Botany: Plant: Goat's Rune
Botany: Goat's Rue: Increases Milk Production
Botany: Plant: Red Raspberry Leaf
Botany: Red Raspberry Leaf: Common “woman's herb” for health/pregnancy
Botany: Plant: Nettle aka Stinging Nettle
Botany: Nettle: Nutrient-rich plant for overall health and safe for pregnancy
Botany: Plant: Arrow Vine
Botany: Arrow Vine: Milk of the vine reduces pain and inflammation
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Points 8
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Points 8
Comments: Good thread, you two! I really enjoyed that you both went so far into the past for this thread; explored how things were long ago, and also gave your PCs a relationship stretching back quite a while. I was a bit confused as to the actual date of the thread considering it conflicted between Alyssum and Linden's posts, but either way the general timeframe was clear. Alyssum, please give me your lores so I can update the review rewards with them. Thank you!