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Re: Caged Bird Sings [florian]

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:47 am
by Thysbae
This was a development. Growth? Could he count this toward them marching into a friendship of sorts? Thysbae perked up further with each added-on sentence, leaning forward to catch each syllable. It was the most he’d heard from anyone of Lysanrin birth, and more still that didn’t have Monteliyet attached to their name.

But at the mention of Florian’s partner, Thysbae’s brows furrowed. He didn’t think he knew someone with that title. A commander. An airship. “This One has never met your Commander Angevin, but he will be on the lookout.” Would it be appropriate to salute? He decided against it. He would look too eager, more excitable than he already was. A minute bounce in his seat, the wood creaking with his weight. His tail, even, knocked against the chair.

“Dreyfus does! This One heard once that most mages with the Order do, so he supposed this is true now.” He nodded, as if that were a solidified fact. To him i certainly was. His own questions bubbled up on his tongue, but he supposed he’d used his turn up in asking about the horn. He would need to be patient, wait for it to be his moment to slew inquiries the other’s way.

No, Thysbae didn’t live around here. He was sure that maybe, at one time, he might have, but his memories were confined to a singular house — nay, hovel — and not much else. The Order had taken from those four walls of limb and placed him in one of brick. At least the wood one had been warm. He sniffed, took another sip of his almost forgotten glass of water.

“The Monteliyets took This One in when he was assigned to Lord Dreyfus.” The day had been...memorable, to say the least. “The family is kind; good to This One.” It was almost a giggle, just shy of a chuckle. An aborted sound that seemed more schooled than it ought to be. A short hiccup and then he continued. “Although, This One thinks they sometimes still mistake him for a child. Or maybe that’s how they’re supposed to care for this one.”

Maybe this was some trudge toward friendship. No, a gallop, perhaps. “You should come visit. This One can make the arrangements.”

Re: Caged Bird Sings [florian]

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:19 pm
by Florian
Far enough into the conversation, Florian was no longer distracted by his third-person reference to himself. This One. He was excited, clearly, but he did not say what he was excited by, and he could not imagine that his sparse apartment was the cause. Aside from his horn, of course. As he elaborated on his living situation, however, two facts became clear. The first was that he lived with the Monteliyets, who appeared to infantilize him. The second was that he was not a child to be infantilized. He peered at his features with some attempt to discern an age. He just seemed small, smaller than him, but with a voice that was still inherently deeper than his own. A pang of jealousy hit, and then passed.

"They're good? That's...interesting." It was also unexpected. Maybe his demeanor endeared him to the family. Perhaps he was like an oddity or a prized pet, but one with a job. A wild animal with a collar and a leash, well behaved enough to be shown off. Florian wondered, with his own battered appearance, if he would have been treated the same. Unlikely. "I just live here, or on the airship, depending."

Florian rested his chin on his hand, his elbow on the table. "I can visit, yes. I rarely get the chance to interact with other Lysanrin. Maybe since we're both leashed it won't be so upsetting." He laughed. He was also interested in seeing where he lived, and the people whom he lived with. Monteliyet. Now he was unsure if he truly hadn't heard that name somewhere.

"What does your job entail, then? I mostly bolster the wards on the airship created by Angevin." He was trying to be careful about what he shared. He wanted to avoid showing too much familiarity, too much emotion in his face. His mood was neutral, though, and so his eyes remained their neutral blue. After the panic of earlier revealing too much, he hoped they would stay this way.

Re: Caged Bird Sings [florian]

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:30 pm
by Thysbae
The Monteliyets had done what most had: taken him at face value. Perhaps he would thank his mother for youthful features that made him younger than his true age. She’d probably have cursed him for even coming from her, but that was a conversation they would never be able to have again. And it wasn’t like it was entirely bad that he was seen more as a child than an adult. There were less responsibilities placed on his shoulder and people were far less inclined to do him harm. If, of course, they weren’t inherently disturbed by his appearance. Not like his mother had been in the last few years of her life. The thought didn’t dim his smile as he spoke.

“This One has never...had to work on airship before. What is it like?” It probably wasn’t his turn to ask questions, but it burned so fiercely on his tongue that he had to get it out. Thysbae was limited in the things he could do, could see. Best way to learn of them was to hear from those who had experienced what he wanted.

But — “Leashed?” He considered it a moment. He’d never physically had a collar placed on him, but was that what his existence was? He drew in a breath, fingers wrapping around the glass. His cheeks warmed at the more literal representation filling his imagination. “This One has never been leashed, but—” He leaned in, casted faux-conspiratory glances around. “Lady Francesca tried bathing This One before. Like a puppy!”

The revelation — if it could be considered that — was followed by a gasp and another giggle. “The Monteliyets have puppies! But they’re very big. Bigger than This One when they get older, he thinks. This One gets to play with them sometimes.”

Somehow, he didn’t much mind the conversation shifting into what his duties in the Order were. They had always been clearly delivered by someone else, but he knew of them well enough. “Assist Dreyfus.” Those had been the words said to him after the papers had been signed for his partnership. “This One is to aid in Dreyfus’ investigations however the Investigator sees fit. He usually does all the hard work, though. This One isn’t very good in a fight.”

