Nightwatch. [Terra] (Completed)

High City of the Northlands

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Myles Arnnett
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Searing 64
As the slunk away Myles cursed under his breath. He didn't like the idea of letting criminals get away. But his wounds, and more so than that the wounds of his subordinates concerned him. He realized however that the reason they'd backed off was the sound of pounding boots growing closer. Reinforcements he thought with no lack of relief. Slumping to one knee Myles gritted his teeth. The shard of bone in his calf was lodged nicely in the meat of his leg and causing him no end of pain.

With the witch and cohorts no longer in sight Myles cursed again Forcing himself to stand and turn to Terra and Jonah to surmise their wounds, they were both worse for ware but they didn't seem to have any life threatening injuries. They both wore terrible expressions that bellied all sorts of negative emotions. Boots now pounded around the corner revealing a column of twelve men with torches.

Pointing into the complex Myles waved the men on. “Don't worry about us, there are at least one mage and two more cultists with blades in their, could be more. Move it!” punctuating his command with a shout the nightwatchmen reinforcements headed in. The silence that followed was eerie, and in short order the complex was sweeped with them finding nobody.

Looking back to Terra and Jonah “You both did excellent, if there were any mistakes made on this operation they were mine and mine alone. Lets get us back to the barracks medic.” Jonah was favoring his right leg and held a wrist tentatively, Terra was burned, he'd failed to fully extract her from the danger, he couldn't deny that he was also potentially to blame for Jonah's injuries from the rough way he'd thrown him. Cursing himself mentally for allowing his subordinates to get wounded when he'd known already about the cults abilities to turn bodies into bombs. Turning away from the crime scene Myles debated pulling the shard from his leg but decided against it. Looking back to the viscera that had once been his enemies, he picked up the wicked ax one had wielded. It too was worse for wear but it would make a serviceable crutch. “Alright, to the medic”

Last edited by Myles Arnnett on Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:12 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 384
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Title: Marksman
Location: The Glorious Zaichaerian Military
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It was nice to hear that it really was but she had made critical mistakes, maybe if she hadn’t let her emotions get the better of her and charged in she might have avoided the whole situation altogether. Myles was being generous but with his praise, but she felt like maybe she dropped the ball during what should have been a clutch play. She let her guard down and ultimately got burned when she turned and drank In his approving smile, and she knew it.

What was worse the filthy mage and her entourage of knife wielding anarchists got away. It was her fault, she had the rifle she’d been starring down the iron sights down the hallway. If she’d just stayed focused that coven witch would have appeared dead center in her crosshair and had her head vented with extreme prejudice in name of justice.

Terra wouldn’t openly voice her opinion about her failures and misgivings instead she found the rage had subsided when she realized Myles had taken the brunt of it all.

You better not try to pull that piece of shrapnel out your leg. Here Let me help you!she piped as she wrapped Myles arm around her shoulder so she could help him move there asses to the infirmary. Or maybe she just wanted him wrapped around one last time to feel secure, and maybe her flushed cheeks gave those intentions away. He did save the cadet like a storybook knight saving a princess from the incendiary smog of dragons breath.

Truly he was her hero, and this was her fault.

She caught a glimpse of the witches face and swore to herself to make things right. Even if it meant she would take extra patrols, she would not rest until the perpetrators of these vile crimes against the righteous city of Zaichaer were found and punished on a firing line, for there despicable crimes against there great nation.

Patriotic zeal and fervor fuck due process she would be that bitches judge jury and executioner.

word count: 344
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Y O U R xR E V I E W

Gunslinging; Keeping track of a comrades distance
Gunslinging; Understand the margin of error for a musket
Gunslinging; When you pull the trigger you own the bullet.
Gunslinging; Using cover in a fire fight
Gunslinging; Using gunsmoke to obscure yourself as a target.
Gunslinging; Executing an enemy in the heat of battle.
Gunslinging; Not discharging a gun next to a comrades head.
Gunslinging; The pistol is perfect to close quarter combat
Gunslinging; Losing your focus behind you gun can get you and others killed.
Gunslinging; You get one shot if you miss at point blank your vulnerable.

Leadership: Managing positioning
Leadership: Positioning your soldiers to their skills
One handed Sword: Under the ribs and through the heart, to oblivion we go.
One Handed Shield: When in doubt go in shield first.
One Handed Shield: Covering ones allies.
One Handed Shield: Avoid deflecting blows into your helmet.
Detection: Corpses give hints to what you may soon be fighting
Detection: What looks like a trap, often is.
Resistance: Leather endures heat better than metal
Resistance: Shielding with oneself

Points: 8, Cannot be used for magic by either player

Injuries/Ailments: Myles: puncture wound and mild burns. Puncture wound should take 3 weeks to fully heal, slight scar may remain. Burns will take one week to fully heal. Terra some severe shoulder burns. Burns will take up to 3 weeks to fully heal, provided the right medical care is applied.

Loot: One Standard issue Zaichaer Saber for Terra.

Notes: Haven't seen this much carnage in a while, exciting to read!
word count: 294
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