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Re: Call of the Wild [Rivin]

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 7:10 pm
by Sivan
Sivan was gone—sort of. To distract himself, Exael turned instead to his aidolon's student, his strange young friend. He knew the ebb and flow of Sivan's emotions, and perhaps sensed them in Rivin. He cocked his head, eyeless gaze upon the mutt.

I wonder if your Infernal companion would show himself before me should you lose yourself to your negative emotions in my presence, he wondered within both their minds. Or perhaps he is a coward as many infernals are when they do not have an unassailable advantage. Perhaps you should sleep in Sivan's home more often, and I can watch over you while you sleep so it does not make mischief with your body while you dream.

The celestial apparently didn't think this offer was strange, but then Sivan was a self-proclaimed strange person so his aidolon wasn't going to be any sort of normal.

Perhaps the endless spirit of wisdom was nervous; he began to collect Sivan's clothes and fold them, an utterly pedestrian, mundane exercise from a decidedly otherworldly creature. It held the curved sword as if waiting for Sivan to return and take it up.

He has too many connections here to lose himself to the Wolf, he mused, perhaps trying to reassure Rivin, perhaps trying to reassure himself.

Finally, one hand closed on the scabbard of the sword, holding it carefully, another hand unfolding toward Rivin.

Would you share in my vigil? Even without taking Exael's hand, there was a flicker of Sivan in the air. Some of the spirits had followed in the wild chase; others remained, creatures that didn't breathe waiting with bated breath. He offered the student a bit of a link with Sivan's mind as he underwent this test.

Re: Call of the Wild [Rivin]

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 7:57 pm
by Rivin
The celestial's words did not offend Rivin, though they might have offended the Demon, but they did confuse him.

Why would anyone choose to undertake a fight in which they did not have a clear advantage?

The words were directed to Exael, in the mind space Sivan's aidolon, and Rivin's too, chose to use to communicate. Rivin had grown used to the method of communication; indeed, it often felt more natural to him then speaking aloud. So much of his life had been lived inside his own head that it hardly felt unusual to communicate with others there. He asked his question before he heard the end of Exael's comments and he grimaced when he did, drawing his knees up under his chin and wrapping his arms around them.

He has as much right to... do that as you do. Whatever his motivations, he did keep up his side of the deal we made.

As uncomfortable as the idea of another consciousness using his body was, it felt hypocritical to insist on his freedom and then deny it to another being. While he did not understand the Demon's motivations, there was a kinship between them. The bond wouldn't have worked had there not been. They both sought freedom above all, and revenge against those who had taken it, and much more, from them, was a thing not without its draw.

When the celestial began gathering Sivan's things, pushed from his body as it had transformed, Rivin began to think of what else his friend would need, should he return. Reaching out he discovered that many of the spirits who had come with the Wild Woman were still hovering nearby. Choosing out two of the smaller ones he made a quick pact with each, one of earth and one of water. The earth sprite hollowed out a little bowl in the ground, a couple feet wide and one deep, hardening the walls enough to hold water. The water sprite obligingly filled the little bowl with cool, clean water. Both were given a string of aether to munch on and all three parties involved were pleased with the exchange.

Cupping his hands together Rivin drank from the new little pool, testing it and relieving his own thirst. If Sivan returned and could not immediately change back, at least he would not go thirsty.

Settling back down near Exael, the Lysanrin wasn't sure what the request had meant, but he said outloud,

"I'm not leaving, not until he's back."

Re: Call of the Wild [Rivin]

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 1:30 am
by Sivan
Exael's fingers closed in on themselves and his hand went back to the sword of his aidolon. He watched Rivin work, then turned to await Sivan's return. Time passed in silence.

The spirits sensed the return before they did, shivering and shimmering in delight.

Karhu came slowly into view, Sivan's arm slung around her shoulders as he stumbled along, weak as a newborn. She was whispering in his ear until she caught sight of Rivin and Exael. The aidolon set the sword down on Sivan's clothes and then rose to take him from her.

"He is strong," she said matter-of-factly. "Wolf has accepted him and Wolf will always be a part of him now." She looked at Rivin. "Would you like to be a hellhound?"

Exael was easing Sivan down so he could drink from Rivin's little pool. He had learned that mortals needed hydration and food and sleep and other such things to remain healthy; he would provide. He examined the new Rune between Sivan's shoulders, and thought soothing things into his mind. Exael would get him home, though he glanced over his shoulder, eyeless gaze measuring Rivin and wondering whether he would reach out to take such power.

