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Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:34 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

“Does it?”
Hilana was interested at the idea that the Old City sounded a bit like somewhere else. It did help bring to mind pictures of faraway lands, and fill in some details about them. Knowing the world outside her own was now positively infested and crawling with Orks had assured her there was no reason to ever go anywhere else, so stories about such places would just have to remain stories. “This is good to know. I always wondered about such places.”

“Close, Dominus,” she nodded approvingly as he tried to sound out the strange word. “Hayima’el,” she said it again, slower, so that he could piece through the pronunciation. “He is my camel,” she explained. “His name comes from one of the nomadic dialects, a play on their word for ‘wanderer’.” Hilana added for further clarification as to why the word may have been a hair annoying for him. “I took his mother out to that tribe to meet his father, and so I wanted to honour them with his name.”

She wasn’t remotely surprised at that little bit of hesitation with regards to visiting the Antiquine District, but Hilana was not put out by it. She understood. She was not welcome in the neighbourhoods beyond her own, and was hardly keen to poke around them too much. She figured he likely lived in the Aurecine, or perhaps even the Palatine District, but it wasn’t polite for her to ask that. She wouldn’t put him in the position of saying one way or another in a place like this, lest someone with worse intentions be keeping an ear out. She knew she would find out when the courier came by, so why rush things?

At the topic of theatre, Hilana nodded in agreement. “Ah, so that is part of how you are so accomplished at linguistics? The theatre? I think you will find that art, especially the stage, is taken to another level here,” she agreed. “With how highly held the disciplines of Arcana are in in this Kingdom… you are in for a very big treat, Dominus. They are spectacular. Is magic that much more restricted beyond the sea?” she asked, curious, as she sipped her tea.

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:35 pm
by Arvælyn
"I'm not sure I'm the most informed or objective source, but if you're every curious about my neck of Ransera, I would be happy to enlighten or... Well, at least elaborate. I'm not altogether certain what I provided would be enlightening, per se." He wrinkled his nose, and attempted the name of the camel again.

"Ah, I hadn't realised there would be divergent dialects amongst the nomads, but of course there are." He nodded, smiling. "That sounds thoughtful of you." Lacking context, he wasn't emphatic in so saying, but he imagined based on her conscientious deportment thus far, that she'd have made the choice pointedly.

"I think I just have a natural affinity, so it could be that I am accomplished in linguistics because of the theatre or I sought out the theatre because I am accomplished in linguistics." He shrugged, "But I am confident saying all of this in my native tongue. Were we speaking Vastian you may well have a contrary opinion." He offered with a chuckle.

"Well, that coincides with what I've heard from others. I'm very excited to attend a show at some point!" He tilted his head, "As for Kalzasi? Well... Magic is prevalent. It isn't like elsewhere in the North where magic is wholesale reviled. Have you heard of Zaichaer? They were the victims of an abysmal blight which is presumed to be arcane in nature, but many say it was comeuppance for their antagonism toward magic users. In any case- They were the most magic-averse realm in Karnor. Kalzasi? There it was just... more measured. There weren't many restrictions, but fewer people had access to the Ætherium, and so naturally it was regarded differently. It could be dangerous to be overt about one's Craft. Nothing was as... structured there? I think that's why your description of the Antiquine brought it to mind."

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:06 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

“When you have never seen such places, but you have only heard the stories of them that come sometimes second or even third hand, I assure you it is enlightening to talk to someone who has experience or has been there or heard other things about it,” Hilana chuckled. “What do you miss the most about it? What was your favourite place there? Have you ever been to a place called Gel’Grandal?” She wanted to know, remembering a story she had heard years and years ago. Perhaps he would know the truth of it, one way or another. She knew her pronunciation may have been a bit off, but still...

“It is still Vastian, all the same, but you know how some cities and towns have words...short forms... slang terms? That is primarily where it diverges,” Hilana explained. “So that is where it comes from, just a nickname for 'wanderer'. I was very lucky that they would agree to combine their bull with my camel, Hayima'el's mother, because he was highly-desired in that area... so in turn... it was a way to honour them and their lines, too.”

