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Re: Tools of the Trade [Torin]

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 5:36 pm
by Kala Leukos
If she minded the distraction, she gave no indication. She smiled, took another sip of her water.

"We have been sworn to Great House Briathos for some time," she explained. "So magic is a family tradition. But we all have our reasons for choosing specific ones, and certainly, experts who knew us helped figure out which we might be best attuned to. My mother is quite skilled at Semblance, and I chose it because it felt like a good foundation for everything else. But my mother wasn't the one who initiated me. Instead, it was... well, she called it an honor..." Kala laughed. "...bestowed on someone else. Scrivening, too, I learned because I had some aptitude and it seemed foundational for learning other things. Kaus and I chose Elementalism together. He feels a kinship to the wind for obvious reasons and I think I wanted to feel it too. But he chose Reaving to honor our father, who also had it. Our brother Aquilios, though, chose to focus on Kinetics, which is not something any of us share with him. Luckily, most of the magicks have practitioners in Starfall."

She noted his nerves and put a small hand on his arm.

"While I can't give you Semblance yet, eventually, I can if you choose. And you would be welcome to stay here where there would be many people watching over you while you recovered. If you find another teacher before then, I would also happily take some watch duty if it will make you feel safer. I will know some of what you are going through, at least." She paused. "Kaus says he would as well."

When he moved on to the task at hand, she set her cup down and found the schema she had drawn up for the workbench to show him and explain if he had questions or corrections.

"Of course. I can etch directly into stone. With wood, I can write in fire, unless you would prefer I use a tool instead for aesthetic reasons..."

Re: Tools of the Trade [Torin]

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:33 pm
by Torin Kilvin
The workbench was made of the same stone as the kiln, the same piece of stone even. It had felt right that they should be twinned in such a way. He had told Kala this when he'd commissioned them, thinking she would understand.

He moved around to look over her schematic, his understanding of Scrivening schema was growing. Like his quick understanding of Runesmithing schema, it felt as though his mind were made to pick up information in that format. He pointed out a section that didn't make sense to him easily and asked about it. It looked right, he'd seen the symbols on the workbenches he'd used all his life, but he didn't understand why. The explanation had him nodding fairly quickly,

"I see, and then this would be where the magic connects to the new piece. Hmm." He mused, attention taken up by the work for several minutes before he returned to their other conversation.

"I have been offered the rune by a... close friend. He wants to watch over me, but I'm sure he'll need to sleep sometimes. I'll ask him if he'd like the help." Torin wasn't actually sure how Aurin felt about nobility. He seemed to approve of the Leokos but that could be simply because they approved of Torin. He did make note of the fact that Kala hadn't said who had actually given her Semblance, but he didn't push. It wasn't his place and he had just avoided explaining exactly who would give him his.

"After, if it's alright, I might come to you and ask questions, about what I see, or feel. You'll be able to experience the same things and must understand them far better than I do." He wasn't asking for a teacher exactly, but like one might have an older sibling explain new things. It was a kind of teaching, informal and mostly just him asking about things he imagined.

He stayed on his feet as Kala began her work this time, watching more closely to the lines she drew and trying to connect them to both the work he'd done over similar as a runesmith and the little he was beginning to learn of Scrivening.

Re: Tools of the Trade [Torin]

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:00 am
by Kala Leukos
"Well, if you would like to recover here, you and your friend and any other friends who might want to visit you would be made welcome. If you would prefer to recuperate in your own bed, then we will visit you there and help you as necessary. I believe you said Timon has family in town. You might want to let him visit them for a time, or visit us. You may be disoriented and sometimes worries can intrude on the mind while in that state. You will want to know that he is safe and sound so that isn't something that bothers you.

"I would hope your friend will offer you some guidance if he has the skill and desire to initiate you, but I will certainly compare notes." She smiled. "I will say... many people focus on the sight of it, but, in reality, the Rune opens up a new sense. The mind tries to put it in a box — vision. But it is more than that. If you focus correctly, you will be able to hear aether and smell magic. Sometimes, when I meditate with the Rune active, I think I almost sense things purely, without relying on some second sight or doubled mundane sense." She paused, then smiled self-deprecatingly. "But I am an odd bird."

That out of the way, she began to scrive her schema into the stone that would be his workbench. This time, while just as careful, she went into it with more confidence. She paused more often, trying to explain in words what she was doing, and allow him to fine-tune things, both magical and aesthetic. She hoped when he came to Starfall, he would see Mistress Feada's forge and be enthralled by the beauty of it.

