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Re: the prince and the knight

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:46 am
by Talon
He passed his gaze over the wings of the man in front of him. They were magnificent as he said. The feathers were a shimmering kaleidoscope of colors with opalescent frames that glinted even in the faint lights of the chapel.

They are beautiful.” His expression softened somewhat as he regarded them. If there was one thing that all Avialae could connect on, it was a pride in their wings. They were a defining mark of their people and he felt no need to shy away from that fact. At the offer of being shown the particulars of Asher’s quirk, he managed a soft laugh.

You must be careful when you do. Somehow, I do not believe such a display will be smiled upon.” He could not imagine such a thing being allowed when the Inquisition would not even allow him the luxury of a simple shaving knife. When the topic of his ascension came up, he looked down at their joined hands. He allowed himself the softness of that touch.

I was killed.” He had recounted the story enough times that it no longer carried the pain it once did. “I was in the midst of a trial for a knight aspirant to my personal guard. The event was intruded upon by people hired to kill me. When it became clear they could not overcome me through skill or sorcery, they resorted to summoning a demon of death and shadow. It was going to kill him.

His eyes clouded momentarily as he recalled the memory with vivid clarity. He could feel the sweat upon his body. He could still hear his heart pounding in his ears. That moment of perfect stillness when Aoren had locked eyes with him and his beloved had given him that proud smile. That smile that had been filled with both love and sadness in equal measure. A smile that begged for forgiveness and for comfort all at the same time. Aoren had thought he was going to die in that moment. Talon had rejected that outcome with every fiber of his being with such a visceral potency that he could have sworn time itself shied away from that moment.

The demon was going to kill my husband. I pushed him out of the way and in so doing…exposed myself and was consumed by the creature.” He winced as he recalled every agonizing moment as he had been torn to pieces. He would never forget that experience.

I-I do not fully recall everything that happened after that. Something awoke within me. A refusal to accept the outcome strewn before me. It was a rejection of the idea that my life could be over in that moment. I beheld…” He furrowed his brow as he tried to recall what he saw in that moment. He reached within himself but as he searched for the vision of the Aetherium, he realized that even glimpsing it in memory was being blocked from him. Without realizing it, he touched a hand to his forehead and rubbed, as if the motion could clear the fogginess in his brain.

I cannot describe what I beheld.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and gently rubbed it. He stopped trying to reach and focused on the moment. “I awoke afterwards in the care of my loved ones. My body healed and my mind awoken to a realm that defies all imagining. I did not realize who or what I was for some time after that. It was a few months before I pieced together the truth.

Re: the prince and the knight

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 2:11 am
by Asher

Talon was right in that a display of his magic would likely be unwanted by the Inquisition, though Asher had already begun to question what liberties they would allow him. They wanted their romance to develop organically, he imagined, rather than being a forceful and brutal affair. That meant that they might allow Asher to act differently than he would normally be expected to -- one could not develop a true state of love while constantly watched and beneath overbearing chains. It was difficult to imagine the great Matchmaker would not be aware of that fact.

Perhaps, he pondered, he would try to speak to her. If only his Handler would allow it.

His attentions were quickly altered by Talon's story, one of his own death. He died as Asher might have expected him to, defending the lives of his loved ones, valiantly. He could tell that Talon was simply that sort of man. He wondered if, perhaps, that heroism was why he was chosen for exaltation when the end came, if the forces of nature that loomed behind the world's veil were inspired by selflessness and poetic displays. It was impossible for a mundane man such as himself to understand, and he followed a faith that likely had little intersection with Talon's. While Asher knew Talon was of some form of divine heritage, he imagined that simply meant he was related somehow to the Divines, merely needing to be guided back to their flock.

"You are a good man," he whispered. While the smile from before had gone, it was quickly replaced by a faint tug at the corner of his lip, an almost somber sign of appreciation. It was clear that Talon had gone through a lot in his life, even though he was slightly younger than Asher. It was difficult to imagine living as he did. His own nearly three decades had been filled with nothingness, really, and even though he valued them, Talon's stories made him wistful. It seemed he had such a rich, heroic life. He had a husband who loved him, something the Kathar could only faintly imagine. He doubted Talon would ever be that to him, even if he became something close. Love was not the lot of a Kathar Knight.

