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Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:53 am
by Paragon
Novuril was pulled from its scabbard. The platinum blade was swung and upon striking the creature of shadow, a being spawned from the very essence of the Void itself, driven by darkness and with a hunger for suffering and pain, the Blade of Light sang to life. Light, gold and silver flared and in an instant, the creature made of shadow saw a chunk of its mass burned away in the flames of a Dawnfire that seared with a startling purity. Tendrils that had begun to race toward Iselya in an effort to pierce the knight were reduced to mere ash. The body of the shadowy creature saw a hole burned into its form and it emit an echoing howl that sounded as though it were a whale beneath an ocean of dark waters. The creature reared away from Iselya, its form retreating into the blackness of the dark night.

Iselya would land on the cobblestones of the courtyard. Unharmed. Her bones vibrated with power. The Emblem upon her glowed with renewed intensity. Novuril was ready to smite the darkness around them. It was ready to be wielded. It was ready to unleash righteous fury upon this tide of shadow that did not belong in the world.

But as the dark creature writhed and withdrew, wounded and recoiling from the light of that legendary blade…another figure stepped forward.

“Cheater!” They popped out of the shadow of a nearby rooftop. An oddly dressed individual in the garb of what could only be described as a Court Jester. Their posture was rigid. Their arms folded over their chest as though Iselay had caused grave offense, giving the impression of pouting. Their face was a colorful mask of bone white paint and gaudy colors.

“You cheated!” The Jester pointed an accusing finger at Iselya. They stomped one of their feet and jabbed the finger at Iselya again. “You weren’t supposed to have that sword! That’s no fair!”

They huffed and tossed their head in an exaggeration of exasperation.

“Well!” They put their hands on their hips. A mad grin stretched across their face. A grin that was too wide for anything natural.

“Two can play that game.” They emit a cackle and threw out their hands. In a startling assault, Lyra would find her mind bombarded with a barrage of powerful mind magic. An oily, slippery presence branched its way into her thoughts, latching on to the connection she had forged with the others present in the courtyard and through her, prying its way into the minds of all that were connected.

Off Topic
Please perform the following actions for all Player Characters and Non-Player Character Companions participating in this thread, bearing the associated information in mind:

Using the /roll function in the Discord server, roll 2d20. Use the LOWER of the two numbers.
Note: Iselya and Lyra, roll 2d20 and take the HIGHER of the two numbers.

-Everyone connected to Lyra automatically gets +1 to their roll.
-If you possess the Rune of Nyx, subtract (1) from your roll for every Tier of Mastery above Novice to a Max. of -5 (Apprentice to Grandmaster).
-If you have the Rune of Mesmer, you may add (1) to your roll for every Tier of Mastery above Novice to a Max. of +5 (Apprentice to Grandmaster).
-If you possess the Emblem of Eminence, Supremacy, or Happenstance, you may add (1) to your roll for every Tier of Faith that the mark is at to a Max of +4 (Acolyte to Herald).

BEFORE your next post, forward the roll totals to me. This should include your player-character and any associated NPC Companions that have accompanied you.

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 11:14 pm
by Hikami
龍 70th of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S 龍
Company: Rickter & Crew | Thoughts: This may be fun | Mood: Excited

Hikami was focused, blasting away at the amalgamation of darkness, and there was a lot going on that he couldn't afford to split his focus on. Between the newcomers and the change in its attack patterns, Hikami had his mental hands full. He continued his assault, pelting the amalgamation with icy blasts and shredding winds. He could feel the gist of the plan for taking down the abomination so he continued doing what he was doing.

He had no idea what was unfolding as he watched the one newcomer, a woman clad in silver armor slice off a part of the demon tide with a unique sword. He was impressed, and the more he looked at the blade the more it stirred something within him. He couldn't place it but something in him had seen that blade before. Suddenly he was overtaken by a vision, one in which he saw glimpses of people and places he had not recognized before.

One moment he was standing in front of a throne, a man illuminated by light itself sitting there, then to him holding a book which filled him with a sense of dread, then he saw himself falling in battle as legions of enemies attacked a fortress. Coming out of the vision he had no idea what to make of it, but he knew that the sword triggered something in him. He wouldn't have time to deal with that as he found himself wracked with pain, something weaving itself into his very being, seizing control of him. He didn't like it, and he couldn't stop it as it invaded his body.

