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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:53 am
by Franky

Franky listened to Jiaya's words nodding, "Yeah, that old goat certainly likes to stay busy. Us old folks are like that, I suppose, I'm supposedly retired, after all." He laughed a bit at his own joke, "It's always safe, you just never know what you'll get in her stew. A bit of a lottery that one."

Franky smiled brightly at her, genuinely, "Anything to drink with that stew?"

On cue, Chestnut poked her head out from the kitchen, her eyes sparkling and her mouth wide, as she did each and every single time she heard someone mention her stew. Her hearth she worked on was quite close to the door. She disappeared quickly, and reemerged with the bowl of piping hot stew, setting it gently on the counter in front of Naila as careful as if it were the crown of the Dragon King himself. She giggled, and the little Fae with her big, curly red hair disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Sandshrew, bearmoths, rainy tubers, fire onions, and a hefty bit of anise." One of Franky's daily routines was trying to figure out what was in Chestnut's daily stew. Helped keep the mind sharp.

Still, something was nagging him in the back of his mind. He was forgetting something. He'd missed something. A small detail. He wasn't sure why he was feeling this way, but it was his instinct kicking in. Franky knew people, he was great with people, never forgot a face nor a name. Something was off.

He turned, shaking his head. Maybe it was nothing. He was on edge lately, spending a lot of his time planning and prepping for heading back to the Imperium, as well as his plans here. It was a lot. His wife was incredibly supportive, but now that she bore the burden of Foresight, she required some extra care as well. He didn't know just how much of a toll it could take on her. He needed to finish this business sooner than later, for her sake.

He reached for a wine, one he was going to offer up to Jiaya, a good pairing for the stew. But as he did, he saw a bit of something white and powdery on another bottle. That was odd, none of his bottles were ever dusty. Bob cleaned everything perfectly every single day. Franky reached out, feeling it, bringing it to his tongue. Flour?

That's... odd.

He looked at the label on the bottle. Zaichaeri raspberry red. Always trust the signs. He plucked the bottle, turning, presenting the bottle to Jiaya, "Some raspberry wine? It's grown and made by this old codger and his fifteen daughters south of town."

Re: A Careful Reunion [Franky, Lyra]

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:25 pm
by Rickter
Rickter waited patiently as he watched Naila interact with the bartender, admittedly, half amused with the fact she'd keep up the facade for now. When he felt the whisper within him suddenly tremor his shoulders tensed, before he realized the primary wards he'd instilled on them reacted, indicating it had once more moved deeper and deeper into the spaces of his soul. It made him uncomfortable he remained quiet about it as he focused, the chains of his ward still tethered to the Whisper as an unexpected sound filled his thoughts.

It was Lyra.

The fuck? HIs eyes widened momentarily before almost glancing over his shoulder, having heard her literally in his right ear just a moment ago. Quickly resuming to pay attention to his food, and the bar, Rickter breathed deeper before contemplating the situation. He didn't feel Lyra's presence as he'd anticipated, so perhaps, the Whisper she'd reigned from him once more had something to do with this. Even now he could feel sensations of excitement radiating in between his thoughts, the wards around the Whisper tested before he mentally reinforced the restraints. Lyra....

He should've known she would've cleverly found a way to seep into his soul in her own way, rather than just accept any invitation he posed at her without consideration of her own. After all he was fooling around with power he had barely understood as of now, and it was that power that allowed Lyra to sense the symphony of another resonating within Rickter. This second symphony however did not possess any emotional sound, rather, the makeup of its tune felt desolate and alone in comparison. Like a farcry static bleeding into the frigid symphonies within the wolf. "Aren't you gettin' a bit careless?"

Oh, fuck off! Rickter's thoughts echoed before he realized that Lyra was still technically here, therefore, likely able to notice something amiss within the wolf's thoughts. Lyra... You and I have some things to speak about. Rickter patiently urged as he waited to hear her speak further, a thought spent on his mental wards in the event he needed to reapply them and shut her out. Franky had been happy to point out the ingredients of a stew, something else Rickter could appreciate via the smell, even if a few of the ingredients within might've sounded dangerous to try and eat. Onions in large quantities had never set well in his stomach after all, so the sound of these 'fire onions' really soured the appreciation he had for food.

Not that he wasn't full from his own meal, of course, Rickter still drank with patience as he gradually came to finish his goblinweed cigarette.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Voice" Thought "Callen"

Re: A Careful Reunion [Franky, Lyra]

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:38 pm
by Lyra

Naila snorted, "Mum says you'll retire when death comes knocking, and probably sometime after that."

Things were going well, Naila thought. Her impression of the girl Jiaya seemed to be enough to pass a cursory inspection. The mercenary was thankful she had taken the time to get the accent right at least. She didn't have time to get all of her little tendencies down, but she picked at her thumbnail as the girl did when she was waiting or anticipating something.

"Just water." Naila said, jumping slightly when she saw the little Fae stick her head out the door. It happened so fast, and suddenly there was a bowl in front of her and the little girl was gone. Naila suppressed a twitch in her hand as she itched to reach to her waist for the knife hidden there, but with some effort, she relaxed and took in a big whiff of the wonderfully smelling stew.

"Wow." Naila breathed, genuinely pleased by the dish in front of her. After just a moment of hesitation, she took the spoon and tried a bite, and the explosion of flavor was enough to make an old whore moan. Thankfully she didn't actually moan, but it seemed a near thing.

"This is amazing." Naila said, digging into the mean with sudden fervor. She could not remember the last time she had actually eaten something so good. Ever since meeting Lyra she had subsisted on the minimum. Bread and water most days. Thanks to what the sorceress had done Naila did not need to eat as often, and perhaps because she did not feel hungry she just... stopped enjoying food. Naila had forgotten that there was food as delicious as this, and oddly enough she felt... a bit emotional about it. Enough to earn a glance from Lyra, though she was focused on whatever she was doing with Rickter beside her. So focused was she that Naila did not realize Franky had asked her something.

"What?" She asked, looking up and her eyes focused on the bottle. Her smile grew wider, "Sure I'll take some. Just don't tell mum alright?"


Rickter's surprise came as a delight to Lyrielle who now twined deeper and deeper into the pup's mind. There was a hole now, a link because of her hold on the whisper and their close proximity. She held the bridge in place, basking in the symphony of the man before her. His symphony was a furious beat, anger and rage now subdued by surprise followed by a quickening tempo as she felt him checking his... something. His focus was shifted away from her for a moment, but she could not see what it was he was doing. Oddly she thought she could hear something else, a second rhythm beneath Rickter's own, but it was difficult to tell. Lyrielle had not done something like this in centuries, and her grasp on the technique was limited at best. Still, something was odd, and she would find what it was.

She could hear his surface thoughts now, and she twined her magical fingers into his mind as he shouted obscenities to himself.

Has your mind broken, little one? Lyrielle asked curiously, It is odd to talk to oneself as you do.

While they spoke Naila's interactions with Franky continued, and Lyrielle cooed softly in Rickter's mind, What is it you desire from us, little pup? We can hear your heart, we can taste the blood you seek to spill. Ask it, and it will be yours.

Re: A Careful Reunion [Franky, Lyra]

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 9:52 pm
by Chronicle
Name: Rickter

Points: 10
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.
Knowledge: 8
Injuries: N/A
Loot: N/A

Name: Franky

Points: 10
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.
Knowledge: 8
Injuries: N/A
Loot: N/A

Name: Lyra

Points: 10
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.
Knowledge: 8
Injuries: N/A
Loot: N/A

Sorry this fizzled out guys! Regardless it was fun writing this scene with the both of you, looking forward to the reunions to come between these three.