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Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:31 am
by Tobias
♅ 63rd Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard and Eitan| Thoughts: Back in this miserable hellhole| Mood: Boredom

The moment was perfect; when Tobias heard the male admit about his reputation being on the line, he immediately smirked. Schemingly, he walked up to him as close as he could, not invading the man's personal space. He simply made eye contact as he gripped his own chin in thought "My my... I must say, hearing a reconciliator be open and honest is something I have never come across before, usually they are all stiff upper lips, pants as tight that their bollocks are probably squeezing their very own groin together. I'm surprised they haven't even started taking opera classes, knowing how high pitched their voices would be." He said with a hint of mischievous laughter as he tilts his head. His voice was husky, low as the velvet of sound glistened through Eitan's ear.

Eventually, his look became more serious for a moment. A resonance of pain could be lifted from deep inside of him. The fact that he had to redeem himself for his own fathers sake. The burden. It had brought him deep into doubt, yet he needed to lift his own spirits. He knew he could do this "Perhaps, we can help each other then... An eye for an eye as they would say, if you're a firm believer of that saying..." He said, turning around with the heel of his boot.

He simply looked over at the other man as he walked around the room before stopping closer to him again "Do I really have a choice? This place has me leashed after all, as it had you. I expect we're both in the same boat. If I don't fall in line, I'm finished. It's a dangerous game of roulette that we're playing..." He said in response to his remark. There was a hint of distaste on his face, however he made eye contact with him for a moment as he chuckled to himself.

"The thrill of the odds..."

He looked back at him as he crossed his arms again as he looked at the taller male "I'll be your good little soldier, don't worry... You better be a good little teacher after all" He bit his lip as he bit back with a sense of rebellion from his actions. He wanted to test the man's patience. However, it was clear that if he failed to prove himself, he would have his own adoptive father killed.

"Don't worry, I might bite a little but you can trust me. I have no choice after all, but to simply obey."


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:49 am
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan didn't know if Tobias was walking around as a power move, forcing him to expand his bubble of silence around them. Perhaps it was just another sign of his growing power that his wards were more efficient, and therefore, more invisible. He expanded its reach all the same, not wanting the ward against sound to do strange things to Tobias' senses as he walked in and out of it.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend?" he ventured. He didn't see the Order of Reconciliation as an enemy, but there were definitely battles within it, and not every member of the Order was his friend.

Perhaps Zorrothy just wasn't as practiced at playing the game; perhaps he was just being more open and honest with Eitan than expected. His father's career—possibly his life depending on how deep this went—was on the line. Eitan would do a lot to save his father, even if it would never earn his respect and his love. It seemed as though they did have a fair amount in common, which might just cement them into a good alliance. He would have to see, but he could understand the man being dubious about him as well. He would have to prove himself to Zorrothy. So be it.

"It seems to be in our both best interests to work together, then," he said, putting out his hand to shake, a gentlemen's agreement. But once Tobias shook, his grip firmed and he had to ask: "Are you trying to hit on me?" It could be a savvy move on Tobias' part, but it was a risk. He might have smirked, but he was asking earnestly. If they were going to work together, they were going to have to speak plainly, at least to each other.

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:25 am
by Tobias
♅ 63rd Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard and Eitan| Thoughts: Back in this miserable hellhole| Mood: Boredom

Tobias raised an eyebrow in confusion as he looked around the room for a moment "Oh, I hope you aren't assuming that I'll backstab you; please if I were to backstab anyone it'll be..." He paused as he remembered. The coven witch leader who brought on his torture. He knew she was still alive, perhaps there was one way of getting to her. "Sorry, its sensitive... I shouldn't be" He paused as he took a deep breath, it appeared that he was remembering the traumatic experience all over again, so far he chose to stay away from covens "Sorry, shall we move on." He said.

He knew every reconcilliator had battles in the Order, but Tobias had his own personal demons to contend with; he was only half exorcised from his trauma. He wondered if he'd ever become free of it, despite the good will to protect his own father. However, this time he had gotten himself in quite the predicament. The Reconciliation already consider him a traitor, but Tobias was willing to sort himself out. Firstly, by Eitan becoming his superior. He looked at the other man that stood infront of him and smiled "Perhaps, I offer what is in my best interest, I'm a man of my word... Regardless of what other people say about me." He nodded.

He knew there was people in the order who wanted him to fall, so that they can have the last laugh of arrogance and contemplation that his actions would destroy the benefit of the order. They wanted to pain him as a traitor, to fearmonger and further exasperate Zaichaeri society. It was paranoid and cruel. Especially, for a mage such as Tobias. An ex-coven witch, now reconciliator already making the amends of his ladder. Yet, Tobias raised an eyebrow to his other question; was he hitting on the other reconciliator? Maybe. He didn't answer, just simply laughed it away as he shook his head, leaving the thought and question to linger in Eitan's mind.

If you're a mesmer, why not simply read my mind and get the answer yourself He thought, with a sly smirk upon his face. An essence of mischievousness and playfulness from the silver haired man.

Infact, don't read my mind... You don't want to know what I've been through.

It's potentially... Damaging to my own reputation.


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:27 pm
by Eitan Angevin
The man seemed to pick and choose which questions he would answer, which might have been an effective strategy amonst equals, but Eitan was not going to be his equal. He was going to be the senior member of this partnership if that was what was happening. Watcher trumped Aspirant. There would be consequences to Albrecht going AWOL, but nobody was arresting Leir Angevin because of his son's crimes. Eitan would do right by Tobias, but Tobias had to submit and he had to answer questions put to him or else he would be of no use to Eitan, unreliable as a partner in any sense of the word.