"I will see if I can somehow improve your conditions." He commented very little on Talon's story, even though he asked him to explain. Asher did not want to invite a topic that might have Talon punished for professing heresy, or some attempt to corrupt him. He knew what he wanted to now, and pushing further was risky. "Perhaps a glass, dome-like room in the center here... with a bed, shelves, pillows and a place to lounge," he muttered, raising his eyes as the man pondered. "Something less unforgiving. If we are to procreate, I would like to do so with more pleasant accommodations, and less watchful eyes. I'm not sure I will be able to accomplish this intention, but I will try."

As if on cue, the cathedral doors parted and his Handler loomed at the top of a short series of broad stairs, peering over him. From within the dim light, he was an imposing figure wearing dark armor, orange eyes piercing through the opaque shadows.

It was time for Asher to leave. He imagined they would allow them more time in the future, but this was merely meant to be an introduction.

"Forgive me, but I must go for now," he said. The Knight did not want to pull away, but slowly, he did. His hands slid across Talon's forearms, over his palms, and eventually into his own lap before he gathered momentum and stood. He cleared his throat. "It was a pleasure to meet you, my companion. I... will be back soon. I have been told we will be allowed to meet daily, and I will take the opportunity to visit each and every day, at around this time."

He almost felt nervous for a moment, having his Handler's eyes on him, all while making a departure. As if it was only right to do so, however, the Knight knelt back down for a moment, leaning forward to plant a kiss on the other man's forehead. His lips lingered for only a moment before he pulled back, and stood upright once more.

"Farewell," Asher concluded, nodding once before heading towards the dark-clad figure. He looked back as he went, but said nothing more. He did not want to appear immature, doting on a man he'd only just met, even if he was deeply intrigued by him. They would have time to grow in their affections.

As his footsteps became quieter and more distant, the cathedral door opened once again, and before long he was gone for the eve.

Re: the prince and the knight

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 9:27 pm
by Talon
Talon looked steadily into Asher’s eyes. He gave a wry smile at the mention of better accommodations. With a sad shake of his head, he gave a soft chuckle.

Do not place yourself in peril for me, Ser Knight. I know well the temper of my jailers.” It was only recently that he had been afforded a simple mat upon which to rest instead of the cold hard floor. He suspected the only reason he had been allowed that much was to appease some notion of the Matchmaker’s. It certainly had not come from the Archbishop. Talon had been shown the various devices that he and his chosen partner would have to wear in order to procreate. They had even properly sized him for one to ensure it would not be uncomfortable. He brushed aside those thoughts. None of those devices required comfort. They simply required the act be performed. He could not imagine they would be particularly accommodating.

He turned his head slightly as he heard the doors to the cathedral open. The sight of the handler entering the chamber caused him no more alarm than if a servant had been coming in to light the lamps. When Asher began to rise, he let him go without protest. He stilled however when the man planted a kiss upon his forehead. The simple but tender gesture had the effect of momentarily stunning him. Throughout the whole of this ordeal, he had known only a single moment of comfort. That was when the countess had introduced herself and he had been allowed to have Aoren in his arms for but a brief moment. He had not been allowed to see or speak with him since that day. So the gentle act of the light brush of lips upon him, and it be a genuine effort to soothe him, took him by surprise.

Until next time…Asher.” He watched the knight leave. Talon pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around them. He brought his wings around him and pressed his forehead to his knees as he let out a long, heavy breath.

He wanted to hate the empire. He wanted to break free of his chains and tear the world asunder in his wake. In one exchange however, the Matchmaker had done what in all of these months, the Archbishop had not; Talon considered what his life might have been like as an Imperial. His eyes drifted over to the armor that was always within view. It was silly and stupid but for a moment he allowed himself to dream. He dreamed that he was something close to free. He saw himself in the vestment of a Imperial Royal Knight, much like Aoren wore to formal events. Beside him were people he cared for, people he fought for, a way of life much bigger than even the insular politics of the Free Cities.

He wanted to hate the Imperium but in the end, had not the Imperium given him the man he loved most?

That thought circled in his head as he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to meditate.

Re: the prince and the knight

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:52 am
by Talon

Name: Asher
XP: 10 XP, not for magic
Requested Lore: +11 Lores

Name: Talon
XP: 10 XP, not for magic
Requested Lore: +12 Lores

Note(s): And so the story between these two begins! Hopefully they get the chance spend time with each other outside of such confined spaces. XD