Soon he found himself completely shut out from his own motor functions as he turned to face the silver armored woman, his pact weapon sheathed in razor winds as he launched himself at her, unleashing a flurry of attacks at her, unable to stop himself but very much aware of his actions. He prayed he didn't kill this woman, not at a time like this. From his peripheral he could see a figure, dressed as some sort of a masked clown, realizing it must be their doing. If he was able to break free of this physical control, he would smite that bastard immediately.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

D R A G O N ' SxxB A T T L E

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:09 am
by Rickter
It was to be a momentous effort born from the union of those present, as they had their chance to return oppressive force against the entity that threatened them. The Demon Tide had been contained just long enough, allowing a few final hacks from his bastard sword, before the final blow of the fabled sword itself rendered the monstrosity powerless. A critical blow had indeed been dealt to the storm of shadows, sending it on the run back into the void where it belonged no less.

Yet the victory was far too soon at hand. The Tide's retreat came with a brewing omen, a telling of pained hunger now that they'd dealt such a mighty blow. And with just the cut of Novuril too! However, hope at their eventual turn of the tide quickly smothered out, once the presence of what appeared to be a court jester became known. "The fuck?..." He could only murmur to himself before he glanced to his beloved, as Telion had fallen to her knees to catch her breath before the clown cast the same insult at Iselya. Cheated? Was this bastard involved with the Demon Tide somehow?

Just as soon as his mind began to ponder, a sinking feeling hit in the pit of his gut, and then every hair on Rickter's neck stood at end. "What the hell are-" Something invisible and yet so tangible slipped through him. Something that he had never felt prepared to ward against, as the tangible scents that permeated the aether in the air chilled even the wolf's very skin.

And then he felt muscle and sinew slip through his grasp, his consciousness still present even though he could no longer finish the question. This was a game? Somehow that fired Rickter up even more, knowing how much everyone had already suffered just to quell that damnable monstrosity. He felt the grip on Way to Dawn's hilt tighten, and with a flicker of his aura the air around him grew cold enough to see the moisture billowing from his nostrils. Lyra!! I need this connection severed!! He urged in hopes that she'd receive that urgency. She did have somewhat of a proper fact stated before, he certainly found trouble in the most oddest of ways.

Yet even if his desperation became known to her, Lyra would have found that not only Rickter had fallen under this spell... But Hannah had as well. I can't- As both guns were raised with their barrels pointed straight to Lyra, the rogue beheld a look of sheer terror as she felt utterly hopeless in resisting the jester. I can't fight it!! Both pistols blasted with thunder as golden smoke plumed from the first set of barrels, the caster shells simmering with light aether from her shard earlier as they rocketed toward the Outsider. Yet it did not stop there, as the gunslinging rogue blinked back to a neighboring roof from Lyra's position, her guns once more ready to blast the smokey woman with another round the moment she became visible again.

Crackling through the air in a crimson bolt, Patrick flashed onto the roof next to her. The rigid bartender remained poised in a crouch, patient as a lion while he waited for the Lady of Whispers to reveal herself. With him positioned for the next move, he grunted as though he strained in vain from the Jester's influence. After a few seconds followed, however, the lightning-red aura he gave off sizzled out into silence.

Meanwhile, as Hyoga closed in to attack Iselya, Telion stood up stiffly before moving into position. I... She was so tired by now, so very tired, that even the wolf could hear it through the connections tethered between them. It angered him. It downright infuriated him.

Hold on love... He prayed as he felt his gaze fix on Iselya next, the currents of wind around him shifting before the wolf's entire form blurred into motion. As for you, fight me with all you got!! Rickter had to hope that the Siltori would not hesitate, not to defend herself, and certainly not to refrain from attacking him as it were. In the blink of an eye Rickter's one step carried him across the courtyard, from behind his beloved right next to Iselya with his sword have arced away from his body. I have to break this spell! Somehow!! Whether she dodged or blocked his strike, Rickter's swing came with the force of a wintry gale at his back, ready to slam into Iselya if she didn't guard front in time.

While the wolf's body committed to these moves, he tried every bit to find a means of breaking the hold over it. Come oooon! Help me out here!! If he could clench his fist right now, he'd be doing it, and if he could be clenching his jaw; he'd also likely be doing just that at that moment. I can't protect them if you can't help me protect me! It was a desperate call on the power of a prince long gone, a power that still carried much weight to its principle of course. Rickter reached deeper within him in hopes that he might activate the emblem, desperate to buy himself just a short window of time with this bastard.

