"My Turn to Roll the Dice"

Reiner returns from family dinner

High City of the Northlands

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Reiner Dornkirk
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Title: ZDC Lieutenant
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"'Course I'll sit with ya." Reiner replied, promptly. "I guess since I'm staying I can probably stake a claim on some clothes of my own, sometime soon..." The ZDC private wasn't sure how it all worked, but he assumed it was akin to the food and booze situation. If there was some sort of collection, he assumed he'd get some sort of allotment for free. If he was feeling particularly brazen, he might ask his noble cousin for advice and potentially get access to some better options. Whatever the case, Reiner wasn't particularly vain nor fashion conscious. He was so used to uniforms and the like, that it wasn't something he considered regularly.

"Oh, have they?" Reiner arched an eyebrow at the mention of girls. "How'd you suss that out? One of your harem spill the beans or something?" He inquired with a silly smirk. It did add to the appeal of the notion of going out. It was nice having his anchor nearby, but Reiner was a social creature and it would be nice to get the lay of the social landscape and maybe find a few prospects for the near future.

There was something comforting about the weight of Kuno's calf resting against his own as Reiner felt vulnerable in addressing his worries.

"So... I mean, you probably already know this, but I didn't realize there were covens up here. I just figured we'd... I don't know what I figured, but I didn't expect that and it freaked me out a little after everything that just went down. Also the... creatures that served us our meal were Lysanrins. I know the late First Minister had that undersecretary and tried to get the non-humans on board for the war effort, but with how the war ended before it began and everything, I..." He sighed, a bit embarrassed at his inarticulate effort to get his feelings across.

"Am I dumb to be anxious about all this? I know I should trust the people who were clever enough to make city blocks float to safety, but I can't shake the feeling that we're in danger with witches and so forth around."
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A wink accompanied,

"Something like that." At the mention of his harem. Kuno didn't sleep with women more than he had to, believing that if he never did people would suspect him of worse things than a little common lechery.

The food was everything he'd imagined it would be, delicately spiced while also somehow burst with flavor. The kitchen in the Windworks was run by the wives of the workers who were deemed the best cooks so the food wasn't bad. A vast improvement from what he'd gotten in the barracks, if he was honest, but this was on another level. He kept the enjoyment to himself, eating as he normally would have. Not that Reiner had yet seen him eat, but he would see it ere too long.

He listened carefully, mind pricked for anything that he might find useful, either in their budding relationship or Kuno's place in the world. Unfortunately for the latter, he did already know the things that the other Private was imparting. Hopes for secret info that he could use to his advantage dashed, he settled for using the situation to tie another tiny string to his intended prey. Nodding he added to the other man's knowledge,

"Kindred and Grymalka, creepy fuckers." They had been keeping everyone with fresh produce and putting their insides back in when wicked beasties tore them out, but he didn't see the point in saying so just then.

"Heard tales that the Minister plans to train the horned devils to suck the magic right out of the witches." He paused in eating here, as though considering,

"Can't say which seems worse, giving the devils power or the covens freedom."

Reaching for the selection of cakes he put two pieces on the plate. Nudging the second fork towards Reiner he said,

"Come on now, don't make me feel the glutton." He took his own bite, savoring it, even showing a little how much he enjoyed the over-rich treat.

"Seems to me that, sometimes, those who are smartest in some areas sometimes need help in others. I hope you told the Minister how you felt, how all of us fighting men feel, or, if not, you'll do it the next time you see him. The Minister is a smart man, and brave on top of it, but he spent most of his life tinkering. His brother, the First Minister, seemed like he had more of a head for this sort of thing, but we lost him. So, having a voice of reason where the Minister can hear it, well... I can't imagine a more important way to serve Zaichaer."

This was true, in Kuno's mind, so it was easy to say. The fact that he would be the one Reiner came home to, who could nudge him to speak to the Minister on the topics Kuno found most pressing, that made it even easier.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner smile to himself at the thought of Kuno's collection of ladies. It seemed a foregone conclusion that a man like him would be much sought after. Not that Reiner was any connoisseur, but Konrad Kämpfer was a pretty man- graceful of feature with his long neck and striking green eyes. Beyond that, he was a hero. Even when the younger private had brought him up at supper, Stefan remembered him favorably. It spoke volumes and it surely suggested the man was quite the eligible bachelor. After a long pause, he realized he'd been staring at the other man while he ate and, when their eyes met, he shook himself out of it and sat up.

