Waking the Woods [Rickter]

In which Hilana meets a bona fide wolf.

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Hilana Chenzira
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Location: Solunarium
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3526
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Letters: viewtopic.php?t=5196


As Rick explained the names, Hilana repeated his explanations, a barely audible murmur. Aijin for lover, part of his heart. Shinzo. Ikari for wrath, with an attitude. And Kaminari, for loudness and energy. Thunder. “Maybe he was born in a storm,” the girl offered. She had been, though it was considered a bad omen in Solunarium. “Is that considered to be a good sign, where you are from?” Her head tilted with curiosity. As he named them, with such descriptions and explanations… she wondered if they were people in the waking world, too. Perhaps they were. Or perhaps he dreamed enough for them to be regularly present. “They are beautiful, and I am glad that you have your pack. We all need one, don’t we?”

She listened as he talked about the missing members of his pack, her big brown eyes never leaving his face as she considered. They had only been taken from him because they were already separated. “They will find their way back to you,” she said with a nod. “It may take a while. But you will be together again and your pack will be as it should be. But the waiting is the hardest part,” the look on her face seemed to suggest that was certainly the hardest part for her. “My grandmother always told me that water never waits,” Hilana was reflective. “Listen for the packsong.”

The Vastiana nodded as he explained how he had arrived at that well-made informed guess. “I’ve been told by some of my uncles that I am not a hot mess, but I am a spicy disaster,” she at least looked a bit embarrassed at that admission, but the girl was honest and there was no guile to her in that admission. Inasmuch as she did her best to prepare when she went somewhere... Hilana sometimes attracted trouble. While the last two years had been largely uneventful while she was in Tertium, now that she had some free rein again...

When he explained that she needed to be spiritually open to this, the girl considered, and nodded solemnly. What harm could it do? At Rick’s instructions, the girl closed her eyes and lowered her hands down, palms open, in case the wolves that clustered around the girl and the Wolf wanted them, too. But with that, she breathed, her stance calm and relaxed, focusing on Rick. On his scent, on how close he was to her, on how tall he was. What he looked like, on his clothes, the colour of his hair, the colour of his eyes, and what he sounded like. On the emotions that had come out while they talked, on the way he smirked and smiled.

That was a bit of a funny feeling, and the girl wasn’t convinced that it hadn’t been part of the Dream, but perhaps it was indeed something more. For when he spoke again, she opened her eyes and looked up at him, smiling back up at him. “Gratias. I thank you,” she told him, bowing her head to him. She didn’t have any such gifts that she could give in exchange; not a girl like her, but in time... perhaps she would. “I can whistle,” she chuckled. “But I cannot say your pack would like it if I did right now, would you?” she smiled down at the enormous beasts with their thick fur and bright eyes. “But if I whistle, then I will do my best to make sure that I have something on hand to return the favour with,” she found his much larger hands in hers and squeezed them. As different as they were in size, the girl had some grip to her - she worked hard, and there was perhaps some muscle underneath the soft dusky skin and those curves.

“Is it true that sound carries more in the north because it is so cold?” Hilana asked him. “I heard from a sailor in the port when I was young that it got so cold up the northlands that you could hear someone talking from ten miles away.”

word count: 705
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Title: Dabu
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Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Rickter tilted his head a bit when Hilana expressed the idea of Kaminari being born in a storm, a little amused if not curious of the idea himself now that she'd posed it. "I couldn't say honestly." He admitted with a friendly smirk to the next part of her question. "Those born during thunderstorms are destined to be fierce, maybe even temperamental, at least that's how most of the people where I'm from see it." The wolf ruminated as he reflected on the culture of his homeland, bearing in mind how close the Avialae people were to the sky itself.

"Thank you." He expressed appreciation for her compliments, intent to remember her kindness even, for it was a rare and genuine thing in the waking world. "Packs are the family we choose for ourselves, be it by blood or bond, they're what give us purpose in our lives." He ruminated when she asked the question, admittedly proud of the bunch he'd come to call his own pack to say the least.

When she expressed her belief in the rest of his packmates returning, he nodded in full agreement in regards to the waiting part. That had to be the hardest thing he did, was wait for the better outcomes to follow, and hope that one day his dream of being whole once more came true. "Your grandmother sounds like a wise woman." He offered in a complimentary tone of voice, still rather appreciative of Hilana's candor even as a steady fog started to roll through.

He could also feel his grip on the moment starting to slip, indicating that he was likely due to awaken in the material world soon. Rickter credibly laughed when the lady mentioned what her uncles referred to her as, suspicious of the fact one such as her could really be such a thing. He'd been a walking disaster himself over the past few months, and working to rectify that had been a bit of a challenge already. Regardless his mind and heart were on a set path now, not at war with one another like they used to be. Thus when he carried out his idea and felt a connection forge between them, he smiled back down to the woman, briefly raising an eyebrow when he heard her express thanks in her native tongue.

"They'd probably howl in response." he admitted with a thoughtful look to them, surprised to see that they already started to wander off into the boreal fog surrounding them. "I wouldn't worry about that," he quickly remarked after she mentioned a favor, "just knowing you'd be safe would be favor enough." He found comfort when she took his hands, the broad smile he wore genuinely wider when he squeezed her hands gently in return. Her's were rough but not as rough as his, having spent years toiling on the docks of Kalzasi, as well as laboring with weaponry as a mercenary.

When she asked the inquiry of sound and the cold, the wolf raised his eyebrows for a moment before looking upward. He needed a moment to think on that, before answering as the fog drew closer around them. "Sometimes, yes." He answered with another grin. "When the waters of Lake Udori freeze and it gets quiet, you can literally hear the howls of the wind across the ice." He shared with a side glance at the swirling fog around them, a soft chuckle given as he felt lighter than usual just now.

"I think this is all the time we have for now, Hilana, but remember that whenever you need me..." He left off there as the fog soon veiled his form, and the feeling of the Vastiana's warmth gradually wore away from his hands. Rickter felt that she knew, or at least would know, what he would mean before they finally separated. Having awoken from the dream himself afterward, he rose from the comfort of his bed with a thoughtful look down at one of the palm's of his hands.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
word count: 722
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Name: Rickter

XP: 0 Points
Lore: 2 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Name: Hilana

XP: 0 Points
Lore: 2 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Notes: What a fun thread this was! They both learned a bit about each other, and if she needs him... he's a whistle away.
word count: 68
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