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Re: An Enthusiastic Stroll {Khyan}

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 3:26 pm
by Dreyfus
Company: Brutes, Slave | Thoughts: I should mind my business | Mood: Interested

He was glad that the mortal before him wasn't afraid of him being a Vampyre, and that made him relax a bit, if only slightly. "Indeed I am, but I am enjoying my time here." He was also glad the boy's common was enough to understand. "I don't believe you are acquainted with my friend or have heard of them, as he too came from another country." he added, a smile on his face as he saw the man relax a bit, be it out of fear or acceptance.

As they continued to walk the young mortal inquired on how long he had been in the city. More so he inquired on whether or not if he was keeping himself fed. It was curious to be asked this by a complete stranger, but the vampyre could only guess that the one who placed that ornate collar on him had to have been one. More so Dreyfus wasn't sure this man was born into slavery, he seemed far to educated for that to be the case. "My ward ensures that his master is fed, though I cant say I wasn't tempted to gorge myself on those ruffians earlier."

He mused over that thought and how easy it would have been to tear them all apart and drink from them. Dreyfus was finding that killing these lesser races was far easier and enthralling than he first guessed. Granted he was dead set on not being a monster with these powers, but if the situation called for it, it would be like breathing for him to fill the streets of wherever he was with the blood of its citizens. looking over to Khyan, he could see the viel of fear, he could hear the increased pumps of the boy's heart. "You have nothing to worry about, I'm more than sated on my taste for blood tonight. I simply wish to help out another trapped in bondage."

There was silence, as Dreyfus wasn't all too sure how to not make things awkward between them but he figured any conversation was better than complete silence. "Tell me how long have you been shackled, and do you wish for freedom?" if he could help this young man escape his collar, it would make him feel somewhat better. The vampyre was finding he hated seeing others bound against their will, as no slave willingly begs for their chains.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: An Enthusiastic Stroll {Khyan}

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:19 pm
by Khyan Nykara
"Ah, but I meet a man from another country on the day of the Dread Meests. Also from the North. Hees name was Feenn. Ees thees your friend?" Khyan seemed incapable of, or at least disinterested in attempting, the rhotic R-sound that was common to Common, instead flipping each one as one did in proper Vastian.

"Your... ward? You breeng someone from Zaichær and feed on them?" He shuddered at the thought and suddenly wished he could just pop open one of the wine bottles in his basket to drink away the discomfort burgeoning with him. He was suddenly glad he hadn't found himself slave to a Sanguisor. There was a reason it was uncommon and typically the province of only the most privileged toward the peak of the Solunarian hierarchical pyramid. But he was glad of that scarcity. Otherwise he might have ended up more cattle than chattel.

"Eef you were tempted... why deedn't you?" Khyan wondered, looking ahead to where the rows of houses opened out to the finer estates of the Sanctine District. In the distance the spires of the Academia Arcanum's Umbrian campus peaked over the rooves of the stately homes.

As Dreyfus' thoughts turned, again, to violence his anxiety did indeed increase. Apparently to the point that the Sanguinor noticed and felt cause to comment.

"Oh, uh... All right. Thees ees good. Thank you." As they made their way into the properly wealthy part of the Sanctine and silence hung between them, Khyan ever so slightly increased the pace of his steps. He glanced sidelong at the question posed.

"Not long. My family was subject to Lex Agni. Do you know what thees ees? We were sentenced middle of Seareeng, then I had to be trained. I started weeth my master begeening of Ash. I... wish to be as I was, not only to be free. To be free but poor? This, to me, seems worse than a slave, no? At least slave has shelter, meals... but poor man ees promised nothing."

Re: An Enthusiastic Stroll {Khyan}

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:28 pm
by Dreyfus
Company: Brutes, Slave | Thoughts: I should mind my business | Mood: Interested

This one was rather interesting to the vampyre, the way he casually discussed another from across the sea. The name didn't ring any bells for the man, but he shook his head no as they continued to walk. When he mentioned feeding on Dimitri it made the vampyre laugh. "His blood is sweet, but I won't feed on him if I can help it, even when he insists. He finds my prey for me, normally picking criminals or those who won't be missed."

