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Re: Shinsei Errant [Talon]

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:16 pm
by Kala Leukos
Kala had no answer for his statement. Thankfully, it had been rhetorical and no response was necessary. It was a thing she was wrestling with herself, although even there, her path was different. Talon Novalys and Arcas Lightbringer were integrating into something, someone new. Kala was becoming something new, but she didn't have the memories of Nazam Starlord. Neither paths were easy. Perhaps when she was ready to share her secret, she might offer him some peace. Misery did love company. Birth and rebirth were painful processes.

The second question was, at least, one she could answer, albeit with condition.

"I do not know his soul," she replied. "And I do not know him well. In our brief interactions, he has been kind and brave. In my observations of his work, he does seem to be the sort of leader who serves his people rather than dominates them. Whether that is who he is or propaganda for his campaign, I do not know. I could Semble him more deeply, but methinks that would be seen as overstepping. He is a High Lord, and I am merely my mother's daughter."

Talon hadn't been present to hear her misgivings about the thought of him as their Shokaze, but the council meeting's proceedings were public record, at least to people of their rank. Her misgivings were just that, however. She thought that Talon Novalys would have been an excellent Shokaze. But now he was more than Talon Novalys, and she didn't know Arcas at all save for history and legend. Certainly, light, hope, and justice were good things for a nation-state, but even she found it difficult to give her work as much attention as she ought to sometimes. She was also coping with apotheosis. Would Karnor suffer for her distraction? She hoped not. She didn't know.

"You could make him a Dawnmartyr," she suggested out of nowhere. Perhaps it was intuition; perhaps it was inspiration. "Place your mark upon his soul. Keep him close, whether he is friend or enemy, and then let him rule with your blessing. He would rule, but you would retain oversight. Or you could be co-rulers. Leave the quotidien matters to the mortal Shokaze, while the immortal Shokaze keeps his eye upon the far future."

It was a suggestion, and she was not tied to it. She only wanted to give him options. Even if he didn't like this one, it might spark some other compromise that suited him better.

Re: Shinsei Errant [Talon]

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:08 pm
by Talon

You are more than that, I think. You have made quite a name and amassed your own influence, Lady Kala.” While he could appreciate humility, he did not think that such an assessment of herself was accurate in this moment. Kala had distinguished herself as an accomplished sorceress from what he knew. Lady Ahtivin had spoken of her work in the hospital as a necromancer and his cousin Ryom had made mention of her works in coordination with a runesmith to introduce mechanisms to protect against the shadowspawn. Works that the Circle of Spells were studying and amplifying. Certainly Kala being the first trueborn female Avialae in centuries along with her visit to Atoria were things whispered about with awe and reverence.

He listened to her assessment of Karam Senue. Everything she said about him held true. In his dealings with the man, Karam had always been focused on the people of Kalzasi, not the glory of House Senue. That was a marked difference from his father, Pavel. Coupled with the fact that Karam had made his interest in a courtship known, Talon could see that the man was already interested in cooperating. It was either that or he was interested in gaining the allegiance of Talon’s vassal houses and faithful by enjoining them in a political union. Regardless, Talon had resisted such advances and Karam had remained polite about the matter.

That…is a thought.” While he doubted, and would object, to Karam becoming a formal member of the knighthood, he could see the man bearing the Emblem of his divinity. It would serve as a bulwark against many things and would both protect and empower the man. It would also give them both a direct link to each other.

I shall make the offer to him. Thank you for the suggestion.” It was a good one. As time had gone on, Talon had found himself more inclined to step aside and simply fulfill his role as Daizoku. House Novalys certainly had much that it needed in the way of attention. Perhaps it was better that he focused his efforts more on his House than on the country. Certainly he would still be advising and participating in governance as a member of the Elder Council and Assembly but he could not commit himself to many of his ambitions while ruling as king.

As always, you promote great introspection, Lady Leukos. Which in this case, is a very good thing. I believe that Kalzasi needs change. A departure from what was, that it might embrace what is to come.” The clearing of a throat interrupted his thoughts. He turned his attention to see one of the palace attendants.

Apologies, Your Highness. The generals of the Sky Guard await your presence.” The attendant bowed. Talon inclined his head. He regarded Kala.

I do apologize for my outburst. It…was unfair. Thank you, Lady Kala. You have been more helpful than you perhaps realize.” With that, Talon gave her a bow and turned so that he could accompany the attendant and proceed to one of his duties.

Re: Shinsei Errant [Talon]

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:20 am
by Kala Leukos
She inclined her head in thanks at his compliment. Becoming a Vice-Minister was attracting more notice to her family than anything from the previous generation of Leukos, but then she and her brother had brought notice as soon as their troubled birth had brought Akshara to Kalzasi to seek Lady Ahtivan's aid. But she couldn't worry overmuch at that; Naori Herself had put her on her path to Atoria, to wings, to godhead. All she could do was find a way to make a clean break such that her family could maintain their secrets and she could rise to the heights that Vicis required of her.

She smiled and inclined her head once more at his thanks. The young lady was only too happy to offer her strange ways of thinking if they helped. As often as not, her thoughts seemed more folly than wisdom, but she did occasionally come up with strange solutions that worked for strange problems.

Her head bowed as the attendant interrupted; she couldn't not hear what was said, but it was a way the mountain folk showed respect in such situations, the idea of privacy. Certainly, she wouldn't share anything that was shared in front of her. In any case, a room full of generals was of greater import than a Vice-Minister.

"Apology accepted, Your Highness," she replied immediately. "You have endured great traumas. They twist like thorny vines through a soul, sometimes catching when least expected. I thank you for your time, and you are welcome to my counsel whenever you wish it." She had already apologized for her part, so she merely bowed and stepped back to allow him to proceed, then she would return to her own.

Kanedama had quickly excused himself and proceeded to the next crossing of hallways to await her when she finished her conversation with the Shinsei, and waited for her still.


Re: Shinsei Errant [Talon]

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:17 am
by Finn

Experience: 10 xp, not available for magic.

Lore: ...doesn't exist anymore?

Injuries: Bruised feelings, mayhaps.

Loot: N/A

Note: Just make out already!