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Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:12 am
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan nodded and took the tiniest sip from his drink. Whereas he was comfortable getting quite toasted at the officers' club with Brenner, he had to keep his wits about him here.

"Ah, yes. I inspected the Searing Victory in my last year at the academy," he assured him. "And I've seen her several times, of course, from the quays or from the deck of another ship. Certainly, she'd be unrecognizable now, at least insofar as she has been upgraded. Progress. And I'm certain Brenner will pull it off if anyone can."

He let his dark gaze take in the panorama, but frequently checked in with Stefan himself.

"Water under the bridge, old sport," he assured him with an economical wave of his hand. "Hazing and all that. Had to prove my mettle. And that I was man enough not to fly into a berzerker rage at the drop of a hat." He would like those who knew his lesser parentage to know that he had it under control. "And Cinderfall will be here before we know it. Perhaps our fathers will decide to have a joint party again, and my stepmother will host it." He seemed magnanimous now. There was no telling how relations between their families would be come Ash. "But Trystan's Folly would be easier to defend than this wall, certainly."

He chuckled, thinking of the strange tower on his family's estate. His eyes settled on Brenner and Lady Farraway for a moment before smiling at his companion for the moment. Though Eitan was five years his junior, he had shot up past Brenner and was just taller than the elder Dornkirk. He was leaner, though, no matter how much he exercised. A curse of the Dratori, he had once thought, though now he had seen males of the species and they could be quite doughty. If someone brought it up, he just replied that the airships ran faster with less weight to carry.

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:52 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
Glancing down into his glass, letting the reflection of the room dance along the inside, Stefan wondered how it was that Eitan could be so much more socially comfortable than he himself was. Perhaps the man was faking it, but if so he was doing it a damn sight better than Stefan could. His mind threw around a set of jealousy-fueled racial slurs and reasons the half-breed might be better liked than he was but he made himself stop it.

Eitan hadn't asked to be born as he was and he'd fought tooth and nail since boyhood to prove that he could be, and would be, a valuable citizen of the empire. No one could question his loyalty, he'd even allowed himself to be branded with a rune in order to keep a decent person from having to do so.

No. Eitan was a good man, dutiful and loyal. Stefan was just being a curmudgeon and he knew it.

As a child he'd wished that his own birthday celebrations had been lumped together with those of Brenner and Eitan, but of course, that wouldn't due when his parents wanted to showcase their eldest. Neither of the shared-birthday boys had been available at the same time for the last several years but it seemed likely they would for this one. He was dreading the massive ball in his name he knew his mother already had all the details of decided, but maybe they could make something fun out of the younger men's day.

"Perhaps the elder generation will loosen the reigns a bit, let us go stag with it. Have some actual fun for once on a day that's supposed to be about the two of you but, as far as I could see, never was." Bringing it to his mother as a gift for an over-worked and very heroic Brenner would likely do the trick. He wasn't sure how the Angevins would react to the idea but he got the impression they wouldn't shed tears over not having a big public reminder of the General's little indiscretion.

Not that he was so little anymore. Stefan darted his eyes sideways to inspect Eitan. He was used to being the tallest man in most company.
"If we get Brenner drunk enough he's likely to attempt a foot race, which I assume you will still win." He wasn't entirely sure, as he spent a good deal of his own time running, but Eitan would give him, ahem, a run for his money.

"All your family will be invited to my birthday ball, of course. If we get them invitations before your joint birthday it might take any unintended slight out of the idea." Perhaps he would be allowed to spend the evening of the day of his own birth dancing and chatting with the Angevine women, a prospect which made him significantly more comfortable. He could feel out Delia, see how she would feel about him renewing his suit. It hadn't ever really been His suit, but it might become so if she felt the same way about it. It was a serious consideration.

His eyes followed Eitan's gaze to alight on Brenner, spinning the young woman he'd bounded away for in slow circles around the dance floor.

"If your stepmother really isn't opposed to theoretically hosting perhaps we can turn the tower into our Folly for the evening? That way if Brynn decides to make fools of us all no one will see it." He was smiling indulgently across the room at his brother but part of the expression was now for Eitan too.

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:47 pm
by Brenner Dornkirk
"Biology?!" Brenner exclaimed at a volume that turned a few heads their way. He flushed a bit, realising his enthusiasm had gotten the better of him, but ploughed ahead albeit at a better tempered volume.

