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Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 3:17 am
by Finn
Of course, there was no way he could compete with Talon's magical pedigree.

"My grandmother was the village witch?" he offered, hand spread helplessly. "I don't even know if she had a rune or if her medicines were necromantic or alchemical..." He laughed quietly. There were still many things he didn't understand, whether it was magic or simple things like family.

"Hm, not to worry, not to worry," he assured him. "Just trying to gauge how best to package it, I suppose. Mid- to late-Frost, all right." He was making mental notes and would write them down later. His memory was keen, which helped when learning music or trying to recall it. In all fairness, he didn't have a lot of things planned past his capstone performance. The paean to Talon was taking up most of his free time and energy, and once that was over, he would have more time for other things. Of course, this would neatly dovetail. Learning more about the man's heart and his love would certainly inform a greater piece in his honor as much as it would inform the song to commemorate his marriage.

"And I can certainly attend functions..." He wasn't certain whether that meant as a guest or as a musical guest, though either way, he would have to make some purchases and have them tailored before then. From what he understood, such parties demanded new finery each time. Of course, he did pause for a moment when he put together 'the night of our wedding' and 'just the two of us.' Uncertain whether that meant he would be present at the consummation of their wedding or not, he decided to just gloss over that one as well.

Anyway, everyone knew Avialae made love midair with courtship dances and such.

But when he saw Talon looking at the man, he allowed a little more aether to slip through his rune, expanding his senses enough that he could hear Talon's symphony better. It was near the point of pain, but he could hear that melody of affection that quickened the drum of his heart. Affected, Finn suddenly blinked back tears. That was not how he felt about Arry, nor how Arry felt about him, but then their romance was still new.

"Oh, that's... that's nice..."

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:55 am
by Talon
Thread Title
Time Stamp

"What I mean, Finn, is that you can be yourself here. You need not hide your gifts. Quite the opposite, I would encourage you to use them. The more you understand them, the more you can control them and not be controlled by them.” Talon loved magic. It was part of his life. He had possessed it since he was a boy and had grown up around it. After having travelled to Zaichaer and seeing how stifled it was in such a place, he did not want to imagine the loss of it in his life nor in the lives of others. Kalzasi was not perfect but if there was one thing he was certain of, it was that they were better off for having it.

Please, let me know what accommodations you will need to make your work easier.” Talon let his eyes drift back to the man who was the subject of their conversation. He watched as Aoren was guiding his brother through the motions of a new technique. His movements were fluid and carried the finesse of confidence that came from years of not just practice but from practical application. Watching the raven winged Avialae brought Talon a peace of mind that he rarely felt in days of late. The tension between his shoulders eased. The weight of the Aetherium lingering on the edges of his consciousness grew lighter. The urge to harden himself against the plight of the people he heard so frequently crying out for help, grew softer as he felt the warmth of his bondmate’s flames wrap around him.

It is nice. When I see him, I see my reason for compassion. There was a time when I thought to live my life with only the cold precision of firm logic and relentless devotion to duty to guide me. Aoren reminded me that a life lived without compassion is hardly a life at all. I would be a much colder person without him.” Dimly, Talon became aware of the gentle brush of another against his thoughts. He did not recognize that it was Finn at first, having never felt the man’s mind before. Carefully, Talon mentally reached out, just as he always did with his bondmates Aoren and Rickter, and offered up the easiest pathway into his thoughts. He turned his attention back to Finn. Curious, he opened his own senses up to the flow of aether within and around the bard. He beheld the man’s aura. A vibrant tapestry of colors that reflected the complexity Talon often associated with people of a more creative nature. He saw hues of orange, yellow and rose red that bespoke of passions Talon could not quite discern the nature of. It could have been a variety of things, romance, infatuation with a particular passion or even affection toward himself. He did not delve deeper. Instead, Talon focused on the cracked, dry, brown pain that he saw pressing in upon the edges of Finn’s bodily and emotional state.

Ah.” He realized where Finn’s pain was coming from. Talon took hold of his own aetherial flow. Through the rune of Semblance, he carefully winnowed down the intensity of his own aura and imprint upon the aether flux in the world.

Forgive me. I am still getting used to…” He gestured vaguely to himself. Talon tried to offer what mental support he could. The touch of a Mesmer was not the same as that of the Bond but he would give what he was able.

"I am Justice."

