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Re: into the deep

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:23 am
by Rickter
into the deep
20 Searing 121
The wolf pocketed his vial of ichor as well, for the time being, since he deferred to following Talon's judgement with his own. Not but a few moments afterward the prince managed to materialize a weapon, having revealed a bow and arrow, which brought out a sense of surprise within the wolf. He hadn't realized just how proficient the man had become with his Reaving powers, then again, Rickter wasn't also testing him against that in their last bout either. The thought encouraged him to persevere harder with his own training, the wolf yearning to climb toward the same level his Bondmate clearly was. It was the display of the arrows, however, that really inspired the wolf if not for a moment. For what purpose Talon had in duplicating the fired arrow, he would find out soon, as the barrage he created whirled through the air after the sound snap of his bow.

The mist looming over the yawning chasm vibrated with activity, as the sound of flaps echoed in reverberation into the wolf's ears. The resonance at which this sound continued matched with a cloud of flying creatures of shadow, their coordination matched with that of a flock of Vulcan's as they raced in circles throughout the chasm. Rickter tensed firmly as the hairs from his nape all the way down to his spine stood on end, a low and innate growl bubbling within his throat as he glared to the flock. "“I do not know what they are called. I have only heard stories about them. Creatures made of mist and shadow. Partially in this world and partially in another. They keep to the mists.”" Talon expressed as the entirety of the flock flew back down below, the resonance battering his ears finally dying out to ghostly echoes below.

So flying was a no-go after all, and that meant the route they were to follow as the one Talon suggested. The bridge might've been as sturdy as it looked, but deep down the wolf had slight reservations. Though... he just didn't want to risk any part of it breaking under him, having to risk falling and putting the rest in danger. Though... Rickter's ears still perceived activity below, the echoes that once died out still a faint remnant of sound. It made him rather uneasy. But when Talon looked to him attentively, the wolf's head slightly perked in his direction, a slight gesture of a tail wag felt in his lower spine toward the prince in response to stimulus received. He was uneasy, yes, but there was profound determination to be brave, and naturally protect the pack he guarded so carefully. With caution to his pack Rickter went ahead to stride first, cautious testing the first bridge they began to cross as they started their advance. When he felt certain that the bridges he crossed remained sturdy as hoped, he then proceeded to cross each plank with enthused wariness.

Still, a slight odor in the air left him to wonder, and so Rickter's eyes flicked back out into the abyss below them. It was with the shut of his eyes that he focused, accessing the aether sight that allowed him to perceive the Flux around him. Currents shifted about below them as the air could be seen shifting, as entire schools of black glimmers thrust upward from the belly of the deep below. The glimpse caused him to stiffen in terror for a moment as he opened his eyes, as the creatures from below scattered out within the mists toward the dark recesses above. Immediately Rickter's head went clutched in his forearms, the obnoxiously loud frequency of wingbeats now reaching a painful crescendo in his ears as he winced hard in reaction. "Shit!" He could barely even hear the thought in his own head, the sound all around him all but drowning it out as he felt like his ears might've bled.

What was going on?! The creatures weren't attacking even if Talon had already drawn his blade, the wolf's own aether already humming off his skin as his Negation rune radiated a vibrant cerulean. The prince looked to focus on the activity, his own aether flaring as the smell of ozone intensified around him. Rickter had quickly learned to perceive Talon's intent to use aether with time, though, still often had to legitimately guess what magic the man focused on. Seeing as how he was observing the chasm itself, the wolf gathered something else was drawn their way, something that clearly carried the stench of death wherever it roamed. Even now, the repugnant stench of putrid decay assailed his nostrils, adding a sickening wrench to the weight in his gut as Rickter clenched his jaw hard. What the hell is that!? Never before had a scent so foul had him on the verge of sickness, so much, that he started to generate a simple layer of aether over his skin; blocking out the scent with a thought as his nose still curled from the memory.

Aoren's inquiry as to what caused the other creatures to fled generated anticipation in Rickter, the tingling feeling in his spine still felt as though danger loomed close by. His instincts told him that they needed to run, that something large was about to come their way... And sure enough, they didn't lie. A vibration of air among the walls stirred his attention, the wolf looking about cautiously as his blue eyes wandered. No... Hunted. There was a threat nearby, a threat he was eager to discern. No sooner when they started scouring the pitch black, haunting orbs of burning emeralds spawned within the shadows, followed by a massive silhouette of a beast headed in their direction. The wolf nearly drew short of breath in shock of what he saw, as he quickly looked back concerned at his Bondmate in response to the command. Run. Quickly did the boots of the wolf's feet lift to trudge along the bridge faster, all caution thrown to the wind as he then covered the ground toward the first platform.

Talon was right behind him as Rickter hit the stone floor still running, Hannah and Lyra behind him as Aoren followed at the rear. The roar that boomed off the cavern walls caused Rickter to stop in his tracks, his head clenched down near his shoulders as he stiffened hard in response to the sound once more. His ears were practically assaulted by that roar, a soft ringing in his ear practically dampening a small amount of the noise. Though he could no longer smell the horrid stench of the creature, the rotting dragon loomed aloft with a beat of it's mighty wings, the sight of the creature still wrenching absolute terror in the wolf. His chest eagerly rising and falling to the paced breathing he maintained, Rickter was now beginning to salivate at how much he wanted this thing dead already. As it flew overhead Talon quickly reached out with his Kinetics, the Flux around Rickter shifting as he felt aether pull him in close to the prince.

Within a moment after being brought in, Rickter clenched hard with his arms brought in crossed over his chest. As the aether around them responded to Talon's kinetics, Rickter's own surged out from the group to generate a dome shield over their location. As the light of his aether refracted that of Talon's, just before the blast of shadowy green flames billowed out to smash into their next part of the bridge. The air around them stiffened in response to the minor shockwave of the blast, Talon's own aether holding fast against the blast on its own, as the wolf reflexively lifted his barrier upon observing his surroundings. " I don’t remember there being a dragon in the Warrens.” Aoren remarked as Rickter looked at the devastation left behind, their paths ahead all but decimated in the dragon's wake.

"Neither do I." Talon admitted in agreement as he started to entertain the idea Lyra had suggested. The thought did tempt him even though it also did unnerve him, not wanting to be out in midair for that big beast to snap his maw with. Rickter could only growl as the particles of aether shimmering off him started to glimmer into ice, already wishing to come up with another alternative, his eyes flicking from their destination to the dragon as he contemplated making a structure by hand.

