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Re: Trading Futures

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:55 pm
by Barbatos

At first, the Siltori was quiet.

Driven purely by the wildfire which burned across his cheeks, the sable-skinned man had taken a step. His lips had touched her skin, a motion that now set his thoughts ablaze. He half expected his ivory-haired friend to swat him for getting uppity - or to snatch her hand away at the very least. Yet, neither of these consequences made themselves manifest. Instead, her heard her voice. Quiet and gentle.

It was only when he had moved to compensate her for this glimpse into the morrow that she reacted by speaking. Her fingers moved, coiling lightly about his forearm. The attempt paused his reach for his coin purse, sending his gaze back to her eyes. And when she spoke...he felt remorse for the Siltori. Her trade was vastly different than Barbatos'.

Whereas he literally sold violence, she sold the answers to life's burning questions. She had been gifted this ability by the spirits it seemed, so to take compensation for it...His head nodded with understanding. "I understand." he began, before her final words caused a grin to capture his face. "Well, I am free until tomorrow morning. I'd be happy to treat you today."

He then offered his dominant arm, as if he were some fancy escort. He had seen this motion in passing once, when an officer in Zaichaer was attempting to court a wealthy woman.

Wait. Did that mean Barbatos was attempting to court the Siltori? He had offered his arm without thinking, but now the question rattled in his mind. The wildfire upon his cheeks only intensified and he was left grateful for one single reality. Thank the powers that be that she couldn't ever see him blushing.


Re: Trading Futures

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 11:38 pm
by Faelora

I understand

This was one of the things she found so endlessly endearing about Barbatos. It was his understanding. He had not been the first in whom she had confided her discomfort with the professional side of what she did, but whereas once she had been met with a sneer and a snide remark, he had simply nodded and accepted it.

That wasn't to say he took her too seriously, but she knew that behind the playful wit and banter was respect. As if on cue, the sable-skinned man grinned, offering his arm to escort her as though they were a pair of well-to-do nobles or some such. While many of such status avoided the Siltori, she had seen and served enough of them to mimic a passable - if dramatic - curtsey, and draped her slender ivory arm in his muscled dark one.

"And I would be delighted," she exclaimed in a breathy, over-articulated reply.

She grinned at their banter, but inside her heart was pounding in her chest. It had started to happen every time Barbatos touched her; whether it was to adjust her stance in a lesson, get her attention with a hand on her shoulder, or here, simply accepting her arm in his. It left the Siltori with a storm of giddy excitement, which she loved... but also feared, especially after what she had seen today.

But now wasn't the time to dwell on futures. Instead, she turned her attention to the city around them,

"There was the most delightful smell coming from one of these alleys earlier," Faelora began, "I've been dying for the chance to find out what it is..."


Re: Trading Futures

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 2:01 am
by Barbatos

For but the briefest of moments, the Sellsword's mind recoiled. With his cheeks alive with wildfire, he pondered if the offer of his arm would be misconstrued. Yet, his overthinking was put at ease when the knife-eared Siltori offered an exaggerated curtsy in return. Barbatos' nerves settled instantly and his expression was dominated by a smirk. He wondered why he even spared such a thought, of the ivory-haired woman potentially seeing his antic as something akin to courtship. After all, they had only banter between them: laughs and wit as far as the eye could see.

And she was delighted.

With her arm now draped over his own, the sable-skinned man could care less that they drew a few glances from patrons going about their shopping. After all, it was not often that a woman who appeared like Faelora was escorted about the plaza by a man like Barbatos. Yet, the pair was certainly in their own little world. As they began to stride, Faelora offered some semblance of direction. There was an aroma to find, coming from one of the alleys earlier. Barbatos blinked and thought for a moment, before snapping his fingers.

Excitement bubbled within him as he looked upon his companion. "I know exactly what you're talking about!" he began. "Passed this lovely stall earlier and couldn't stop due to work. Smelled amazing." He then began to walk with a bit more pep in his step - as he was motivated by food. "I think they sell kebabs of some kind. Have you ever tried them before?"


Re: Trading Futures

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 6:25 pm
by Faelora


Faelora's heart was racing in her chest.

It had never occurred to her that someday she might not only tolerate the physical closeness of a man's presence, but actually enjoy it? Perhaps this was what had ultimately happened to her mother, perhaps this was why she had become so taken with Jael. After what both of them had gone through, to feel safe and comforted in a masculine presence was a most precious thing.

She let out a pleasant sigh and leaned into Barbatos, relishing in the feeling of comfort and enjoyment. After a moment's thought, the mercenary snapped his fingers, turning her mild suggestion into a solid plan.

The witch felt his stride became a little bouncier as he directed them through one of the alleys. As they walked, the Siltori shook her head, charms and talismans jangling as she did so.

"Kebabs? I can't say I have." She replied with a grin, "I know Azazoth and I are more suited to the nomadic life but... I'd be lying if I said the food alone you can get in a city wasn't tempting."

It was indeed what she had been talking about, as that tantalizing aroma drew stronger the further they went. Eventually, they came to a little stall selling the most delicious food Faelora had come across since entering the city. Turning to her sable-skinned companion, she gave him a playfully expectant look, excitement barely contained.

"I've no idea what to get, would you pick one for me?" She asked.


Re: Trading Futures

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:23 pm
by Rune


Lore: 12 each

Points: 11 each (+1 for helping the reviewer out)

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: Foretelling!

Notes: I very much appreciate you adding a link to the placeholder approval, saves me time! I awarded an extra xp point for the courtesy.

A fun read, I am enjoying this pairing, looking forward to more!