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:03 pm
by Finn
"I do try," he said with a diffident smile. "Perhaps someday I'll get used to watching the prince at his ablutions while the royal family relaxes. But until then, I will at least endeavor not to make you uncomfortable." His grin widened a bit. And when Talon's gaze found his bondmate, Finn grew quiet, trying to soak up the specific flavor of his feelings for Aoren. It softened his own heart; he couldn't help it. There was definitely a depth to the feeling that bespoke some time spent together, and Finn, like most people, had little understanding about how Avialae bonds worked. At least now he knew what they tasted like via one particular rune, though he didn't know if they all had that same timbre.

Suddenly, Talon changed something within himself and Finn felt suddenly much closer to the man's feelings, and the intensity didn't dim, but when from being a blazing sun to a gentle, warm fall of rain. He supposed deities were full of enough power to obliterate mere mortals, and it required some effort or self-knowledge to coexist with weaker, less permanent beings.

"Thank you," he said quietly, though the sudden intimacy of a magical bridge between them was only overwhelming in a different way. He found himself glancing toward Aoren, wondering how he inspired these things in Talon Novalys. It wasn't jealousy he felt, though he did wonder what it would be like to feel as Talon felt or have someone feel about him what Talon felt; there was a strange sense of compersion, a happiness based purely on the happiness of others. He knew Talon's burdens were superhumanly heavy, but he was glad that there were people that made it all worth it to him. Justice was all well and good in concept, but people were more real than concepts, at least to him.

"Wow." He paused. He took notes, the first faint inklings of what he was composing somewhere deep in his mind that he couldn't access directly. But he felt that subtle shift inside himself that he took to mean that parts of him were already at work.

"I will let you know." He paused. "Should I let you get back to your work or your leisure?" He didn't want to quit Talon's presence; in fact, he hoped that they might one day be friends, but he didn't want to stand in the way of what needed doing either. "If so, I can stay a while and get a feel for the symphonies here, and take more notes. If not, I always have enjoyed your company."

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 6:30 pm
by Talon
He nodded his head. It was something he was beginning to grow more mindful of. When he had first arose into the echelons of divinity, Talon had not seen much difference between himself and perhaps some powerful mages. As he had awoken to grasp his second domain of godhood however, the stark difference between himself and mortals was becoming clearer. There were simply some things that he had to put effort into controlling now whereas he had not before. His aetheric presence was one of them. His physical strength was another. Only a few days ago he had been working with the Sky Guard, testing some of the weapons he had been working to reinforce for them and during a brief sparring, he had shattered one. All that aside, he was glad that Finn was not in quite as much discomfort now.

I should like to enjoy your company for a while longer, if you have the time?” Talon did not want to impose himself on Finn’s schedule. While he knew the man had come to tell him of the progress he was making on his work, he was certain he had other obligations to attend to. Still, in truth Talon did not have many friends outside of Rickter, Aoren and his brother. Lyra was akin to a teacher and while someone he respected, he could not count her as a friend.

Tell me about what your life has been like these days, Finn. You speak of work, but is there anything else exciting going on?” Talon folded his legs beneath him. He made himself comfortable across from Finn then extended one of his wings to rest in his lap. Absently, Talon began running his fingers through the feathers, grooming them as he both watched and listened to the bard.

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 8:39 pm
by Finn
Relaxing into the friendly intimacy, whatever divine aura Talon gave off just lent a sense of well-being, the idea that everything would come to its just end. It wasn't like Mesmer, but rather something that Talon was now. Perhaps he had always been that, but now it was clear and unobscured. He set his notes down in his lap and tried to think about what Talon would want to know.

"Of course, I have the time," he said with a smile.

"Ah... let's see. Studies at the Academy. Working for Lyra, either helping out at her shop or doing research for her in the Archives. Playing sometimes at the Crown and Lion where I live, and sometimes elsewhere if I can schedule something. Within the past few weeks, I met a fae'ethalan fiddler and learned some of his people's music, and met a strange summoner in the Archives. She's with the Tower, I believe. I wanted to listen to her aidolon's symphony, but wasn't sure if that was safe..." He glanced at Talon in case he knew. Of course, he could just ask Lyra or Zef, but it slipped his mind frequently.

"Ah... I've started... a relationship, I suppose. I don't know about titles and all. I'm better about singing romance than romancing, actually." He laughed at himself, flushing slightly. "It doesn't feel like... like you and Aoren... but I don't know if that's something that comes with time or, or I don't know... He was a singer at the Velvet Cabaret and just today he's begun a new career at the Golden Peacock Theater. If you're ever there, his name is Arvalyn Val'Cithaeron. Hopefully a rising star. We met while I was busking and then we started collaborating on material for him to sing, and I guess we did good work because he has a new job."