It wouldn't be too hard. He had water and ice to do the job, and he'd even constructed a simple bridge out of shields before. But even then he hadn't the opportunity, for the rogue of the party stepped around him, her brown eyes sharp on Rickter as she declared herself at that moment. "Hey, save your breath, I got this one chief." No sooner when she insisted Hannah threw herself forward, Rickter nearly about to detest as it looked as though Hannah were about to run off the platform. Yet in one step forward aether coated her entire form, Hannah's body vanishing in a flash as that light gleamed forward. Within the blink of an eye she flashed into appearance across the chasm, her hand flat on the platform as if she'd literally jumped and landed her way over there. Once she stood the air in front of them swirled, a violet blue ring of aether swirling around the portal she created for them to cross. "Let's go," she called from the other side with her eyes watching the dragon above, "I'd like to avoid being spit roasted by a zombie dragon."

The sarcastic remark was rewarded with a huff from the wolf as he crossed over with his party, landing on the next platform over as he felt the heat off the stone warm his soles. When everyone had crossed through, Hannah closed the portals she made and looked over to the citadel, her gaze sharpening on the final platform there to generate the next aetheric ring that became her portal. Meanwhile as the dragon flew overhead once more, the wolf focused his attention on the creature entirely, his fingers folded together with the anchor generated in the space of his palms. Another flourish of lights shimmered out from where he stood, the air tensing into another dome around their location as Rickter allowed others to pass through first. He did not want anyone to be caught in the blast if that creature did come swooping down, thus did the wolf nod for everyone to cross through quickly, before he would follow after them with a drop of his barrier once more.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:27 pm
by Lyra

A chill traced up Naila's spine when the creatures broke the dark surface of the mist below, their chaotic screeching almost muted to her ears as she looked around the cavern. Naila was not old by Hytori standards, but experience was something that could be gained no matter the age. Her travels across Ransera had been filled with strife and unpleasantness, and over the decades she had become adept at keeping herself alive. So when she felt a familiar sinking in her stomach the mercenary wrested control of their body from a surprised Lyra and began walking faster across the bridge.

Lyra began to question, but as if it were all staged the roar and flapping of wings cut through the cavern and shook their very footing. Before Talon even spoke Naila was running, cursing under her breath as she kept her footing and slowed her pace just enough to let the others in their group pass her.

One of his? Lyra wondered, looking through the mercenary's eyes at the decaying creature as it climbed into the air from the darkness beyond. The elf sounded curious, interested even, but Naila ignored her. Ahead of them, Rickter paused, and Naila nearly ran into his back but managed to avoid collision and keep the pace heading toward the end of the bridge. A dragon, a fucking DRAGON was here? Where the abyss did it come from? No, not now... Naila shook herself, eyes narrowing as she focused on the end of the bridge and the stone platform beyond. She just needed to get there, and then... well she would figure it out.

She was almost there, the platform just a few steps away before a force tugged her backward. Naila barely had time to string together a few choice profanities before her back slammed into Talon and they were wrapped in green fire. Complaints died on her lips as she stood and stared up at the barriers, and her mouth went dry when they and the fire ceased and the bridge and platform where she had been were gone completely.

Be still. Lyra's voice was quiet, a thread of calm weaving into Naila's melodies as the elf steadily took control of their body back. When she blinked again brown eyes turned to gold as Lyra looked back at Talon and then up at the circling form of the dragon.

Lyra sighed, watching the creature fly. She had no answer to give in response to Talon and Aoren's banter, so instead, she looked to their destination. The emotions of their group fluctuated rapidly between extremes. Fear, uncertainty, and determination intermingled in equal measures, and almost unconsciously Lyra reached out and soothed those waves. As she did she hummed softly, absently under her breath as a wave of calm rippled through the symphonies and muted the peaks of all extremes. Focus came as their rhythm's steadied and began to pound a beat in unison. They had to find a way across, and there was little Lyra herself could do at this juncture. She could leave them and escape on her own of course, but that would bring her no benefit.

The more she watched the dragon the more Lyra began to feel an odd sensation. The way it moved, darkness and shadows seemed to pull toward it, but the fire it breathed pushed back everything as its corrosive nature overrode any underlying latent magical affinity. Glancing down at where they stood she saw that the shadowed mist had crept up to lap at the edges of the bridge. It looked almost like thick water to Lyra, and she felt an urge to reach out.

Hannah's voice broke through the momentary distraction and Lyra focused back on their group. A portal stood shimmering ahead, and without a backward glance, Lyra stepped forward and entered. She felt a rush, and suddenly the world shifted and she found herself standing inside of the citadel. A wave of dizziness washed over her, making the world wobble before she could find her balance thanks to a pillar that stood close at hand.

I hate portals. Naila said, and it was clear the dizziness came not from Lyra, but from Naila whose body seemed prone to motion sickness. Perhaps that was why the mercenary disliked carriage and train rides.

They stood in a large courtyard, whose flooring was made of silver veined stones. Large pieces of battlement had fallen from the structures above, some as large as small cottages, and where they landed the stones were cracked and left jagged pieces pointing upright like deadly traps waiting to catch a person unaware. There were signs that the space had once held a garden, but all that was left were rings of blackened dirt that showed no signs of life had ever been there. Overhead the citadel itself loomed large and tall like a mountain, its spiraling peaks reaching up nearly to touch the top of the cavernous space itself. Pillars dotted the open courtyard, and a large door sat at the top of a dilapidated staircase that seemed to lead into the citadel itself.

Now that she was close Lyra could see similarities in the structures and those of the ancient kingdoms of humans from before her imprisonment. Though the cities she remembered were not built so imposing, the sheer size of it spoke to the scale of the population that must have resided in the citadel itself at one point. Notably, there were no signs of inhabitants. No bones, no carcasses, or anything one might expect from a supposed city of the dead, but there was a presence there, one that made Lyra look up at the top of the spiraling towers of the citadel as if she might see the thing that watched them.

A flash of green fire tore Lyra away from her reverie as Naila snatched control back in time to force them to dodge and roll out of the way. The air shook as the dragon's head appeared over the wall, one of its clawed hands large enough to completely grasp the stones, and its talons sharp enough to dig holes in the already crumbling structure. It settled its weight on the wall, which crumbled halfway under the strain as its tail swept aside pillars and boulders as easily as swatting dust off one's shoulder. Green fire in hollow eyes stared at their little group, and the bones of its face shifted in a way that felt like a grin.

Naila pressed their body against the back wall of the courtyard, crouching low as she tried to stay out of sight. The shadows around them wavered as Lyra took control, breathing out a line of smoke that settled in a ring around them. The dome of mesmer that she had created had long since dissipated, but still, Lyra reached out, drawing back as much of her essence as she could in preparation.

