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Re: The Trial of Vitality (Imogen)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:01 pm
by Florian
How could Florian forgive himself?

It was selfish, perhaps, that it was the thought that echoed through him as he was consumed by flames and released into a field with the others. It was not his fault that she had died, but it was not not his fault, either. There was a deluge of pain that flooded his body from horn-tip to toe. There was supposed to be a trial. He had not completed it, he had not done anything but watch his mother die, and yet it was done. He stood there, rather awkwardly, as things he did not understand happened and happen around him.

Tears streamed down his face, his eyes puffy and red, as emotion overwhelmed him all at once. The audacity of a man to bring him here for this purpose. He only just realized he was clenching his fist, half-moon nails digging into his palm. Florian ignored the others who had appeared, and even the man whose soul they so brutally seemed to have invaded. His focus burned entirely on Tiberius. He stomped towards him, over green grass.

"You had no right. You have no right. YOU know NOTHING—"

And then he was gone.

Re: The Trial of Vitality (Imogen)

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:16 pm
by Avamande
It was fitting, in a twisted sort of dream logic, that Avamande had lingered for so long. After all, as far as they were concerned it was Traversion that had brought them here, and it would be Traversion that took them away. The mage watched and waited as they were surrounded by wolves, as the memories of another man flooded through their mind, as sorrow and love and rage were shouted by all around them. They watched, and they waited, a silent and still observer of the impossible that was all too real.

Such dramas were, they were forced to admit, beyond them. The sight of their prince, their god, was somehow more astounding than before, the dictate absolute of a divinity exercising its portfolio something that few could claim to witness. Alas that the sight was but a dream. The cackling of the madwoman and the musing of their erstwhile partner were lost in the tumult, along with the shouts of the Lysanrin.

Oddities were oddities, but in the land of dreams all made sense, and so they accepted these things with an unflappable aplomb. Along with the business card of a certain Orkhan woman. Sensing that, perhaps, they had overstayed their welcome, Avamande was not at all surprised to find a Window beside them, showing the same room that they had left, precisely as they had left it.

"This is where I go then, I suppose. My lord, I hope that I have been of some service," the Hytori said with a nod towards Rickter. The Wolf may hold no formal title, but it was nonetheless polite to use the proper mode of address for one of the Prince's paramours. With that, they gave a short bow before they crouched through the gaping hole through what they at least believed was Slipspace. Better, perhaps, that they not think too hard about the connections between dreams and their dreamers.

And with that, they too were gone.

Re: The Trial of Vitality (Imogen)

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:04 pm
by Rickter
The Fields of Vitality
Frost 88th, 121 AoS
Rickter's jaw clenched tightly as one by one, they would all begin to slip away from his presence. The first to approach was Imogen the cleaning lady, her Orkish features returned once more after having been turned earlier before. How had such jaded parts of his soul caused such an effect on her? What manner of horror awaited her if she'd fallen victim to shadows? The inside of his chest shivered with an absence he hadn't known, a longing that rooted deep into his core when she not only complimented a job done... but also encouraged her for future hires as well?

He confusedly accepted the card with his only free hand, his uncertain eyes upon the remarkably kind Ork before she faded from the world. He felt her presence slip away completely, while her visit now remained an impression on his soul. Then there was Toby as he too faded away, before Talon's powers manifested to brighten the warm glow over the fields. Rickter had noticed the shift in anger in the Demigod's face earlier, yet, no sense of emotion registered between them when he did. The wolf could no longer feel his soulmate's emotions anymore, and that alone felt devastating to comprehend now. Tiberius even stiffened in response to this occurrence, the hardened knight suddenly staring overhead for whatever reason.

And what Talon beheld had reason to anger him. At the core of Tiberius resided a spiritual anchor, deeply arcane, which carried an elaborately woven tether into the space around him. The azure knight's gaze did not shift away from the sky, even as he felt the grasp of Arcas' hand on his arm. He remained cold to the Demigod, distant even as he lowered his gaze in response to the warning received. Yet it was the moment Tiberius felt his soul sparked to life from the Flame of Dawn, as judgment had been passed onto him for the acts he'd committed tonight. The light of his emblem left his soul and for that, the knight seemed weakened or drained from the experience. It was when that same fire spurred from the hand of Arcas, that Rickter felt an immense heat burn at the tether connecting him to Tiberius.

The chains that bound him to Tiberius felt strained now, which generated a moment of panic in the knight before his dismissal. For what seemed like a moment of tension, came a brief respite once those who remained were there to say their goodbyes. Talon and Aoren both comforted him as Rickter's breaths grew deep, his arms wrapped around each Avialae as he took in the final moments he had with them. How long? How long before they would finally be together? Before fate would be merciful and spare them any more pain? With the bestowal of Eminence's second power, the wolf stared deeply into the faces of his loved ones. They were terrified.

"I will find you... I swear it!..." He promised them both as he watched them both fade away in turn, their forms dissipated like ash in the wind as what residual warmth they left died away in turn. The next to go was the laughing musician that'd experienced one of Rickter's painful memories, the wolf's attention faltering to her now that the other two had gone. He didn't quite understand where the laughter came from, only, that it felt a heavy resonance to the sorrow he kept inside. What happened to you, he wondered, before she too vanished out of the world with a howl. And the last to fade away was Florian, the one who relived the death of his mother twice now.

