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Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:49 pm
by Læbirius
☠ Læbirius P. ☠
☠ 22nd of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Umbrium Nobility | Thoughts: Dont make a fool of yourself | Mood: Anxious, Nervous


He was honored by the words of the draconic prince and his consort. They truly honored him with their words. He was finally getting a bit more comfortable around them, knowing when he was rambling or trailing on in the conversation. He pondered what a life of designing and tailoring would afford him. He didn't know how to feel about the acknowledgment that being from Kalzasi was something of a sweeping trend here, he didn't want to be some conversation piece of the court.

He looked between the two as he rubbed the location of his Mesmer rune, trying to find the words to express his reasoning for his stay. "My mother....her death is what has brought me here." he began looking down at the floor for a moment, a sense of nostalgia for the boy as he remembered the days when he and his mother were healing others or learning of magic and medicine under the stars.

"I had been living with a warrior who found me after my mother's death and had been learning and training alongside him, until my father came and brought me here. It was a rough transition at first but I'm starting to get used to living here. Granted going from living a common life to that of nobility is quite the culture shock you could imagine." he mused, though something had begun to dawn on him. He hadn't introduced himself. His nerves flared up for a moment as he fidgeted with his clothing a bit.

"My apologies I realized in all my nervousness to not make a fool of myself I forgot to introduce myself. I am Phozenzia Len’Nagarath Læbirius. I apologize for the discourtesy, I do hope you can forgive me." he noted, bowing once more to the two. A server with a tray of drinks came to them, and Læbirius took a flute. Taking a sip he allowed the unique flavors to settle on his tongue before asking another question of the couple. "I take it you two are mages of some caliber? I have come to notice magic is a way of life here, albeit different in how it's a way of life in Kalzasi."

His golden eyes shifted between the two men, eager to know more about them.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
[A S S E M B L Y]

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:24 pm
by Finn
Finn was a touch confused by the man. Of course, Arry had become Arvælyn, so he knew exactly how it felt to go from common to noble—royal, even. And Finn had gone from minstrel to bard, from bowing and scraping to his betters to a magnatus, partly due to his association with Arvælyn, of course, but also due in no small part to his skill, his magical acumen, and his deeds with the Silver Sentinels. If only a small, select few knew that Aværys Himself had deigned to mark him, well, that was a leap in social standing that he didn't feel the need to take any time soon.

But Len’Nagarath... From what Finn understood of Hytori and Solunarian naming conventions, that made this elf a commoner still. Or, perhaps, his family was in disgrace as he had witnessed of Khyan not long after he had arrived. He made a mental note to seek Khyan out, to find what had become of him. Perhaps he could even purchase him and hope that his life as a servus might not be so terrible if owned by a friend, or perhaps he could grant him manumission and start him on a path upward once more.

In any case, he wasn't going to comment on the inconsistencies in the man's story. There might have been something he himself was missing, not being a native himself.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Læbirius. My amatus is indeed a doughty mage, having diversified since his arrival." He cast a fond smile at Arvælyn, so glad that the trials of his threshold sickness were past. "And I suppose one can guess where my powers lie given the magical penchants of artists in Solunarium, and now they call me Farstrider for good reason."

Perhaps when he strode far—back to Kalzasi to visit family and friends—he would offer to take Læbirius with him. It would be much faster traversing that distance through gates than by any other means, and he supposed he would offer to carry diplomatic documents for Phocion, et cetera, et cetera. One ought to be pragmatic about such things.

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:52 am
by Arvælyn
The mention of transitioning from common to noble was enough to prick Arvælyn's humour toward an uninhibited guffaw, before he noted the eyes the volume drew and stifled it toward more genteel peels of laughter. Perhaps that moment of indelicacy was, in itself, a reflection of his own less than aristocratic past.

"I need not imagine, sirrah..." The prince chuckled, sensing a similar train of thought (albeit perhaps not as great amusement) in his amatus. He didn't make a habit of sharing much about his squalid past, but he would at least allude to it in mixed company by saying: "My path was not bereft of brazen twists and transitions."