He drew his legs back toward him, and crossed them reaching under the table to rub his thumb into the arch of his foot. It was still a bit sore from too much time in those dress shoes for the second day in a row.

"Hm." Reiner considered the further information Kuno provided, as he pulled down on the front of his foot to crack the joints in his toes.

"The devil's in the details, I suppose, with this sort of thing." He punned idly, and switched his legs so he could massage the other foot as he had the first.

"Oh, sorry." He smiled sheepishly and grabbed the fork he'd been given prior, leaning over the table to skewer a piece of cake and take a bite. He hadn't really been able to savor the desserts back at White Knight Hall, so he was better able to appreciate the offering now.

"I did, actually..." He might have sounded a bit muffled with cake still in his mouth, but there was pride in the statement. It had been hard to speak his truth. It felt brazen and he'd more than half expected to be sent from the dining room with no further ceremony, but Stefan's response had surprised him.

"I've... Well, I've always considered myself candid. I don't know if I have a better mind for any of this, but I have an ear closer to the ground. Or I did when I lived down there. I really hope I don't lose that..." He bit his lip, suppressing a smile.

"D'you really think I could be good at something like that? I don't know... It'll be better if I can snag you that invite. It'd be nice to have someone else in the room who... I don't know- gets it." He took another bite of cake.

"Should I open the wine?"
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Kuno rolled his eyes at the pun and avoiding paying any attention to the obvious discomfort the other Private was obviously in. The urge to reach over and take over the task of massaging his feet was half personal and half political, as so much with the young Dornkirk was turning out to be, but he resisted it entirely. Maybe in a few weeks, or months, when touch wasn't new between them anymore after they'd shared a bed that long, he would be able to reach out and give that sort of caring attention. But not yet, not nearly.

The prolonged staring was likely a product of both the lack of good sleep Reiner had been getting and whatever he'd had to drink at the big house. Watching as the younger man spoke with his mouth full was actually quite endearing. It lent him an air of innocence that had, theretofore not been so obvious. It recalled Kuno of being a child and stealing treats to share with his mates, each kid stuffing the cakes into their mouths before they could be taken back or second-hand stolen by an older one.

So he couldn't help the amused, proud smile that graced his face even if crumbs were now all over the table. When he had swallowed his own mouthful he said,

"You didn't? You did? I'm impressed. I suppose he is your cousin, but still." He eyed Reiner up and down as though reevaluating him in a more positive light.

"Real men are candid, I think." This was a lie, but there was truth inside it. The question got a decisive nod, "I do, you have the Dornkirk mind but tempered with having lived a life in reality. Your cousin is a great man but he's never had to get his hands dirty, you know? And now, more than ever, things are going to be messy. Men like us, we know how to handle the mess, in ways the Brass sometimes don't like to look at."

This, he did believe. When the second mention of getting Kuno invited to the table at the Hall he shook his head.

"Happy to help you debrief, or get your ideas down clearly before you go but that sort of thing isn't for me. I wouldn't know which hand was which with all those little forks and whatnot."

Taking the last bite of his own cake he shook his head grimacing comically,

"Phhhsht, no! We're going out, remember? Save your bottle for when you get promoted to General and we need to celebrate. What's the point of free ale if we sit inside and sip fancy wine?"

This being said he stood and stretched, one hand on his belly to show his satisfaction with the meal. Coming out of it he went over to the 'closet' and rifled until he found clothes that would fit Reiner. The trousers and jacket were the same but the shirt was different, and clean.

"We'll stop by and see if they have anything that fits you at the stock pile tomorrow when we go for breakfast." He suggested as thought it was a foregone conclusion. "But these will do for a second night, since no one really saw you."
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Kuno's eye roll was enough to paint a blush upon Reiner's fair face. He didn't realize how much he sought the approval of his anchor in these sky islands. Approval wasn't denied him long, though and he couldn't fight back the smile that answered Kuno's compliment. Hearing that he'd impressed the other private, he shrugged.

"It felt more like necessity than bravery." He demurred, "I wanted to keep my mouth shut, to be honest, but I couldn't. I was too concerned." That they were cousins barely came into it, at the time. He hadn't been brave because he was confident their common blood would protect their relationship. It hadn't kept Stefan's father close to Reiner's mother, after all.