Hilana nodded as he spoke about linguistics and theatre. It made sense to her. One hand washed the other. “Maybe only for a bit longer, Dominus. As I said, you have done very well with our language for such a short period of time. I would think that you will be quite fluent in all of its intricacies before the end of the year, at this rate,” she brought her fingers up to stroke the snake’s head, feeling Tiaz’s tongue against her palm and wrist. “But it is good to remember your own tongue from where you came from. If I transplant a plant from one pot to the next... the roots are the most important part,” she smiled at him.

When he asked her if she had ever heard of Zaichaer, Hilana looked pensive, thinking it over, and she had to shake her head. She did not. But as Arvaelyn spoke about an abysmal blight, her eyes widened. “Like the Dread Mists, or worse...? One would think if they had had enough mages, then they would have been able to handle such things. Like Kalzasi with the Dread Mists, or our own Ministries here. Even if they don’t have the Zalkyrian Dynasty as allies,” the girl was quite curious about the lands beyond their own borders, even if she had already resolved over the space of their refreshment to never leave the desert. A lack of structure and order... sometimes that wasn’t so bad, but when it came to something like magic...well, training and access was necessary for everyone. It was a tenet of Varvaerynism, after all. “It reminds me of the villages I visited as we traveled. They are not very...well, organized, either. There are some lovely ones, though, which you might visit one day by Wyvern when you feel ready with your Vastian. They can put a show on, too, when it is time for the festivals.”

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:33 am
by Arvælyn
"I miss performing." Arvælyn responded without hesitation, when the question regarding nostalgia was posed. "It felt stirring to be occupied toward a clear-cut aim. I am far from idle here, but it is not so clear where all this work is leading me. I'm not sure whether my path is open-ended or whether it's all been laid out for me by my family. They can be a clandestine lot..." He wrinkled his nose,

"But lofty, withal. I don't believe a life in the arts remains in my cards should I stay here." He shook his head,

"Gel'Grandal is the capital of Geleros... of the Gelerian Imperium," He clarified, "And quite a distance from any of my old stomping grounds. Ere my trip here, I will admit, I was not terribly well travelled... But en route here I briefly visited Auris and Cathena before we made it to Tertium by sea." He furrowed his brow, bemused. "Why the interest in Gel'Grandal?" He wondered aloud.

He nodded along to her analogy, but pursed his lips at its resolution.

"But I wonder whether my roots are there or here... In a way the North feels more like a pot in which I was planted." He contemplated the notion for a moment, "Do desert plants have very shallow roots or very deep ones, I wonder?" He didn't really expect her to know the answer. He didn't know her well enough, to realise she likely did. But he supposed for something to grow in arid sands it would likely have different physiology to the plants to which he was accustomed. He was curious how it might play into their extended metaphor.

"Ah, yes..." Arvælyn shrugged, "I believe Zaichaer only suffered a few mages to dwell within their borders, and they were limited as to how much power they might wield. They relied on science to protect them, and... Well, it looks like their faith was misplaced. It is a sad thing." Arry chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, bashfully.

"Riding a Wyvern sounds a mite bit more daunting than my linguistic concerns, I'll admit... I don't have an irrational fear of heights or draconids, but I do have what I believe is a healthy and practical fear of both."

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:54 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

As he spoke about missing performing, Hilana looked thoughtful. “Could you not get involved with the stage again? Or does your family say no, that it is beneath your station?" She was curious. Maybe that was part of why he wasn’t performing with his Amatus… the powers that be said absolutely not. And if it was… oh, did she sympathize.

She listened intently as he gave her more information about Gel’Grandal, trying to fill in her mental map a bit more. It was apparently so far away that aside from that one encounter as a child… it was almost never spoken of again, even if she asked the sailors in the Port while hanging with her convoy. “Some years back, some sailors told me a story about the Emperor’s Tortoise in Gel’Grandal,” Hilana admitted. “They told me there was an annual festival every year on the Tortoise’s Birthday, the… Fest der Schildkröte,” that was the first time she was focusing on her pronunciation thus far, as she had been fine in Common. But her eyes were on him, in case he was able to further correct her with it. “And apparently everyone in that realm is expected to celebrate it. So I was wondering whether you knew if that was true or not, or if they were just telling me a tall tale because my skirt had turtles on it that day,” she looked a bit sheepish. Even if it was just a story, Hilana was still fond of it, and she did remember it each year and wish the Great Tortoise a wonderful day, but… “How did you like Auris and Cathena?” Those ones she had heard a bit more of than Gel’Grandal, at least.