With just a few seconds he could overwhelm this clown with his own aether, all he would need was just those seconds to make it happen.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
► Show Spoiler

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:48 pm
by Lyra

Lyra smiled as she felt the connections come into place, and she drew her fragments back to her core where they once more fused into their proper whole. Then Lyra drew back, keeping pace with Hannah like a second shadow, but simply watched the battle unfold. She observed each of the combatants in turn, her eyes lingering on Hikami and his odd body before her focus was drawn to the newest woman who had joined the fray only recently.

A shiver ran down Lyrielle's spine as she saw the Siltori woman draw a blade that she recognized, a beautiful work of art crafted by that beast of an ork centuries past. A mixture of emotions flashed in her heart as she watched the blade fall, and the demon tide was cleaved by the weapon that represented her love's greatest enemy.

"Novuril..." word was whispered softly, like a pained hiss as Lyrielle's eyes narrowed at the sword and its new wielder, but there was no time to ponder how that thing had arrived in the hands of a mortal.

A mocking voice drew Lyrielle's attention to the rooftops, and there stood the last comical Jester she had ever seen. Its mask moved as an unnatural smile spread across its surface. The way it spoke, its movements, gave Lyrielle pause as she felt a distant memory just beneath the surface of her mind struggling to be recalled. She stared at the man, the thing, her brow creasing in thought as she searched for where she had seen him before, but pain interrupted her reminiscing. She felt her mind invaded, thorns of magic digging into her psyche as her symphony became erratic. With hands on her head, her form twisted and became erratic as she felt the power lance through her, slipping through her body and into her soulspace as it traced the lines that linked the other's minds to her own.

Something tried to wrest control from her. She felt its insidious tendrils wrapping around the pathways between her soul and her physical form, and again she was struck by a feeling of familiarity. More than that, however, she felt indignation.

You worm. Insolent creature. Indignation turned to anger, which quickly flowed into a rage as she clamped down on the power in her mind and wrenched it from her pathways. Her eyes cleared and focused on the Jester, an unkind smile curling her lips as she pressed down on the invasive presence, shattering it and expelling it from her mind and body.

How dare this paltry fool try to invade her mind. Who was he to think he could stand above her in matters of the soul? With fury in her eyes, Lyrielle turned toward the figure on the rooftops but was stopped by a voice beside her. A familiar one. No, not beside her. The voices were through the connection. When she turned Lyrielle saw down the barrel of two pistols just before a thundering sound and a flash of gold made the world vanish in a puff of smoke.

Lyrielle remained erect, head turned toward the direction that Hannah had blinked away. A hole the size of her thumb ripped through her left cheek, exposing meat and gums along with broken teeth. The second hole was in her shoulder, a perfect circle through which the world behind her could be seen. For a brief moment, Lyrielle didn't move but stared bewildered at the woman now on the opposite rooftop, just long enough for two more blasts to pierce her chest and upper abdomen. Only then did Lyrielle's features change, confusion morphing to pure loathing as small scripts formed around her wounds which quickly closed.

As Patrick joined Hannah on the rooftops Lyrielle extended a hand, her eyes cold as she reached out and took control of their muscles, overwhelming whatever controlled them with sheer power and halting their movements. Time seemed to move slower as Lyrielle sank into her soul space, fracturing her soul and leaving one fragment focused on the two across from her, holding them in place as an eye quickly formed in the palm pointed toward them. Then she took a fraction of a second to observe the fragments of everyone's soul that she still held a connection to.

She could thin tendrils of magic wrapping each of the soul fragments held within her soul space, threads leading off into the distance where she knew each of the group were still fighting in the courtyard. It seemed they all had fallen victim to the Jester's influence, all expect... The holder of Novuril. Curious. Returning her focus to the world outside she saw the elemental brat attacking the Siltori woman, but her eyes quickly shifted to the pup who was already preparing to move on her as well.

Perhaps it would be best to run... Lyra thought, frowning as she considered. The danger had grown exponentially with the arrival of the clown, and she had things to protect. Her hand unconsciously touched her waist, anger reigniting when she thought of how close the last bullet had come to that vital area. Yet still... her eyes traveled to Iselya, or rather to the sword she carried. Then she glanced at Telion as she made feeble motions toward the Siltori as well.