"Use the ichor." Lyra called as she collected more and more of herself together. The creature was indeed a dragon, but it was also one of the undead. Barely more than a moving corpse. Around the citadel, Lyra could see the shadows creeping in toward the creature as if it drew them to itself, and her brow knitted together in concentration.

Clapping her hands together Lyra let forth a wave of her essence, the flooring quickly becoming flooded by swirling black smoke that came to knee height. From it whispers echoed, and into those Lyra wove a spell. She created a concerto that dampened the sense of fear and anger and raised confidence. She kept the effects simple, for her eyes focused on the dragon. Its eyes turned toward her, and as it did Lyra hit it with a wave of Mesmer that made it growl. She suppressed its rhythms, spinning her whispers around its feat and making them cling to its body, weaving up and around rotting flesh in an attempt to reach inside. Again as she worked she hummed and melody which the smoke echoed, an old song, a familiar song. She sent notes of discord into the dragon's symphony, making it shake its head and snort green fire in irritation as it found itself struggling to focus too long on any one target.

Handle the movements. Lyra said to Naila, giving the mercenary back control so she could focus on her own work.

Lyra was not a warrior, and she would not pretend to be. Instead, she was who she was. She was Lyrielle, the lady of whispers. She was the mist on the battlefield, she was the fire of passion and the chill of fear. She was the drum that fueled the conflict, and she was the calm that came afterward. She had forgotten... but it felt right. She sang her song as she had not done in thousands of years, and she felt something slowly returning to her. A memory, an idea, a fragment of what she once was.

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:59 pm
by Talon
into the deep
20 Searing 121

Talon’s heart was pounding in his chest as he beheld the bloated corpse of the dragon, the creature swooping around to prowl the air above the citadel. He had never faced a dragon before. Part of him had never wanted to. Even the youngest of them were formidable creatures. He resisted the urge to shudder. Collecting himself, Talon took stock of the state of his companions. Everyone seemed to have all of their parts and no one had been hurt directly by the insidious flames belched forth from the dragon’s maw. Before he could spread his wings and offer to ferry others over across the chasm, Hannah stepped forward. Her body was limned with aetheric power as she opened a portal. He gave her a nod of thanks.

After you.” He glanced over to Aoren and then to Rickter. The wolf was firmly planted. He watched as a dome of magic rose to cover their position. Talon was not going to protest. He gave a nod to Aoren then gently helped to steady Naila as she got her bearings. The two of them then stepped through the portal. No sooner has he passed across its threshold than Talon was on his feet on the other side. He shook off the disorientation that came with portal magic. He was not accustomed to walking through the portals of others and he was only just starting to become comfortable with his own grasp on the magic of teleportation. From the looks of it, he was about to be forced to use it.

Talon looked around at the crumbling courtyard of the citadel. He blinked, his head spinning for a moment as he saw the world around him shift. Instead of crumbling buildings he saw an open sky shining sunlight down upon cobblestone roads. People were walking around, milling about during their daily lives. Smiles, laughter, arguments, all of it sprawled out before him as his eyes settled upon the citadel itself. Up the steps to the large doorway where stood armored knights watching over the entryway. Talon blinked again and the vision was gone. He shook his head, frowning but did not dwell on it. It was just another trick of the Warrens. Again the fallen battlements and silver-veined cobblestones crusted with lifeless dirt was in front of him. No sooner had he returned to his senses than the head of the dragon rose up over one of the walls. Talon did not wait. He joined the others immediately in finding cover. Ducking behind one of the dilapidated buildings, Talon tucked his wings in close before crouching down.

A rumbling growl echoed in the courtyard as the dragon sniffed them out. If Talon did not know better, he could have sworn that the growl turned into a chuckle. The air was heavy with the presence of the dragon. It was almost oppressive in its weight. A cloak of dread pressed down upon the borders of Talon’s mind. He could feel it scratching at the fortifications that both he and Aoren had put in place around each other’s thoughts. They had been prepared for many things, but the power of a dragon was not something easily resisted. Talon took in a steadying breath. When he felt the sickening weight of that nauseating fear abate, he looked to Lyra.

You don’t have to tell me twice.” Aoren took out a vial of the ichor they’d been given. He brought out his blade and began to coat it with some of it. Through their bond he could feel the raven winged warrior weaving the ichor into a Varnish for his swords.

We have seen one of its weapons. The breath. I did not get a chance to examine it closely but something tells me that it is more than just flame and shadow.” Another shiver tried to go up his spine but in its place, Talon heard Lyra’s whispers. The fear was chased away and he heard the grunting and growling of the dragon as it engaged with Lyra in a battle of wills.

Stay alert. We do not know what other powers it has. Attack from cover or from an angle where it will not get a clear shot at you.” Aoren nodded his head. Talon brought out the vial of his ichor. He began coating his own sword with it. The familiar ghostly chill touched upon his blade. He added a layer of his Kinetics to the sword in a Varnish that would grant his strikes greater impact. Talon then looked to his team.

Hannah?” He looked at the roguish woman. “Find a vantage point. Use your guns. Strike at crucial joints that you can see. Blast them apart with your caster shells.

Aoren.” His beloved raven looked at him. There was neither question nor hesitation in his partner’s eyes. Even before the words were out of his mouth, Aoren was nodding. Their thoughts were entwined to such a degree that Talon’s wishes were known to his bondmate before he said them. He still spoke for the benefit of those who did not share such a bond. “Take out the wings. If we can keep it on the ground, we have a better chance of taking it down.

Talon reached out to Rickter. He drew the Rathari close so that they could touch brows.

You and I will have the hardest task of all, my wolf.” Talon leaned back. “I will slow its movement so that Aoren may cripple it and so that Hannah can get clearer shots. You must come in. You will need to pierce its heart or try to decapitate it. And Rickter?

Talon stood up. He flexed his wings, preparing himself for flight and a mad dash to go on the offensive. He let his silver eyes settle upon Rickter.

Do not try to guard all of us. Trust us. As we trust you.” With that, Talon leapt into the air. He spread his wings and took flight. He arced through the air, going out at an angle in order to make himself a harder target. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Aoren take flight. Fire burned around his raven’s wings and within a beat or two, a sphere of fire was hurtling toward the undead dragon. The scorching hot flames slammed into the dragon just as it was shaking its head to fight off Lyra’s mental influence. It roared, sending an echoing bellow outward into the great caverns. Talon assessed the sheer size of the beast. It was not a gargantuan monster, which told him that it likely was not terribly old when it fell into undeath. But it was large enough to dwarf himself and the others. It was certainly too big for him to try and restrain in full with his kinetic. But there was something he could do.

