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Re: Meeting by the River

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 7:33 am
by Cloud Caelum Garr

“Interesting, I never considered that Lodestones might have value outside of magic use,” Garr said when Hilana explained herself. He assumed that the value couldn’t be all that much and he doubted he should care about the small value such a stone could fetch when he was used to dealing with slaves which were usually worth thousands each. It was amusing to Garr how the common folk bothered to make money in odd ways. Or perhaps the stones were worth a lot and he was simply naive.

Garr wished he had heeded Hilana’s warning as he sat upon the camel. Overstepping was not something that he ever did in school so when it did happen he was always worse for wear. “Thank you for the… for the steps,” he said with his eyes closed. He peeked one eye open and slowly reached for the waterskin and food that was offered to him and drank his fill. He was perhaps too selfish with the amount he ate and drank but he was too exhausted to care. He tucked what he couldn’t finish between his legs so they wouldn’t fall off then he drifted to sleep.

Garr would have very much liked to help Hilana kill the last few shadow creatures that she needed, but he was simply too unpolished when it came to combat. Whenever he did wake, he would take this experience as a wakeup call that he needed to improve. Unless woken by other means, Garr would sleep all the way up until they reached the city, after which he would thank Hilana and say, “sorry about earlier and thank you so much for caring for me while I slept. I owe you one… Don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s something I can do for you.” He’d walk the rest of the way home, finding that his energy had come back to him.

Re: Meeting by the River

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 1:33 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana hated to waste things, simply because in the Sands, waste was scorned upon. You used everything that you could, and what you couldn’t use could likely be repurposed somewhere else. Bones could be tools or given to the herding dogs that worked with the tribes. Gut piles could be used as bait or fed to pets. Hides were clothes, tools, and shelter. Used lodestones could be tools or bartered off, or used as a teaching opportunity. But even still, lodestones that held weaker charges, that could be filled and kept on hand, were almost always better than having nothing at all. Even if they just held as much water as possible. While Vastii could go seven days before feeling dehydrated... if one didn’t need to, then why go to that limit?

“You’re welcome,” she smiled at him when he thanked her, and Hilana was largely unconcerned about his clutching the waterskin and the chickpeas. She was always prepared when she went into the sands, with the rare exception of the night she had taken a trip along the river and then walked herself a good 13-odd miles out in the dark when she had met Dominus Æden... but even still, she had been fine and had no issues getting herself back. Even if the Starborn Re’hyaean had offered her a ride on one of the Greatest Wyverns Ever... But the girl was far more watchful now, with the creatures hunting them that she was also hunting.

Between the warnings of the earth spirits and the combined senses of Hayima’el and his mistress, three more targets were found and dispatched. Water was pulled from a Lodestone and pierced one, fire took the second, and the third was crushed by sand that grasped it and wouldn’t let it go. No matter what the element used while the nomadic Vastiana cut them down, they were collected all the same into the labeled containers. The camel rarely stopped; and his pace underneath them was steady and lulling. The sunshade provided the Umbrian noble with respite from the Sceptre of Avaerys overhead, and the fact that they were moving at a much faster pace than one did on foot helped get the breeze going without either of them having to expend aether to influence the spirits around them.

With Garr asleep, Hilana guided the large camel back into the Sacred City, passing through the walls and districts until they were at one of the lifts that led down to the Umbrium from the Luxium. “You’re very welcome,” she assured him when he thanked her, making steps for him to get down from the camel without Hayima’el having to lay down himself. “Be well, Your Lordship, and I will see you around, I’m sure. Thank you for your contribution.” She lifted a hand to wave at him, and watched him go until the lift was out of sight. Once he had disappeared into the city below, she headed for home to go take care of her camel and herself before her alchemy lessons later. There was always something to do, after all...

Re: Meeting by the River

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 1:36 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Name: Garr

XP: 10 Points, can be used for Elementalism
Lore: 11 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Name: Hilana

XP: 10 Points, can be used for Elementalism
Lore: 11 Lores
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: 25 samples of Shadow Creatures

Notes: That was fun - great target practice!!