Re: Caged Bird Sings [florian]

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 6:07 pm
by Florian
"It's..." Florian thought of the events that transpired, on and off ship. The daily tasks that sifted through his memories like flour, the upkeep and recycling of wards, the ambush that had earned him the wary recognition of one man whose life he may have inadvertently saved. "Boring, all things considered." He did not mention the bullying, shoving, the insults. The comments about his voice, his appearance, his race. Those were not pertinent to this conversation with Thysbae. He frowned, but just for a second.

"What views, though. The sky is beautiful." He was telling the truth. There was nothing quite like it. Following Thysbae's comment, he realized that the metaphor was lost on him, though he did not explain. Neither of them seemed too concerned about the misunderstanding. He made no comment as Thysbae explained his duties, either. Simply assiting seemed an odd concept - they just kept him around for...what? What did he assist with?

As much as his curiosity was piqued, they had been talking for a few minutes, now, and he did not want the Order to suggest they were conspirators. That would provide undue misfortune for both of them.

"Thank you for the message, Thysbae." He stood up and walked to the door, his hand on the doorknob. "I'd rather that you don't get in trouble for talking to me for too long. You should probably leave...but you can invite me over, if they'll let you." Part of his curiosity lay in the fact he hadn't ever been in someone's nice estate or house or any sort of thing like that. He'd never even been to a particularly nice apartment. What an odd place for another Lysanrin to be kept. From the sounds of it, he was treated like a pet. He opened the door for the strange, deer-legged, antler-horned, third-person-speaking Lysanrin.

Re: Caged Bird Sings [florian]

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:25 pm
by Thysbae
“ can take This One to see those views?” Thysbae tried to imagine what it must look like. The image his mind conjured was likely far off, and it only made him want to see all the more. “Maybe after you visit? This One is sure you’re very busy.”

Once more, his shoulders sagged. His grin faltered, but didn’t fall entirely. He didn’t want to leave — but Florian was right. If he remained for too long, suspicions would be raised. He may even find himself on the end of a scolding. And he’d gone so long without one; better to not risk it. Thysbae tapped his glass a moment. It would be bad manners to not finish it. He took his time doing so, filling his mouth with water and swallowing slow.

Even if they were no longer talking, it was nice to just be in the same space as another of his kind. Someone who had been kind and tried to negate the words of his mother, even if they might not have worked fully. At least, not that Bae was aware of. But, once the glass had been finished, he allowed himself to be escorted out without delay.

At the threshold, he stopped. Turned to face the taller Lysanrin with round eyes and lips pushed into a pout. “Even if this meeting was short—” He stopped, a moment of fidgeting and eyes on the floor as he worked up the nerve to continue. A faint blush had hit his cheeks, gaze lifting from the wooden floors. “This One would like it very much. If we — we could be friends?” There was a hopeful glint in his eyes before he turned, hopped out of the apartment much the same way he came in.

No, there was no if. They would be friends. He was sure of it. They were much too similar. They had/i] to be. His grin returned full force. “This One will be sure to send an invitation for you to visit. So, please, consider what he’s asked.”

The reconciliator that had escorted the Lysanrin looked, for lack of better words, disturbed. Unwell with having to have been made to wait outside. A jerk of their head in the direction they were meant to go when eye contact was made, and the half-breed was off with a wave.

Re: Caged Bird Sings [florian]

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:05 am
by Reviewer


Lores: (12 Requested, Eligible for 13)

Caregiving: Comforting words can go a long way
Detection: The change of colors in a Lysanrin’s eyes
Etiquette: Proper delivery of a message
Etiquette: Extending an invitation to someone you want to be close with
Linguistics: Context changes the meaning of words
Persuasion: A pout seals the deal
Psychology: There are nice people out there
Psychology: Delaying a message can make someone upset
Rhetoric: Underlying messages in seemingly normal words
Rhetoric: How a message is delivered can change its meaning
Rhetoric: Finding common ground with others to soften them up
Tactics: Allowing others to make what they want of your words


Points: 8 Points (No Magic)

Comments: Why does That One refer to themselves as This One? I loved the enthusiasm and naivety shown, it paired well with the sense of duty and curiosity. Well done!


Lores: (8 Requested, Eligible for 12)

Etiquette: Not Bringing Up Odd Behavior
Etiquette: Accepting an Invitation
Detection: Reading Between the Lines
Detection: Discerning Someone's Age
Spycraft: Asking Pointed Questions
Psychology: Self-Soothing Anxiety
Psychology: Composing Oneself
Tactics: Sating Someone's Curiosity to Reach a Goal

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 8 Points (No Magic)

Comments: Well this was pleasantly adorable. I could certainly feel the slight grumpiness at having to be reminded by the order, yet the hint of curiosity. A delightful meet and greet.

I believe your 2 Lores are more fitted for Detection than Investigation in this instance. This is because both of those were more about directly perceiving something and making the assumption from that, whereas Investigation would be then following up on that information to confirm it through finding more details.