Talon reached out to the Aether Flux in motion around the dragon’s neck. He grabbed a hold of the flux in and pressed his willpower down upon it, slowing its motion. He created a field where the air became thicker and less willing to yield to movement. The dragon’s writhing slowed and Talon immediately felt the strain of slowing the movements of a dragon. He landed on the rooftops of one of the nearest buildings. Reaching out with one hand he steadied his grip on the Aether Flux.

I cannot hold it for long!” Another fireball slammed into the dragon’s flank again, scorching its flesh. He saw Aoren dart in with his blades to begin slicing at the wings.

He hoped this worked.

"I am Justice."

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:54 pm
by Rickter
Rickter's own heart drummed exhuberantly within his chest from the innate fear he felt, fear for his companions now that they had a literal predator flying about. One that he certainly wouldn't be able to strike down from where he was, yet as he conjured that barrier dome to provide cover, he felt his fears withered down and courage drove his spirit. He had to suspect Lyra played a role in that, instilling the band with bravery against the threat that loomed overhead. Talon seemed intent to check and again Rickter nodded for them to go, for he would be right with them once he knew they had safely crossed the threshold.

With the last member of their party through the wolf released the clasp of his fingers, the aether within his anchor glimmering out as the construct dissolved into glittering particles. After one hefty step through the portal's threshold, the wolf felt all his insides hurdle as they would during a shift, which caused him to bend his knees to keep from stagger upon landing. Fuck if he'd ever get used to that sort of magic, even if he contemplated its strategic value and application for a moment. Right now though he recuperated his bearings first, Hannah quickly checking after him when she closed the portal behind them. The dragon didn't attack as he'd expected it too, but that didn't mean they were out of the woods yet, for they had only just reached the citadel.

And the courtyard looked as forlorn as it was beautiful. Even beneath all the musk and earthly tones there still existed a hint of the sky here, even a delicate trace of melon just barely lingered within the underlying tones of laden dust. He looked to Talon as he felt the man had been distracted by something, and within his still ringing ears, he heard the soft echoes of laughter and socialization around him. The experience brought another shudder out of him as he momentarily expressed the mental equivalent of a tail tuck, before drawing closer to Talon with a stern protective look of expression. Hannah quickly strut along after him with her eyes up once more, concern growing evident as she could not see the undead dragon within the chasm above.

Rickter though eyed the courtyard curiously after having his unusual experience just moments ago, but his eyes observantly scoured the area to survey for activity. His hair stood at end just by stepping in this place, and now that he was here he felt nothing but threatened by an otherworldly presence. Where was it? A flash of green sent him into reactive look, before he tucked himself forward right into a roll toward the nearest structure of cover. Having felt a small burst of heat from the blast, he quickly looked to make sure his other companions were fine, and then reacted to Talon's change of position as he pulled himself into a dash to follow. Hannah having stayed jumped back to stay near Lyra and them, she quickly knelt down before her form zapped into thin air once more. With a flick of aether manifesting right next to the wolf, the rogue landed next to him in the same position she had blinked over from.

Rickter's thoughts heavily panged with the drumming felt on his temples and in his heart, his back pressed against the stone of the building they hid behind. Lyra then insisted they used the ichor, a statement that Aoren quickly agreed to do as he brought his out. Talon looked intent on doing the same, therefore, Rickter quickly shifted onto one of his knee's to free the pouch his vial rested within. When he drew the glass container out he then materialized his bastard sword, the steel-based weapon shimmering into existence from the hilt in his hand down to the tip. As he held the blade with a reverse grip, he popped the cork and angled the vial to where the ichor trailed down onto the crossguard of his blade. With a bit of concentration on his part, aether then hummed into an outline around his weapon, as the Ichor seeped in to cover the steel in an ash gray tone.

Talon pointed out one of it's attacks which the wolf quickly agreed, even as devastating as it was it only seemed to be a basic one. This thing hadn't even got to flex its real muscles yet, and with hopefully great endeavor, they wouldn't even allow the damned creature the chance to. Already his hand trembled as the varnish of his weapon had been completed, but it wasn't until the aether around it faded out that he felt the nerves stiffen once more. His breathing had started to calm now, even though he could feel the beast nearly snicker upon them. No doubt he knew they were there, planning their next offensive in the heat of the moment. With the urge from Talon to remain wary of the beast still, Rickter shifted to peer around the corner with part of his blade rested on the dirt below. As he traced ozone around Talon again, the wolf felt the exertion of force emanating of the prince's blade. An interesting thought nonetheless, one that led Rickter to look down upon the hilt of his weapon once more.

Talon addressed Hannah next after he and Aoren had their moment of union, their thoughts felt in a sense of singularity across the Bond as Rickter watched the Kathar brace himself. The rogue's response to Talon was a firm 'at the ready' stare as she brought out her pistols, the corner of her lip already just shy from tucking into a gentle smirk at his command. "Only the best for my friends." She agreed with a quick gaunt around Talon, her form darting beyond the corner of the building as the air sizzled once more with a flash. With a final look to Aoren afterward the Avialae both nodded, before the Kathar launched himself to get into position for his role in the assault. It was then his turn.

Talon brought their foreheads together and within all that determination, that focus driven by Lyra's influence and the courage welling within, all fell together into a state of pure clarity in the moment they connected. The hardest task is what he was told, one that Rickter intended to pull through without holding back. There were two ways in which the wolf could strike it down, hopefully in just one blow, as Talon regarded either the head or the heart. Specific areas which would require specific methods of attack. "I won't fail you." He promised with a heavy look of determination, his head turning once more to the creature that Lyra had already strained to subdue. She was a magnificent if not horrifying power to behold, as Rickter had never forgotten that first sensation she gave him almost a year ago. Now... It was his turn. And with a final call of his name, his brow only lightly lifted when his curious gaze returned to Talon.

Don't try to protect them all? Ironic how he already felt conflicted by that very statement, but in this situation, he understood the value in Talon's own sentiment. They all had their roles here, Rickter included, and he had to believe that they all could uphold their charge. "Understood." He outwardly agreed with a slight hint of confidence in his eyes, the air around him dropping in temperature as aether started to resonate off his form. All of his runes began to expand as he darted past Talon in the same direction Hannah went, only his turn resulted in a flash of ice from beneath his feet, before the wolf sped forward with frost radiating out from beneath his boots. With Talon's instruction the wolf knew exactly what he had to do, his mind already put to the task as he generated another Howling Fang in his left hand.

