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Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 4:05 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
"Well, with you as my swim coach, I'll bet I'll be doing laps in a snap!" Reiner replied with a grin and a playful nudge of his shoulder to Kuno's. Increasingly, the lieutenant's approval and encouragement were becoming a valuable commodity to the eager young private.

"Yeah, I guess it's not the hardest job I've ever been tasked with." He conceded with half a chuckle. "I guess maybe I'm overthinking things a bit." Even if the recipients of the messages were important people and it was a bit more nuanced than placing notes into hands.

He tipped his head back against the wall to his rear, letting it tip toward Kuno. He watched the other man's profile as he spoke on, explaining Stefan's possible motivation for sending his young cousin. It wouldn't have occurred to him, but it was true enough. 'PFC Dornkirk' was an unknown variable. It was doubtful the commanders would even know he existed. Stefan hadn't until recently, and he was family. It was far from a common name, and it was a message in itself, he supposed. The fact that he was so low-ranking also said a bit about his cousin, he supposed.

"Heh..." Reiner reached up to scratch the back of his neck, "You're an ambitious one, aren't ya? I dunno if I have any, um..." He lifted his voice in falsetto and fluttered his eyelashes, "Queenly potential..." He grinned, letting his voice drop to its normal range, "But I'd be a lucky one to count you among my subjects, Kuno. Do you want to hedge your bets and pledge fealty now while I'm still a pawn, or are you going to wait me out until my coronation?"

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:05 pm
by Rune
Kuno glanced down from the corner of his eye when Reiner settled his head back on his shoulder, fully conscious this time. It felt comfortable on a deeper level than physical. Sharing a bed with someone for weeks tended to lend itself to comfort with physical contact and the pair were slipping thoughtlessly into touching any time they were alone together and a good deal of the time when they were in public. The public touching was all of a fraternal nature, Kuno ensured that, but it was like they were each other's touchstone.

The urge to lift his arm and wrap it around the shorter frame leaning against his pushed up inside him but he ignored it. The conversation was important and since the previous night he wasn't perfectly sure where his wants were intending to lead him. He knew where he wanted them to go, and that was bad enough that he knew better than to indulge.

While he was thinking these thoughts his own head listed slowly to the side. So slow he could pretend he didn't notice until it was resting against soft, dark hair that smelled of soap and pomade and the bed they shared.

"You are the Minister's cousin, so it is an honor to the commanders that he sent you instead of someone else." He held up one finger, beginning to tick off the points on his hand.

"You are low rank, which means he is trying to show he isn't attempting to overawe or force them." A second finger joined the first.

"He sent the best warship he has to escort you, as well as a higher ranking officer as personal body guard to show that he takes them and what they have to offer seriously." Third finger, on the left hand met the first two as he continued to gesture with his right.

"And he can use this as a test of your," And possibly Kuno's, "abilities with enough cushion in the other statements he's sending that if you fall on your face it won't really cost him anything."

He shook his head, almost whistling but stopping himself because whistles meant things on airships.

"I must say, I'm impressed. I won't be underestimating your cousin again. Well, we have today and tomorrow till the afternoon to figure out if there is any more to it, and what our plan is. Like I said though, Lang should be easy if you can keep your nerve with him. Don't engage with his anger but don't shrink from it either. Stalwart Soldier persona will earn his respect."

He turned his head so he was almost looking directly down at Reiner, "And I know you've got that one down."

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:27 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
Reiner tipped his face up, so he could look at the lieutenant without jostling the other man's position too much, as he started listing the benefits of sending the private on this particular task.

"That's a good move." Reiner asserted with a contrived bit of confidence, "Never underestimate a Dornkirk." He said with a firmness that didn't really gel with his own middling self-esteem, even if he did think a great deal of the more estimable side of his family. He still felt like an outsider- a novelty that his cousin still might cast off. Sure, given the timing of their introduction, the sentiment was strong, but would it survive beyond the mourning period? That remained to be seen, and Reiner's success in his tasks might have an impact on the outcome.