At the revelation of his name, Arvælyn too noted the prefix applied to his family nomen, which implied bastardy in this culture. He'd once grudgingly taken the nomen of Len'Sorokys himself, before being adopted into the House of Sol'Zalkyrion. Base birth stood to reason, as he bore half rather than full-elven features. There were marks of the Vastii upon his face, but that didn't preclude nobility. His mother might have been a Patrician in her own right, or his father may have taken the unusual but not unheard-of measure of petitioning the Crown to adopt Læbirius into higher esteem. Solunarium bore byzantine laws, to his consistent frustration, but he was learning them as best he could and it was helpful to meet people who represented the summaries and statistics about which he read. It was easier to process people than pages, he found.

"I practise Masquerade and Kinetics, but Mesmer is my principal Craft. I am given to understand Elementalism will be expected of me, as well. Family tradition, you understand..." The vertical slit pupils of his fiery eyes darted briefly to the attending servus and he exchanged his empty crystal for a fresh one.

"And what of you?"

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:05 am
by Læbirius
☠ Læbirius P. ☠
☠ 22nd of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Umbrium Nobility | Thoughts: Dont make a fool of yourself | Mood: Anxious, Nervous


"More mesmer practitioners. I see I am in good company" he mused, taking a sip from his flute. He had yet to make use of the rune since his mother died, but he knew eventually he would have to use it, it would be inevitable here for him. He rubbed the cardinal rune that lay on his dominant hand which was holding the flute of alcohol.

When the question was turned on him, he smiled nervously as he looked to the back of his right hand. "As far as cardinal runes go, I too am a practitioner of Mesmer." he noted, showing the back of his hand where his rune was, the mark an ethereal and hauntingly luminescent green.

"However, I also dabble in world magics more. Necromancy, Runeforging, Scrivening, but alas I have mediocre skill in those arcane arts. I haven't used my rune of Mesmer since the passing of my mother, as she was the one who initiated me into the magic. Though I do have a mentor in those world magics, he is rather proficient if I do say so myself." he added, giving a smile to both men. "Though I wouldn't mind having someone show me how to use mesmer" he proposed, then realizing that he may have overstepped in assuming the Draconian prince and his mate would ever teach him.

"Though I wouldn't presume that I would be so privileged as to be trained by you or mate?" he struggled with that word, but he knew what he was trying to say. He was relaxed but he hoped the other two could continue to steer the conversation. He wasn't sure how to deal with royals, and the fact he was taking to the heir of the Umbrium throne scared him greatly.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
[A S S E M B L Y]

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:00 pm
by Finn
Finn was only half-done with his drink, being cautious, and so he only smiled briefly at the servus with the tray before shaking his head. Then he turned his attention back to the conversation. He had tried to explain to Prince Vrædyn how the Rune of Mesmer made people in Kalzasi nervous, never sure if their will was their own, and he was still trying to wrap his head around the idea that here it was considered the Rune of Control and that people expected the Sovereign and the Pontifex to be Grandmasters of that Craft. To Finn's mind, regal and religious authority ought not rely on mesmeric magic, but this was not his village on Lake Udori.

He laughed—almost too heartily—at being called Arvælyn's mate. It hadn't been so very long ago that the dragon prince's recuperation and transformation had finished and they had been reunited and—well, mate was a good word for what had followed.

"They keep me rather too busy to train anyone in magic and, honestly, I wouldn't trust myself to. I was an indifferent student and mastery of the craft doesn't necessarily infer mastery of teaching. But there are certainly excellent teachers to be had in Solunarium." His own had been Silver Sentinels, and while they had only taught him subtleties of his first Rune, they had brought him to his full potential with his second with rather astonishing speed.

But it did seem as though he was falling behind the curve, even having mastered two Runes. Perhaps he truly ought to consider another. He would speak to Arvælyn about it, and perhaps with Prince Vrædyn or even Aværys Himself. He had only ever wanted to be a bard and he had finally achieved that. But now he was also a warrior, an adjudicator, an Empyrean, and consort to a miraculous prince. He had big shoes to fill and various roles. Another magical tool in his belt wouldn't go amiss, surely.