As Rickter flew across the distances the black smoke that covered the ground of the courtyard began to flow quickly, drawing around Iselya as Lyrielle fractured her soul once more, a figure forming around the Siltori as both Rickter and Hikami's blades approached. With a flick of its ethereal wrist a twisting flower blooped in the air, a rose with thorns that formed a transparent barrier around the Siltori. When their weapons impacted each would be hit with the rebound of the chaotic entropic ward, and in that small window, Lyrielle reached out with her other hand which lengthened and grew as shadows formed a long tendril that wrapped around Iselya's waist. Then with an unceremonious yank, the Siltori was pulled through the air to the rooftop where Lyrielle hovered.

With her eyes still locked on Rickter Lyrielle reached out and snatched control of his body as well, halting his movements as he had Patrick and Hannah, though the effort was significantly greater.

"A god should not be so easily overcome." Lyrielle hissed with annoyance, the sentiments clearly transferring through their link, but her next words were directed at Iselya, "I will tend to the pup. Can you subdue any of the others?"

Lyra considered herself merciful, but Lyrielle knew the cost of kindness. They wished for none to die this day, but should the need come... Lyrielle was prepared to end everyone.

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:21 am
by Laveriel
The siltori couldn’t remember the last time she felt a rush such as this. Power like nothing she had ever felt flowed through every fiber of her being. It was both thrilling and terrifying. A single swing of Novuril had burned away most of the dark tendrils. The shadow creature started retreating and Iselya was convinced that a few blows from her companions would send it into oblivion with ease. But someone, something interrupted them.

An unfamiliar figure suddenly appeared on one of the rooftops. It was hard to miss because it started yelling and pointing at her, calling her a cheater.

“You weren’t supposed to have that sword! That’s no fair!”

What did it mean? But before she could even consider anything, the Jester laughed and she felt dark tendrils assaulting her mind. It was impossible to describe, but she could feel its viscous reach trying to infiltrate her being. Perhaps the sword was protecting her or perhaps she was just lucky. Whatever it was, as she felt her mark heating up, the dark tendrils retreated and left her entirely.

Her attention was focused on the mysterious figure, readying herself for an attack. But it did not come from the direction she expected it to. It was only due to the fact that Iselya felt the familiar wind to her side that she turned her head just in time to see the dark-winged avialae launching himself at her. The siltori recalled her shield, placing it between them to protect herself from the blade.

Barely a moment later, Rickter closed the distance between them. There would be no time for her to dodge between her two assailants. Without thinking, she raised Novuril, ready to meet Rickter's blow with the artifact. But it seemed like she needn’t have bothered. A flower bloomed between her and her attackers, somehow blocking their blows.

As chaos magic blasted them back, Iselya felt something wrapping around her body and pulling her back through the air. Her heart lurched and she thought she was done for. Thinking she was in danger, the woman summoned more of her pact weapons - a black-bladed misericorde, which was actually her morbus domicillius, and a dirk.

Fortunately, instead of finding another opponent, Iselya landed near the golden-eyed woman. It seemed like the mysterious woman was unaffected and not attacking. A relief. She noticed that Rickter hadn’t moved from his spot and she wondered if it was the woman’s doing.

Iselya scanned their surroundings quickly, noting where everyone was. Both Rickter’s and the avialae’s blows were clearly to seriously maim her or even kill her. It was safe to assume that the Jester had taken control of them using whatever dark magic - like it tried to do to her.

Well, she had no intention to die today.

The siltori extinguished the dawnfire that blazed from her pact weapons, directing it instead to fuel the strength Eminence gifted her and Novuril. As the flames faded, the ominous markings on her blade became more visible. Only those who were very familiar with her fighting style would able to recognize that it meant she would be wielding her affliction magic to the fullest. Currently, the two curses that were held in all of her blades were a paralyzing hex and the aether-eater. Anything else she would need to weave mid-battle.

Iselya might not be as powerful as she used to be, but she was still the same person who fought and survived the War of Souls. She was still the knight who took down countless members of the cult. And so, Iselya answered Lyra’s question with certainty. “Yes. I’ll try taking them out of action as fast as possible.”

I’m sorry, she sent through the link, unsure if they all still could still hear it or not.

Wasting no more time, the dawnmartyr sent her blades flying through the air, all heading to their own targets. Dawnstrife would set out for Rickter while the dirk would aim for Telion. All of them would seek to pierce its marks in non-vital spots. Even the mildest touch would have been enough for her curse to latch onto their aether temporarily, but Iselya wanted a prolonged effect - which meant constant contact with the recipient was preferable. And so, the blades would seek to bury themselves into flesh.