“You know, that actually depends on the plant,” Hilana told him. Arry, the poor soul, had likely not realized what Vortex he had just opened up… “Some trees and cacti here, their roots go many, many, many feet down. Because they need the water that is deep within the earth,” she explained. “There are many wild creatures here that actually dig dens in the sand and build caves, and sometimes when we explored those, you could see the root systems going tens upon tens of feet down. There’s a type of mesquite tree here, my Great-Aunt told me that the roots could grow over 200 feet long,” and apparently, she believed it. “Now, there are some that grow up top and are shallow…but they spread wide so that when the few rains we get come…they get it. They tend to be the annuals, with the exception of a few types of cacti. ‘Annuals’ meaning that they actually die each year instead of perennials, which will keep coming back,” she added, just in case Arvaelyn didn’t know that about plants. Well, apparently she wasn’t just window dressing at Sweet Remedies… “So I would not be surprised that your roots are here, and now that you are back in your own soil… your roots will find their way back into the earth as they should.”

She sipped her tea again, setting the cup down. “That is too bad that so many lost their lives unnecessarily. Science is a wonderful thing, and I am more fond of it than most, but magic is important too. When such forces are at play, they are ignored at their own risk.” And she knew the irony of that statement for someone with no Runes of her own, but on the other hand… there were often Runebearers enough to handle such things here.

“Well, you’re not wrong,” Hilana offered consolingly. “Both are very healthy. But there are always camels. Or the fancy horses,” she offered. She left out the mention of basilisks, since that was yet another Draconid. But he did have Mesmer, so in theory… “I cannot say I’ve ever flown… but I do wonder what it would be like,” she admitted. Knowing her love affair with racing and other high-adrenaline activities… getting up on such a creature was likely asking for her to do something stupid indeed. “I like climbing things, so I do enjoy getting high up… but at least then you have something to hold onto.”

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:29 am
by Arvælyn
"For now it is forbidden me, yes..." Arvælyn nodded, solemnly. "In the future it's possible, I suppose, but it feels unlikely." He grimaced, "Very unlikely, but..." He shrugged, "I suppose it's aught I might trot out at parties and such. Singing and dancing, at least. I'm not sure a tipsy crowd would be keen to hear me monologuing at them in heightened speech..." He chuckled at the thought.

"Oh?" He pursed his lips, shrugging. "The words sound like Kathalan. It's the language of the Imperial Avialæ- the Kathar, but I believe it is widely spoken in the Gelerian Imperium and in Zaichær. I... can't say I know of this festival. The Imperium is quite a distance from Karnor, so its influence is not as keenly felt as elsewhere in the world. It's farther still from here, though I know your, um..." Cautiously through his teeth he whispered, "Orkhish neighbours have long warred with them." He let his voice rise to its normal volume to continue, "Perhaps your two realms might someday find common purpose in that, but I imagine it might be difficult for two such mighty and dogmatic empires to collaborate. 'Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere', as the play says..."

"Auris was a good prelude to Solunarium, as it is another desert kingdom ruled by elves- Siltori, like your Moonborn, but- You probably know this. They're your allies, and Cathena City was more... Well, a friend of mine had me well prepared for it, and it was interesting enough. Not so much of a culture shock as here or Auris." Arry sat back as Hilana launched into the long-form answer to his idle question.

"I... admit I didn't actually expect you to answer that question, let alone so thoroughly, but um..." He nodded and grinned, "Well done you!"

"Obviously as a child I dreamt of riding a dragon, though I'd never seen one. I'll admit that fantasy was renewed upon seeing the Crownwyrm over the harbour at Tertium, but... Well, anything akin to that will just take a bit of courage. I'm not too scared to try. I'm only nervous."

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:05 am
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana looked sympathetic when he told her that it was forbidden. She knew that feeling all too well, having people refusing to let them have some aspect that made them them. She had done it anyway, and paid for it, but with the Golden Elf’s status, especially here… the stakes were much higher. The world survived on pretense, and they had to as well. “That is too bad. I hope that one day you get to do it again. It is hard when you are forced to quash one of the things that makes life worth living and for stup—… forgive me, their reasons,” she bowed her head in apology. While he had told her not to tell him what she thought he wanted to hear, it was best not to insult his family. Even if the reasons doubtless were stupid, Hilana felt.