Already a varnished duplicate he held the blades in reverse, his ice bounding in the direction toward the left flank of the dragon. As he weaved from building to building, Rickter focused the grips of his hands, the hilts resonating with aether as he generated anchors on each pommel of his weapons. While he slid toward the point of the location he would strike from, the wolf then focused more aether around his blades, varnishing them with Push to provide an edge similar to what Talon had before. Hannah had already Traversed her way up toward the battlements overhead, both pistols pointed down at her target as thundered boomed from each barrel. A firebolt and a thunderbolt sizzled into the air, before their point of impact only lightly shredded decayed tissue. Between the wings and along the lower neck was where she had hit, and the rogue nearly spat in disgust as she clicked the guns to rotate the barrels. Two shots were left in each, and she always had her Kinetics to help her reload.

The rogue took a second aim and squeezed the triggers, two more firebolts thundering down on the dragon's spine, as Rickter reached a point in curving his ice slide straight toward the dragon. With a bend in his knees he pushed himself off the ground, traveling into the air with frost whirling around him as the runes covered most of his body. The wolf reached up his right arm to hurl the weapon forward, Howling Fang whirling through the air as it soared straight into the rotted thigh of the dragon, the aetherial chain lancing out from the anchor on his hilt all the way toward the wolf's very hand. Rickter pulled to yank himself further forward toward the dragon's rear body. With a hefty grunt, he landed hard at the point where his sword rested, his hand gripped around the hilt as the wolf wasted no time in making his first strike. With a roar Rickter lunged forward along the dragon's spine, arms crossed with the blades out, as he used Kinetics to propel him with a hefty push.

In one cross cleaving motion, the wolf aimed to strike at the base of each wing, with his momentum focused on pushing for the beast's nape in turn.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:45 pm
by Lyra

Dragons were not gods. They were not immortal or ageless. They could be killed by blade and by time. They required food and water, lived lives with family and friends. They were mortal, but unlike the other mortals, they bore traces of divine lineage. Their minds, their magics, both were beyond what humans or elves could reach naturally, and Lyrielle began to remember.

The others are attacking. Naila observed, but she held back. Like Lyra, she wasn't meant for direct combat, especially not one of this scale. Still watching the others she felt an itch to move, to act.

They do their part, thus we must do ours. Lyra's voice was distant as her consciousness was spread throughout the arena where her smoke touched. She wove between Aoren's legs, clinging to his clothing as he and Talon took flight, bringing with them a trail of black mist that arched in their path. She twisted around Hannah as she blinked from one position to the next, pushing away the nagging doubts she heard in the woman's mind so she could focus. It was difficult. After thousands of years imprisoned and then a year trapped in a single body, the act of spreading herself was a strain that required focus. Then there was the voice...

Kill the mice.

The dragon strained against her influence, its mind strong despite its apparent youth. In its hollow gaze Lyra saw as well as felt the hate that consumed its soul, but under it was something more sinister. Its movements were sluggish as it fought against Talon's magic, but even as it battered away Aoren's advance with his tail Lyra felt its pleasure. Hatred and pleasure, a peculiar combination that thrummed in equal measures inside of its symphonies. Once more she struck out with a note of discord, attempting to silence its melodies but again it resisted. Even as it growled it seemed to laugh at Lyra's attempts, which vexed her greatly.

Impudent hatchling. Lyra muttered, drawing Naila's consumed attention before another blast of fire sent her into another roll. The sound of gunfire rang out, earning a roar from the dragon that flapped its wings fiercely, blowing away large swatches of Lyra's smoke. The action however left it open, and Lyra and Naila both watched Rickter slide by in a rush of magic. With a burst of skill, Lyra frankly had not expected Rickter to possess, rickter succeded where Aoren had not, slicing through one wing at the base and making his way up to the nape of the dragon's neck.

Mouse. came the voice again as the dragon growled. Its body seemed to swell with power, green light turning darker as lights from glowing crystals above grew dimmer.

Lyra felt the ripple just before it happened. The dragon seemed to flex its power, magic rippling out and breaking the kinetics hold on its body. One clawed hand reached back in a blur of motion, snatching Rickter as he reached its neck and tossing him across the courtyard. Its eyes then focused on Talon above and half leaped into the air, stretching out and opening its maw to consume Talon in one bite.

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:52 pm
by Talon
into the deep
20 Searing 121

Talon felt it. He felt the moment that the dragon marshalled its power and shrugged off the various assaults upon its form. The backlash of shattering his kinetic field sent Talon sliding back. Instinctively he brought up an arm to protect his face from the rush of dust and wind. With a thought, he enacted the Seeming power of his boots, anchoring himself to the roof. He curled in his wings, protecting himself from the wanton debris sent careening through the air by the force of the dragon freeing itself. Talon lowered his arm and went wide eyed.

The world slowed down. It felt as though Velar reached through the grand expanse of Time and touched his hand upon this moment, slowing it so that Talon beheld everything in startling clarity. The dragon’s maw was open wide. The putrid breath wafted out from its gaping mouth, giving Talon a full view of the jagged teeth that lined the interior. In the back of its throat Talon saw the makings of that pale green fire mixed with mist and shadow. His breathing hitched in his throat and he froze. All of his courage fled. All of his skill as a warrior left him. All of his drive to fight, fly and stand as a bastion of strength for his allies became dust in the face of this single moment.

He relived that moment. That moment that had been nearly a year ago, when the world had been cold and filled with ice. That fateful Frost day. The shadows of that infernal creature rushed for him. Dark hands reached for him, limned with black fire that seemed drawn out of the pits of the abyss. He had beheld another maw then. A portal to the sinking black pit that had led to his mortal demise. He remembered trying to flap his wings but they were yanked and dragged backwards, practically tearing them from his back. He had been pulled down and taken to a hellish place. In his ears, all Talon could hear was the wailing roar of monstrous shadows plunging into his every orifice. It had dug into his eyes, gouging them from his sockets. It had funneled into his throat, silencing his screams, rupturing everything. His flesh had been sundered, his body had been ripped apart until the pain became so unbearably blinding it seared away everything else.

Talon felt small. He felt powerless. The sickly pale flames began to erupt forth from the dragon’s mouth and spill out between its teeth. The shadows that lined it sought to swallow all light, all hope and all things in their path.



He heard a voice. It sounded small. Frightened. In his mind’s eye, Talon saw a young man that he did not recognize. Where he was, Talon did not know, for the man was huddled in what he could only assume was a corner. His shoulders were shaking as if with cold. Beside him, there lay a magnificent cat-beast that was nuzzling into his side as if trying to comfort him. The man’s head shot up and immediately he looked at Talon. He looked weary and afraid but as the two locked eyes, in the man’s gaze he saw an almost desperate hope. One of those eyes was consumed by an inky blackness where only a sulfurous red iris burned. His mouth was open as though he could not believe what he was seeing.