"Biology is of particular interest to me, at the moment, as well. It's never something in which I specialised, but I was always fascinated by the courses we took at the Academy." He explained, with a new and more intense interest in his dancing partner. His mild, stoical smile had given way to a bright, boyish grin.

"I could not agree with you more, Jane!" He beamed, "Industry and biology should be put to work in tandem. Zaichaer is remiss if we do not place due focus on all forms of technology that aren't blighted by witchcraft. And even there, we must understand our foes if we are ever to prevail over them. If the State suffers mages to serve the aim of managing other mages, then we should be putting all due resources into studying sorcery in controlled environments so we can see what exists in the natural world that might suppress or destroy aether." He raised his eyebrows, "This is one of the reasons our family business has acquired a biology division."

His attention was already rapt, but when Jane said his name with such intensity, his breath caught in his throat. As she elaborated, his grip upon her tightened- Not forcefully, but consolingly... an embrace amidst their steps.

"Jane..." He whispered tenderly, "I am so, so sorry you had to experience that. That a woman of your refinement, breeding and apparent patriotism should be violated by close proximity to such vast and volatile power is..." He shook his head, "Unthinkable." Gone was his broad grin. Now he wore a stony resolve burning with the blue fire of his piercing gaze.

"There is a storm brewing in Karnor." He said, gravely, "...and when it rolls across these lands, everything will change, and..." A notion struck him, "Have you biological studies extended into the flora and fauna of the Warrens? I've been reading some very interesting research, lately. Gereon of Geleros has uncovered some chronicles from not long after the Sundering, and I should be very interested in your thoughts..." He trailed off as the music shifted. "Shall we take this discussion to the bar? I could go for a cocktail..." The hand at her waist dropped away, but the one that held her fingers retained its light grasp as he nodded toward bar.

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 8:02 pm
by Jane Farraway
Searing 15th, 121. The Hall of Inventors, Zaichaer

Jane jumped at Brenner’s enthusiastic response, slightly surprised, but delighted, that he had such an interest. It was rare to receive anything more than a passing acknowledgment of her studies from anyone at these functions. His sentiments fell in line with the Zaichaeri ideal: that the end of all efforts were for the service of the State. She had expected as much. Knowledge for knowledge’s sake was not always appreciated, so she had phrased her interests in a more political light. It made them more palatable to the average socialite. Still, behind his nationalistic fervor there seemed to be a spark of curiosity in his eyes that went beyond sheer practicality.

“That’s incredible! I had no idea the Windworks incorporated Biology into their research. Is your division sponsored by the Institute? I've heard that they've often collaborate with businesses.”

“Suppress or destroy Aether”. The phrase stuck with Jane as Brenner spoke further about his family’s work. It was an intriguing concept but not one that she had seriously considered. It seemed too dangerous. Magic was Aether but Aether was life. The full potential of such an endeavor was concerning. Her main issue with Zaichaer’s avoidance towards the natural sciences had been more a matter of principle than any true effort to compete with Kalzasi, though after her encounter on the airship she was beginning to understand this mindset. It was difficult to believe that it had been anything more than a dream, but the Commander’s testimony had thrust it firmly into reality. She felt like she had to warn him about the true nature of this threat to their people.

Based on his reaction, he understood all too well. To receive such intense and compassionate consolations was incredibly overwhelming, not to mention unexpected. It was always proper, she had been taught, to never fully accept a compliment. To act coy and even embarrassed when attention was brought to oneself, though never to the extreme. Her face, however, blazed with a redness that could not be recovered with niceties as he held her in his embrace. "Refinement, breeding, and apparent patriotism". Refinement and breeding could be assumed of her station, but patriotism? Jane held a tenderness for her nation but she had never considered herself a patriot. Then again, seeing the tensions between Kalzasi and Zaichaer had made her feel strangely defensive in a way that was difficult for her to understand.

A group of ladies noticed them and gave a veiled laugh, their whispers lost in the surrounding din of voices. Growing self-conscious, Jane gently placed a hand on Brenner's chest to give herself some space. Even through his suit she swore she could feel his heart beating furiously. She looked up and saw the steely cast of eyes. It was severe, focused, and chilling. Whatever insult he had suffered from the Prince ran deep.