"Yeah." The young private agreed with Kuno's lie, "I think you're right." His assessment of Stefan was an intriguing one. He liked to think that the Dornkirks were different, because they were new to wealth and their prestige had been hard earned, but he supposed at the end of the day- Stefan had been born on the West End and raised in a veritable castle. Melchior may have risen the ranks, but Stefan and Brenner were to the manor born. He had to nod, as he recognized the veracity of Kuno's appraisal.

"Ugh, how do you think I felt?" He had to laugh at his own expense. "That's half the reason I want you there!" He shook his head, "I'm half kidding, but seriously- It's not that bad. I just watched the others for a bit, and then I noticed the pattern with the cutlery- You work from the outside in." But that wasn't the point. "But you should be there, Kuno, seriously. You've got a good head on your shoulders, a better frame of reference for what they've been up to so far, and... It's like you said. We need voices of reason in those rooms who know what it's like for the little guy. You're... more confident than me, and smarter. The fact that I happen to be related to them is... it's random. I believe in meritocracy." He stated firmly. "And I didn't earn shit that got me that seat at the table. You've at least earned my faith, so that's worth more than my meal ticket's worth..." He nodded,

"Fine, but I'll wager there's more nice wine in our futures, and I reckon it's better to drink the good stuff at the beginning of the night, while you still have all your wits about you." When Kuno rose, Reiner was happy to do so as well. He hadn't been hungry to begin with and, while the cake was lovely, he was satisfied after a few bites.

He pulled the fresh shirt over his t-shirt, and replaced his sweatpants with the slacks provided. He was still wearing dress socks, but he saw no reason to make additional laundry when he's packed so lightly and didn't know what to expect from the stockpile.

"Oh..." They hadn't spent much time in the pub, but still... when Kuno had said some of the girls had 'sniffed him out as a famous Dornkirk', he thought perhaps he'd been noticed. But apparently not. He made his way over to fetch his boots, and tug them on, loosely tying the laces just to keep them from being an obstacle.

"Think it'll be less packed today?"
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"Bravery without necessity is pointless. You felt the need to speak, for the good of all of us. Can't think of a more honorable thing. Particularly when it might have cost you access to that excellent cake."

The first two sentences were serious, stern almost, but the humor returned in the last along with Kuno's teasing smile. It morphed into a smirk as Reiner tried to explain how to navigate through a formal dinner. Kuno was in no way interested which fork one should use when or even how to figure it out. Even if he was suddenly rich he wouldn't ever indulge in the farce of pretending that eating was anything but an animal need. The rich smothering all their needs in frippery and ceremony was them pretending not to be what they were, sacks of meat and bone that ripped apart other sacks of meat and bone to survive. Still, he pretended to at least pay attention. One never knew when the most random of information might be useful.

Tilting his head to one side at the end of the explanation he watched the other man openly for a few moments before saying, again serious,

"The Minister, folk like him, they have their merits, no denying it. Blokes like me, we are good for what we're good for. But you, you're special. You can bridge the spaces between that lead to us all fighting with each other. We are so few right now that those gaps are small, but this place won't remain small for long and we need people who can keep them small. Fighting each other is defeat. The moment we aren't watching the witches, the devils and other abominations, that's when they get'cha."

The last word was emphasized by the taller man lashing out in pretend attack at the smaller, 'stabbing' him several times with pretend knives and then laughing as the 'attack' turned into a little but of playful roughhousing. When he found himself pressed close all along his front to the other Private he looked down directly into his eyes as his grin slowly faded into an expression that was at once sincere and painfully hopeful,

"We need you, Reiner. They are trying to wipe us out, all of us, genocide. Without someone like you these are just floating delays of the inevitable."
His mouth was wet from having been licked before he spoke and his eyes looked huge, pupils dilated from their play fighting and the low light of the one lamp the apartment boasted. It was an odd combination of feeling the strength of his form and seeing the vulnerability of his fears.

"Mmm," Kuno answered, checking his hair in the small mirror hung by the door and fluffing at it till it lay how he preferred, "Should be. Most people probably used up their alcohol allotment before but they opened everything up for the ceremony. I have enough left to take care of us both for the night if they haven't added you to the books yet. Prolly have tho, being you and all."

When the other man was dressed he led the way down from their little loft to the same pub they'd had to squirm their way into the evening before. It was, indeed, less crowded, but not anywhere near empty. Someone had a fiddle and seemed to be trying to play the blues away with songs that one could dance to. The latest tune ended just as the two men stepped through the door, which felt like good timing. Kuno cast his thanks valcano-ward for the added emphasis on his arrival.