"Whose back would you stab?" he asked directly. If he helped the younger Zorrothy out, he might inherit his enemies as well as his father's. It was a risk, and there had to be the promise of a reward. The very least Tobias could do was plainly lay such things out, less his negligence drag Eitan down as well.

When Tobias didn't take his hand, he let it drop. Apparently, they were still negotiating and a deal hadn't been struck. For a man who was backed into a corner, he was playing awfully coy with his best chance to come out of this with his head still on his shoulders and whatever shreds of a reputation he had left intact.

Eitan's arms crossed over his chest as he waited, curious whether he would get a straight answer or Tobias would keep dancing around the subject, apparently enamored with the sound of his own voice more than anything. He was under pressure; Eitan recognized that. He was going to have to deal with pressure better if he was going to survive, let alone thrive, in the Order of Reconciliation.

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:59 pm
by Tobias
♅ 63rd Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard and Eitan| Thoughts: Back in this miserable hellhole| Mood: Boredom

Tobias rolled his eyes yet again and smiled with such feline innocence that he sighed, knowing that he had to be honest. It was truth that was gonna get him the goal. He knew that coming across as unreliable wasn't going to end well for him and his upcoming mentorship. He sighed and simply showed him the wanted poster that he had kept for a while. A coven witch named Madame Solange Alvare; the same witch that seduced him into the coven and gave him five years of hell. The way he behaved he didn't look at the face of the drawing, more like he handed it to him whilst looking away. He did not wish to see the face of the woman, only burn it with contempt, like he did when he escaped. He could remember the blood, the sanguine features that bled into the stone floors of that mistlord-forsaken basement.

He understood that, Eitan wasn't going to be his equal, as much as he hated feeling inferior, he had no choice but to accept. He took his hand out and simply offered him a handshake "I have disclosed everything I have needed, as long as you do right by me... I'll remain loyal, I trust you." Those powerful words. Trust. He never thought he would trust another person after being burnt by the coven. His eyes gaze towards the portrait of the wanted female. He winced as he could feel himself facing flashbacks again. He flinched before he entered a trance.

Soon, the wards would come down and Vigilant Eris and Seeker Richard Zorrothy approached. Richard looked at Tobias once more as he noticed the same look on his face concern drew him before Tobias was simply back into the room. He looked confused for a moment as if he daydreamed all of a sudden "Tobias? Are you alright?" He asked before Vigilant Eris tilted her head with concern "I assume you're going ahead with the mentorship process, if so... I have some paperwork for you and Eitan to sign. Official documents." She said with a raised eyebrow "I trust that Tobias will be in good hands, before you know it he'll become a great reconciliator... I can feel it. Don't let me down..." She pondered.

Richard sighed for a moment as he noticed his son's pain yet again, the same thing he would go through whenever he was having a flashback or a anxiety attack. The fact he would zone out on occasions after being exposed to recollections of trauma "Tobias?" He snapped back out into reality again as he noticed again what was going on "Oh... Erm, yeah I'm fine father..."

Richard handed Tobias the paperwork first as Tobias signed his signature, before passing it over to Eitan "Very well, I assume Vigilant Richter would want to see you about this, until then, Eitan will drop the paperwork off at Jophis' office, I will simply resume matters with Richard." She nodded to Richard as they both left the room. Tobias took a deep breath as he looked at Eitan, nodding to him "I guess it'll be official soon, Watcher" He said with a raised eyebrow, although he frowned as emotions of sadness began to consume him.

"So... What now? You're in charge, you lead the way after all."


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:41 pm
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan accepted the small poster that Tobias apparently kept on his person. He knew the name and the reputation, and a few things clicked into place, though he would still have to do his due diligence and follow up on Tobias' file. But it was enough, he supposed, for a beginning.

"Then let us see what we can do for each other," he agreed, shaking the man's hand. He dropped his ward and reached to open the door before realizing something wasn't right. Had it been the poster? Tobias had looked at it strangely. Perhaps working with Albrecht had given him some better understanding of trauma reactions, but he hadn't the time to deal with it before Seeker Zorrothy and Vigilant Eris returned. The father's words and actions seemed to corroborate his suspicions, and so he rolled up the small poster and stowed it in his coat pocket. He couldn't afford to have his subordinate having trauma reactions whenever he looked at a woman's picture.

"I will discuss with Vigilant Richter and haver her witness my signature upon her approval, Vigilant Eris," he said. That was, apparently, enough. Slightly more aware of the pile of shit the Seeker was up to his neck in now, he sighed. He didn't know the man well enough to know who had the right of things, but he envied Tobias a father who would put himself on the line for a son who disappointed him.

He tucked the folder under his arm. He raised an eyebrow.

"Now we track down Madame Solange Alvare and kill two birds with one stone—justice for the State and revenge for Tobias Zorrothy."


Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:56 pm
by Rivin

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:10 pm
by Torin Kilvin



Knowledge of Order Members

Developing a Reputation
Inspecting for Potential
Inquiring After Exact Meaning
Finding Out What They Know
Catching Up on What One Missed
Is It Cause or Effect?
Sussing Truth From Rumor
Looking Up Personel Files
Putting the Pieces Together
Where to Trust
Recognizing Flirting
Sometimes Direct is Best


Dealing with Trauma
Numbing the Pain during a conversation
Letting his feelings go
Understanding the Trigger: The Poster of a Coven Witch

Avoiding the Question
Lingering on the Point

Reconciliator Politics
Addressing people by titles
Reconciliator Hierarchy

Acting Coy

Ettiquette - Politeness
Etiquette - Identifying Social Cues
Etiquette - Military Behaviour

Points: 8 each, Eitan can use his for Negation

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: Toby is snarky as ever, gonna get spanked if he keeps it up =P