This time, she was confident enough to ease up on the control and allow Torin more input, and that felt right to her.

Re: Tools of the Trade [Torin]

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:35 pm
by Torin Kilvin
Torin trusted Kala, but he wouldn't want her to see him undressed. It was an interesting kind of friendship; close without being intimate, or, perhaps the intimacies were only different. He looked at the beautiful lines of Scrivening she was laying down for him and thought that it must be the latter. If he was going to lose his mind a bit, flailing or gibbering without realizing where he was or with whom, he wanted to be in the privacy of his own home.

The offer to house Timon temporarily was kind and he jumped at it.

"I am not sure exactly when this might happen, but your offers are very kind. I think it would be good to house Timon with you. For only a few days, or a week...I hope." Kala had stated that her illness had lasted much longer and Torin could only hope that his own did not take him from his work that long. If Aurin was ready by early Frost it would be a slow time for his work and might be most convenient.

"Perhaps I could pay for you to get him a tutor. He's excellent with numbers and finance but I'm sure he could benefit from some formal education on the subjects. If he could start while he visits and then come once a week, maybe, to take lessons?"

He listened closely, resting his head in one hand as she explained the opening that Semblance allowed. "I think I might try to channel into the Rune blindfolded, the first few times, to ensure my other senses can access it easily as well. Of course, Aurin will be teaching me. That's my friend." He blushed prettily, but didn't let it interrupt their conversation.

"Odd birds are the most beautiful." It came out before he thought about it as his mind was caught up in imagining what observing the world through a new sense would be like, wondering if it would be anything like the way magic whispered and sang to him.

Standing when she began to work again he paid closer attention, not doing any of his own work, only observing hers, trying to learn. His suggestions or requests were tiny things, for he was not yet confident enough in how Scrivening did its work to confidently do more. But it really felt like a collaboration, his magic, her magic, bringing things into being that hadn't been before.

Re: Tools of the Trade [Torin]

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:01 pm
by Kala Leukos
"Then we will welcome Timon into our home and call it indefinite until you have recovered—and that should include some rest after your mind feels in order. Magic takes its toll until we learn to find our balance with it. You won't trouble us for a few extra days with him so that you can ensure you won't fall ill to any secondary infections because you are worn out." She paused, then smiled apologetically. "I'm not your mother. I apologize. But having been through threshold sickness before, I do think I know from what I speak, though I hope your initiations are easy."

She laughed quietly. "Kaus will likely teach him to fight, and I will see where he is with his figures and perhaps he can help me with my maths."

If he was present for a week or so, they could oversee his education, and if he only came once a week to continue, that would not put her out. Most of the Leukos zaibatsu was already set up and only required minimal day-to-day maintenance between her and Bryony, the factor. She enjoyed cultivating the working relationships more than anything else, and if Timon grew to be a businessman, they would already have a friendship and trust upon which further ventures could be built.

Her smile was warm when he named his friend, though she would not endart her interest farther than his volunteerism allowed. As for odd birds, well, perhaps one day she would even fly. But for the present, she turned her full attention back to the stone of the workbench she was scriving, tracing out pictographs with her stonesense, etching the symbols into the fabric of the material at hand.

A collaboration, indeed.


Re: Tools of the Trade [Torin]

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:17 am
by Hikami
Tools of the Trade

Points awarded:
  • Torin - 8{Can be used for Scrivening}
    Kala - 8{Can be used for Scrivening, Semblance, and Elementalism}


Observing the Creation of a Runeforging Kiln
Looking for Flaws in the Aetherial Flow
Working With Someone Better Trained
Learning From a Teacher

Spending Wisely
Commissioning Custom Tools
Negotiating With Suppliers
Negotiation With Craftsmen
When to Spend on Quality
Preparing to Open a Shop

Making Your Own Tools
Forging Runesmithing Equipment


Scriving Into Stone

Offering Refreshments

Business Contacts

Setting out the Proper Tools
Preparing Schema Ahead of Time
Intention to be Used With Another Kind of Magic
Following Pre-Made Schema
Working Through Distractions
Working on Large Objects
Scrivening in Tandem with Elementalism
Working on Very Small Objects
Scrivening Into Stone

Used to Enhance Scrivening

  • + Torin's runeforging tools (already approved by Paragon from what I understand).
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!