Or perhaps he couldn't. There had always been something strange about his aura; the Lysanrin blood vying with the other types and perhaps that would prevent him from accepting more magic into his soul.

His ruminations were interrupted by Sivan coughing on the water. Exael turned his attention back to his aidolon, turning him like a baby and beginning to dress him. The celestial spirit understood that carrying him back into the city without his clothes could be considered embarrassing for some reason.

Re: Call of the Wild [Rivin]

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 3:31 pm
by Rivin
Unexpectedly, the spirits of the forest seemed as though they too intended to wait to see if Sivan would return. The elf appeared to have built himself a reputation among them and Rivin spent the waiting have brief conversations with the ones that would speak to him about who Sivan was to them. It was... enlightening. Particularly since not all of those who waited were the type of practically mindless little sparks of aether that Rivin was used to dealing with, some were more powerful and, among those, some had been a part of that forest for so long Rivin did not comprehend it when they tried to impart the information to him. A long time, he gathered, and had to be content with that.

A ripple passing through the gathered spirits heralded the end of the vigil and Rivin got to his feet in time to see the Wild Woman aiding his friend, back in his own form. The Lysanrin hesitated only a moment longer than Exael before moving to slip his shoulder under Sivan's other arm and he stayed with him, hovering close, hands remaining in contact for warmth and to make his presence tangible.

At first he did not realize the Woman's question had been directed at him. When he did he stood abruptly, and though he did not raise his hands of flee, the movement was intended as a protective gesture. While the idea of being a wolf, or some other creature, might have appealed to him had he the time to think it through and had the offer come from someone he trusted, it was not welcome from this being, in this place. Particularly not when receiving his first rune had come so perilously close to taking his life.

Trying to be polite, he shook his head without breaking his eyes from her and said,

"I, thank you, no. Runes do not fit well in my blood." In Rivach, not sure why his mind had chosen the language but not attempting to repeat himself in Common.

When it appeared she would not try to force him he returned his attention, though a little distractedly, to Sivan. The new rune was beautiful, though wilder looking than his first one, and Rivin had a strong urge to touch it. Exael was beginning to redress the elf though, and the Lysanrin had no idea as to the etiquette of such situations. If there even was any. He glanced back up at the Woman.

Speaking quietly to Exael he said,

"Should I make us a camp so he may recover? Would the Wolf be more comfortable here than in the city?"

Re: Call of the Wild [Rivin]

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 8:40 pm
by Sivan
"Suit yourself," she replied in flawless Rivach.

I can carry him back to Kalzasi, Exael said, but considered. We can stay if you can set up a proper camp. He needs to rest.

"Take... me home..." Sivan managed weakly.

I invite you all, he thought at the collected powers, audible to Rivin either through his Dratori blood or his Summoning Rune, to seek shelter in my garden should anything befall you. It is not wild, but you will find succor there.

The powers responded in a sussurration much like the wind through the leaves; some might cross civilization to seek him out, others would not, but they offered him the same should danger come to him in the city of the Orkhan and Avialae.

Karhu's laughter echoed in the distance. She had slunk away while their attention was elsewhere, perhaps never to be seen again. She was another beloved of the Wild, and did not seek shelter among the so-called civilized races.

Exael handed Sivan's blade to Rivin, then picked him up as if he weighed nothing. Even Sivan's added weight didn't push his feet into the loam. He and gravity never did agree.

He wishes to go home, Exael reminded him, though Sivan often fell asleep in his garden instead of his bed. All the same, there was something about being in one's own space that was recuperative. Sivan's golden head rested against Exael's flared shoulder, but his eyes were on Rivin. They were no longer strange—or were they a paler shade of blue now? He smiled—were his teeth sharper than they had been?

"Thank you..." he murmured, to his aidolon and to his friend.


Re: Call of the Wild [Rivin]

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:16 pm
by Rune


Sivan: 13

Rivin: 12

Points: 10 each
Sivan may use for: Animus, Semblance or Summoning
Rivin may use for: Summoning

Injuries/Ailments: Sivan will suffer from some form of continued threshold sickness.

Sivan: The Cardinal Rune of Animus

Notes: Awoooo