He was still a bit dumbfounded that he had acquired a boyfriend or a lover or whatever he ought to call him as an added bonus.

It also occurred to him to ask Talon whether he knew how to make reciprocal Mesmer safer during sex, because it was a thing they enjoyed, but there were repercussions. Then again, he didn't know if he and Talon were at that level of intimacy where they could speak of such things, even if he was composing a love song from Talon to Aoren.

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:38 pm
by Talon
Talon listened attentively as Finn spoke on everything that had been happening in his life over the past season. He was pleased to hear that the man’s studies at the Academy were going well. The mention of his meeting new and interesting people also made him smile. He was glad that Finn was bringing more people into his life as it seemed the young man had been somewhat lonely to him.

“I am not intimately familiar with the workings of Mesmer. I have simply grown up around those who use it. My brother would be more of an authority on it than I am. I can introduce you to him, if you would like to meet him?” The subject of magic was, in truth, not something that Talon had the opportunity to discuss much. Often he simply acted.

“Truthfully speaking, I am not much of an arcane scholar. The powers I wield I have done so mostly out of instinct. The only time I sit down to consider the academics of magic is when I am at the runeforge.” He reached up to rub at the back of his head. A bashful smile touched his lips as he looked over at Finn.

“I think I sometimes disappoint my mother in that regard. She is a scholar at heart and approaches magic like a science, which in many cases it is. She says my brother and I are like our paternal grandfather in that regard. Wielding magic like we were born with it instead of truly studying it.” Sahfri was not the only person to be less than impressed with his broader academic achievements in magic. Lyra had taught him much about the way magic could be woven and manipulated with a carefully placed application of the Scripts. He had no doubt that he had grown both as a runesmith and sorcerer because of her wisdom. But he still followed his heart far too much to approach it with the almost clinical air she or his mother did.

“Have you ever considered joining the mages at the Tower of Lore? I am certain that a man of your talents would quickly find his place among them.” He could easily see Finn wearing the robes of a Circle wizard. He knew that such a life was not for everyone but it was something that he had considered himself from time to time.

“I nearly joined the Circle myself until my parents dissuaded me. Something about it not being proper for the Shokaze’s Heir to be beholden to any save his House banner.” Talon shook his head and continued to listen.

“Arvalyn? I have heard his name. Rien and some of my sisters were greatly impressed with him when they saw him perform. I do not recall if it was at the theatre or the cabaret. It was all they could talk about for days. I am told he has quite a mesmerizing voice.” Talon gave Finn a wink before he quieted and listened further. He raked his fingers gently through the feathers of his wing one last time before bringing the other around to do the same.

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:36 am
by Finn
"I would like to meet anyone you care about," he said, not sure whether he had worded that properly, but he was sincere. He was going to have to learn from Arry how to dissemble more; he could perform, but sincerity was just a part of who he was. "Otherwise, he'll only know me as the man who almost got his head torn off by that drunken lord in his fine establishment..." He laughed quietly, coloring a bit at the memory. For all that the moment had been terrifying and embarrassing, it had led to meeting Talon, which had altered the course of his life. Or, at least, it had put it back on track and sped it up.

Finn laughed more openly at Talon's bashful look.

"No time to learn music or the theory of magic," he said with a teasing lilt in his voice. "What a horrible disappointment." He grinned, though. Talon was a warrior, a sorcerer, and craftsman, a statesman, and now a demigod. Finn couldn't figure as his parents were truly disappointed in him at all. In any case, the queen might regret her sons not taking after her, but the Avialae had become rulers of this place because they were warriors who could protect people from what came out of the Warrens and such, not because they were scholars of magic. There was nothing wrong at all with scholarship, but he was to be Shokaze, not an archivist.

But it was his turn to blush again at the mention of the Tower.

"Ah, so... Probably unwise to deceive a prince and a god, so... My grandmother was the village witch. I don't know if I told you that? Anyway, I don't know if she had any runes, or maybe she knew enough of necromancy and alchemy to get herself the reputation. Or she might just have known her herbalism and didn't like most people so she lived by herself on the edge of town. But when she died, she left me a sealed letter to take to a man at the Tower. When he read it, he looked sad, and he offered me my Rune in secret and he trained me enough not to be a danger to myself or others. Some ethics. Some theory, but not... a lot." He reached back to rub at his hair. "It's back here where nobody can see it. I mean, I oughtn't to lose my hair if that's a thing that runs in bloodlines. So it's been a secret. But while I'm no prince, I don't think I would like to be beholden to a... an organization? But perhaps someday I'll become well known and it'll be difficult to hide and that will be something I have to deal with. I want to be a great musician without magic, but to be able to add a bit of magic to it when it seems appropriate. I do some work for Lyra at Ale'Ephirum and she has been telling me stories of the Leh'anafel... The Singers. People like me... musicians with Mesmer. Perhaps someday I'll bring them back."

