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Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:05 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

She listened to Laebirius as he expounded further on his nightmares and night terrors, and the wheels were clearly turning in her head as she ran through her mental encyclopedia for herbs and plants that could help with that. There were many options, from the rarer, harder-to-get plants on the far continent, to those that grew in her homeland with abundance. Either those that were wild and grew well in the arid desert environment, to those that needed to be coaxed along in greenhouses and babied... there were a number of options. “Well, I can think of a couple concoctions and teas to start with, and with nightmares, it can be a bit of trial and error,” she admitted. “We will see what helps and adjust accordingly. Some react very favourably to my standard solutions, some need a bit more creativity, but it can be done,” Hilana smiled at him. “But no one needs to suffer such things unduly. Come and visit Sweet Remedies in the Port Vasta district in the Luxium and I will prepare a few things for you.”

When he said it wasn’t easy, Hilana understood exactly what he meant. She had been raised outside of the cities, and so etiquette and ‘proper’ behaviour had had to be learned later on. She was always respectful and careful with the Elves, as was necessary for survival and keeping herself out of trouble; and beyond that the Vastii owed it to them as their lessers. The advice that Asher had given her for keeping herself out of trouble in the Sacred City didn’t hardly apply to one of Populus Ex’Reha, but there was bound to be some that he was picking up from his family. “You’ll get there, Dominus. It takes some time, but you will get there. I wish I could be more helpful in that regard, but the expectations of the Vastii are different from those with Re’hyaean blood.”

And truthfully, considering the times she opened her mouth and inserted her foot without any salt on it, Hilana needed to remember Asher’s advice.

When Varinios cut in, Hilana was pretty sure she smelled an evasion there. Especially with the way his hand went to his student’s shoulder. That was a gesture she recognized from her own childhood, a hand as a reminder to hush. However, far be it for her to question such things, and she simply nodded. “Well, I do wish you success on that venture. If you know where to look, there's lots to be found. But do be careful out there, one wouldn’t want to run into the antlions,” she was solemn.

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:35 pm
by Læbirius
☠ 15th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Varinios, Taidryn, Hilana | Thoughts: She's so knowledgable | Mood: Curious

Varinios' defection seemed to work as she didnt press any further about where in the desert they were going. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, unsure how she may have interpreted that. In any case, he found her to be a rather pleasant person. With both her offer of aid in his sleepless nights and wishing them well on their endeavors, he was reminded of the people he met when he lived with his mother, Hilana's kindness reminding him of home.

He could feel tears of joy welling up in his eyes and fought them back, wanting to take his mind off it and move on to a different subject. Varinios chuckled at her warning, waving the thought of being attacked off as he continued to collect some blooms. "No need to worry my dear, as we will be well protected, and besides we have that brute over there to die for us if need be." he began chuckling at the thought. Taidryn looked over his shoulder at Varinios, but said nothing in response to the comment. "It's the only thing his kind is good for anyway." he mumbled.

Læ noticed both the tone and the spite held in his mentor's words, and it cut deep in the half-elf as he looked to Taidryn who gave him a look that made it seem as though Varinios's words didn't bother him. Læ hoped not, he wouldn't know what to do if both men came to blows. Moving on from the awkward moment, he decided to shift the conversation to something he was fond of and had noticed when they first approached Hilana. "This area of coolness, I take it that is your doing? WOuld I presume correct in saying that you are a mage, or is this the work of an enchanted item? If you don't mind my inquiry that is?" he asked, his eyes looking into hers with a favorable answer, hoping he didn't insult the woman with his assumption.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 12:59 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

At Varinios’ comment about Taidryn dying for them if need be, she said nothing. Hilana felt a better use for him might well be as a sacrifice to the Founders for penance of what he had done to her nomadic kin. All the same, the girl was observant enough to see the way Laebirius looked at the half-Ork, and the look between the two. She might have spoken up in support of the older Vastian’s comment, but she knew from Arvaelyn and Finn that Kalzasi had different views on the Orcani. Seeing as the hybrid had said he had been raised there, he may well have been without the background knowledge that would have explained to him why there was such enmity in Solunarium for the Orcani and anything with their blood in them.

But he had enough tutors that someone somewhere should likely have explained it, but that would surely come up at some point for him. Otherwise, the Vastiana would have had to wonder who was teaching them what, or if they just decided to throw him in at the deep end and let him drown if he couldn’t figure it out on his own. Maybe that was the case; Rehyaeans could be notoriously chilly with their mannerisms and expectations. It didn’t make much sense to Hilana, but then again... the way of nomads and Vastii were different. The exalted status of the Rehyaeans made for an attitude that was passed onto their offspring, and it certainly made it harder.