"No one should know it", Jane said softly, adjusting her spectacles, "That is what I fear. Before this, I always assumed that the conflict between Zaichaer and Kalzasi ran cold. I suppose I was ignorant. I'm not sure what to expect now."

The gravity gave way to a question from Brenner about her studies. His shift confused her but it felt somehow related. She was curious to see where he was going.

"The Institute considered any studies beyond the average varieties of bats, blind fish, lichens, and molds to be too advanced for undergraduates. Field study was absolutely out of the question barring some exceptions so most of it was through lectures. I did manage to do some of my own reading while I had access to the library. They did not have much but what I did find was truly bizarre. It more than piqued my interest, I can say that much."

The mention of Gereon of Geleros, the esteemed naturalist and anthropologist, captured her attention completely and she eagerly agreed to sit at the bar, though the memory of her previous outing still made her stomach churn. She ordered something light and fidgeted with the stem of her glass as she spoke.

“Oh, you would not believe how difficult it is to find his work outside the Institute, much less anyone who's willing to discuss it! I've only found a few of essays but it put so much into perspective. Where do we even begin?!”

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:06 am
by Dreyfus

♅ 15th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ♅
Company: Way too many people| Thoughts: I hate parties like these| Mood: Uninterested

The carriage that carried the Monteliyets was one that stood out among the fleet of those coming and going as they dropped off the elite to the Gala. The body of the carriage was as black as obsidian, copper accenting the vessel atop blood-red wheels. Adorning the hood of the vehicle was a menacing wolf figurehead, the eyes glowing into the night a bright and terrifying red.

From the vehicle exited the entirety of the Monetilyet pack, Dreyfus being the last of them to exit the car. The flashing of cameras and call of the reporters bounced off uninterested ears as Dreyfus made his way inside. He truly didn't care for gatherings like these as nothing ever went well. On top of that, he was still paranoid after the attempted execution of Venetia Childs. He didn't like having so many important figures gathered in one place. Fixing his attire he entered the venue and decided it was best to try and make the best of the evening.

Wanting to calm his nerves, he quickly made his way to the bar, ordering two double shots of whiskey. Downing them both he leaned against the bar to allow the alcohol to do its job. He could see his family wasting no time mingling among the many guests in attendance, knowing that it was all for show and that there were bigger machinations at work here. Meeting informants, passing along information, making deals. Every interaction for the Monteliyet family was meticulous, it's just how they were, and it was something even Dreyfus had learned to incorporate into his daily interactions.

It was while he was allowing his two shots to do their magic that he could hear a familiar voice call out to him. Looking to his left he could see Donivan waiving at him, carving a path through the sea of people over to him. "I see even the wolves come out to play." he teased, both men embracing in a hug. Donivan was a childhood friend that Dreyfus could count on. Even though both men had quite busy schedules, they never missed a chance to catch up for a drink.

Donivan had a look on his face that Dreyfus knew all too well, one he knew came with questions. "What Doni?" the wolf purred, ordering another double shot of Whiskey for both him and his friend. "What happened after......well you know?" he asked with very eager eyes.

Dreyfus wasn't sure what he knew, nor what to even tell the man. He was about to say something when he caught sight of another familiar face at the other end of the bar. He was glad to escape his friend who was going to make him speak on a subject that he wasn't really ready to talk about just yet. "Please forgive my intrusion, but I had to come and say hello to a friend. Well, I do hope we are friends Sir Dornkirk?"
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:50 pm
by Eitan Angevin
"The winner of the footrace might just be he who has imbibed less alcohol," he said with a chuckle. He had grown taller than Brenner, to be sure, but length of stride wasn't the only factor in ground speed. Of course, the two of them would never hold back, preferring to be each other's whetstone, honing each other to be sharper blades in Zaichaer's arsenal. But he needn't puff his chest out for Stefan; he would save that for Brenner.

His sharp eyes tracked the arrival of the Monteliyet family. Eitan had grown up at least aware of all the important families, knowledge being half the battle per his father's wisdom. And the political and social intrigue was just another way in which they were all honing each other. Better politicians and tacticians would come out on top of such matters, the better equipped to guide Zaichaer's culture and government. One of them approached Brenner and Jane at the bar, and Eitan just turned a magnanimous smile on Stefan. It was a smile he had tried to copy from his father, albeit with limited success.