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:01 pm
by Arvælyn
Arvælyn would have likely let that one pass unremarked upon, if Finn hadn't exploded in such profuse laughter. Instead, he chuckled as well.

"Amatus." He corrected, "It sort of has 'mate' in the middle there, if that helps you remember. A lot of Common words seem to have Vastian roots, I've found. Perhaps due to sprawling imperial period..." That was certainly how it was framed by Solunarian texts and teachers, though he supposed it was possible that Vastian was more influenced by Common than the other way around. Whatever the case, there were plenty of cognates (or almost cognates) to help accelerate the expansion of one's Vastian vocabulary.

"I'm afraid that's true of me, as well." Arvælyn tacked on to Finn's begging off of the role of pædagogus to their new acquaintance. "My father may have claimed half the kingdom, but he is largely relying upon me to be the face of the draconic Crown." He wondered whether this was one of the many tests and trials he'd unwittingly been put through for his entire life, or whether it was actually a means of easing the transition. The dragons wore elven faces in public settings when they deigned to make appearances, and Arvælyn was the only person alive who shared the blood of Aværys and Zalkyrion... At least the only person alive of whom he was aware. Solunarium did have a proven track record of hidden offspring being used as secret weapons in political machinations. He supposed he and Prince Arkænyn might not be the end to that trend.

"Have you considered enrolling in the Academia Arcanum?" Judging by his fine dress and the fact that he rated an invitation to this gathering at all seemed to suggest Læbirius was not without resources and connections. Beyond that, as he understood it, the Academia took on students of promising arcane talent regardless of caste... Though he expected the conditions faced once enrolled were quite disparate between students of lower and higher castes.

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:16 am
by Læbirius
☠ Læbirius P. ☠
☠ 22nd of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Umbrium Nobility | Thoughts: Dont make a fool of yourself | Mood: Anxious, Nervous


He was hoping he hadn't made a fool of himself but there was no way to know for certain. Given both the prince and his amatus didn't seem offended he could only surmise he was still in good graces with the dragon prince. He listened to both men speak, regarding their words and what he would say next, first addressing Finn.

"I can see how that could put a damper on taking on any perspective students even if you did want to teach your craft. For both you and your Amatus." he retorted, tapping the bottom of his chin as he pondered if Varinios would know of any capable teachers for him. Looking at Arvælyn he held a look of somewhat pity? No, it wasn't that, but maybe something along those lines.

"I can only imagine the amount of stress that could put on a person, taking up the burdens of their father. I can relate somewhat, but never on the scale you must be going through. Everyone in attendance is here to praise you, get close to you, and incur your favor. I don't think I would have the mental fortitude to withstand such a heavy mantle. Not knowing who is truly in your corner genuinely, or simply because they wish to gain something from you." he realized he may have overstepped at that point and bowed.

"My apologies your Exalted Highness, I hope I have not offended." he apologized, now wishing for a gaping maw to open in the floor and devour him. Hearing the Dragon prince speaking on an academy, Lae seemed to tilt his head a bit, unfamiliar with the name. "I don't believe I have yet to come across such an institution, though you now have my interest." he tipped his flute to both men, his golden eyes fixed on the Dragon prince, then to his amatus.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
[A S S E M B L Y]

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:51 pm
by Finn
"And such a lovely face it is," he murmured into his glass before taking a sip, admiring his lover's profile. It had been beautiful before, and it was beautiful now, albeit changed. Though his symphony was obscured, Finn felt a tremor through it; he was going to have to figure out how to extend his life to at least elven lengths if he was going to stay with Arvælyn. It wasn't pride; he knew that if he was suddenly taken away, his lover's foundation would be cracked in twain. If he had half the kingdom on his slender shoulders, Finn's premature death could endanger the nation.

Aværys was right: Finn was important.

His gaze returned to Læbirius.

"I would say 'tis the equivalent of the Circle of Spells in Kalzasi, though I wouldn't say it to a Solunarian born and raised. They do hate the comparisons, even if 'tis helpful to Kalzasern immigrants. Suffice it to say... you would be wise to investigate them as a means to educate yourself." He smiled.