The girl absorbed this information, nodding along slowly as he spoke. Hilana was thoroughly enjoying learning more about the world outside her home, especially of somewhere that far away. That he hasn’t said that the festival did not exist meant that she could go on believing in it, since there was no concrete evidence to the contrary. When he lowered his voice, she absolutely leaned in, her eyes wide and unblinking, and the snake flickered his tongue at Arry, looking at him. Finally! Another place that understood Orks for the threat they were! Clearly, they had common ground, at least. “I think you are right about that,” she nodded. “It is very unlikely. But you know, you would think we would have a festival for the Crownwyrm and his family’s hatchdays, if somewhere else they celebrate the Emperor’s pet tortoise…”

She did know Auris was an ally, and Cathena was a regular trading partner. Emen and Tania had been from the Republic, and she still remembered them from years ago. “I’ve heard that Cathena is quite something. My father invited a business partner from there some years back to come and see Tertium, and he brought his family over. They were interesting to spend time with. Incredibly talkative,” the girl grinned at that. She’d gotten roped into it because she was the closest in age, and her next eldest sister had been busy with a baby...and was a fair bit older. So Hilana had been the sacrificial lamb of sorts, but she had enjoyed the experience and made sure that the siblings had, too. Their presence had at least softened the price she’d paid for her defiance at the time, considering the derby, but once they’d headed back home...

At his grin, though, she was grinning back, but the way he said those words... the girl started laughing, albeit quietly, until her shoulders were shaking with mirth. Whatever it was about the combination of the two set her off, apparently. “I apologize, Dominus, but I kind of like plants,” she brought herself back under control, though she looked like she might dissolve into giggles again until she took a breath and straightened and seemed calmer again, though her eyes were bright.

“I can understand. I think everyone has that fantasy at some point in their lives, especially if we aren’t born with wings. But you’ll have some nerves for a bit, and then you will get on that Wyvern and go soaring,” she nodded, apparently having all the faith in the world in his ability to do just that. “And by the second time, you’ll wonder why you never did it before.” Hilana was smiling, and she saw the waitress with the last course. But seeing as they’d had the paxamas and then the thick slice of melopita... “She has the loukoumades,” Hilana told Arry, then, nodding at the waitress who was waiting to approach. “They are honey doughnuts. Would you like them here, or would you prefer to take them home to enjoy with your Finn? They travel well.”

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:00 am
by Arvælyn
Arvælyn shrugged.

"It all feels like an adventure near as grand as any I might hope to portray on stage. I've hardly had time to miss it with how busy they keep me..." He trailed off, and reached for his tea to sip it. It was growing cooler now that he'd been neglecting it so long, but that meant he could glean more of the flavour.

"Oh, are there still wyrms hatching in Solunarium?" He'd never considered that possibility, as he'd only heard that the surviving scions of Zalkyrion still haunted the Dragon Chamber, with all the others having fled. "I should very much like to see a baby dragon someday, now that I've seen the big ones." He wondered whether they would be cute or terrifying- tiny or still large.

"Heh, I suppose they were rather chatty in Cathena, but their food was worth the trouble of bending one's ear." He placed his teacup back down, and furrowed his brow.

"But why do you apologise? I see no fault in such an interest." He shrugged.

At the talk of wyverns his smile broadened again,

"I'm told I'm at an advantage as a Mesmer. Apparently my Craft is often used to train them, so hopefully I'll be able to employ it to my benefit in the endeavour." Most riders needed to be introduced to a wyvern who would bind itself to them, but Mesmers were able to circumvent that somewhat. Arry would likely need to do a bit of research into practising his Craft on the Symphonies of beasts, but he could ask his pædagogus at their next lesson.

"I couldn't even finish my melopita, so I think it would be best I bring them home. Besides- Poor Finny shouldn't miss out completely."