He reached for Talon.

Talon reached for him.

As their fingers touched, Talon swore he could feel the man’s terror. He could feel his anger. He could feel his desperate need for a light in a dark place. Again that voice whispered, yearning for him, trying furiously to cling to hope and sanity.

Don’t leave me…


Talon snapped back to the present moment. Before him the maw of the dragon closed in, wicked green fire cascading forth from its mouth. Power and strength welled up inside of Talon. Talon had a fire of his own. It was time he used it.

Talon reached for his kinetics but it felt different to him. He found the flow of aether with greater ease. Almost immediately the flux ignited in a corona of light that surrounded Talon’s body. The markings upon his shone brilliantly with the silver-white of his divinity. Talon’s nimbus manifested in full as he spread his wings. The kinetic fire that was usually a blue-violet for him was a blinding silver-white as Talon roared with a divine fury. The pillar of pale green fire was met with the force of Talon’s divine flames. Talon dove forward, allowing the power welling up inside of himself to be released in full. He poured into it his righteous anger, his fury, his fear, and his absolute refusal to become a toy for the darkness that sought to consume him.

The dragon’s roar was cut short by Talon’s fury as divine silver-white flames blasted it in full force. The blinding strike triggered the power of the blade still lodged in its neck, adding to its fury the force of a kinetic burst. Talon flew through the undead dragon’s maw and smashed through its skull erupting from the other side. The remnants of flesh and gore were burned away to ash in his wake as the creature’s body crashed to the ground.

Talon hung there in the air for a moment. The entire world was a stark black and white for him in that moment. His chest was heaving. His heart was pounding. Slowly, Talon drifted to the ground, his eyes not leaving the dragon’s form. When his feet touched the solid earth, the light around Talon dimmed until his nimbus faded. Talon felt his legs buckle then. Before he could fall however, strong arms caught him. He was shaking.

Normally after Talon invoked a moment of his divinity, both the Siltori witchmarks of his elven heritage and his runes returned to their normal blue-violet.

They continued to glow softly, a silver-white that seemed to chase away encroaching shadows.

"I am Light."

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 9:59 pm
by Rickter
As the wolf rushed forward jagged spikes of ice jutted from where he slid, while the spine of the creature guided his trajectory as he surged forward with his weapons held out. His right arm went far deeper into the wing he cut into than on the left arm, the blades cleaving through muscle and sinew with the extra effect of Kinetics. Rickter pushed forward ever determined to cleave both wings off he could, but his ambition clearly overshadowed his focus in this regard, as he split the limb of one wing clean off. The other only having been sliced into in his rush the wolf kept onward, eyes locked on where he intended to next so that he would hopefully finish this. He knew what he had to do, he had it clear in his mind on how he was going to cleave the bastard's head right off.

But no.

The moment he felt the twinge of the neck muscles flex below, Rickter's eyes shifted to see the incoming swipe of a dragon claw. "Shit!" He brought his blades up protectively in a crossguard manner, the anchors at the hilts buzzing as the claw snatched the barrier dome he generated. Having a hold of him however, the dragon wasted no effort and threw Rickter down to the courtyard, as he closed his eyes to brace for the impact. He felt time slow to a whir then as he prepared for what he expected would hurt, a lot, and then sure enough within that moment his runes flashed in accordance with Talon's. The markings on his body glimmered a vivid silver hue as he plummeted into the ground, the emblem of Eminence on his arm rapidly coursing power through his body as he felt the impact of a crash.

Rickter's barrier blasted apart from the impact against the ground, the black wolf left rolling across the dirt as the duplicate sword he once held hit the floor. The main one he still held within his hand as he started to come to, experiencing the whirlwind of disorientation combined with the innate fear that welled within his Bondmate. What was this feeling? Petrified at where he landed the wolf couldn't quite move, abstract terror felt in Talon as the wolf struggled to lift his upper body off the ground. He had been winded, and the barrier only somewhat broke the fall upon shattering... but deep down the emblem on his forearm played a heavy part in why the wolf didn't feel as bad as he should've. Scrambling shakingly back onto his feet the wolf looked up to see what developed next, Talon nearly caught in the maw of the great beast, before a surge of aetheric power welled from within him.

"Gods be..." For he had to be witnessing divine judgment at that moment, as Talon conjured up a brilliant flame of aether that blazed the head of their foe into oblivion.

"Rickter!" Hannah called out from one of the rooftops above, her form then flashing into the space next to him as he staggered a moment. Then came crashing down the rest of the undead creature, the hollow dragon's body left to rest limply across the courtyard as dust and air gusted past them from the landing."You okay!?" The rogue insistently checked as her gaze flicked between Rickter and Talon, who still loomed overhead in the air after his victory against the dragon.

"Yeah..." He grunted with an attentive hint to his shoulder, the weapon in his other hand finally dematerialized as his witchmarks began to recede. Yet the Eminence emblem still flowed throughout his body, and from it, Rickter felt a fiery heat that overwhelmed his own natural temperature. "I'm fine." He wanted to believe that more than anything, knowing that he'd been battered by that landing well enough. He also experienced a bout of dizziness when he tried to walk to where Talon landed, the wolf appearing more alert when he did before he paced his steps carefully toward the prince. Talon's eyes never did once leave the body of the felled creature, and for a moment, Rickter's eyes followed the same mind frame just to be sure. He couldn't smell if it was dead because that was already covered... But from the looks of it, the beast was done for good.

"It happened again, didn't it Sōrumeito?" The wolf's blue eyes gleamed a hint of somberness to Talon, but only before humble pride within the man who conquered their foe. There was no denying the shaking in Talon's hands, the real fear he felt gripped by earlier not lost on the wolf either. It seemed that in that moment, just as before, darkness threatened to consume his northern star once more. "I'm sorry I didn't close in on him quick enough." He then lowered his head with a bit of shame, driven to perform better so that Talon wouldn't have to be put in such a predicament ever again. That was twice now... Twice that the wolf had been knocked aside only for his Bondmate to be devoured.

If the gods were cruel to subject them to yet a third, surely, the wolf would be set on making sure it ended there himself.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:19 pm
by Lyra

They were too far away, her mist and smoke dispersed to thin strands that she forced to twine together and reach out toward Talon and the beast, but already Lyra knew it was too late. She knew, yet in a flash of blinding light, the fates of both were suddenly altered. Lyra could see it, through the veil as a new link snaped in place. The light grew brighter, once silver now blinding white, and with its brilliance, she felt a searing pain that drew a graph from her lips. Looking down Lyra saw her hands, her true hands through the skin of her vessel, and it coursed with black veins that glowed like dying coals. Her essence was burned away by the final flash, and Lyra remembered a familiar sensation from long, long ago.