The avialae would be a trickier target. Rickter was already temporarily immobilized while Telion was drained, so they were easier to seek out. Still, Iselya would send Iratallin toward him with the same technique in mind. Her misericord followed swiftly, ready to release her backup plan should Hikami manage to dodge entirely. Meanwhile, her shield stayed by her side, standing by to block any more attacks coming her way.

Whether her ploy worked or not, Iselya would raise the legendary sword as its flame burned brighter and started moving, closing her distance to Hikami.

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:20 pm
by Paragon
“We are all food for the Worm in the end.” The jester cackled maniacally at Lyra’s indignation. That laughter was only cut short when the masterful sorceress retaliated against its usurpation of her control. The jester stumbled and blinked, seemingly baffled at the prospect of having lost control of one of its puppets. It went stiff, going slightly red in the face as Lyra further teleported Iselya out of harms way, protecting her from what would likely have been a fatal encounter with the newborn demigod of winter and a veritable spirit of ice and fury.

“You cur! Wretched whore! We will carve---eeep!” The jester suddenly flinched, its form crumpling as silver-white fire erupted across Rickter’s form. Through the weave of her magic, Lyra would be able to feel that while her specific influence was not shrugged off, the jester’s was. The vague sense that another power, a power that was the essence of consummate righteous fury and blinding light, had taken notice of the intrusion upon the mind and spirit of one considered its own. A power that acknowledged Lyra through the hold she had upon Rickter.

Beside her, there came another flare of divine flames as Novuril began to emit a silver-white light. Along the flat of the blade, symbols glowed forming runes that were more than mere pictographs. To stare at them was to behold the shape of raw concepts themselves. Shapes that drew to the mind ideas of Justice, Hope, Light, Wrath, Retribution and others, all concepts that could be quite easily attributed to both Arcas and the demigod who forged the sword, Raxen.

“Not good. Not good. Prisoner they said. Supposed to be broken, they said. Lies. They lied to us.” The jester tugged at one of the tails of its hat. It paced back and forth for a moment. The jester pivoted and glared at all of those gathered.

“Bitter are the tears shed by those who love.”

Telion was stabbed with the dirk, her body crumpling as it was afflicted with the curse of paralysis.

Rickter was stabbed and the curse of paralysis began to wind its way through his body. Slowing him, if only just enough.

Time seemed to slow. The jester suddenly darted forward, somersaulting into the air. It formed a tight ball before spiraling into the air and unfurling itself. Crystal green knives sprayed outward from its body in an arc that would see every person caught in the path of potentially being cut or stabbed by them.

The darkness in the courtyard surged back to wakefulness. It spread outward and formed tendrils that became jagged spikes. Those spikes jut out from the darkness, becoming dark lances that aimed at every single person in the broken courtyard.

The twisted presence that had wormed its way through Lyra to control so many, became a sharp javelin that began spiking into the minds of Rickter, Lyra and Iselya. An effort to leave them quivering in agony as every nerve in their bodies was ignited with excruciating pain.

At the same time, those still under the control of the jester were compelled to resume their attacks against their own comrades, forcefully commanded to use their deadliest means against the people they called friends.

Time seemed to slow.

Danger was coming at everyone from every angle. From the pain attempting to encroach upon their minds, to the jagged green daggers flying at all of them from the form of the jester to the dark spears surging upwards from the darkness and the friends who were being forced to try and kill them all against their will.

Choices would need to be made.

Choices that would mean life for some…and perhaps death for others.

Off Topic
Please perform the following actions for all Player Characters and Non-Player Character Companions participating in this thread, bearing the associated information in mind:

Rickter has broken free from his mind-control thanks to direct intervention from Lyra and from calling upon the deeper connections of his Eminence mark. Using the /roll function in the Discord server, roll 2d20. Use the HIGHER of the two numbers.

Lyra and Iselya were unaffected by the mind-control. Having lost the element of surprise, the attempt to cause psychic pain in them is less effective. Using the /roll function in the Discord server, roll 2d20. Use the HIGHER of the two numbers.

The following people are still being mind-controlled. Using the /roll function in the Discord server, roll 2d20. Use the LOWER of the two numbers for the following people:


-Now that you are introduced to the clear threat and how to potentially block it, if you possess the Rune of Negation, you may add (1) to your roll for every Tier of Mastery above Novice to a Max. of +5 (Apprentice to Grandmaster).
-If you have the Rune of Mesmer, you may add (1) to your roll for every Tier of Mastery above Novice to a Max. of +5 (Apprentice to Grandmaster).
-If you possess the Emblem of Eminence, Supremacy, or Happenstance, you may add (1) to your roll for every Tier of Faith that the mark is at to a Max of +4 (Acolyte to Herald).

