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Re: Taking Notice [Pharaoh]

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:31 pm
by Torin Kilvin
Torin was mildly confused by the reactions he was getting from a woman that, admittedly by appearance alone, he had judged to have been a militant type. She was asking about a weapon, which further inclined him in the belief but did not account for her oddities. Perhaps she was not used to dealing with people very much. He had been in that uncomfortable position for most of his life, so he could have sympathy for it. Perhaps she was also not used to purchasing magically enhanced items and was worried she would be taken advantage of if she didn't look like she knew what she was doing.

He tried for a reassuring smile, the type he used when one of his similarly aged friends was worried about something, mixed with his Business expression.

"I've been delving into polearms specifically recently." He spoke calmly, like he might to a horse who wasn't entirely sure it was safe with someone trying to shoe it. "They are my own weapon of choice. Not that I've any cause to use a weapon inside the city walls, of course."

Stepping around her to where the two polearms were being displayed her pointed to the bladed one, "I made this design for a friend who helped me learn, and this," He indicated the hammer-headed one, "I designed for myself. Sort of fits better in my head. Cause I use hammers all the time already."

His laughter was self effacing and he ran a hand through his hair without thinking about how dirty it might be. Timon, who had retreated back behind the counter was doing his best not to actively roll his eyes or bury his head in his arms in shame.

"What sort of enchantment were you looking for? I do a lot of work for House Leukos where I just ensure blades will never go dull or need cleaning, but I've done showier stuff, adding elemental damage or bleeding. Anything you can think of really, I can probably figure it out."

It was only very mildly inaccurate, there were things runeforging could not do, but most people did not think far enough outside the realms of what they knew to consider such things.

It was obvious that he was much more comfortable talking about his work than he had been in the market, his shoulders were relaxed and he seemed at once less consciously aware of his surroundings and more subconsciously comfortable in them.

Re: Taking Notice [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:24 pm
by Pharaoh
"Certainly not!" Merrieth chuckled, perhaps too hard, at the notion of using polearms inside the city proper. "I've not tangled with the Avialae constabulary, and I'd prefer to keep it that way!" She was tall and broad for a human female, but nowhere approaching the titanic proportions of the Kalzasern royal race. Their added advantage of extra appendages, which afforded the opportunity for aerial attacks, only made them more daunting as adversaries. No, she was not eager to get into an altercation with one of those. If she was to use a weapon within the city, a dagger or short sword was a far superior option. Much easier to conceal or even discard as needed.

Rather than another booming laugh, it was more of a girlish giggle that answered Torin's explanation for crafting himself a war hammer.

"That makes sense!" She grinned, "Your muscles are used to the weight and the arc, I'll wager." At the question as to what she was seeking, Merrieth paused looking like a startled doe for a brief moment as she realised she may actually need to buy something to maintain this rouse. Fortunately, being the frugal sort she was, she had quite a war chest stowed away from lean living and high ticket contracts. She considered what might actually be of use.

"Actually..." After pondering his examples, her mind took her down a different route. "I'm a merc, so... the kind of work I do calls for a certain degree of... anonymity. Sometimes we go after people with powerful friends, and its best our work be difficult to trace. I don't suppose you'd be able to do anything that would prevent Semblers from tracing the source of wounds dealt by the blade? Better yet if it can shield a given area for the duration it's present..."

Merrieth didn't know a ton about magic or its cryptic laws, but she knew it was a danger that she preferred to avoid as one unable to practise a Craft of her own.

Re: Taking Notice [Pharaoh]

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:03 pm
by Torin Kilvin
The request was not one the runesmith had been expecting, and while he tried to keep his slight discomfort from his face he was not wholly successful. That he could do such a thing, ideas on how and what would be required to make it work, came to him immediately. But the reasons one might need such a tool set alarms going off in his simple, upstanding citizen's mind.

Ironically, the idea of making such a weapon for Aurin sprang easily into place without any of the reservations making one for this mercenary woman did. Except that Aurin was a master Sembler and if he did not want to leave a trace of his actions behind he could choose that all on his own.

The previous suggestion that this woman had not, and did not wish to, but also seemed fully willing if required, to attack the Winged Guard did not help her case. Mercenary work was not automatically illegal, and most of the ones he knew of did work to protect various goods or people, but this did not sound like that sort of work. It sounded like the sort that had so traumatized the good woman Torin now employed as a washer woman and general housekeeper. Not wanting to insult a potential customer, nor a woman who made her living by acts of exacting violence he moved away till he was standing behind the counter and pulled out a ledger book that was used to keep track of the orders already placed.

"Let me see..." He hummed to himself as he flipped pages. Timon, who was peering out from the small store room, winced as the older man's soot and grease stained fingers left smudges on his carefully scribed pages. "Looks like I could begin work on a new project sometime in mid-Frost." He smiled apologetically and it was more genuine than feigned. His ability to make single items for individuals was always at the mercy of his contract to House Leukos, and the delay would give him time to discuss the matter with a few people who might advise him on how legally liable he was for the use of the things he created.

Pulling out a smaller pad of paper he took the time to wipe his hands on a rag that hung from his belt before retrieving a charcoal pencil and looking back to Merrieth.

"We can start the design now though, if you'd like, so I can source any material needed and be ready to begin as soon as my other orders are out of the way." He sketched down a few basic pole arm shapes for her to choose from. Once they had a basic idea they could go into as much detail as she wanted.

Re: Taking Notice [Pharaoh]

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:05 pm
by Pharaoh
Torin's efforts to conceal his discomfort, however middling, were successful on Merrieth. Her eyes didn't happen to be on his face at that moment, but rather his chest. It wasn't until the smith spoke again, that she lifted her gaze to meet his once more.

She stalked over to the counter, peripherally perusing the flutter of pages and feeling the light breeze they fanned into life as it wafted up to her face.

"Mid-Frost will suit me." She said without a moment's hesitation. In truth, a delay served her purposes more than a quick turnaround. A longer process gave her more time to curry his attention... perchance to convert it into affection. Perhaps, dare she dream, this was even a sign that he was keen to keep her around. An ill-evidenced supposition, but one which felt vindicated when Torin mentioned that they might start right in on the design. He might have just sent her away, but nae... Her smile broadened as she nodded.

"Aye, that would be smashing." She made her way around to his side of the counter, letting (or really making) their shoulders touch as the man began to sketch options with deft ease.

"Aren't you a talent? I've no eye for sketches, myself. Every animal I've ever drawn looks like a half-dead horse, and every weapon I've ever drawn looks like one of my animals..." She squinted and pursed her lips slightly. "That one." She gestured decisively, before he continued down the plentiful path of polearms. "The partisan." She liked the symmetry of it, and there was a bit of a flourish to Torin's interpretation that particularly appealed.

"Perhaps we could discuss further details a bit later on, over a drink? On me. When do you close up shop?"

Re: Taking Notice [Pharaoh]

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 3:22 pm
by Rune


Points: 15, may be used for Runeforging

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: Sorry this one got away from me.

Mod XP: Pharoah - 14