"As far as why didn't feast on them..." he began, running his hand through his hair as he looked at the area they had come to. "The reason I'm here requires that I am on my best behavior, so I can't do anything that could jeopardize why I am here. I didn't want to frighten you more than I already have, given your heart rate has increased since we started talking." he chuckled.

When Khyan replied to his more critical inquiry, it caused a tilt in his head, as he could sympathize with the man. It would be pointless to return to freedom a squalor, and if he had been a man of importance, it would only be fitting for him to want to return to such a station as before. Rubbing his chin, he pondered this man.

"I can understand your sentiment, as I was born into privilege, and given my new life as a vampyre, I have yet to reclaim the wealth and prestige that came from my family's name. For as long as I am here, if I can assist you in reclaiming that status, I would be honored. You may ask me why, but think of it as simply wanting to see another slave free." he said, making a bow to the young man.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: An Enthusiastic Stroll {Khyan}

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 10:18 pm
by Khyan Nykara
The laughter that answered Khyan's query caused the young mostly-human to arch his brow. Either the man was particularly potent or he was particularly presumptuous to flaunt the laws of the land with such flagrancy that he would announce his crimes to a stranger he'd met moments earlier. Whatever his reasons, Khyan felt vindicated in the choices he'd made thus far.

Dreyfus' next utterance truly perplexed the Vastian.

"You theenk creemeenals won't be meessed een Solunarium?" He clucked his tongue. On the one hand, the man seemed unconcerned about feeding on locals if they fit into what his foreign sensibilities deemed safe. On the other hand, the men who'd just accosted Khyan fell outside of that. The former patrician was confused as to what the distinction might be for the peregrinus, but he wouldn't give voice to his questions after hearing the pace of his heartbeat addressed. He narrowed his eyes, and cast his gaze to the ground before them as they crossed deeper into the Argentine District.

"But you are peregreenoos." Khyan seemed genuinely confounded by the apparent offer of aid. "How would you posseebly help me to regain my statoos?" He waved his hand, dismissively over their heads.
"Nevermind. Eet does not matter." His dark eyes darted to a sentry standing nearby- a handsome moonborn elf in black and silver that denoted membership in the order of the sentinels. Light blue eyes met Khyan's deep, chestnut brown and, after a brief moment, their eye contact broke.

"Tell me, Dræfoos, of the preeveledge and prestige you enjoyed een Zaichær..." Khyan suggested, genuinely interested in the subject matter. Khyan certainly knew what it was to have advantages in the Luxium, but the northern states remained conceptually elusive to the servus. "What ees your hierarchy?"

Re: An Enthusiastic Stroll {Khyan}

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:42 pm
by Dreyfus
Company: Khyan | Thoughts: I should mind my business | Mood: Interested

His caution was understandable, as Dreyfus had easily established he could rend him or those other bastards easily. His words danced around in the vampyre's mind as he contemplated them. He was in a whole new realm, and just because they were criminals didn't mean their deaths wouldn't go amiss. He actually never really considered it, and gave it to the native that he had a valid point.

He also didn't realize his station in this realm either, and even given his magical prowess he hadn't thought about how he would go about his goals, both for himself here and to aid Talon. It was a humbling moment in his thoughts and it showed on his face. Running a hand through his hair he tossed the thought aside as Khyan didn't even want an answer. They passed a sentry as they continued on their way, when Khyan posed another inquiry.

He smirked at the questions, as the current standing was uncertain. "Well I was born into the elite of Zaichaer, as I mentioned earlier. The hierarchy before the collapse however had humans at the top of the food chain, and everything and everyone else are second class, or third class citizens come after." he said, his tone solemn as he remembered how the treatment of the other races.

He was certain that now, there wasn't much left of any semblance of government in that place given the rift in the sky. "However any sort of hierarchy may not exist as of the moment." He whispered, running a hand through his golden tresses as he pondered what the aftermath of the rift would bring for the city, and those left behind.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: An Enthusiastic Stroll {Khyan}

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:11 pm
by Masagh

Points: 10

Injuries/Ailments: none

Loot: none

Points: 10

Injuries/Ailments: none

Loot: none

Notes: An auspicious meeting! I wonder if this will lead to more interesting stories? Enjoy your points.