BEFORE your next post, forward the roll totals to me. This should include your player-character and any associated NPC Companions that have accompanied you.

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 1:59 am
by Rickter
The reactions of those around the battlefield were just enough to come back from the dire situation they all found themselves in. What was a sudden intrusion of a mystic, if not powerful, jester led to the relocation of their mightiest Dawnmartyr at Lyra's side. The wolf felt the connection between him and her tighten, as though She worked to aid him in his effort to break free, not that his own attempts would be in vain either once he felt a familiar power course through him. Eminence brightened under the gauntlet of his Skyforge raiment, before silver flames burst to wreath around the wolf from where he stood. The influence over him quickly diminished, though, Rickter felt an entire world of anger and confusion rising just from where he stood.

Hannah and Patrick were suppressed for the time being, Lyra's hold on them enough to keep them out of danger for the moment. However, it was only a moment that they would all have. Every. Single. One of them. What felt like a slow in the passage of time became an overload of senses for Rickter, as Extrasensory kicked in to allow him just the few seconds he had to act upon impulse. From what he could gauge of the situation now, the jester had moved to hurl his own weapons at the entire lot, placing everyone on the battlefield in danger if they could not move to protect themselves. What's more, not everyone had broken free of the manipulative hold he'd created on them, specifically those within his pack and then Hikami himself.

Then came the reverberations that the wolf felt, just as he perceived the trajectory of each knife thrown into the air. A masterful stroke. This jester was no ordinary assassin, which the wolf could discern just from his actions. However, there was next to no time left to react. Danger came at his companions from every angle, and the Demon Tide was making its inevitable return to assail those who were caught off guard. At that moment, that very exact moment, the wolf had an impossible choice to make for the sake of his comrades... and the well-being of his pack.

I can't save them all, so please... Everyone protect yourselves! He urged just as soon as he felt the prick of a weapon jab into him, causing a slow numbness to spread throughout his upper right bicep. Telion emitted a pained whine before she fell toward the ground herself, lying on her side as she too had been pierced by one of the weapon's Iselya threw at them. Paralysis. A clever gambit from a clever girl, though, with the increased dangers now prevalent in just the wolf's perception alone... There was no longer a choice on how he should react in terms of saving everyone. He had to trust, believe even, that the rest would turn out okay the moment his impulse took over every fiber of his being.

"NO!" He roared out at the top of his lungs, the fiery veil of silver flames funneling into a plume of radiant aether as he unleashed everything he had into one outward pulse. From where he stood the flames swirled outward, following with a gale of frost that swept across the courtyard in it's entirety. Whether such a reaction could mitigate or even alter the trajectory of the thrown knives, he was not sure, only that the act of saving his loved ones would require an immense amount of effort. Not just on his behalf but on those who joined the fight. As fire and ice swept across the battlefield an intense pressure sank into the air, the gravity throughout the area almost intensifying from the smoldering force that Rickter created.

At the crown of his nimbus, the aurora flashed vividly, before his entire form became covered with the layer of aether he'd released. The atmosphere felt twice as heavy now as the lights brightened, until they all burst from Rickter to swell with radiance throughout the entirety of House Zatrian's courtyard. The wolf roared furiously with all his might now, Telion now resting in his arms as the lights that burned off him dimmed down, just enough to keep from blinding everyone in the immediate area. Through the connection he felt between him and Lyra, he sent not just words but an overwhelming feeling. A bloodlust to tear at the throat of the one being that had now caused such distress for Rickter and his pack.

And there was no mistaking the jester's scent. A lot like Lyra's in fact but the difference between Her and him, was the unusually ripe smell that still clung to her scent no matter her form. The Jester on the other hand reeked of dried blood and death all around, a scent he distinguished when he acutely focused on the invasive tether he felt before. YOU'RE DEAD! DEAD!! DEAD!!! The light he emitted finally gave out, however, the air never once lost the intensive pressure built up from his stunt. With just a push of his thoughts, Rickter pressed to completely nullify the aetheric signature of the jester; while at the same time pressuring his aether to reinforce the veil existing between the material world and the world in which the Demon Tide threatened to come from.