When Laebirius changed the subject, Hilana was perfectly happy to follow his lead there. “It is, Dominus,” she nodded. “It is Elementalism,” she shifted the magma bloom she was holding from her right hand to her left, revealing the elaborate Rune on her palm. It looked as if it was molten gold, shimmering and liquid with the movement. It resembled the sun, though the rays emanating from it resembled petals. Perhaps with her profession, the floral resemblance made sense. “A combination of Deference and Influence, really... I’ve just asked the fire spirits to withhold some of the heat around me, and the air spirits to cool it down,” the Vastiana explained. “Summoning could likely do the same,” she nodded at the little watery octopus hanging onto Laebirius that Taidryn had summoned for his comfort. “That is not a Rune that I possess at the present, but I will one day learn, I think. I’ve started studying it at the behest of one of my teachers who has the Cardinal Rune of Summoning, since Elementalism at its core is really a conversation between mage and the elemental spirits around us. Where your little octopus companion is already here, I am just consistently channeling to cool this little area down while we work.”

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:12 pm
by Læbirius
☠ 15th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Varinios, Taidryn, Hilana | Thoughts: She's so knowledgable | Mood: Curious

"I see how interesting." he said rubbing under his chin. He then closed his eyes and began to meditate, allowing his body to drift until he felt that familiar sensation of crossing into the realm of spirits, specifically the demonic realm he was in when he met his spectral steed. He found himself traversing the dead landscape, offering just enough aether to call out to the minor and lesser spirits around.

Soon he could hear the sounds of skittering across cobblestones. He pretended not to notice, but he could hear the whispers of something as if it was stalking him, and it there was no doubt that he was with these particular spirits. The farther he ventured the louder it was getting closer, the whispers becoming louder. Soon he found himself face to face with a chittering skull, mandibles biting as it glared into him. He could hear the whispers more clearly now, the voice of which reminded him of the elders of villages he would travel to with his mother.

"What would you will of me, in order to come to an accord with me?" he questioned to which the skull rose into the air exposing the rest of its body. The form of a bone-made centipede was presented to him, the spirit coming to coil around him like a shark circling a wounded animal in the water. His mind was filled with loud whispers, all echoing at once till they came into a coalesce uttering a single phrase.

What it asked for in return was something that Læ could agree to that. The creature came to coil more around him, tightening its hold on him until their foreheads touch in which Læ heard a single name whisper into his mind. With that word he found himself thrusted from the realm of demons and spirits as he opened his eyes and spoke the name that was projected into his mind. "Dinok Jot." he whispered, as the demonic centipede hissed from beneath him, coming to coil out and around until its skull came to rest on the mage's shoulder, a hiss coming out causing Læ to tap it on its forehead.

"There is no need for that, she is a friend." he spoke, rubbing the watery spirit as it clung a bit tighter, frightened by Dinok. Calming the spirit he looked at Hilana hoping that the spirit he just summoned didn't frighten her. "I am a Mesmer & Summoner. I don't think I have ever encountered much of Elementalism before." he spoke, showing her the runes that laid on the back of his hands.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 2:57 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

When he rubbed his chin and closed his eyes, Hilana was quiet. She wasn’t about to interrupt him, but she could keep sorting magma blooms in the meantime. Tiaz continued to relax in his position around her shoulders, tightening and relaxing as he adjusted his coils slightly while she worked. The harvested magma blooms were wrapped and placed in her sack, and while she was straight again she saw his lips move, and returned her attention to him. The girl liked to keep busy, and working on what she had come for, though she was about done with that sack now, was part of that. She secured it closed, tying it off, and found herself frankly staring at the creature that now appeared on his shoulders.

She wasn’t startled; she had gotten used to seeing all kinds of creatures and an aberrations over the years. One saw strange things and beasties in the sands, and she’d seen bigger centipedes than this. But all the same, she didn’t think it was some sort of elemental like the adorable little bubbly octopus that clung around his neck. However, Dinok’s hissing brought a responding hiss from the thick, muscular serpent that raised his head from where he had been an otherwise silent observer. She made a low sound to calm the snake, bringing her hand up to stroke his side. “It is alright. Dominus Laebirius will not allow it to do something,” she reassured him. The Vastiana nodded at the half-elf’s explanation. She only had her Elementalism, but since she was new enough to it, that was plenty for the time being. “What sort of spirit is he?” She asked, then. She was far more familiar with elementals and wild spirits, which seemed to like her well enough as an Elementalist. “Have you been practicing them long? What made you decide to go through their initiations?”