He grinned at the next compliment Kuno offered, biting his lip to suppress it at least a bit.

"Do you have any more meetings for the rest of the day, or are we just being left to our own devices?" Reiner wondered, starting to fidget with the pale hands in his lap. He started to swing his feet back and forth, though now that his ankles were crossed he moved them in unison, rather than away from and back toward each other.

As far as Reiner could tell, he didn't have any orders until they reached their destination. That made sense, he supposed. Since he wasn't an airman there wasn't really much for him to do aboard the ship, but wait and prepare what he needed to in the interest of completing the task upon arrival.

"What do airmen do to pass the time when they're aboard ship but off duty?"

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 7:31 pm
by Rune
Kuno could tell the private was trying hard to catch up and feigning more confidence in both himself and his cousin than he really had but faking it till it was real was a perfectly legitimate tactic as far as he was concerned.

"If your noble cousins' meteoric rises are anything to go by," He reached over and gently gripped Reiner's chin, pretending to give it a little shake more than actually shaking him at all, "You'll be kneeling to receive that crown before you know it, your majesty."

His tone was just enough teasing that it sounded like teasing, almost. There were times to build up both dreams and confidence and this seemed like one of them. Lowering his tone to a whisper just shy of husky he kept eye contact, even as close as they were, using his hold to ensure it,

"Shall I take a knee for you now? Assure you that whatever doubts may be running around inside that pretty head, I, your knight, have none?"

His eyes darted down, unintended, to the other man's bitten lip, lingering there for just a second before he realized what he was doing and pulled them back up. Clearing his throat he released Reiner's chin and attempted to return to the companionable smile that had fallen off his face as he'd spoken his offer of 'fealty'.

"I, uhm, I don't have any more meetings, no. I have a duty shift in a couple of hours, just watching over the men on duty and ensuring the ship doesn't fall out of the air. My first time commanding anyone." He gave a little laugh that he wasn't sure what was the meaning of, and looked away, to the deck. He had always known he would be an excellent officer but he'd been promoted 'in the field' so to speak, which meant he hadn't gotten actual officer training. He'd been enlisted long enough to know the duties and requirements of his new rank, and he had to keep reminding himself of that. That those well off enough or luck enough to be promoted outside times of war didn't have any secret knowledge only passed on to men who went to a few classes. He was a good navigator and a fair pilot, understood every instrument aboard and how to use them. He could get them through a storm if he needed to, though he was sure the Captain would want to come up if there was any real danger. Attempting to calm his nerves he said,

"Maybe some day I'll be so lucky as to have you under my command, before you rise so far above me you forget that we ever shared a tiny flat."

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:20 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
"Kuno..." Reiner muttered, plaintively. "You really need to stop it with all the flattery. This cabin is very small and my head won't be able to fit through the door if you make a habit of calling me 'majesty'." His neck tensed slightly, as the lieutenant took him by the chin.

"I'm just a kid from the old neighborhood. We were probably in the same kick the can tournaments and didn't realize it..." He trailed off, arching an eyebrow at the tacit offer of fealty. He knew it was jovial, but that didn't make it any less tempting. What boy didn't dream betimes of being paid such honors as knights kneeling at their feet and pledging obeisances? The humblest of backgrounds could yield the loftiest of fantasies, after all.

Reiner pursed his lips. This wasn't the first time Kuno had alluded to Reiner being 'pretty', but typically that arose from a different sort of banter. They were wont to roleplay, and usually Kuno was 'in character' when he made such comments, or he was teasing Reiner with indictments of femininity that the private would perforce deny. It felt a bit different this time, though he supposed perhaps Kuno was extending the metaphor of Reiner as queen and him as a knight of the royal guard. Whatever his reasons, Reiner was inclined to blush at the description. He turned his face away slightly when his chin was released.

"Well, that's a pretty big deal!" Getting out of his own head, Reiner grinned with pride. "I feel like you'd be an amazing commanding officer! It's only been, like... days, but already lieutenancy suits you. I've already forgotten we were both privates when we met, because it suits you so nicely." He chuckled,

"I suppose it's possible, now that we're wearing the same uniform..." Reiner grinned, "But maybe I'll take you up on that offer of fealty, after all..." He lifted his head and arched his brow, "Take a knee, Ser Konrad the Charismatic..."