The clapping for the performer turned into laughter and clapping for him as he stepped into the light and took a bow to claim them. People didn't normally clap when he entered a room but he knew how to take advantage of a situation. He played up embarrassment and waved his hand at the room at large, making them laugh more and one woman wolf whistled at him. Reaching behind him he pulled Reiner to stand in front of him and said,

"This is private Dornkirk," He paused here to allow the murmur of appreciation and speculation to circle the space. "Let's show him that civilization isn't dead after all, eh?"

Another cheer went around the tipsy gathering. A crowd was always easier when they were well lubricated before you took the stage. Those gathered consisted mostly of soldiers with a smattering of worker folk and younger folk looking for courting rituals dipped in alcohol. Kuno had indulged in dalliances with a few of the women but none had gone far enough that he'd dipped his wick. It was enough that no one would question his desires nor his honor.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner had to chuckle at Kuno's jovial validation.

"It is really good cake, isn't he?" He conceded, through a dashingly guileless grin. It faded as the conversation turned to more important priorities than pastry.

"I think you're selling yourself short, Kuno, but... I take your point." He crossed his arms over his chest, considering. "I may not like the reason I'm... 'special', as you say, but that doesn't mean I can't use the privilege for good. As awful as all of this has been, you're right... In a way the playing field in Zaichaer has never been closer to level. Right now, it isn't so much about where you were born as it is what you can do for the community. Some poncy noble from a storied bloodline isn't worth shit if he can't provide for the people. And a nobody who cuts down a mist-spawned mutant and saves a family from their claws? That's a fuckin' hero." Reiner bit his lip and parried, Kuno's playful attacks- attempting to deal a few jabs of his own, by pinching at the sides of his slender torso. The two danced back and forth, toward and away from each other. When the teasing tiff concluded, they were face to face and Reiner blinked, looking into the green eyes of the taller private.

We need you, Reiner.

His eyes darted down. He didn't really believe that, but it felt nice to hear. Edifying, at a time when everything felt so wind-tossed. He'd always liked to imagine he might be a hero of some sort. He'd expected to achieve that distinction of the fields of the Kalzasern conquest, but dreams, he supposed, needed to evolve with the times. If he expected Zaichaer to adapt, he would have to be adaptable withal. When his eyes danced back up to meet Kuno's, the other's gaze seemed more intense. It felt as though he was demanding a response, and so Reiner nodded. Kuno stepped back to tend to his hair, and Reiner fell back on his heel. He hadn't realized he'd been on tiptoe until he relaxed back.

"Heh..." He scratched the back of his neck and did up a few of the buttons on his borrowed shirt, though it was mostly open to reveal the crew-necked shirt beneath.

As they entered the pub, Reiner cast a surveying glance across the venue. He hadn't been able to glean much of the environs the prior evening, crowded as it was. Reiner liked to think he was of average height, but he was diminutive enough that higher heads had blocked much of his view. With his attention on the decor, he didn't notice what Kuno was up to, until the other private was introducing him- At which point, he promptly blushed and lowered his gaze to the other patrons of the pub.

He bit his lip and lifted his hand in the Zaichaeri salute,

"Hail Zaichaer!" He called out, for lack of anything more original coming to mind in the impromptu moment into which he'd been thrust.
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The other patrons all raised their glasses or, lacking them, made some version of a salute in return accompanied by a chorus of repeating the words. They weren't all soldier's so the answer wasn't as snapped off as it would have been in a military camp and it echoed as the slower, or drunker, members came in late. None lacked enthusiasm, only some training.

Kuno led the prettily blushing Private over to the bar and introduced him more casually to the bartender, who was a large man, scarred and covered in tattoos that told the tale of a long military career. He was a gruff sort but not to the point of being unfriendly, the sort of grizzled ex-ZDC man who found himself a place after his body wouldn't support the battle field any longer.

Kuno ordered them each a beer and used his pocket knife to get the caps off both before tapping his bottle against Reiner's.

"Hail Zaichaer indeed." He flashed his grin at the other man before the fiddler took up his instrument again and couples began filling the space without tables with the swirl of skirts and bodies.

At the next pause in the music he set his drink down, stood up, straightened his coat and said,

"Come on then, let's introduce you."