He hadn't any clue how effective he would be at it, nor could he hope to perform any high-speed maneuvers to capture the son of a bitch. Regardless, he would tamper down everything in the area that was a threat, disallowing any further harm to come to his friends, while the rest of those that gathered here could hopefully put an end to this chaos. Telion who he held closely in his arms breathed deep but faintly, a sheer tell sign of her exhaustion even in his protective grasp. What's more, while the single anchor he created with his aether remained Overcharged, he burning heat throughout his left and right biceps from the incredible amount of exertion he'd put into the stunt.

All this while ice rapidly accumulated across the courtyard, and a combination of snow and silver lights gently hailed from the dark clouds above. I... want... to... Rage!!! Were the only reminiscent thoughts left in his mind, before Rickter succumbed to his anger and the brightness in his eyes went from blue to pure white.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
► Show Spoiler

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:25 am
by Hikami
龍 70th of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S 龍
Company: Rickter & Crew | Thoughts: This may be fun | Mood: Excited

This wasn't something he liked, the longer this conflict went on, the more danger that seemed to come from every angle. The feeling of his own body moving without his consent was unbearable but there was nothing to be done about it. All he could do is watch in this endless void he soon found himself in. His eye would turn black as the woman with the bright sword was whisked away from harm, causing the avialae to divert his trajectory upward.

Hikami raged against the control of the outside force but to no avail, his roars never reaching anyone around, helpless to watch his own body as it was about to inflict harm on the others. Raising his halberd above his head, he began to summon wind and the ambient moisture in the air. He began to form what could only be described as armor around him, the visage taking form and it appearing like that of an armored dragon.

His mind fully muddled and under the spell of the unknown clown, his reaving quirk kicked into overdrive. Rickter was immobile making him less of a threat in the eyes of the iceborne, which meant he had only one clear target.....the woman with the bright sword. His halberd pointed directly at her, as he let a might yell, ice shards forming in the sky around him in a ring like fashion. Hikami could feel himself beginning to push the lines, he may have been a master of elementalism but that still didn't excuse him of overstepping.

He knew that what came next would push him to his limits, whatever was controlling him was forcing him to be reckless, to unleash all his power upon them. He couldn't stop himself nor could he stop the flow of aether as dozens upon dozens of icy shards formed around him. With a flick of his wrist he sent them careening for the woman with the bright sword.... damn that sword. He didn't know what he was compelled to attack her specifically but he knew whatever had its grip on him wanted her dead.

Following behind the torrent of icy death he came soaring down at her to finish the job should she survive the onslaught.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

D R A G O N ' SxxB A T T L E

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:17 am
by Lyra

Lyra accepted Iselya's words with a nod, turning her attention to the pup who she still held immobile in the courtyard. The other winged warrior was already in motion, his trajectory curving to follow the older woman as she threw her dirks and leapt from the rooftops. She had done what she can, but Lyra knew that the woman with the terrible sword would be on her own from this point forward.

She let herself sink into her soul space then, time slowing for her as she reached out and took hold of the connection between herself and Rickter. Though the sensation was not physical, it 'felt' slimy, as if it were coated with a thick mucous that made her skin crawl. She knew the Jester's threads were strong and wound deep, but at his words Lyra gave a snort of contempt before weaving tendrils of her own magic between Rickter and the Jester's influence. Her aid, however, seemed unnecessary, for soon after she began to untangle the mess of aether another presence welled up from their connection.

Surprised at first, Lyra smiled and let the presence do its work, and when she returned to focus on the waking world she was met by a vision of silver fire.

It seems I am not needed there. thought Lyra, looking now toward Patrick and Hannah before several events happened in rapid succession.

First came the daggers, glinting green in the light from the dawnfire that still covered Rickter's form. Annoyance surfaced as she realized the daggers were directed at everyone, including those that Lyra had immobilized. Then the shadows began to move once more, and jagged spikes of darkness pierced the air aiming for the same targets. With a silent curse Lyra began to collect shadows herself, preparing to form them into protections around herself and Patrick until...

Light flared bright, blindingly so as a wave of pressure cascaded across the courtyard. The blast knocked Lyra back a step, and this time she did curse aloud as the shadows she collected were disintegrated. The daggers were knocked off course slightly, and the spikes of shadows lessened, but the danger was still imminent.

Damnable pup! Lyra cursed in her mind as she felt the young god's bloodlust. He wasn't focusing on the wide battle at hand. Time moved at a crawl as Lyra processed, eyes flicking between the daggers, the shadows, and the two immobile people on the opposite roof. Annoyance became frustration, uncertainty she was not used to encasing her heart until she felt a flicker of something on her back.

