[Open] checkpoint delta

shadow and mistspawn creatures attack a checkpoint.

High City of the Northlands

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Location: The Northlands of Karnor
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Talon eyed the demonic tavern warily. His hesitation was only mildly assuaged when Franky made his declaration. He would keep that in mind. He still was not keen on the idea of setting foot inside a building that could up and eat everyone inside at a moment’s notice. However, seeing the people go in and out of it helped make the idea more palatable.

“Nothing.” He looked to Aoren and Mathias who were not entirely convinced, especially given Franky’s advice. The three of them went inside, waiting patiently as Franky visited with the small goblin girl. Seeing her so terribly marred by the horrors that had been unleashed upon Zaichaer only served to convince Talon that he had done the right thing. He knew the role that Franky had played in bringing about this destruction. That did not mean he took pleasure in the devastation that other had been made to suffer as a result.

“Thank you for the offer, Miss. I am fine but water for my companions might be appreciated.” He looked to Aoren and Mathias who both nodded. Mathias looked around the room. Talon could see upon the young man’s face an echo of recognition. He had no doubt that Mathias was no stranger to the needs of people on such a large scale. He had, after all, grown up among the disenfranchised masses of Gel’Grandal.

“Mathias?” The young man looked at him.

“I think I am going to see what I can help with around here.” Talon nodded. He glanced at Aoren who returned his look with a nod of his own. The large Kathar warrior set off to lend a hand where a hand was needed alongside Mathias. Their help might not be welcome but they would at least try.

He followed Franky then watched curiously as the man reached into his own shadow. It was a place that he could not see, for there was no light within it through which he could see. Still, he would not jump to conclusions any more than he had reason to.

“Food and water.” He cut straight to the heart of the matter. “I do not have mass quantities that can solve these issues overnight. What I do have, however, are skills. Resources. Tools. Things that can make food and water more accessible and quick enough to spare the survivors here the worst of the effects of famine and drought.”

He was already formulating an idea in his head. It would require that he take a look at what was achievable through the use of both Runeforging and Alchemy. Such feats were not beyond him, they would simply require that he be creative which was not something he lacked for.

“There is also the matter of shelter.” He would have to coordinate with others but he could already think of a few possible solutions to that particular matter.

“Building materials will be difficult to transport in the winter conditions. The roads and trade routes will be blocked. I do not have the power to suddenly banish winter. What I do have, is the power to open doors. Doors to places where resources such as wood, stone, minerals, all can be gathered in order to start rebuilding.” He did not imagine that Zaichaer was lacking in brave souls. Talon certainly had it within his power to open doorways to the elemental planes of Wood, Earth and even Metal. He would simply have to pinpoint the planar coordinates across the Slipspace. That would require he consult the Circle of Spells but such was the nature of the task. The elemental planes were infinite and he certainly would not be the first to come up with the idea of excavating them. Kalzasi made use of the quasi-elemental spaces in the Warrens when the need arose. This would be similar.

“I imagine that the majority of the people in your care are not fighters by choice but by necessity. If you have the laborers, I can provide access to these resources and the warriors to protect them.” The Dawnmartyrs were an order who had spent the vast majority of its history performing humanitarian efforts. The Knights had grown in number and he could certainly commit a portion of the soldiers of House Novalys to bolster their protection.

“This aid is, of course, not charity. Compensation would be expected from the capital that the Guild of Coins has afforded you.”
word count: 750
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Franky watched as Talon's companions left them to go provide aid. Meriel would put them to task quickly and where they could help best. She had been the head of Franky's service staff before, and was easily befriended and highly efficient. If someone wanted to help, she'd know the best way for them to do so.

He appreciated Talon cutting to the chase, as he watched with his burned out demonic eyes, listened with the scarred lumps that were left of his ears. Food and water would be highly helpful, it would keep the people from falling further into anarchy and abandoning what little semblance of cohesion Franky had managed to rebuild here. He listened, not entirely unfamiliar with the brandishing of magic for handling resources, it was something the Imperium was quite adept at, even if he himself did not know the specifics of the logistics.

Perhaps it was time to learn.

A group of militia members walked through the room, wielding bats with nails and other impromptu weapons, and Franky held up a hand. "Chekov, what were you before the blast?"


Franky looked at an elf, "Hurik?"

"Mould carver in the Grunge."

A pair of twin human women, "Lyda, Anita?"

"Carpenter." "Mason."

He nodded in thanks to them, looking back to Talon as the group moved out to go on their patrol, "We have almost no soldiers here. The people of the Knob were the laborers for Zaichaer. They powered the Grungeworks, they handled transport, shipping, building, production, all with a boot on their throat."

His face grew more somber, "None of them wished to spill a drop of blood. They never should've had to." He shook it off, "If you've got work, we've got laborers."

"Of course. Charity wouldn't be helpful in the grand scheme of things, would only weaken the already tattered relations of Karnor. I'm sure we can come to an amicable arrangement." Franky continued to ponder, "Bringing in outside forces to provide protection would be beneficial in the short term." He gestured around them, "The shadow beings are a more placated in this portion of the city, but the mistborn, the mutants, those things crawling out of the caves... well, it's a tall order for any trained forces, let alone the civilians here."

Franky's face twisted as he was thinking, "Help would be well received, but if they are bearing Kalzasern markings, it could just as easily lead to a panic. After all, many do believe this to be retaliation for the attack on your wedding." Franky knew that statement would carry a lot of weight, for he himself was the reason why many in Zaichaer thought Kalzasi behind the devastation.

"The agreement would have to include a hard end date for the forces sent to help, regardless of the state of things. But maybe..." Franky's head cocked a bit as a new idea worked its way into his head, "Maybe we have a way to unite Karnor without making it a south versus north situation as it has been for so long."

"If we can create a peacekeeping force of Kalzasi and Zaichaeri, and the other villages, to come in and provide the necessary aid and protection, it would certainly not be perceived as a continuance of aggression. And if we are successful in that endeavor..:" The beginning of a new plan was forming behind his eyes, "Perhaps that force could then be tasked with providing protection for a new crown jewel of Karnor, one built by all northern cities, one that is new, neutral, and serves as a centerpiece for bringing everyone to the table."

He looked over at Talon directly in the eyes, "Zaichaer and Karnor are under massive threat from within right now, but we both know the bigger threat lies without."

Franky nodded, "We can make all of this work. I'll secure footing with whatever new government rises from these ashes, and from there, begin using the funding I've secured to rebuilt. Once Zaichaer is free of the immediate threats," he looked out the window now, up at the gash in the sky, "And once I've fixed that damned thing," looking back to Talon, "Then we can start the next steps forward toward actual unity."

He crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair, "Is that something you could get behind? Something you'd be willing to Sacrifice with us for?" He waited, wondering if Shaeoth would be coming after all. Franky decided to make another Sacrifice himself, reaching once more into his shadow, not attempting to hide it from Talon. A thought sent to the other god, 'I'm ready to accept your curse.'

word count: 814
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Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10, may not be used for magic

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: N/A

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: Talon doing Talon things.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10, may not be used for magic

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: N/A

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: The Final Review of Franky. May he rest in peace.
word count: 115
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