She considered his statement about how he hadn’t been around much of her Rune’s handiwork. “No? That is a surprise. I think Elementalism is one of the more commonly held Runes, at least here,” she was thoughtful. “Semblance might be the most common, but Elementalism is held by about all of the Royal Caste, so many below it have it as well. The utility tends to be beneficial for its practitioners. Out here, the lack of water and shade can kill many, but being able to ask the elements for assistance can help your ability to survive perhaps more than any other Rune when it comes to this environment… excepting Traversion, really, but that is something else entirely.”

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:52 pm
by Læbirius


His demonic spirit whispered its own thoughts into the summoner's ear, the sound of its madibles clicking about as Lae tapped it on its skull. "would you be surprised if I told you it was a spirit of the infernal sphere of summoning?" he noted, looking at the octopus spirit and playfuly poking the water spirit. "I've have Mesmer since before coming here, but Summoning is a more recent aquistion, thanks to Tydrian. He has been guiding me as much as he knows how to." he added.

As she explained how common Elementalism was in the Solunarium society, he contemplated if he would ever pick up the rune of magic. He could see the apeal of it, especially if he planned to go ruin diving later on in his life. He would have to look into the magic and just how practical it would be to his development in the future. For now he returned his attention to Hilana. There was a question he wanted to ask her, as he knew asking Varinios would yield little to no fruit as the man was more of a city dweller. He leaned in and tapping at the ground as he formulated the words.

"If i may ask, what are the Vastii like. My mother only taught me the language but she never really like talking about them as a whole. She said it brought back bad memories. Im curious to know that side of my heritage." he inquired, Dinok skittering about the field of magma blooms as the aquatic water spirit seemed to be giving it directions or something of that effect.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:46 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

"Truthfully, Dominus, no. I would not be surprised. That looks very much like a spirit I would expect to dwell there," Hilana admitted as he answered her. She had wondered if it might have been infernal or even eldritch, but that classification certainly made sense. "Do you mostly summon from that Sphere, then, Your Lordship?" That was certainly another surprise, that he was learning from the Orcanus-hybrid. But perhaps Laebirius' family had its own way of doing things and that meant finding those with differing talents who would be less... obvious as teachers and instructors. Maybe they wanted him to figure it out as much as he could on his own before introducing him to the calibre of paedagogi that would be available to hire at that level of caste and prestige. Maybe it had to do with the fact he had been raised abroad and they didn't want his lack of knowledge regarding the customs and traditions of his new home to be shameful.

There was no way of knowing, and Hilana was not about to speculate.

As Laebirius tapped the ground and posed his question, Hilana considered in turn as her python settled now that the demonic centipede skittered around. "What are the people of Kalzasi like, Dominus?" she asked him in turn with a small tilt of her head. "I am sorry that your mother said that the recollections are only bad memories, but depending on what she was like... maybe such is the case. There are many kinds of people... and you will find them wherever you go. Vastii can be resourceful, stubborn, suspicious of outsiders and things that are different, resistant to change. Not everyone is the same, not everyone holds the same prejudices or openness towards strangers. We are hardworking, devoted to our beliefs and ideals such as they are. Some are generous, kind, friendly, open. Some are suspicious, closed, sanctimonious, and aloof. What you look for, you will find, Your Lordship." She smiled at that, checking over the stalk of a magma bloom before coaxing the earth away from it and its rootball. It was old enough to be dug up and used as it was. "People are people. But if there is one trait, one hallmark, amongst the Vastii, it is this: 'The Vastii erupt so that Sorokyn needn't'," she nodded at the lava spillways in the distance. "That is to say, we can have extremely mercurial temperaments, and explosive tempers. We remember our past, we embrace our present, and we look towards our future. In Solunarium, our traditions are our missions, as I have heard elders say."

She rested her arms on her knees, her skirts gathered around her. "What are you finding us to be like? Bear in mind that your Re'hyaean blood will always influence those around you, simply because it puts you in a different Caste. How another Vastii may act towards myself is very different from how they will act towards you. That is one thing all of us are incredibly mindful of."

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:42 pm
by Læbirius


His smile widened a bit as he nodded to her question, after calming her reptilian companion who seemed to have been hiding within her clothing. She inquired how the Kalzasians were, and as she gave her answer to his question he pondered his to hers. He had come to learn, even in this brief encounter, that Hilana was very insightful and truly welcoming. Of all the people he had come to meet since his arrival, she seemed to be the most genuine to him.

