandmother sounds wise, and I'm sure she would be proud of how far you've come. As should you be." Franky had assumed her grandmother was dead. It sounded like it in the way she spoke. There wasn't any need to dwell on it though, it was not a fresh wound it seemed, and Yeva did not look to be in need of consoling or guidance.

Franky gave her a big grin, "And thank you for the company as well, Yeva. You may certainly like a candle for me, I would greatly appreciate that. When you stop by the tavern, find me. I'm usually at the bar or in the kitchen." Another sip of his water, "And may the fates continue to guide your hands and that your mind follows. Have a lovely day, Yeva."

Franky stood then, pushing his chair in, tossing some coins on the table for that timid ork boy when he returned. He looked across the restaurant, seeing the boy eyeing them from the safety behind a dishes rack. Franky's grin upturned into a silent snarl and the boy shrunk away. He shook his head. Poor city ork, brought up so soft. Franky was glad that his children were brought up properly, and that his grandchildren were as well.

He popped his hat on his head, gave Yeva a nod, and strolled on down the Copper Cut, looking forward to the rest of his day, his mood certainly improved at having found a Mystic here. And such a friendly one at that. Maybe the fates truly appreciated what he intended to do here.

Re: A Day Off (Yeva)

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 11:57 pm
by Goule
Your Review

Certainly a very relaxed thread! I enjoyed the storytelling from Yeva, and seeing the start of Franky's IC respect for mysticism was nice. It adds more depth to an already awesome character, and makes me curious to see more of Yeva. Great job, you two!

1. Etiquette: Offering to help acquaintances
2. Etiquette: Following the instructions of bossy people
3. Leadership: Giving instructions to a waiter
4. Etiquette: Paying for a meal when you invite someone to join you
5. Spycraft - Contact: Yeva, the Mystic
6. Storytelling: Giving some personal backstory
7. Storytelling: Finding common ground with the listener
8. Leadership: Not always leaping to punishment
9. Leadership: Noticing when one is uncomfortable
10. Leadership: Being harsher when needed, toward the soft
11. Spycraft: Speaking in metaphor
12. Spycraft: Having contacts come to you

Loot N/A
Injuries N/A

Taromancy: The Suits & Their Associated Elements
Taromancy: The Lovers (Card) & Its Meaning
Ritual: Toss a Coin for Your Goblin King
Struggling to read the signs means it's time to stop

Taming the Frizzy Hair

Offering tea before a rental discussion
Lighting a candle for a new friend

Story: Acquiring the Book "Apetsi"

Standing by One's Own Words

Contact: Franky, owner of the Hobbled Gobbler
Divination is accepted among the non-humans

Loot N/A
Injuries N/A

Points 8 points for Yevandor and Frankipuff, but not to be used for magic!