The military men came first, each one offering a handshake or a nod of their head depending on their nature but all seemed pleased to make Reiner's acquaintance. After they had all been greeted Kuno moved on to the groups of ladies standing in twos or threes. Their greetings were varied, from the proper curtsies of the upper-class, to middle-class girls offering him their hands to girls with accents and mannerisms so obviously from the Grundgeworks they ached with familiarity. Most were the second option, with only a few from the two extremes to either side. Some were friendly and others standoffish while a fair few eyed the new comer with interest. When the music started again Kuno took the hand of one woman they were chatting with and pushed the hand of her companion into Reiner's.

The evening continued thus, drinking and changing partners almost every dance. When it wound down Kuno was middling drunk; not so much that he was slurring or tripping but enough that he felt like he was floating a bit more than walking. He hadn't let any one girl spend too much time with Reiner, but they were 'good girls' mostly anyway and wouldn't set their caps at a man on first acquaintance.

Walking home he sang Zaichaer's national anthem in a clear, dramatic tenor, which earned him some people cussing at him to be silent and others, probably equally in their cups, joining in along the way. His voice was surprisingly good for someone who had obviously never had training and he, in his current state at least, seemed to have no manner of embarrassment about sharing it.

When they arrived back at their apartment he didn't bother lighting the lantern, just stripped out of his clothing down to his underwear and threw back the multiple layers of necessary blankets and sheets for up as high as they were and so late in the year. Flopping down and burrowing he waited for Reiner to join him before pulling everything back up to their chins and slinging an arm comfortably over the other private's waist.

"G'night." He murmured before falling asleep with the sleep of a man who has slept in trenches.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner might have known at a glance that this barkeep had been a ZDC man, but a telltale tattoo was enough to confirm the fact. Moreover, he was a veteran of the self-same company of which Reiner was a current member. The private was savvy enough to know that bonding with a barman was always wise, and so he made sure to broach their mutual connections after being introduced. Between that coincidence and his surname, he was pretty sure the fellow would remember him for next time. Even if the drinks were all free for the moment, that may not always be the case, and he wouldn’t have minded a bit of preferential treatment even in the meanwhile.

After as much as he’d eaten at supper and thereafter, he knew the beer would take a while to do it’s work, so he wasn’t shy about swigging it down as Kuno introduced him around. Even sober, his intitial shyness wore away significantly once he realized everyone was nice and seemed genuinely pleased to meet him. He felt like a glad-handing politician for how Kuno seemed keen to make sure his face was known through the pub, but Reiner had the ease of one accustomed to making genuine connections. He wasn’t practiced at faking it the way real politicians did.

The girls he would meet on their terms. Curtsies were answered with bows, hands with hands, and a couple that he recognized from the old neighborhood even got hugs. He hadn’t known them well, but these were strange times and the old neighborhood was no more, so these connections felt more significant.

He danced and flirted with the girls Kuno delivered into his arms, but it was all innocuous and he didn’t seem ambitious about pursuing any particular young ladies who weren’t selected by the elder private. His greatest ambition seemed to be getting drunk, which he capably achieved in due course. As such, when Kuno took to serenading the streets on their way home, Reiner was happy to harmonize with him in his slightly raspy, forward-placed tenor. Between the many beers and the crisp evening breeze at this altitude, his voice was not at its best, but that was still better than most.

When Kuno let them in, Reiner stepped off to the side and stumbled in an awkward endeavor to kick off his boots. It took him a few tries before he succeeded, by which point he just decided to disrobe where he stood and leave all the clothes in a pile on top of his shoes. He hugged his bare torso, now down to nothing but a pair of briefs, and jogged away from the drafty door to dive under the covers Kuno held aloft for him.

“Night, Konrad.” He offered while they were still face to face. He liked the name Konrad, so he tried it on for size in lieu of the more familiar ‘Kuno’, and then turned his back on the other man yawning and nestling back reflexively toward the warmth behind him and shut his eyes.

At the feeling of an arm draped over him, Reiner’s eyes shot open and he lifted his head slightly to look behind him at Kuno, bemused. He let out a light chuckle, because he wasn’t sure if the gesture was in jest. Whatever the case, it was comforting warmth on a cold night and he rather liked it. Sighing contentedly, he let his head fall back to the pillow and shut his eyes as he nestled back against the form to his rear.
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Lore: 15

Points: 15

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: A new place to live

Notes: Cold nights call for cuddles.
word count: 46
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