He shrugged; it sounded like a boy's dream and not a man's, but perhaps that was all right.

"I'll be certain to tell Arry he has fans in the palace. He will probably need a drink." He laughed fondly.

"It's nice up here," he noticed. "I'm glad you get some time to... well, not rest, but relax with your loved ones." It was a simple thing, and it was easy to forget that these people were just people with a lot of power and prestige.

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 2:29 pm
by Talon
“I would never have let that happen.” A frown crossed Talon’s face as he thought back on the nobleman who had nearly accosted Finn that night. He could not help the distaste that threatened to cause a sneer to break out across his features. He shook off the memory, giving Finn a smile.

“Rien is quite fond of your performances. He speaks about them rather animatedly, I think you have an honest fan in him. You could likely give him your autograph and he would crow about it for weeks.” He chuckled then blinked at Finn. Talon blushed further at Finn’s teasing. A bashful smile spread across his features. He could not help it. There was the unspoken expectation that he was supposed to be competent at most everything he approached but Talon knew that there were many things he was not good at.

“Tell no one but I am not very good with horseback riding either.” He had tried when he was younger. There were Avialae who were quite skilled at riding horses even with the challenge their wings presented. Talon was not one of them. He had ended up having no patience for the art and it seemed that the horses had not liked him either.

“I could never grasp what to do with my wings.” He raised one of his silver eagle feathered wings. “Between you and I, I will keep to the skies.”

He nodded in understanding to Finn’s explanation of where he had gotten his powers. At the mention of Lyra and the Leh’anafel, he quirked his head.

“I have heard her mention the Singers on a few occasions. That she spoke of them with you speaks of her regard for you, as much as Lyra can regard anyone.” Talon chuckled at the mention of how Finn’s partner would react.

“You should bring him with you when you visit one day. I would be honored to make his acquaintance.” His face softened at the mention of being able to enjoy quiet time with the people he loved. However it was not he who responded to Finn’s statement.

“It is a thing to treasure, to be sure.” Shokaze Savien Novalys stepped forward, prompting Talon to begin rising to his feet. He stopped only when his father waved him off, doing the same for Finn. Winter grey eyes came to settle upon the minstrel.”You are a friend of my Talon?”

Though Talon shared many of his mother’s traits outwardly, such as his skin complexion, the slight point to his ears denoting his half-elven heritage and the Witchmarks that all Siltori carried, his face strongly resembled that of his father.

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 3:47 am
by Finn
The conversation became more comfortable. Remembering the night at the High Hopes, it felt almost as though Talon were just a particularly intimidating friend who had his back. Imagining him fumbling on horseback or getting bitten by a foul-tempered stallion made him laugh with him rather than at him. They all chose their paths based on their passions and their skills, he supposed. He was just lucky that he had found music or he would have ended up a village smith; there was nothing wrong with that, but he would have felt incomplete even if he hadn't discovered magic. He enjoyed the forge, but it didn't make his soul sing.

"Hm." He mused about what the man had to say about Lyra. She was still a mystery to him, but he trusted her. She had always done right by him, and he supposed their working relationship had benefited both of them or she wouldn't keep him on the payroll and offer him such a relaxed burden for it.

"I will—"

But then Talon was scrambling to his feet and once Finn saw the reason why, he did too, though the Shokaze arrested both their movements with a wave of their hand. It was strange to have an equal response as Talon, though it seemed divinity hadn't made him respect his father any less. It pained Finn to remain seated in the royal presence, but he supposed if he could grow comfortable in Talon's presence—and his Presence—then he could obey his sovereign.

"Your Majesty," he said, bowing at the waist even if he wasn't permitted to rise as was appropriate. He supposed they both tired of people bowing and scraping, even if it was sincere.

"I, ah... I'm not certain that I'm worthy of his friendship, but your son has been a friend to me." He wondered if the brief visit was coming to an end; no doubt the Shokaze had weighty thoughts to relate to his son.

Re: Where the Air Is Rarefied [Talon]

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 8:39 pm
by Finn

Experience: 10 xp for use at your discretion

Injuries: N/A

Loot: N/A

Notes: Just closing out old threads. Feel free to amend if I missed anything, mon capitaine.