Naila stood still, the light casting away all darkness around them. She felt it too, duller, but the pain sucked the air from her lungs. It wasn't pain born of the now, but of a memory that suddenly flared to life in Lyra. When the display ended a sense of relief washed over them both as Naila crouched, holding her head as Lyra collected the few fragments of her essence and drew them back in once more. The ground shook as the dragon's body fell, now headless, on the ground of the courtyard. The green light in its bones dimmed, and grey steam rose from its still remains.

What the fuck was that? Naila asked, still crouched though she stared at the collapsed body. She and Lyra watched as the others grouped together, speaking among one another.

A memory. Lyra said simply, and with a mental wave of her hand, she dismissed any questions and resumed control.

Standing slowly Lyra looked down at her hand once more, slowly flexing her fingers but there was no sign of any change. It meant that what she had seen was linked to her true self, not to the physical form she wore. With a shake of her head, Lyra made her way forward, but stumbled slightly and looked down. There, on the ground a small patch of darkness rested, no bigger than a stone. Lyra's eyes widened and she bent, touching a finger to the shadows and realized... she could feel it. Several pieces clicked in place, cracks sealing together as the picture became clear and a flood of impressions came to Lyra. She stayed that way, bent over and staring at that small patch of darkness for several seconds before she blinked and stood. Her eyes fell on Talon, but she did not see him. She saw past him, to the nimbus that lay just beyond mortal perception. It was subtle, but the change was there. Seeing it, accepting it made things rise in Lyra she could not name, so she pressed those thoughts down and continued toward Talon and Rickter.

I've never killed a dragon before. Naila commented, drawing their eyes to the corpse.

The words made Lyra smile, And you still have not. It was the others who accomplished this.

Yeah, I guess so. The mercenary mentally shrugged, It's a good thing most stuff dies when you cut off its head.

Lyra's steps slowed until she came to a stop, her smile fading completely as she stared at the corpse. Without a word she veered away from the group, reaching into her bag and pulling out two vials of dark liquid, uncorking them as she came within a few feet of the body.

What are you doing?

You are correct. Most things do die when you cut off their head. She poured the liquid on the ground, creating puddles of black, tar-like liquid at her feet, Undead, however, are not so simple.

Now that she was so close Lyra could see it. Small movements, the glow within shifted and flared sporadically. Looking around she saw that its head had not simply been removed, but incinerated to ash. That was why it was taking the beast so long to regain its senses. The undead did not require a head to live, but the soul did prefer that its body be similar to what it was in life. Now the soul was in the process of rearranging itself, adapting in a way only corrupt souls of the dead could do. Likely this was in part due to Malgar's influence in their creation as well.

Extending her hands out Lyra focused on the liquid, which was in fact ink highly infused with her own essence. It took some time, but like her smoke Lyra took control and made the liquid spread out, creating a steadily widening circle around the entirety of the carcass. She breathed out, adding more of her smoke to the courtyard and collecting what was left together until her whispers coursed on and through the body in its entirety. Her whispers sang songs of suppression, dampening and slowing the dragon's progress in recovering its senses. That, at least, was now possible with its head removed.

"It is not over yet." Lyra finally addressed the others, not looking away from her work. She created interlocking pictograms and those who knew it would recognize an intermingling of Necromancy's soul magic and artificing. In fact, it was very similar to how her soul space was designed. It was a cage, a binding that would hold the soul in place just long enough for Lyra to get what she desired.

One of the dragon's claws twitched and began to curl, but with a frown Lyra reached out with her essence, her smoke twining and pulling in strands of shadows that curled around the beast's limbs, forcing it to remain on the ground where it struggled feebly. It had come so naturally that Lyra thought nothing of it, but continued on, "It will recover if we do not act. Cut off its remaining limbs and burn them as you did the head. I will extract its soul, and we can be done with this."

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:51 pm
by Talon
into the deep
20 Searing 121

Easy, Talon. Easy.” Aoren’s arms around him helped to anchor him to the here and now. He could still feel the dragon’s breath on his face. He could still feel the clutch of darkness pulling him into its grasp. As Rickter approached them, he could not speak. Not at first. Talon barely managed to lessen the shaking in his hands. He felt fragile, as though he might shatter with the passing of the slightest wind. The feathers of his wings were flared. They shifted between being tucked in close and twitching nervously. He reached out to Rickter, cupping the Rathari man’s face gently as he rest their brows together. Still he did not speak, he could not find the words. So he just breathed. With Aoren’s hand gently trailing up and down his spine and Rickter to ground him, Talon finally felt the tightness in his chest unfurl.

It is alright. I am alright.” Was he? Talon felt that he was physically fine but the world was different to him. The stark black and white outline still clung to everything that he saw. It was beginning to fade but it was still there. He looked to both Aoren and Rickter. He could see the light of their souls lining their bodies, a mix of shadow and white. Straightening himself, Talon drew in a deep breath. He stopped short of stepping out of Aoren’s embrace when something drew his eye. He beheld the marks of Eminence upon their bodies. For Rickter it was on his forearm. For Aoren, Talon could see it shining upon the left side of his neck. Each mark glowed brilliantly within his sight. Before it had been a soft light that filtered up from the marking, now they were a radiant silver that defied any attempt at being smothered. Talon reached up, brushing his fingers over Aoren’s mark.

Aoren shivered and Talon felt what he felt. A warmth passed through Aoren’s body. It flowed into him where he touched, sending sparks through his body. The raven winged Avialae brought his hand up, covering Talon’s.

Wh-what just happened?” Talon watched as the fires in Aoren’s eyes went from their normal red-orange to the silver-white that he had come to recognize as the color of his divinity. Within himself, Talon could feel the heat of that fire. It burned within him and Talon knew then that he had to be careful. The flames demanded that he burn those unworthy in his sight, scattering their ashes to the winds for the sin of their injustices. Talon let out a low breath.

I do not know yet but--” Lyra’s voice called to them. It was not over. Talon turned his attention back to the undead dragon and he felt himself once again filled with that blinding fury. He narrowed his eyes as he beheld the twisted creature. He stepped out of the safety of Aoren’s arms who released him reluctantly. Opening up his senses, Talon took in the scope of the dragon’s aura. He was shocked to find that, once again, the world was different for him. When he beheld the aura of something, it was usually a kaleidoscope of colors that funneled the information of its essence to him. The world was now a stark black and white. The auras of the things around him ranged from soft grey to pitch black to his own which shone blindingly with a radiant silver. The soul of the dragon was a mix of black and grey and through it, Talon beheld a multitude of things.