She wasn't trying to kiss his ass or treat him like some lofty rich kid, even if she insisted on using the honorific when addressing him. He appreciated her candor and appreciated her honesty. He couldn't help but wonder if this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship for them. Her words were comforting and informative. "You have a point. People are just people." he said with a low sigh.

Looking around at the lava flows around them he scratched his head as he thought of the words to use. "I have come to learn that my fellow Re'hyaean elves and half-elves are of a different breed than me. I guess you could say I am far more humble than them as I just can't see myself being better than someone else. My mother taught me that we are all equal in the end, we all meet the same fate when the time comes, so why separate ourselves by status? The other Vastii I have come to meet have treated me as if I'm some god on earth and quite frankly it makes me a bit uncomfortable." he chuckled a bit before looking up at the woman as she collected another bloom.

He could feel his cheeks turn red and decided to focus on the question posed earlier. "As for what Kalzasians are like. They are a very inviting people. You will always feel welcome. Magic is a natural part of life there and they have some of the best mages I have ever met in my life. I came to call these people family, cause they made me feel as if I was a part of theirs. You could understand my level of culture shock upon coming here. If you ever get the chance, I would implore you to visit there sometime." he said, as Dinok came to coil around him.

The infernal centipede was large enough to wrap around where Lae had been sitting several times, its head quirked curiously up at Hilana, its mandibles clicking, causing Lae to laugh as he understood what those meant. "Yes I agree, she is very pretty for a human." he said as he rubbed its spine, before dismissing it back to its infernal realm.


"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:48 am
by Hilana Chenzira

She listened to his words, of his experiences here and abroad, while her fingers went over the flowers as easily as her eyes. It wasn’t that she was not paying attention, she simply figured if she wasn’t looking directly at him, it would be easier for the foreign-raised hybrid to talk if he didn’t feel on the spot. It was simply a method to try to make him feel a bit more at ease, and it seemed to her that it helped. “It may seem uncomfortable, but it is what is expected of the lower castes. One must be careful, because disrespect is not always well-tolerated here, and you do not know who may make a complaint to someone well-positioned here,” Hilana explained. “But I’m sure that you will get used to it, it just takes time. And while it’s true that death comes to all, the experiences we have before that end are different, and they must be respected lest you hasten yourself to that end.”

Hilana hadn’t expected an answer from him about how Kalzasern citizens were as the question had been purely rhetorical to explain that people were, perhaps, largely the same anywhere. There was a difference in culture, certainly, but that aside... one could find the gamut of good to bad within any population, and that was simply an undeniable fact of life. But what you looked for, you would find. Hilana liked to think that people were basically good, if self-motivated and self-interested. And if you knew what motivated someone, they were much easier to understand.

“That sounds like a very interesting place, that another beyond Solunarium is also rather magic-focused,” she smiled at him, finishing off her harvest of the magma blooms at last. Kalzasi had produced some strong mages that she knew for sure: Finn, Arvaelyn, and Daemon among them. But he hadn’t been here long. All the same, Hilana would not seek to offend him by professing her own beliefs in her homeland’s magisters and their skills. “Perhaps one day I’ll have the opportunity to see it.” She watched the centipede and the way it coiled around him, and when Laebirius laughed, the Vastiana chuckled. “Gratias, Dinok, Dominus.” Her bags for collecting the blooms were full, and she watched as the centipede vanished.

“If the opportunity presents itself, Dominus, do visit Sweet Remedies in the Luxium in Port Vasta above. I’ll see what can be done to assist you with your sleep,” Hilana smiled at him. “If I do not see you before your trip, may the Founders stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk,” she bowed her head respectfully before standing up easily. “I wish you well on your travels, and that you seek what it is you are looking for. Be careful in the Sands.” She bowed to him, gathering up her bags before smiling brightly at him and carefully picking her way out of the magma blooms, leaving him with his teacher and protector. With her gone, the air soon became far more hot and oppressive as the Elementalist made her way away from the cavern and out into the Umbrium.

Re: Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:36 am
by Talisman

Name: Laebirius

XP: 10 Points, can be used for Summoning
Injuries/Ailments: A little bit of overheating, will be gone by the end of the day.
Loot: 12 large Magmablooms

Name: Hilana

XP: 10 Points, can be used for Elementalism
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: 2 sacks of Magmablooms

Notes: This was a rather interesting introduction. Poor Lae - out of the frying pan and into the fire? All the same, it was insightful for both of them, and a bit of an impromptu lesson on Solunarian culture for the Kalzasi-raised Lae!