The wolf felt such regret for the Lysanrin, clearly taken aback by the rage he displayed moments after. Was he... angry because of Tiberius? The wolf merely lingered there, once he saw the last visitant disappear too. He was finally alone, within his own soul, and had no sense of what had happened in the outside world.

Rickter dropped to his knees and forearms, broken as he felt only the warmth in his inner forearm. He had enough time to at least have a good sob, before the sound of dirt crunched beneath leather boots before him. "Light the Fire, Rickter, and lead the way." The wolf finally lifted his head to gaze upon the red leather worked boots the man had, with black and reddened robes embroidered with buckles at the waist and torso. "What do you intend to do?" Once the wolf's gaze reached the man's head, a red cowl shrouded his upper face, leaving only a peppered chin to be seen from Rickter's angle.

"Excuse you..." The wolf muttered lowly with the corners of his eyes still reddened. "Haven't you seen enough? Who the fuck are you anyway!?"

"I am a servant of the world..." The mysterious man remarked firmly, unmoved from his position as he stared down at Rickter. "And I await to see your decision."

"Decision?!" He detested bitterly before a rise on his feet allowed him to see, a crossroads born before him in a trifecta of different paths.

"For when you stand at the precipice... which path will you choose?" Finally the man stretched his arms out, pointing down each of the two paths at his sides. "Will you walk the path of light? Or tread the path of shadow?"

"You're really making me choose this?! Now?!" The man returned his arms at his back, standing patiently as though he waited for Rickter. The wolf growled deeply through his nostrils as he looked down each road, undetermined to really choose either route from this point on. He'd lost so much within a single night... So much that neither path felt his to take. If he had to choose... Looking ahead he marched for the path behind the man, only getting a glimpse of a golden eye beneath the man's cowl. The wolf made it past at least several feet onto the path, before the "servant" called out to him from where he stood.

"So you'd choose the twilight road to nightfall?" For a moment he hesitated in his next step, the wolf uncertain of his choice before he looked firmly at the horizon ahead.

"No. I choose the road to dawn." He corrected over the shoulder, before committing to his march once again. Somehow as the distance grew between them, the wolf heard a fading chuckle behind.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "?"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: The Trial of Vitality (Imogen)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:12 am
by Aegis

As they all faded away from this plane, this strange place, this beautiful piece of Rickter's soul touched each and every soul it had housed. Something within each of them changed, something fundamental, something deep and to their very cores. It would take time for them to figure out what had changed, even longer to understand it, but they would all know that something had happened.

And with that, each and every one of them would find themselves back in the same exact moment they had answered the Call. They would all retain full memory of what had happened, and there was no outward sign that they had ever left the spots they were in. But they would all know.

And they would all remember.

And Imogen would find several strange hairs upon her clothing and belongings. Canine hairs.

 ! Message from: Aegis
The Character Secrets for each of you has been updated. At this point, Imogen, Avamande, Euripides, and Florian can, whenever they think of Rickter can feel the general direction he's in from their location. There is no indication as to distance. If Rickter ever enters a space protected against such a thing, they will no longer feel the direction. This ability does not extend toward Talon. And Rickter has no such direction toward any of the others. If any of Imogen, Avamande, Euripides, or Florian meet with Rickter or Talon following this, contact me. If Rickter and Talon meet, contact me.

The Breakdown for Skill Points and Skill Lores

The Trial of Vitality (Part 2)


+15 Exp for Rickter
+8 Skill Lores for Rickter for the Trial of Vitality (Part 2)

+10 Exp for Imogen
+6 Skill Lores for Imogen for the Trial of Vitality (Part 2)

+10 Exp for Tobias
+6 Skill Lores for Tobias for the Trial of Vitality (Part 2)

+10 Exp for Talon
+6 Skill Lores for Talon for the Trial of Vitality (Part 2)

+10 Exp for Euripides
+6 Skill Lores for Euripides for the Trial of Vitality (Part 2)

+10 Exp for Florian
+6 Skill Lores for Florian for the Trial of Vitality (Part 2)

+10 Exp for Avamande
+6 Skill Lores for Avamande for the Trial of Vitality (Part 2)

The Trial of Vitality (Part 1)


+15 Exp for Imogen
+8 Skill Lores for Imogen from the Trial of Vitality (Part 1, before Rickter and Crew show up)
The Trial of Valor

+15 Exp for Florian
+8 Skill Lores for Florian from the Trial of Valor
The Trial of Wisdom

+15 Exp for Avamande
+8 Skill Lores for Avamande from the Trial of Wisdom

+15 Exp for Tobias
+8 Skill Lores for Tobias from the Trial of Wisdom
The Trial of Soul

+15 Exp for Talon
+8 Skill Lores for Talon from the Trial of Soul

+10 Exp for Rickter
+6 Skill Lores for Rickter from the Trial of Soul

The Trial of Power


+10 Exp for Euripides
+6 Skill Lores from The Trial of Power

The Call

+15 Exp for Talon, Florian, Avamande, Tobias, Euripedes, and Imogen
+8 Skill Lores for all participants from The Call
