Those Who Would Fly [Axel]

Filled with people both proud and poor, the Imperium is a land of ambition, glory and a belief in the power of the mortal spirit.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:37 am
Character Sheet: ... 461#p15461
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“It makes you wonder if you are trusting a Mesmer because you wanted to or because you’re being influenced too.” He took another sip. “It’d be nice to have a Mesmer on the battlefield, if only they could keep up with the fast-paced environment.” He chuckled.

“Well, it’s just a glass. But then again, a great bartender could make you drunk with only a glass or two.” He chuckled. “Rieger’s one of the best in the city” he paused and took another sip.

“I mean it’s been ages since the North have seen a major conflict. So that’s why I assumed that the merchants who exclusively traded in the Northern region would have to make quite the adjustment. But you’re right, better safe than sorry.”

As Axel raised his other hand to open another bottle, his hands brushed on the coat pocket where he kept the letter. He paused for a brief moment before reaching out to open another bottle.

Damn, I almost forgot about the letter. How should I work this out? Having a powerful connection in the North proves useful, but then again with the official writ from the Palace, it’d be wise to take a loan from the Imperial Bank. Don’t want to be scrutinized by the OIR or got a visit from the geezer. Cause the only time he visited is either when there’s death in the family or a family member got caught up in a major incident. It’d be wise to not let Claudia and the old geezer be in the same room too, they could go at each other’s throats. Maybe I could discuss a different kind of partnership with Kala? Perhaps, instead of giving the startup fund, they could invest in an airship or two and then will take a commission from there? Or from the goods perhaps? I should discuss that with her. Axel debated in his mind.

“That sounds great, how about we meet for dinner at Rieger’s three days from now? I’ll be looking into the ships’ documentation and have them ready by then.” He smiled as he poured another glass. He took a long pause debating whether to discuss the changes to his earlier business proposal or not.

“Well, one more thing I would like to discuss with you regarding our business partnership. You see, the letter earlier came from the Office of the Imperial Business Affairs. In my proposal earlier and from the discussion with the captain is that I’m looking for seed money. In light of this new development, in my opinion, it would be less of a headache for both of us if the investments would maybe be on individual airships instead of on the company as a whole? Could we work out something for that? Maybe like a percentage of an airship’s profits?
word count: 486
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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While Axel spoke, Kala imagined powerful Mesmers engaged in battle meditations during combat, casting a pall of terror over the opposing force such that they couldn't mount a credible defense. It was terrible, but then so was any war. She kept that thought to herself, at least until she could return to Kalzasi, though she doubted anyone there would want the input of a young lady with regard to security and tactics.

"Rieger's it is," she acceded.

At his sudden change of direction, she had to pause and consider.

"That is something we could discuss," she countered slowly, then picking up speed. "But if the letter implies you have secured seed funding and you still want to work with us, that implies that you want more seed funding for a more ambitious beginning. As I said before, we don't aim to micromanage in terms of your hiring, and if you and I decide to do business together, the funding could be distributed as you wish." She paused. "However, as you also indicated that numbers aren't your strong suit, perhaps this is all the more reason for both of us to form a more solid partnership. It would behoove you to have someone good with numbers on your team to ensure that mistakes in your accounting don't bring down the wrath of the Emperor upon you. A factor for House Leukos should arrive here in Gel'Grandal quickly once I have made arrangements in Kalzasi. Between her here and me in Kalzasi, you would have more than one person good with numbers handling that aspect of the business for you, allowing you to focus on what you are good at.

"And for us, we would be supporting a strong new enterprise with the blessing of the Emperor, which would allow us to invest more broadly here, diversifying our foreign portfolio."

It was an aggressive move, doubling down, and perhaps one nobody would expect from a short young woman such as herself, but she was in earnest and she did believe such a relationship could be mutually beneficial.

"You don't have to agree to this now, but I would ask that you consider it before our dinner date." She smiled.
word count: 374
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Axel Steinsaltz
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Character Sheet: ... 461#p15461
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Axel was taken aback by Kala’s wit. The rest of the family would surely love discussing and negotiating with her or perhaps they would be intimidated by her. The thought crossed his mind as he listened closely to what Kala is telling.

Having a third party will also bring new perspectives and would give unbiased opinions. But is it surely the right decision to make? The other part of the letter was about representing his greatness The Emperor. Does that damn geezer have anything to do with this? Or was it one of the COs from the siege of Vlaikgas? Anyway, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But how do I get two birds with one stone?

He took another sip as he listened to Kala. As much as I hate to admit it, Uncle Dietrich would be the go-to person given his past experiences. The official writ will be coming in three days, I still got enough time to think about this. Maybe I should discuss the matters with Mr. Valentin? If only I could get an audience with him. Perhaps after receiving the writ. True that numbers aren’t my forte and I’m sure that House Leukos wants to protect their investments. Perhaps having some of their people here would be fine. But then again, I don’t know them. Hate to say it but the Imperium's right to not trust in what or who they don't know.

“Yes, I’m sure it would also be beneficial for the Imperium.” He took another sip. “I’ll let you know by then.” He smiled.

Good thing she’s not my opponent on the poker table, I would have folded from the start. But then again civilian life need some getting used to. It’s true what that other investor said that the business world is cutthroat. Good thing I followed that one wise decision that geezer made about choosing the Zyhtura front. If only I could put my experiences into practice. Still, a long way to go. Axel thought to himself.

“Well then Kala, I’m sure that you still have other things to attend to while in Gel’Grandal. I also have some stuff to take care of in the Office of Imperial Business Affairs.” He raised his glass. “I’m sure it’s quite early to say this......" he paused before continuing his sentence " a successful partnership.” He smiled.
word count: 410
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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Kala could see the clockwork wheels spinning behind his eyes. She knew she was being aggressive, but she did see this as a mutually beneficial relationship, both for Axel and House Leukos, and for both the Imperium and Kalzasi. While competition was important for the engine of economies, she didn't believe that everything had to be a zero-sum game. But she played the game against the day where she was the dealer. For now, she just tried to promote health competition and healthy cooperation.

"Excellent," she said. Things were moving fast, but she did have limited time. She had done her research, so this was as much based in logic and facts as it was in her intuition.

"To a successful partnership."

She smiled, raised her glass, and drank.

"Best of luck at Imperial Business Affairs. Red tape is always a joy."

But she was pleased. If he decided that she was right and his Imperial support called for an even firmer partnership between him and House Leukos, then the deal would be even more lucrative than she had imagined. And while she was here to delve for information about Talon and Aoren, this was also her job. Her lady mother and their factor in Kalzasi had been more than pleased with how quickly she had taken to her work, but this deal would cement that and show that she was truly coming into her own as a productive member of the family.

He already knew he could contact her at the Hainiven Hotel, so they were free to part until their next meeting cemented the deal.

word count: 270
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3831




It’s good to have ambitions, as long as you have the resources for it
Keeping business partners as business partners
The importance of cutting overhead cost
Having the right connections is important
Do business with strangers like they are family
There are no such thing as useless connections
Keeping the business interest and the Imperium's interest aligned
Make someone an offer they could hardly refuse
The law of supply and demand

Knowledge Kala:
Representative of House Leukos
An Elementalist

Points: 12 each, Kala may use for Elementalism

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

word count: 127
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