"Trying to wrest control of a party from my stepmother is a losing proposition," he said. "But barring deployment, you can depend upon my presence at your party. The friendship between our families has been mutually beneficial. I don't see why it oughtn't to continue into our generation."

He couldn't speak to his sister's marriage prospects. Even family affairs were mysteries where information was doled out on a need-to-know basis and the bastard rarely needed to know anything.

"But if you want to try to influnence my stepmother, you would likely have more sway than me." The young Air Commander seemed unruffled by the knowledge that the woman would never see him as anything but an affront to her and her marriage, though none of it was actually his fault. He stayed out of her way at this point and then they could live and let live. In any case, he shared no blood with her and cared more for the esteem of his father and his half-sisters.

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 8:56 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
Stefan chuckled along with the jest, "True indeed. At a party for Brynn, the question would never be if we were drunk, only to what degree. "

Glancing over at the half-elf appraisingly he began to recognize what his brother saw in this man, had never stopped seeing in him.

When Eitan's eyes darted away to the entrance the elder Dornkirk also looked up. His face pulled into a grimace that he couldn't quite suppress when the family Monteliyet was announced. A sigh escaped him when he saw the Reconciliator was with his family. What was his name?

Stefan couldn't remember, perhaps he'd intentionally forgotten. When his companion of the corner noticed his change in attitude he shook his head a little as if trying to stop himself from speaking but couldn't.

"I know the Order is needed, badly needed. Men like you, putting themselves in harm's way to protect the well-being of Zaichaer. I respect the institute and those in it, I am grateful to those who make that sacrifice." He meant this, and when his eyes met Eitan's there was respect there, but he went on, gesturing vaguely to where the Monteliyets had dispersed into the crowd.

"I know I don't understand all the inner workings, and I'm not asking," He held up one hand as though to forestall any secrets that might spill from the other man, " But I cannot wrap my head around choosing the Monteliyet boy after... what happened to his mother. It's not his fault, I know, but we don't let men twisted by the mists walk among us just because they didn't choose their fate. The Reconciliator's should be chosen from the safest, sanest, most loyal men." Again, he gestured to Eitan, this time implying that such a man was right here, "But one so scarred by magic from before he was even born? If the family couldn't be strong enough to give him the mercy of a painless end they should have at least had the decency to keep him where he wouldn't disturb the ladies and children.

"He was there, on Glade 8th, did you know? Mingling in the fête. When... It started he lit up like an infernal lantern, blood pouring down his face, leaping from balconies! Scared the ladies out of their wits, nearly started a stampede. Took me an age to get everyone calmed down and safely out before I could join the fight."

He took a swallow from his drink, rather larger than his previous conservative sips. "Would never see you acting that way, I've never seen anyone from the Order with so little decorum. I really don't understand it."

His shoulders rose and fell as if to say it wasn't up to him, of course, but if it were, it wouldn't be tolerated.

"I'm sorry," he turned his attention from scowling at the bar where Brenner seemed to be speaking to the... man, "We were speaking of parties. Your stepmother is indeed formidable. I always wondered how, between Lady Angevin and my mother anything was decided at all."

Raising what was left in his glass he said,

"To mutually beneficial familial relations." He was teasing a little but not mocking, he had just been hoping the relations between their families might be cemented into something beneficial just a moment before.

"Mmm," He sucked in a breath and made a face that implied he knew he was ill-prepared for such a fight, "I might have better chances than you, old chap, but I doubt it's a battle I would win. Not with Lady Dornkirk joining the opposing side. But, if I am very lucky I might be able to get us a second, less stuffy party where we can both have alcohol poured down us by my brother and then be subjected to his gameful whims."

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:58 pm
by Brenner Dornkirk
Brenner didn't seem to notice the chittering of gossipy neighbours, as they quit the dancefloor, his eyes were on the offerings behind the bar.

"Oh, I have no direct hand in the day to day operations of the Windworks." Brenner explained, "I'm just sort of the, um... muse, I suppose, and I occasion to toss out brilliant ideas after a few nips of Gelerian schnapps, which my brother may or may not turn into brilliant inventions that will someday bring greater glory to Zaichaer." He winked to indicate that he was in jest... Or at least somewhat in jest. "But anyway all the work I do officially is in service of the State. My brother, Stefan..." Brenner scanned the room and gestured, once he'd found Stefan in the crowd beside Eitan Angevin, "He's the one taking over Dornkirk duties in the private sector. A Gelerian schnapps on the rocks and whatever the lady wants." He vaguely tilted his head in the bartender's direction, but his eyes remained on Jane as he segued into his order.