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:57 pm
by Rune
It was solidified in that moment that 'majesty' would become one of his permanent nicknames for Reiner. It was even something he could use in public which other people would imagine they understood due to his lofty relations. But it would be something between them that he could use to tease or remind Reiner to be confident in different circumstances.

Kuno's voice remained quiet as he answered,

"I'm just a kid from the old neighborhood too, a street kid more often than not. We can lift ourselves up. That's the promise of Zaichaer, anyone can rise. And we won't let those racist pidge bastards kill that promise. Zaichaer will not die with us, it will rise along side us, stronger than ever."

The words were obvious in their meaning, but there was something behind them; a current, a passion banked to coals that was just beginning to spark fire into green eyes.

When Reiner turned away to compliment him Kuno smiled and scuffed the heel of his boot against the decking in imitation of a shy schoolboy. The truth was that he had been chaffing at not being offered a promotion before disaster struck, he'd applied for the officer program and had high hoped but then the war had broken out. The hope that he'd receive a promotion either as he was shipped out or in the line of duty had been dashed when he'd been assigned to guard the Windworks. Many envied him and while he had no problem being out of the line of fire he knew it would mean a lot of other men getting promotions and honors while he stood around or sometimes ran messages. Except, then the 34th had happened and he'd seen more of combat and been given the opportunity to express enough bravery and sacrifice to last him a lifetime. The long scar on his back was still raised and pink, even if it no longer hurt. It was one of the reasons he faced Reiner when he undressed and hadn't wanted to give up his position as big spoon thus far. It wasn't that he was worried it made him unattractive, but more that he didn't think he would react well to sympathy or even admiration.

"Your highness' authority will have to remain our little secret if we wish it to come to full fruition, which means, outside this cabin, you're still an excellent PFC and I am the only commanding officer aboard wearing the same uniform."

The implication was obvious, and flirtatious, but from the safe distance of both of them having leaned away from their much closer conversation of moments before. When Reiner pushed the roleplay further he arched a brow expressively but then leapt up to one knee quickly enough to startle. Taking Reiner's hand and holding it rested on one palm with the other laid over it he said,

"And what would you have me swear? Faith and Fealty? Love and Loyalty? My Sword and my Life? What would you have of me, Reiner Dornkirk?"

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:14 am
by Reiner Dornkirk
"The promise of Zaichaer lives on..." Reiner agreed, heartily. It was as true as any scientific law. The pidges held dominion in Kalzasi and feigned benevolence, while the same family held the throne for generations, but in Zaichaer? Men like Melchior Dornkirk went from a factory floor in the Grungeworks to a mansion on the West End. The Zaichaeri dream would survive him, and Reiner was confident that he and Kuno would take full advantage of its boons.

"I... understand." Reiner conceded, "I'm just a private and you're a lieutenant. Your authority is sacrosanct, where it applies..." But it would be nice for Reiner to feel like there was more reciprocity.

"We aren't just soldiers in the same military, we're friends, roommates, confidantes, and..." He had to pause to consider what designation might be appropriate to their deep and special bond, ultimately landing on: "Brothers." When Kuno moved from the wall to kneel across from him, Reiner grinned profusely, feeling inclined to get up from his prior position. Even if he was playing the regal role, it felt inappropriate to just lounge there while someone pledged fealty- even if it was only playacting. He didn't want to go so far as to stand, but he did rise to his knees as Kuno took his hand between both of his own.

"I..." The question felt potent. Even if they were roleplaying, he didn't want to get it wrong. He wanted to inhabit his royal role and, to his chagrin, he hadn't prepared for this question in advance. They didn't hail from a monarchic culture, but the State demanded its own brand of fealty and he would derive his answer from the guidance of their glorious Fatherland itself.

"I would have you hold me in similar esteem to the State itself. Zaichaer comes first, but I would come second. I don't want you to be my subject, I want you to be my patriot."