It surprised him that nobody had found away to interrupt Læbirius yet; Arvælyn's attention was sought after and the parties were almost as dangerous as swimming in the Vasta with the crocodiles. In fact, Finn would rather swim in the river with the crocodiles some days, especially given he could charm them into seeing him as a friend rather than food. Now if only he could do the same with the dragons—with natural charm rather than Mesmer. He did not want any of them to think he was trying to manipulate them. Even Aværys was serious when it came to Zalkyriax and his brood.

Læbirius seemed fearful of offending, though he didn't suppose that was due to Arvælyn's draconic visage. The crown prince was powerful enough to ruin his life if he chose, whether he was what he was or of pure elven stock.

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:05 pm
by Arvælyn
"Well..." Arvælyn's grin broadened impishly, "One of the boons of being a Grandmaster of our common Craft is that I very rarely need to question people's intentions wonder after their ulterior motives. It's useful, but daunting once you realise how many people see you as a means to an end... I often recognise it before they do." He wrinkled his nose, though his visage relaxed when Finn complimented it.

"Caw!" The utterance felt like an odd anachronism as soon as it crossed Arvælyn's tongue. He half halted the word, monosyllabic though it was, and then chuckled at that little echo of a far humbler past that had slipped into the current conversation. Finn's silly flattery was enough to make it feel forgivable, and he chuckled thereafter.

"Not at all." He waved a dismissive hand at the notion of brooking any offence at Læbirius' line of conversation.

"I can't say I know much about the Circle of Spells. I didn't rate as highly in the realm of the Avialæ, and there were a great many resources to which I lacked access abroad. And obviously I didn't attend the Academia Arcanum, but I'm told it is very popular amongst mages of more prominent families as well as those who bear inherent natural talent, irrespective of caste." That Læbirius was here seemed to indicate that he at least fell into the former camp. Perhaps their new acquaintance's family were not quite as aggressively ambitious as his own (that was hardly a surprise, given all he'd learned of late), and hadn't been as focused on his assimilation. He did seem rather out-to-sea, which was all too familiar.

"I know there are campuses in both the Umbrium and the Luxium, so there's that..." Less for Arvælyn to worry about, at least, as he spent the bulk of his days focusing on the nuances of the impending transition of power.

Re: Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:41 am
by Læbirius

Both men gave their opinions on the Academia Arcanum, and it did remind him of the Circle of Spells in Kalzasi, but it seemed to be a school of the rich and privileged, and he wasn't sure if his humble beginnings would allow him to fit in there among the other students. That and the fact he didn't have the time to do so, at least not yet anyway. He would be leaving in the coming future for Drathera and Varinios and Taidryn.

"I thank you for your input, I'll definitely have to look into it, once I return from my archeological endeavor outside of the city." he noted, just now realizing that the entirety of the guests had their eyes on them. No, they weren't looking at all three of them, no their eyes were all trained on him specifically. He could see many different emotions across the faces of those close enough. Between whispers and discerning looks Lae felt like he now had a target on his back.

He couldn't allow them to know they had unnerved him, and he remained calm and tried to continue on with the conversation with the prince and his consort. "It seems I have incurred the ire of the entire room." he chuckled nervously in his elven tongue. He was terrified of what could come of this, some part of him, deep beneath the surface of his current demeanor, was delighted, reveling in the fact that the one person they all came to see was enthralled in conversation with him. He wondered what they would do now.

It seemed to him that no one wanted to make a move or interrupt, and if they remained idle when would simply continue to hog the prince and his mate for himself, as right now, they were the only familiar comfort Lae had at the present moment. But even he knew that moments like this would be best left wanting more, and he decided that it may be best to free the prince so they can continue their duties as the guest of honor. He knelt down in front of both of them, head bowed low and respectfully. "Though I may not be of use now, In time, if you ever need me, I will be here for you."

As he declared this he could hear the whispers and murmurs increase, a faint but genuine smile on his face as he stood in front of the royal couple. "I do hope we can come to be the greatest of friends." he added as he bowed to them once more.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

[A S S E M B L Y]