"Well, I'm more than willing to discuss it, I'm eager! In fact, I-..." He halted his speech and cocked an eyebrow as Dreyfus drew up and regarded him.

"Ahh, Dreyfus Montilyet." He inclined his head in a polite, albeit stiff, nod. "It's good to see your eyes have cleared up. I suppose that means we're in good company. To that end, may I introduce Camilla Jane Farraway?" He gestured to the young woman at his side, "If you aren't already acquainted." Both of their names were older than Dornkirk in Zaichaeri society, so they'd probably crossed paths, but Brenner felt it was his social duty to acknowledge Jane in this manner given the way they'd been approached mid-conversation. Brenner really wasn't keen on getting into the details of his recent endeavours in front of Dreyfus, whose flagrant disregard for many mainstream opinions about magic, had alarmed the Air Commander to the point that he'd felt dutybound to report it to the State.

"Dreyfus here is a Reconciliator with an odd talent. Sort of like a bloodhound for magic though, in lieu of sniffing it out, he starts to spontaneously bleed from his eyeballs in the most alarming manner." Their drinks arrived, and he cast a smile and a wink to the bartender.

"Thanks, mate." He reached for his tumbler and smiled to Dreyfus, "How have you been?"

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 10:54 pm
by Jane Farraway
Searing 15th, 121. The Hall of Inventors, Zaichaer

Jane listened as Brenner talked about the Windworks and the dynamic between he and his brother. How proud their parents must be, she thought, to have one son an inventor and the other an air commander, both serving the State in their own way. It was not surprising that the Dornkirks had made such an impression on Zaichaer society. From what she understood, they were relatively fresh on the scene. Perhaps that's why Brenner had been so warm towards her while the other families kept their distance. They were not yet jaded by generations of rumors and expectations, still thriving from the fruits of their labor rather than sitting on complacent wealth.

“I wouldn't sell yourself short. Inspiration can be difficult, I'm sure, when one is so absorbed in running a business as your brother must be.”

She had not noticed Stefan until Brenner pointed him out, but it seemed to her that he did want to be noticed. Between the lively chatter of powder rooms and the hushed gossip of dining halls, the Dornkirk heir was a popular subject among the ladies. He was handsome, successful, and brilliant, but regrettably unapproachable. Some considered him cold, others thought he was too proud. Regardless, the bachelor had become someone to admire, or resent, from afar—a man whose affections were thought to be too lofty for anyone to obtain. Jane regretfully recalled when her mother caught wind of his seeking a wife. She had written Lady Dornkirk a letter requesting their company for a night at the theatre, but there came no reply. While this insulted Carmen it did not phase Jane. What assets, material or social, did she have to offer? She doubted that he recognized her, much less that he was ever aware of the invitation in the first place.

The gentleman with whom he was speaking seemed vaguely familiar, but she could not place how she knew him. He appeared closer to her in age than either of the brothers. Perhaps an old playmate, one of the many children brought along with guests to the Farraway estate before it was lost? He had a melding of features that reminded her of her half-Hytori cousin aside from the ears. As she studied his dark hair and dusky skin, recognition struck her. It was the Angevin bastard. The half breed. That was how her parents had described him. That was what she had called him when he was excluded from their games. Jane remembered that sunny day in Glade when she and the other children ran off in the garden, giggling as they left the poor boy behind. She smoothed the front of her dress and turned to look at the selection behind the bar as Brenner ordered for them, hoping the memory of that day was long forgotten.

“Just a glass of Riesling for me, please”, Jane nodded at the bartender. She noted the drink that Brenner had ordered, finding it surprising that his tastes were so similar to those at the Hobbled Gobbler. Perhaps Gelerian liquors had a taste that transcended class.

“You seem fond of Gelerian schnapps”, she said with a smile, “I've noticed it's been more popular these days.”

Just as Brenner was about to speak further, an imposing figure descended upon them. Jane paled as he was addressed. Dreyfus Monteliyet. Ever since Glade the Eight his name was well known, and feared, though tensions with the Monteliyets had existed with her family long before that. They were one of the only old families in Zaichaer with whom Carmen did not hold any correspondence. There was some long held injury between the Farraways and Monteliyets, the details of which had been lost to time. All that remained now was a general distrust and disdain. She felt no small amount of panic as Brenner introduced her to the intimidating mage slayer.