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:25 pm
by Rune
Kuno's patriotism was real, heartfelt and deep, but he was aware of the fact that, deeper than any feelings he had about the glorious and righteous State was his sense of self-preservation. This sense, he also acknowledges with no remorse, often extended into realms which were not purely concerned with survival. Anything he felt he needed, and a reasonable percentage of the things he wanted, were included. So, when Reiner asked him to pledge a loyalty equal to that which the lieutenant held for Zaichaer, it wasn't as though he were even asking for the top spot.

He took a moment though, meeting the other man's eyes as they knelt together, quietly feeling for what he knew of Reiner, and what he did not yet know. It felt solemn, between them, where a moment ago it had been all teasing, but it did not make him uncomfortable and it let the new tone settle around them like a veil over newlyweds kneeling together as their union is blessed.

"I will pledge myself to you, my loyalty equal to that which I hold for my country, if," He paused for a moment to let the words sink in, "You will offer me the same. You will likely rise faster than I, any to loftier places and I swear to support you to, and in, those positions, as in your current one, to the best of my abilities.

Will you accept my pledge and my allegiance, and swear to honor them with your own?"

If Reiner broke, if he laughed or pulled away or answered in some mocking way, Kuno would laugh with him, tease back, release the moment. But if he answered seriously, Kuno would keep his promise and hold Reiner to his, for as long as they both should live.

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:14 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
Reiner had been smiling with cavalier abandon up to the point when Kuno's eyes met his. Then the grin slowly faded from his lips and his impish eyes softened. He realized the lieutenant's hands were warmer than his own which was sandwiched between them. It felt sort of nice, he thought, and Kuno's eyes were a lovely shade of green in the harsh light of the cabin. Part of him felt bashful- like he should cast his eyes down from such an intense gaze, but he knew that he oughtn't if pledges were being made. It felt suddenly less playful.

At Kuno's words, Reiner parted his lips slightly, pausing for a beat before his thoughts found his voice.

"I... don't know that I'll rise as fast as you think. My cousin is probably right to worry about seeming nepotistic, so I reckon I'll have a lot more to prove to advance. But..." He bit his lip, and nodded,

"That being said, I'll pledge myself to you, too." It was only fair and it felt so right in this moment. "You will be as the State to me, and I will swear to support you in your current position and the ones I know you'll rise to quickly, because you're a smart, capable soldier who deserves to rise based on his myriad merits." His fingers curled slightly between Kuno's, as if his instinct was to squeeze his hand even if his palm wasn't well positioned to execute that gesture.

"And I accept your pledge and your allegiance in exchange for my own." It didn't even occur to Reiner to laugh or diminish this moment that had come organically. Even if it had been borne of a jape, it felt momentous now with Kuno on one knee and Reiner on both of his. He wasn't sure words were enough to seal this queer covenant, but neither did he know what would be a fitting means of closing the contract. He almost felt like they should cut their palms and grip hands in a newly forged blood brotherhood, but he'd have been too embarrassed to suggest it in case Kuno still felt they were playacting, or thought the notion childish.

Re: When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 12:56 am
by Rune
When Reiner returned the sentiments that Kuno had both offered and requested the older man did smile, but it was a small thing and not at all teasing. Leaning forward he lifted his top hand off, bowed his head over Reiner's hand still balanced on his own and pressed a dry, close-mouthed kiss over it, as one might kiss a sword when offering service.

Once his head was lifted again he turned his hand slightly so he could grip Reiner's and flipped them over so Kuno's was now on top. He did not say he was waiting for the gesture to be returned, but it was obvious. When Reiner leaned forward, a little hesitant but without having to be further prompted, and Kuno felt the warmth of his lips on his own hand his eyes slid shut.

It was only for the span of time that the kiss lasted that he let himself feel it and what it meant, so, by the time his friend, now honor bound, could see him, his eyes were open and he turned their clasped hands into a gentlemanly handshake.

"Well, that's done. What should we do with the rest of the day?"