'Sometimes, Hope is all anyone has.'

The words came with a memory, and Lyra felt the mark on her back like a steadying hand. Ever since the mark had appeared Lyrielle had adamantly ignored its presence, and thus so had Lyra. It represented a path that she could not walk, a path which was the antithesis to what she was. If she were to acknowledge it, Lyra felt as if she would be torn asunder, or perhaps burned for her hubris. A smaller part of her questioned if she deserved what it represented.

As the daggers drew closer Lyra hesitated, but the warmth she felt spread quickly to the rest of her body and before she could think any further she acted. She drew on the mark's power, and around her and the two companions of Rickter the black smoke churned. Raising her hand Lyra felt a sudden pain as something red encircled her arm, digging its pincers into her flesh and drawing black blood which flowed out before her, taking shape as pictographs formed in the air, creating a symbol which reflected the domain's of Hope and Light. Looking at them felt wrong, but Lyra continued, finally drawing the power from the mark of eminence forward and filling the scripts as a barrier of light formed a dome around her.

The daggers slammed into the barrier, and Lyra cast a glance at Patrick and Hannah who were now encircled by a large serpent with grey and silver scales. It's body was flattened slightly, fully covering the two as it flicked its tongue in Lyra's direction.

Lyra felt her own frustration calmed by the new warm that enfolded her, and with a sigh she closed her eyes. She was done with the Jester's influence, and with a flick of her aether Lyra snatched hold of the connections just as Rickter's field was beginning to ware them down.

You will not escape me so easily, little worm." Lyrielle cooed. She sent a wave of mental energy coursing down the lines, steadily tearing them free of their hold on the other people in the courtyard, but she did not release the connections. She held them with a grip like steal and sent her own magics streaking down, aiming to shatter the Jester's Symphonies and leave his mind broken.

Re: [Hazard Event] Wave of Darkness

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 2:47 am
by Laveriel
As she noticed the shards of ice forming around the dark-winged avialae, Iselya had an inkling of what he might do. After all, it was similar to what she had done on battlefields decades ago. He would send countless javelins in her way in order to kill her.

Her mind shifted through a dozen possibilities as the knight tried to come up with a plan. Iselya doubted she could ever summon enough fire to go against the raining ice. Fortunately, she did not have to. A pillar of silvery flames shot out from Rickter as he released whatever power he held just as she leaped down from the roofs and landed on her feet. The familiar warmth and the bright light soon surrounded all of them, the sort of flames that only a demigod would be able to manifest.

It might be her saving grace.

Raising the legendary blade to the sky, the siltori called upon the dawnfire. Every single last one of them. She prayed to the Lord of Dawn for permission to borrow Rickter’s flames and they answered her. The fire formed a cyclone around her, protecting her from the shadowy tendrils.

Iselya summoned all her pact weapons back to her, all poised in an arch just above her head and once again burning with Arcas’s gift. Once she finished gathering what flames she could, She swung Novuril just in time as the first of the ice started flying towards her. All the dawnfire blasted toward her flying opponent, burning with a heat she had never felt before. Her misericord followed suit, slipping into the flames.

There was no way of telling if it would be enough to burn away all the ice, but the dawnmartyr had no interest in finding out. Just as she readied herself to jump out of the way as far as the strength of Dominion would allow her, a sharp pain lanced through her head. Strong enough to make her stumble and curse in her mother tongue. It felt violating and nausea washed over her as her emblem glowed brighter, trying to push the foreign attack back.

As if sensing her moment of weakness, the crystalline daggers came at her just in time. Her shield moved to block the assault, but not all of them. She felt the green blade cutting through the flesh of her arm even though the power of eminence still coursed through her.

With no more time to dodge out of the way, hopefully her last ploy would allow her to avoid a direct battle with Hikami, who was heading her way. Hidden in the fireball was her morbus domicillius, the weapon that held her assortment of curses. It was a small blade, unlikely to even make a scratch on the ice dragon’s armor. As the misericord flew closer and closer to Hikami, a net of affliction would shoot out of it. It would appear to anyone as the silvery flames, indistinguishable from the dawnfire she blasted toward him.

Should the curse reach him, it would latch onto the avialae’s aether. The paralytic effects would only be temporary, but experience had taught her even the slightest advantage would save her from serious harm.

Iselya had no idea what Rickter and the golden-eyed woman were doing, but hopefully one of them had something to break the Jester’s control over everyone. The siltori didn’t know how long she could keep this up by herself.