This was the first time Jane had ever spoken with a Monteliyet. For all she knew perhaps she was the first Farraway to speak to them in generations. The young woman nodded and smiled, doing her best to mask her nervousness, “A pleasure to meet you, Sir Monteliyet. Thank you for your sacrifice”

It was a canned greeting one might give to anyone from the Order, but it was all she could think to say. It felt underwhelming to say the least, given what little she had heard of his past. Outside of recognizing its service to the State, the Order of Reconciliations was often considered too grisly to be discussed in polite company. Regardless, whispers of morbid gossip still found its way into conversation. Her blood ran cold as she recalled the death of Lady Monteliyet. It was a story that exemplified the degeneracy of mages, one so gruesome that it could scarcely be believed. But now, with the surviving son of that martyr standing before her, it was all too terribly real.

Brenner, for his part, seemed unmoved by Dreyfus, almost purposefully so. He mentioned his “friend's” bizarre “talent” with as much brevity as one might the weather. It really did shock her how casual he could be. All she could do at first was nod weakly in response.

“Yes, that's—a rather unique ability. Quite useful.”, Jane said briskly. Their drinks arrived and she took a sip that was almost too eager.

Though Dreyfus seemed to have approached them in good faith, there was a definite edge between he and Brenner. It was cordial, but wary--too wary for comfort. She glanced over at Stefan and Sir Angevin. They appeared tense, talking quietly to themselves as they subtly observed Dreyfus. A chill ran down her spine. There was something unspoken, something unplaceable, something that wove itself so tightly through the room that it threatened to snap. What it could be, or when that might happen, Jane could not tell. She modestly drank her wine, hoping it would brace her against the undercurrent that ran between these men of the State.

Re: The Riverland Festival Gala [Open]

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:46 am
by Dreyfus

♅ 15th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ♅
Company: Way too many people| Thoughts: I hate parties like these| Mood: Uninterested

Brenner introduced the woman he was conversating with, to the wolf's surprise to being a Farraway. She was just as the reports had described, and putting on his best and most cordial smile, he bowed to the woman "It is a pleasure to meet an up and coming brilliant mind such as yourself, Lady Farraway." he acknowledge.

Looking her over he could sense she was on edge about something, granted he could feel the tension in the room the moment he and his family arrived. His eyes darted around, taking note of those who seemed to whisper from safe distances, one of which was the other Dornkirk son. Giving the man a polite wave, he came back to the conversation, as Brenner had divulged his involvement with the Venetia Childs incident. His face lost the little light it had in it at the mention of that day, a brief flashback to Venetia and her words slithering in the back of his mind.

"I can't take all the credit, after all, you and your brother were the real heroes. I was simply doing my job as a reconciliator and trying to stop her. Unfortunately, I was powerless against her. I've made it a personal goal to find her.......and deliver justice for those she has killed." he spoke, ordering a tall glass of the Gelerian schnapps.

When Brenner mentioned his curse, the wolf couldnt help but feel as though the air commander was making fun of it, mocking him in a manner that would paint him as a monster. Dreyfus figured it was only normal for an average man to think that way. His affliction was beyond even what most had come to know of magic. The fact he had survived his birth was an anomaly all in its own.

For a moment his face shifted, and expression of anger being restrained, but after his drink came, and he took a sip it faded. Does this man not realized that if Dreyfus wanted to kill him it wouldn't be too hard, he would easily lift and push Brenner into one of the decorative swords that adorned the walls.

With a smile, he gave a gesture as if not to cause the Farraway any alarm. "I wouldn't say it's alarming, but if you are not used to seeing something like that it can be startling. It's a curse that has in some way saved my life, and the lives of my fellow reconciliators more than once. It's why I'm still alive, as the State wanted to put me down at birth, but some saw the value in the affliction." for a moment he paused, Brenner asking him how he had been and an almost childish smile painted his lips as his eyes moved from Jane to the Air Commander.

"I've been well. Work has been steady especially after the whole Kalzasi events and the riot that one day. But I can say I am well, especially knowing that we have such patriots as yourself leading the next generation. I must say your report of our conversation at the airfield was......colorful, but you passed the test either way." he said with a fulfilling chuckle.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"