This was a creature that had delighted in the suffering of others. Talon could see its life playing out within his vision. He could see buried within its soul every atrocious deed it had committed under the cover of darkness and ill intent. It had fallen to evil ways willingly and reveled in the pain it caused. The undead dragon was slowly trying to regain its senses, struggling against the chains of suppression that Lyra was inflicting upon it.

Brarkos.” Talon spoke the dragon’s name. It came to him in a whisper. The dragon stilled and for the first time since encountering it, Talon did not feel fear. He felt anger. He clenched a fist and the air around him ignited in scorching white flames once more. The soul of the dragon reared back as though trying to escape its mortal coil.

Lyra?” Talon passed his gaze over to the sorceress. Her soul shifted and blurred in his sight but around the edges he could see...something. It struck a chord within him but what it meant, Talon did not know. For the moment, he just knew she needed to move. “Move.

As soon as she was clear, Talon raised a hand. The pale green fires of the dragon flared as its soul roared. Talon found the flow of the aether flux around it. He set those currents ablaze. The dragon roared but it was soon swallowed by the roar of the inferno that consumed it.

"I am Light."

Re: into the deep

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:55 pm
by Rickter
into the deep
20 Searing 121

The wolf had been too fixed on his Bondmates to pay Lyra any real attention, Hannah on the other hand couldn't help but glance the sorceress's way once she knew for sure Rickter meant what he said. For a man who had been grabbed by a dragon and then thrown, he was lucky he came out of that merely battered and bruised. Sure pain and tension started to rise in flares throughout his arms and legs, but the fiery sensation that coursed through him still dimmed such aches away on its own. That didn't mean there rose an innate sense of responsibility within the wolf, Rickter having to see the outcome of his lover after having to fought against fate once more.

Had history really threatened to repeat itself just then? Were they to be tested by a storm front of chaos at every turn? As much as he would've liked to punish himself for failing his charge, Rickter settled for trying to mend the damage he caused. Talon had been absolutely terrified just then, and that fear struck a deep blow in Rickter, the wolf having not forgotten the last time when he no longer felt his Bondmate's connection. I'm right here now, He urged intensely with the equivalent of his arms mentally blanketing Talon over the shoulders, I won't let that darkness ever near you again. It was a promise that already felt challenged, but Rickter was intent on keeping that promise. He already lost his Bondmate once to the void, he didn't dare risk allowing it ever again; certainly not after today.

He could feel the slight tensions and tremors within Talon lessen after a while, their heads having been brought together so that the wolf could comfort him. Rickter put aside his personal fear yet couldn't resist the urge to actually wrap his arms around the prince and knight captain, his hands just underneath the appendages of their wings as he held the Avialae in a snug manner. Finally, with each steadier breath, the wolf looked up to his soulmate, his melancholic eyes locked on Talon as he came gradually came back to focus on the world around him. He was fine as well, at least as fine as one could be, in regards to how Rickter could grasp. As far as they were concerned, none of this was really fine. Here they were grasping at whatever powers guided them, their lives and limbs risked nearly every turn they took. It was arguable that fate could be stacked against them, but the wolf wasn't keen to dwell on that sentiment at the moment.

What mattered was that everyone turned out okay, and the only severe injuries were the minor physical ones Rickter suffered... though he wasn't accounting for the mental injuries the lot of them would have after this. In watching Talon observe and interact with the world once more, it became clear that what happened to him affected them as well. Though not as vibrant as Aoren likely had felt it, Rickter experienced sparks that danced throughout his body from the neck on down. The sensation gave him a look of alertness but mentally, a few soft tail wags came to be expressed through their bond. There came the question of what exactly took place just now, and regrettably, the wolf could only give a slow shake of his head. Times where he understood nothing like this flustered him, since he already had a great deal to be concerned with as is.

It would have to be something that he sorted out later, maybe even deliberate with his Bondmates over for a while. Whatever the case Talon looked ready to state something, before Lyra intervened to point out that the headless dragon... was still kicking. "Seriously!? That thing just can't stay dead?" Hannah remarked with annoyed glare at the dragon, before her shoulders tensed at the sight of its claw twitching. There surged an innate drive in Rickter then, once Talon's eyes fell back on the carcass of the hollow dragon. Something about the fire burning within that flared even hotter, as Rickter's gaze narrowed on the dragon with a near growl emanating from his very throat. "Okay, calm down big guy, let the demigod handle this one?" The rogue checked with him by grasping his forearm, the runes beneath his outfit still glowing a bright silver as his eyes glimmered as well.

Talon uttered a word that Rickter could only assume meant something to the dragon, disregarding it just moments upon hearing it, as the wolf could feel what would come after the mention of it. Judgment. The prince would pass it on to the dragon once the Lady of Whispers had cleared his path, and the soul of the dragon roared in response to Talon's release of aetheric power. Flames of silver and white spurred across the creature's carcass, the pale green embers consumed by the fire that immolated its rotting flesh. In that moment Rickter's head rang, a light wince made with his eyes as it struck him, as the rest of a buried memory seemed to surface within. Those same flames. He had seen them first hand and even felt their heat dance around his skin, only it was the skin of Tiberius after their test of mettle together. It was the very same flames he recalled seeing when he'd awoken, when Arcas had unleashed them and managed to overpower the guardian.

The flames of judgement. They felt akin to something else familiar, buried just as deep as the memory that resonated in him. Was this more of whatever the hell was happening to him? He didn't feel out of focus with reality at all, merely, entranced by the sudden flashback that he'd been caught within. As the flames consumed the corpse and ash floated into the air from the fumes, the residual glow in Rickter's runes faded to their normal hues finally. The deed had been finished, and the enemy had been fully vanquished. "We should keep moving." The wolf urged with a sharp look up to the towers above, still aware of the lingering threat he still hadn't quite perceived just yet. "The sooner we reach those dungeons, the further we can put this place behind us."

"You know I've got your back." The rogue encouraged as she pulled out one of her pistols, cranking the barrels open so that she could begin reloading them for the next battle ahead.

"I'll take point, if we're ready to move." The wolf assured the lot with a steady pace toward the citadel, his shoulders turned so that he could look back to the group with a stoic determination. From there he would lead the way toward the dungeons within the citadel, with the use of his nose to make sure he didn't trace danger ahead of them.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Rickter" "Hannah"