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:45 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

“That is true, and a fair assessment,” Hilana agreed. “There is much to see and learn in this city, especially for someone of your Caste and status. But who knows what the future holds? Things always look different once the water settles.” Vasilei kept her busy, and Hilana liked it that way. She always had energy and to spare, but her mentor also kept her mind going with lessons and new information, new recipes and methods, diagnosing and treating... But she knew she loved being in the saddle, and when she could take Hayima’el out and go around the outskirts of the city, and sometimes within Solunarium proper... it was something that was a fundamental part of her. She only hoped that the Sunborn would be able to maintain that, too.

“No, I do not believe there have been any dragons hatching, which is too bad. We would have heard about such things, everyone would... but there have been no new ones. But we could still have an annual celebration on the days that they did,” she smiled. “Even if they are thousands of years old. The Emperor’s tortoise, he should be 100 this year, so why not the dragons? I wonder if their hatchdays are even recorded now,” Hilana’s fingers touched the side of her teacup. That would probably be something to ask at the Museum Draconum. Then if they knew, then she could certainly... well, what in the blazing Sands would she do even with that information? Sacrifice goats? Would they even want a cake? Well... maybe. Maybe they would, who knew? Had anyone even offered them a cake for their hatchdays? Would they even care if someone did? She knew she was getting away from herself, so the girl had to abandon that line of thinking for now before going down that tunnel...

“I apologize because sometimes I... can be a bit too much. Especially if I get started on some topics,” she smiled ruefully at that, “and I forget that not many people are interested in such things, beyond what use it is to them at the moment. Suppose they have a fever, what plants would be beneficial? Or weakened blood, or pains, or nausea... then they are keen. But I suppose that’s one of the privileges of living in cities that they do not think of, and I can get carried away in the meantime,” she sipped her tea, savouring the flavours and spices within it.

Hilana nodded in agreement to his point there about the Rune of Mesmer and its benefits with the flying mounts of the land. “That is so. That Rune is very useful for helping to align yourself with them, I understand, which makes the bonding process go that much faster. Is it very different, to use between person and, well, animal?” she was curious. She imagined that it must be, but from a practitioner’s standpoint, she wondered what his thoughts on the matter were.

“I think that you both will like them,” she agreed. “They are a great treat. Sticky, but so very worth it. You can eat them with a fork if you want, or your fingers,” Hilana explained. They’d have steamed cloths and such with which they could wash their hands, after all. She turned her head to the waitress, who left the tray behind and came over to approach the table, bowing to Arvaelyn once again. Hilana explained that the Dominus would be taking the loukoumades with him, so they would like them bundled up for him to take home. And a packet of the blended, spicy tea that was to go with them. The waitress bowed again, and Hilana inclined her head to her. “Gratias,” she brought her attention back to him. All taken care of.

Re: Lost and Found II [Arvaelyn]

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:34 pm
by Arvælyn
"I suppose so..." It was strange to imagine there might ever be a day when Arvælyn grew accustomed to this place. It was so, so different from anywhere he'd ever been. The weather, the architecture, the customs and cuisine... It may as well have been lit by a different sun. It seemed so much stronger and loomed so much larger here.

"Well..." Arry chuckled at the lofty notion of draconic name days, "If I ever meet one, I shall be sure to inquire." A pipe dream that, but why shouldn't he have those? So many of his erstwhile pipe dreams had come true or even been surpassed by loftier truths. Why oughtn't Arvælyn dream of discussions with dragons?

"Oh, but I think we all have topics like that, which get us overexcited to the confusion of the majority. The trick to feigning charisma is finding where your interests overlap with those of others and directing your focus there. All of us have some intersecting interests. You and I, it seems, have dragons." He noted,

"I've not practised much upon animals, so that will be an education in itself. Symphonies that differ greatly from our own can be the most difficult to influence, but Mesmer isn't all about asserting ones will upon others. There is more of a back and forth than people realise... It's a sort of communication. My conscious with another's subconscious. Even the, um..." He sat upright, and glanced to the door, "Well the sentry Mesmers that I've noticed throughout the city... Are you aware of that? In any case, there are many Mesmers in Solunarium, singing songs of tranquility in places of panic. I noticed it mostly on the day of the Mist Storm, but there are parts of the Aurecine and Palatine where the music is near constant..." He reached for his coin purse as Hilana communicated with the serving girl,

"What is the cost of all this? As I said, it's on me."